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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nope just the template if someone wants to make a warped version or some such.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Just a quickie. Jumped to mind. Wrote it before it left.

Shimmer Scorpion
Template: Scorpion

Body: 34
Mind: 6
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 42
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 28
Spirit Energy (EP): 30
Speed: 26
Dodge: 25
Armor: 0
Resistance: 17
Perception: 18
Stealth: 18
Grapple: 34

Monster Name: Anudorian Shimmer Scorpion
Monster Type: Beast
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: +10 Dodge (35), +16 Stealth (34), +16 Resistance (33),

Hard to Hit
Sneaky x2
Resistant x2


Armored Skin
Natural Attack
Dangerous Tail
Venomous Attack: Stun/Hallucinogen


Inventory: Shimmer Gland, Shimmer Carapace
Tail (+32) 2d12 +15 (Resistance check or gain 2 round stun + 1d4 hours of hallucination)

Named for the way the light plays tricks off of it's textured carapace, the Shimmer Scorpion is a large but slender sandy white coloured scorpion naturally native to the sands of Anudor. Famed for two things. It's mesmerising semi reflective carapace being one, and it's mind addling sting being the other.

Though not an aggressive species to creatures larger than themselves, they are highly territorial and very skittish. This becomes a problem due to their behaviour of shallowly burying themselves in the sand during the day. Upon being disturbed or feeling threatened their most common course of action to dash towards the target, deliver a lightning quick single sting, and flee. If the sting misses or fails they tend to have an equal chance of trying again or fleeing.

Shimmer Scorpion claws are too small and slender to be a significant threat to larger animals. Their tails venom however is known to be very potent, and can be highly dangerous in certain circumstances, but is otherwise entirely non lethal. The first almost instant effect being a sharp flash of short lived involuntary muscle action, followed by an onset of hallucinations and inebriation which can last several hours. Victims can quickly lose track of reality, experiencing false perceptions, and exhibiting significant behavioural and mood shifts, with the precise results seeming to vary from victim to victim and their surroundings and situation.

Their mating habits are one other thing that had drew the attention of wildlife observing scholars. With the females actively hunting, ambushing, and effectively raping the smaller males of the species, and then proceeding to lay her eggs in the mates brain. Anudorian scholars all agree that this lifecycle is unsettling and bizarre, but still preferable to some of the things that go on in the Amazon. To compare an Anudorian women to a Shimmer Scorpion, is making a strong and provocative statement.
(What, you thought they'd lay their eggs in human vagoo or something? How absurd. :V )

The HP and sting damage to HP feels a bit too high, but lowering the body was awkward. No flaws available to simply do less damage or be brittle.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Another idea I head to add to the templates. Its still in a rough form and is no where ready to be approved. I'm sharing it to see what you guys think and to adjust it for balance.

Template Angelkin


Angel Kin
Base Race Requirements: Not Supernatural, Not Warped, Not Naturally Supernatural, and Not Naturally Warped. No Serpentine Body. No mutated flaw.

Those born by angels who suppress their dominate genes and their mortal lover still have a essence of power in their blood. From time to time and often under great amounts of distress these few mortals manifest their power for short durations. Appearing as a normal member of their race the Angelkin usually only has a few attributes that show their divine heritage. These usually manifest as gold or silver eyes or platinum or silver hair.

no adjustments to stats
Racial flaws: Tainted bloodline. Idealistic
Racial mutations: Faerie

Manifestation of power.
+6 body +6 mind +8 spirit
Talents: Holy magic
Mutations: Greater Wings Angelic

An Angelkin can only manifest its power while it or a loved one is in mortal danger. This power last for 1 hour unless the Angelkin is defeated or otherwise passes out. Afterwords the Angelkin is weakened for 5 hours after the ability ends. If an Angelkin ever becomes supernatural they instantly suffer from the effects of Demonic transformation. Remove this template and all its effects to gain the full demon race.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

To everybody over in Dread Beginnings:

I forgot something extremely important when it comes to Rin. I will edit all the posts concerning her to rectify this most grievous mistake.



P.S. Apparently it wasn't much beyond my latest post.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

"Alexandra is the Loli." -Just doesn't seem right...
"Aescila is the Loli." -At least they match?
"Angelle is the Idol." -Feels more legit.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Mithra is the Kuudere.

