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Another RP Idea

Re: Another RP Idea

Kinda-kinda. As well, People who get excited about combat, or go around shouting taunts, and appear to enjoy themselves while killing just about anything puts Roger on edge, and makes him want to put some distance between himself, and that person.

Basically, Sarah didn't make a good impression on Roger. Not that it'd matter to her. :rolleyes:

Well, it may actually. The more he worries about her turning on them, the less attention he's spending in the battle. And in a place like this, that's a BAD idea.
Re: Another RP Idea

I... Didn't... Say...

*Scratches head*

Roger isn't worried about Sarah suddenly switching sides. >.> He just wants to make sure that he isn't between Sarah's guns and whatever she might be shooting at should Sarah decide she wants to pull out her pistols, and go nuts. :eek:
Re: Another RP Idea

...good points there lol
Re: Another RP Idea

Twice now Siphon had said that Roger actually took a, "backpack." Roger wouldn't have dared carry anything like a large pack in hot terrain, even if it was forced on him...

Everything he has on him now is just enough for someone like him to carry without exhausting himself in the deadly heat of the desert. And even personally, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a backpack, nor wearing anything on my person that might exceed 30-50 pounds. It's deadly to use any more energy than you have to in the desert.

Other than that, he could say, have gotten flash grenades, and attached them to the combat webbing, but he'd never carry a backpack.
Re: Another RP Idea

Ah ok, I didn't catch you state he didn't take a backpack. Hmm ... how to edit this ....

Ok we'll just say he took everything gear wise that should have been IN a backpack, and fastened what he could to his webbing. Chris will just tell him to pass the canisters on his belt then, one sec to edit.
Re: Another RP Idea

Just a note...

The "Farnsworth" that has been mentioned already. The portable units that the teams have are about the size of the newer "book sized" PC game cases. (Sorry, best reference available to me...) They open up much like said cases, and have a video screen inside. I'd give a picture, but I can't seem to get to anywhere that has one.
Re: Another RP Idea

Ok a note that needs to be addressed here, nothing big, but will need replies on this asap.

I'd like to get a list of if any characters have people they care about, loved ones, family etc that they left behind when they were summoned here. Something will occur in the game where this will become important in the not too far future, so I need those listings of who, where and what relation.
Re: Another RP Idea

Hmm, best to PM, those, I'm thinking ;)
Re: Another RP Idea

I have a question about this Deadman's switch. What kind is it exactly? A palm button that sets the explosive off when it's released? Same kind of thing, just set to his heartbeat instead of his grip? Something else?
Re: Another RP Idea

It's something of a button on a 'joystick', that once pressed must be held down constantly. Once the pressure is released on this button, a short timer til explosion begins.

A small note: The bomb he's wearing, though they can't tell until they are closer is actually six sticks of C-4.
Re: Another RP Idea

Something I keep forgetting to mention, a little oddity about how Ellen fights. She uses guns with her left hand, though she's right-handed for everything else, and even the blackhawk's kickback isn't affecting her much. She keeps her right hand down by her side so far, unless she's using it as part of a roll or something. Not sure how many people would have noticed that with the stunts Kevin has been doing, but there ya go :D
Re: Another RP Idea

Wow, I'm dumb. Sorry the action kinda hit when we weren't there, and I was out all day, so when I came back, I didn't even know how many hunters there were, let alone who was awake or not and kinda was posting in a hurry through the situation, didn't realize claudia had been knocked unconscious.
Re: Another RP Idea

Not a problem, Connor wouldn't have likely know that until he stepped in the office anyway.
Re: Another RP Idea

Yeah, it kind of turned into a mess somewhere, but basically:

Main room: Kevin, Ellen, nameless cop vs 3 hunters

Side room: Claudia vs artifact vs 1 hunter, shortly after Connor and Akira as well

By the time Connor and Akira got to posting, the main room had 1 hunter left, and Sean had just killed the side room one, which I think was what caused the confusion.
Re: Another RP Idea

WOOOOW! I gotta say this without sounding completely retarded and worthless but, I didn't even know she was in a separate room, once I saw she was knocked out, I just went ahead and assumed that she's still in the same room as everyone.

Jesus I need some catchup.

So that means that me and Akira got into the side room first, cuz apparently we had a shot in on that hunter specifically or something?
Re: Another RP Idea

Yeah, like I said, things got messy.
Re: Another RP Idea

And not to pile lists of excuses, but the reason I was out all day was physical work. I basically spent one hour eating, and the rest working and dehydrating myself. I'm pretty drained. The only reason I haven't slept an hour ago is cuz I saw this thread exploded and felt it would almost be rude to post at the speed I've been doing lately. Figured I owed somewhat at this point
Re: Another RP Idea

Hehehe, I wonder how Claudia is going to react to Ellen's blood? I've seen a lot of vampire stories and movies, but the story of what happens when a human drinks a vampire's blood is usually different every time.

And I wonder if any mental effects will be permanent? :O
Re: Another RP Idea

Ellen only gave her enough to fix the tear in her leg, so most of the effects will be over by the time she wakes up. She will feel more friendly to Ellen than she would otherwise, which lasts for about a week, unless she is fed again in that time. If she does, however, that's when the real fun begins :D