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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Murasame composes himself as the two of them teleports into the area, impressed by John's powers. He then follows after the man. "Uh, Lady Helen said that your comrades may be in danger. Are we not off to assist them?" He asks John, concerned for the wellbeing of his new teammates.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin nods, motioning for the door "I'm just a grunt. Tell me what to do and it's done." he says, then looks over at the corpse of the woman "We need someone to clean up this mess. Bodies need to be buried, families informed...." he begins to trail off into his own quiet conversation
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira looks at the audio cables and sighs, fixing this would take some time. Hopefully the others would be back by then. Moving away from the console, Akira begins to try to patch together the audio, wanting to hear what was going on with her teammates, and hoping that it would also allow her to communicate with them.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"N-no idea, though with Orubolis against our side, we could use all the help we can get," Sarah reasoned with them.
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Switching on his side of the radio, Roger responded, "Right now, within that cave I mentioned, is a guy named Corporal James Worth. His legs are messed up, and he's bleeding to death. If you don't minding saving this one dude, then you can send a few extra guys down here if you like. Although, even though I took care a lot of the monsters hanging around, there still might be a few I missed, ones that got past me. Tell your men to watch out." he told her, before adding in, "Other than that, I've nothing new to report, I'll contact you again should something come up. Jacklin out, and radio silence, if you don't mind."

With that, he felt he'd done all he could, or rather, would do for the man. And, still following the strange path, Roger began to wonder when it would ever end... Or perhaps lead to something of interest.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen took quick stock of her surroundings. She didn't have near enough ammo to down all of them, and she didn't want to waste what little resources she had trying to take them all on in hand to hand. That really only left one option, since she was also surrounded.

Drawing her gun and firing at the dogs, she ran for one of the hopefully empty huts, crashing loudly through one of the walls if need be.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen managed to enter one of the huts, nearly getting swiped by a dog coming from the blind side. As soon as she entered it though she wondered if she should have.

Inside was the torn apart remains of what might have once been a young woman, ripped open from the inside. But there wasn't much time to think, the creatures were outside, and she could hear them slamming against walls that would not hold.

The young man nodded to Sarah slowly.

"Yeah, I suppose that's true. I think maybe we should get her inside and see how severe her injuries are though?"

Akira found that the damage wasn't too bad, but it clearly had been done on purpose. It would take her a few minutes to repair though.

The two men nodded to Kevin, and set about staging a work area for themselves. Neither one seemed quite willing to bother him while he was in thought, figuring they could work around him easily enough.

John nodded to Murasame.

"We're heading towards them now. I moved us to the last spot I know they were at, and now I'm tracking them. If we keep heading this way, we SHOULD reach them in a few minutes."

Helen responded back with an understanding, and then the radio went quiet.

Roger would soon discover that where he ended up was the last place on Earth he might have wanted to be. He'd ended up in a marsh like area, and with no boat around it seemed he would have to swim across.

Unfortunately, one look in the water confirmed what he probably already knew. There were a dozen or so crocodiles swimming around in the water, and there was really no way around.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger sighed, stepping away from the crocodile-filled water, "What a pain in the ass!" he shouted, "Who the fuck puts a fucking marsh in the middle of a fucking cave!?! The person who thought of this shit should have been shot!" he complained loudly. And, knowing that even his ability wouldn't save him in that situation, Roger growled, and quickly headed back, moving at a fast pace to try and make up for time lost, to investigate where the other path lead.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin snaps out of his thoughts, holding up the strange device "If you find any of these around, make sure to grab them. We need them for......Something......I can't remember what he said." Kevin says, pocketing the device "I need to go look for them as well." he says, then grasps for his radio "Chris. A BSAA team has arrived. And the body count keeps rising. I found one of the devices, clutched in the hands of a dead woman. Where are you at the moment?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Well, I best get ready then," Murasame replies, his hand resting on one of his own katana's, just in case he needs to jump into combat as soon as they arrive.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira begins to work on the wires, looking at the connections and musing, wondering who in the world would deliberately destroy these. Of course, the answer was obvious... but then thinking back, there didn't seem to be an infected large enough to do this much damage to the wall...
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"True, but tell me, how does one even CHECK a plantgirl for injuries..." she mutters, lifting her again and letting the soldier lead
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen did a quick scan of the room as she entered, mindful of the ruckus outside. She didn't have much time, but thankfully didn't need long. Jumping up and grabbing hold of one of the supports for the thatch roof, she clambered up and made herself comfortable. Settling down, she activated one of her natural abilities. When the plaga broke through, they won't be able to find her. To what's left of their minds, she had just... disappeared.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger made his way back to the second path without any hitch, though he could hear some kind of noise from down said path which sounded like something sliding across the floor.