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Mithral is the Seitokaichou - The wat?
Zeta is the Maid - ...maybe?
Six is the Pervert - LOLNO

System do you even lift?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Miranda is the Genki (Doesn't seem to fit)
Laena is the Maid (Maybe!)
Zahra is the Childhood Friend (Uhhhh... Probably not?)
Tlech is the Seitokaichou (I am not weeaboo enough apparently)
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Alberik is the Loli
Shabiri is the Vampire
Huldah is the Pervert

I can sorta see all of those. XD
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Seito kaichou is the class president, I think. Make your own conclusions.


Tomoe is Loli. Wat.
Liezelotte is Loli too. Much more reasonable.
Cassandra is Tsundere. Mkay.

Not sure if agree with site.

Edit: Guan Yu is the Ojou-Sama. Oh hohohoooo.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

plmnko is the Meganekko

: D
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

"Eleanor is the Meganekko." I have no fucking idea what that is.
"Lani is the Yandere." Doesn't fit her, but my god it would be hilarious.
"Angela is the Little sister." Again, doesn't fit.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Might as well educate you people with some of this derp. Here we go.

The class prez/class rep is usually a smart, poised and caring yet awfully nosy person who might or might not annoy the rest of the students with their behaviour by berating them constantly for their bad habbits.

The genki is the high-energy loose cannon type. Enough said.

Meganekko literally means glasses girl. They are usually cute while not being super pretty, clever, smart and pleasant with an endearing vulnerability in the form their glasses. A popular stereotype.

Kuudere is the silent or emotionless girl.

Ojou-san literally means young lady. She is either simply wealthy or actually royalty. Either way, she has a lot of respect from her peers. Ojous generally are either proper ladies, distant ice queens or huge brats in personality, possibly with some sadistic tendencies as well.

Not gonna go deeper into the others, they are kinda easy to figure out.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Naltaibur is the Vampire.
Naltaibur Slybelqua is the Dojikko (clumsy cutesy girl).
Doctor Dick is the Loli.

The other two are wrong as fuck, so clearly Nal is most truely Doc, Doc, Doctor Dick.

Solidyn is the Idol.
Solidyn-Nolu is the Kuudere.
Spidertank is the Genki.

I'm... I'm not sure of any of these. Maybe a liiiiitttle bit of first and third?

Ambalika is the Childhood friend.
Lava Rapesnake is the Ojou-Sama.
Fucking little sister is the Seitokaichou.


Incidentally, I was fucking around on that site to generate fetishes, and I got some real fucking winners. Naga-butt Ambalika had a foot fetish, dead-stuff-on-slabs-in-a-sekrit-basement Nal got blood and gore/guro, crushing-on-the-commanding-officer Spidertank was into men/women in uniforms - and if I did 'Solidyn-Nolu', I got gas masks, which actually are my fetish. <_>

It got one wrongasfuck, though, in the form of
GargantuaBlarg's fetish is dominating others.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


RJ's name means: 1) To stick something up your butt.
RJ is an M!!
RJ is Really really creepy

I am the most beautiful and masochistic creepy person with something stuck up my butt.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Editedit: So, I derped pretty hardcore when I made this post. I made it sound like a lot of gloom and doom and an eternal farewell, partly because I was in a bad mood when I made it. Looking back, I believe it was a mistake to handle it the way I have. I can't exactly just conspicuously delete this and pretend it ever happened by now, so instead, uh, consider this part of my way of trying to fix this mistake.

Here's the basics, revised now that I'm in a better mood and have had a bit more time to think about it: I am taking a hiatus from RPing in general that is probably going to last until shortly after Christmas. I'm not 100% on my return date here, it might be longer, it might be shorter. The point is that I need a break from certain threads for various reasons.

Other threads I will be taking an indeterminable break from, because I'm having more difficult issues with them.

Some threads I will be dropping.

Regardless, if I'm RPing with you and yours is a thread I'm dropping or delaying on, I am probably going to send you a message in some manner or already have to discuss the problems I'm having personally, which is honestly how I should've handled this to begin with.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Happy thanksgiving dude, and other people here have been through the same thing, myself included. Best of luck in finding the old spark again and coming back, until then, take care of you ^-^
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

At least the latest arc in Tamo's thread came to a fairly good conclusion. I appreciate your suffering.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I don't know that I'd consider anyone equal to the task of replacing you for ye Catherine thread. It'll sit till you decide to pick it up again or the forum goes boom.