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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Everyone, MGI has been around for a long time, and has come a long way. You've all contributed to this RP more than I have, especially Ryu and his map skills (favoritism ftw), and I just wanted to say.

Since the beginning of the events in this RP, Sloth has not moved an inch.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

She's sticking to what she does best, I suppose.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Sloth is too hot not to get some sexing. Wait ... where did Sloth's picture go? I recall seeing one, once upon a time, in your albums. Maybe I imagined it.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

You prolly saw it in the music thing that showcased all but one of the cardinal sins.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I'm going to be gone on vacation for a good spell.

I'll be back the friday after next.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Have a fun filled two week summer adventure RJ! Hopefully full of beaches, water and not sunburns.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

As interesting a read as that was, it's generally a fairly bad plan to reveal that sort of information to players, particularly in a game who's player base fluctuates as heavily as it does in this one. In other words, stop giving me things to metagame on, particularly given the amount of useful lore you've already dumped on me via our assorted chats. I recommend greater subtlety in the future, at least where the PC namedrops are concerned.
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Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Look at it this way... Considering how demons tend to compete with each other, there are still many chances for twists. But other than that, yeah. Probably not the best thing to do, even if we can't really do anything with that information right now.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I guess Pru is still sneaking under the radar.

Now I kinda wanna stick her in a sneaking suit... Have her infiltrate a Magi naval base looking to free some trapped mamono that could help her with whatever the hell she's doing... Meet a Magi-enhanced Kunoichi that's gone completely insane... Battle an enormous golem that's ridiculously armed... Magi Gear!
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Agreed with Tass. A very nice read, but now there's this sword of Damocles hanging over our PC's heads. We know it's gonna hit us now and we're gonna be trying to subconsciously avoid it or set ourselves up with some sort of advantage, even though we should by all rights be blindsided by this.

However, I can sympathize. You've put lots of effort into the backstory, you know you've got these sexy sin characters, but no legitimate way to put them into any PC's scenes because they're meant to be these End Boss personas that would flatten us if they were to meet us right now.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I understand where you guys are coming from, but long before any cardinal sin would try to make a grab at any of the heroes mentioned, there would be a great deal of warning beforehand that would leave the heroes warned anyway. As well, the fragments of fate and it's importance is something that I would have revealed to each character sooner or later, due to the various characters moving about to prevent a fragment of fate such as your characters from being snatched up. If not Cynthia, then some other will more than likely reveal the importance of those fragments.

Having said that, I would like to let all of you know that this is still somewhat an RP on the lighter side of the serious spectrum. There are a lot of silly characters and though there are some more serious areas, it generally isn't a huge dent in my plans if Tassadar acts upon the information he recieved, since by the time it would matter, I'd likely have given someone like Demeter a bit of warning before something big headed her way, just like when Pride attacked the small town Demeter was in. She got to see the clouds and was given the choice to flee or stay. Since there are no dicerolls involved in this game, I'm not too concerned with meta. And like Grave said, there's still plenty of room for me to work something of a surprise into your situations. The only thing different from before is that instead of knowing from me OOC that your characters souls are important and desirable to the many factions of the island, your existances are now known.

Rather than a thing for you to feel bad for metagaming over, I wouldn't be disturbed in the slightest if your characters all felt a vile shiver down their spines and sensed that something evil was watching them. It could even make sense given how close all the Cardinal Sins, minus one, and Baphomet came together with their discussion of the fragments. Their powerful forces together could reach as far as the realm that the island exists on, and give a good number of magically sensitive people a sense of doom.

Overall, my main goal for typing that was exactly what Tassadar called a bad decision. I revealed that all of you are going to be in danger some time in the future, and I wanted that to be aware. The Cardinal Sins are nasty, evil, and powerful, and when the time comes, I would have all of you armed to the teeth and prepared for war when it's do or die time against the Sins, or in Demeter's case, to try and avoid them. There's absolutely nothing subtle about the Cardinal Sins, and they were never intended to be as such.

I most definitely did not want to blindside you with a Cardinal Sin. You'd be completely screwed if I did do that (As Tass may remember from Dark Gate Orochi, Gluttony is powerful enough to defeat two gods as powerful as Matthias and swallow entire worlds if not properly stopped, and Wrath is even stronger than her, for reference). However, I do apologize if what I did ruined something for you. The Sins are but one of the many big bad villains on the move, so as far as all of the wicked evils that may come your way, the attack of the Sins is but a fraction of what may happen regarding villains who ARE subtle.

So, Tass, Blue, Grave, I don't want to bum you out entirely from revealing the Cardinal Sins. There are more villains around you that are quite indeed subtle. I hope this will explain where I'm coming from so that everyone isn't confused about my plans. The amount of villains in MGI right now are in the dozens, and will bring a whole assortment of evil tricks to the table.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

So lemme see if I have this right... Gluttony = Matthias*2; Wrath > Gluttony.

Therefore Wrath > Matthias*2.

Wrath gonna 'fight' my PC?

Question for you, slightly off topic perhaps, but would there be a way for Kala to meld with Crystal Claire and not be bound by her pacifist restrictions?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Don't pay attention to MAF talking about anything from DG when comparing it to anything from his setting. He literally doesn't know what he's talking about, I just don't bother with the power level argument because it's a complete waste of time.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat


I was gonna say. Seems a bit like comparing apples and hand grenades to me.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Tass is right about the waste of time thing, the point I was getting across was simply that they're strong, not that Matthias is weak.

I also do know what I'm talking about, since you told me pretty much all I needed to know about Matthias. What should be taken from my reference to him is the level of fear things should have from Gluttony and Wrath.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Kala will hit the gym. Somebody put on the Rocky music. Slime needs a montage.

*Kala runs up some mountains while at the same time Wrath is in some hi-tech Hell facility, getting soviet steroids pumped into her body while she charges along a treadmill at 45 degree incline*
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hi-tech hell facility owned by Avarice, who intends to bank on 90% of the prize money that Wrath wins.