Kevin got his reply quickly.

"Outside by the split in the two main buildings. We fell under attack from what I believe may have been a product of Uroboros. Can't be sure, though it took a flame thrower at max to kill it, our bullets were completely ineffective against it."

The soldier looked at Sarah blankly, then shrugged his shoulders.

"Damn good question ma'am. I have no idea. I guess we check for broken vines or something. We might be able to get a hold of Dr. Magnus from the chopper and ask her, she'd know. Abnormals are her specialty after all, and she was the one that alerted us we were needed."

Akira found the repairs going smoothly, and then a thought occurred to her. Could a person have deliberately done this, not a monster? And if so, why would they have?

The creatures crashed into the hut, looking about wildly for Ellen. She could hear them grunting in anger that she somehow had vanished, and some began to file out.

Then, a particularly nasty large one came in with a lit spear, and started setting the floor on fire. Ellen probably wouldn't be sure why until she remembered that Clara had said she'd hidden from them in much the same way, only going invisible.

Which meant, that these things COULD learn, and it was likely this was the group the poor girl had barely escaped from alive.

John opened his mouth to reply when a noise cut him off. From in front of them, two dozen armed infected came barreling at them, intentions quite clear.

"Well ... looks like we have a welcoming party. Shall we greet them properly?"

He'd already withdrawn a small sword from his jacket, and the way he held it suggested that he knew very much what he was doing with it, a suggestion confirmed when the first incoming enemy found it's head cut off with hardly any effort on the Druid's part.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Time to see if my slumber has dulled my skills," Murasame says, more to himself and than to John, as he unsheathes his own katana, and quite suddenly disappears only to reappear a second later in front of one of the infected and slashes at it.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The infected was not expecting the attack, and quickly was cut in two.

Three more took it's place, jabbing at Murasame with their spears, even while several more attempted to gut the Druid, who deftly dodged.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

((Ooh, nice riposte ;) ))

Ellen started to relax as the infected started to file out, getting ready to hop down and make her escape. Then the larger one came in with a torch, and started setting the floor ablaze, the dry vegetation on the ground going up quickly. Ellen jerked and froze, her bestial instincts kicking in and her having to fight them to keep from shreiking and running for it, breaking the thin invisibility she held.

By the time she regained as much control as she was going to, the flames covered most of the floor ans were starting to lick up the walls. She could feel the exposed parts of her skin starting to sizzle as she drpped down near the hole she made, grimacing as she had to walk slowly to keep the thin illusion that kept them from seeing her active.

By the time she got out and far away enough from the heat, she was burned fairly badly, most of her clothes singed or burned in some way. The infected were still around and watching, but by keeping a slow speed and not making contact with anything, she can pick her way through the open ground and still not be spotted. She made her way to another of the huts and silently slipped inside, sitting down in a corner. Those burns weren't going to heal for at least a few days, but she needed to at least stop and collect herslef before she made a real attempt at getting away.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"True... guess the least we can do is give her a once-over. You call base, I'll take her inside and see if anything's wrong by what I can spot," Sarah said cooly as she went into the nearest room-like area to start her inspection.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The soldier nodded to her, fishing out his radio and calling for more support, and supplies.

Ellen wasn't stopped by the creatures, who seemed angered by the fact that the flames hadn't flushed her out to them. They began moving in what could be described as a patrol, encompassing the area. Whether they knew she was still around or not was debatable, but they were determined at the least.

The infected that had tried to attack John suddenly growled in confusion as the Druid vanished ....

Then they gurgled in shocked surprise as he suddenly appeared behind them, slashing their throats with ease, taking out all three before they even knew what had happened.

The remaining began to regroup, focusing on trying to take one or the other out quickly, hinting at some amount of intelligence to both John and Murasame.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Pushing the door shut behind her, she lays the plantgirl on the nearest table, starting to give her the once-over. "I hope I didn't damage her making a run for it..."