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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah's hand itched for her pockets, part of her wanting to just use one of her serums and to stop them complaining at her, but she didn't want to waste it on just showing off. Instead, she follows the others closely, keeping a weary eye out for any hostiles. "It's too quiet here..." she hisses.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris shook his head.

"They won't directly fire on us until I bag it. I'm willing to bet they know we know what we're doing, and that hey don't want to touch it themselves. They let us get here to bag it. We've been used RJ, they'll hit us on the way out. We just have to be ready."

He then quickly grabbed the artifact, pausing long enough to ensure nothing bad would happen. When it didn't, he bagged it and sealed it.

"Now we move quietly. The term ghosting applies now, be ghosts."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger sighed, and scratched his head, nearly snickering a little at Chris' suggestion that they be ghosts. "Oh, sure, I'd love to be ethereal right now." he thought to himself, as he waited for the group to proceed, so that he might take position safely behind them.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris' Farnsworth began going off at that point...Luckily after the artifact was bagged.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The term made Sarah smile a bit, even with the tense situation they were in. Now you're just teasing me, she thought to herself as she soon takes point, her body keeping slightly crouched, almost gliding over the earth.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Jesus fuck, goddamn thing."

"Chris here, be advised volume is down. We've got the artifact and are on our way out, what's up?"

He needed to work on giving the damn things a vibrate mode to avoid the noise.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Copy on volume and artifact. And I've likely confirmed something you've been expecting... Nothing from the old Umbrella stuff, or their associates, is in the area. However, there have been records of stuff being taken from Nigerian armed forces, and the UN personnel in the area...Including a MH-60K. Managed to get a fly-by out of one of the birds overhead, and there's a group heading straight into your cave," Sean reported.

((Just so people know...The MH-60K is the Night Hawk, and when Sean was talking about getting a fly-by from a bird overhead, that's jargon for satellite images.))
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Great, company," Sarah muttered, reloading her magnum real quick while letting the 9mm. clip inside it.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris asked only two questions after that.

"How many, and distance to us?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Hard to tell. Res wasn't that great on the shot. Best guess...dozen at most, that's about all the 60 can carry. There looked to be only about a squad's worth in the shot, but they were all right next to the entrance...About three minutes, tops, since the shot was taken."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger scratched the unshaven portion of his face with his left hand. "Great..." he complained, "Means we're outnumbered. I'd rather not take these guys head on... Maybe we can set up an ambush of our own?" he suggested.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Her face lights up. "We could try scaring them away, and I got JUST the thing..." she said, opening her syringe case and pulling out her silver-clear-filled syringe. "If ya like, I can see if this little beuty will help thin the weak-spined ones..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"We'll need any advantage we can get. Let's assume the maximum number of people is a dozen. That means a three to one ratio for them. RJ, you got an idea in mind for an ambush, and Sarah what is that stuff?"

He spoke back to Sean. "Copy that. We'll see what we can do, likely they'll be at the entry way by now so we'll have to take them here in the tunnels. Requesting radio silence. Will notify you when we're clear."

With that he killed the transmission.

"Ok, ideas, thoughts, go. We've got limited time."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger puts a hand to his chin for a moment, "Well... Let's face it, we're outnumbered, so our odds aren't gonna be good one way or another..." He made a small rumble in his throat, that sounded like, 'hmm,' before continuing, "But, remember me saying this bottle neck was perfect ambush territory? Why don't we make use of that?" he suggests, "Their numbers won't hold as much significance if they can't fight us in a wide space, however... We are vulnerable to grenades in here... But, in that tunnel, they'll have little to no cover, so I guess our best option is to wait until they get into a reasonable firing range, and then hit 'em as hard as we can."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I call this the Eldrich serum. I only brought one, but it gives me an entire hour of being a relative ghost, including the floating through walls and telepathy junk. If this doesn't help scare them off, they're gonna have some strong backbones!"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris nodded at RJ.

"And by the same token they're vulnerable to grenades as well. And we still have the F.B's. What do you figure for spacing to maximize effectiveness?"

He turns to Sarah.

"Ok, one question. Can you attack them while that's active or board the chopper, or will you pass through both? If you can't, that leaves us stuck if they get back-up."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Heck, I should be able to keep up with the chopper's insides, and as I said, telekinesis, I could fling heavy objects at them no problem!"
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Just great, another must-fight situation", Dex sighs. "They're gonna come down all at once, probably, little chance of seperating one and doing a little sabotage. . ." The blonde feels more and more useless as she picks up the Tesla. "Best I can do is trying to make a break for it once they're in here. I'm not that great of a shot. Why don't you hand me that bag?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris automatically started to reply with a no, how dangerous the artifact was, then remembered it was fine so long as she didn't open the bag and take it out. He didn't figure he'd have to tell her to leave it in the bag, so he nodded.

"Alright, but don't try to dash it. If I were in their shoes, I'd be looking for that myself. RJ has the right idea, try to think like how they would, cover all possible angles."

He nodded to Sarah.

"Just be careful, and let's pray they're too dumb to know what they are up against. At the very least, they'll probably still take a shot at you when they spot you. Which will give away their position as well as give us an opening."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger growled at Dex, "How are we going to make a break for it, when they're blocking our way out!?!" he scolded in a low tone of voice, before sighing, "Anyway, we can count on them coming soon. Take position at the entrance to this room, it's the only cover from enemy fire we'll have..." he reached up, and started scratching his beard, "And then, we just have to hope we don't die in the process of our ambush..."