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Addiction (Clara)

Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slime did loosen her slime enough for Clara to move around, but it seemed hesitant. An emotion other than that strange smile appeared on it's face, and it was that of concern, worry, and perhaps even a touch of sadness. Apparently, it was fond of Clara in more ways than one...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Feeling the slime loosen itself Clara was about to get up, however when she saw the look on Slime's face she stopped getting up. ' Maybe this thing is fond of me...' she thought to herself as she looked at the things face, almost positive that was the case. ' This island is full of monsters, ones a lot less friendly then Slime here... Maybe I should travel around with this thing. ' Clara was a pretty easy target, having been alone and unarmed. If she went with this thing though, maybe she wouldn't be attacked by monsters again. If she was, at least she'd have some protection.

" Hey, Slime..."
Clara started, " I've got places I need to go to. I don't want to wander this island along though. Would you like to come with me? "
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slime brightened up with glee at Clara's invitation, wrapping her slimy arms around her, which felt like soft jelly, but acted like rubber in the way that it simply rolled off of her at will, and into the puddle of slime. Clara's whole body was squeezed, not only by the slime's arms, but by the rest of the slime that was still wrapped around her. She felt her genitals being 'thanked' as well, as the slime teased her a little more, gathering a few more juices, before all of the slime that dwelled inside her orifices pulled out of her, and the slime let go, allowing Clara to her feet, and eagerly ready to follow her.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara's lips formed a light smile as she stood up from the ground. Now that she was going to be traveling with a slime monster she felt confident about wandering the island. Clara was glad that she met the slime girl, she herself was actually starting to become fond of her herself.

" Well, let's get going then." she said, then began to look around her surroundings. The blond girl then remembered that she had no idea where she was. Recalling the events that happened before she woke up, she remembered Slime dragging her away from the spring. Were they in the same spot she had dragged to or did Slime take her somewhere else during her sleep? " Hey Slime, could you lead me back to the spring? " she asked. Until Clara returned to the spring, she'd have no idea where she was going. Once she did get there she'd be able to get back to the town.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The blue slime nodded quickly, "Yes!" she said to Clara excitedly. And once they reached the spring, as one would expect, it was empty. The way to go back to the town stuck inside her memory as a vague assumption, given how dark the night was, as if some evil force sought to blind her. However, her pure white, spider silk clothing stuck out amidst the darkness, both allowing her the opportunity to dress herself, and telling her where the correct way to go was.

In the meantime, Clara's natural senses told her that for some reason, the slime was no longer behind her. However, the slime didn't go too far at all, as she soon emerged from the water like she did when she first met Clara, and when she did, she seemed to have found something under the water, and trapped it within her body. When the slime came out of the water, Clara saw that the slime had, for some unknown reason, likely a random act of a creature with lesser intelligence, absorbed a sword into her body.

It was no ordinary sword, it looked to have strange runes carved into it, and the hilt looked to have been made with foreign design, a style she'd never seen. The hilt went up in a curve, forming a bladed guard which could be used to bash an enemy too close, while lobbing a piece of flesh off in the process, while the blade was smooth, with a mixture of points along the blade in order to make clean slices more effective. It was odd to find such a strangely well made sword, especially within the body of a slime who stole it from a spring.

And while the odd shape of the blade took most of Clara's attention, the slime simply cocked her head to the side in confusion, apparently, for some reason, not realizing that Clara was interested, even if only for a moment, in the sword floating inside her body.

The Crow Tengu, gripping the pen in between her feathers, was writing another entry into her book regarding her research on the island;


"Most people likely won't know until they've been victimized, that slimes actually have a bad habit of finding things out of place, and taking them into their bodies. Perhaps it's instinctual, take something belonging to a potential mate, and then the mate comes straight to you in search of what was taken. Or perhaps it's just some kind of twitch they have, just like any of us. Whatever the matter, slimes of whatever type, or color, all possess this habit from what I've seen. I place something that stands out before them, and they eagerly head over to pick it up, and carry it with them inside their bodies.

Perhaps if I could tame one... I might be able to have it find my damn ankle bracelet I dropped in mid-flight."
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The girl blinked in surprise when Slime reappeared from the spring water with a weapon within its body. Her blue eyes examined it with great interest, curious at the strange rune carvings on it. She couldn't help but wonder why this strange, foreign sword was in the spring water. The blade was unlike any other blade Clara had ever possessed or even seen. Whoever had made the high quality weapon must of been some sort of master blacksmith, and apart of a culture she didn't know anything about. This weapon would make a great replacement for the old iron sword that she had in possession before that octopus woman came and threw everything she had on her into the ocean. Clara really wanted the blade for herself.

Taking her eyes off of the sword and onto Slime's eyes Clara got a closer to her, in arm length, and kneeled down to her level. " Hey, Slime, I really like that sword you found. " she said, speaking nothing but the truth. " It would make me really happy if you gave it to me." she was positive the slime would give her the weapon, mainly because she doubted the simple minded creature had any use for it at all and wouldn't mind parting with it. Assuming that it did eagerly give the sword to Clara, the girl would try it out by swinging it a few times, before heading back to the town with her new friend.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slime smiled, and swayed a little bit back and forth, the sword swaying with her as she gave an odd look to Clara. She didn't seem to be recoiling, wanting to keep it, but didn't seem about to spit it out either. She even got closer to Clara, before saying, "Here!" with a grin, wanting Clara to reach inside her, and take the sword out.

Every part of a slime can pretty much be called an orifice. They get thrilled over the touch of living things, and seem to get some kind of enjoyment out of holding living things inside their bodies. Which might explain why they seem to enjoy sex as well, since they're constantly moving, and touching the person they're having sex with.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Clara seemed to grin a bit herself when Slime replied. Eagerly, she reached for the hilt of the sword, her right hand going inside the slime's body, and when she got a firm grasp of the hilt she carefully pulled the weapon out. Once it came out of the creatures body Clara would stand up, holding the sword up close and admiring it. Her bare hand would feel one of the blades sides, carefully feeling the metal. After that she'd take a few steps away from Slime, then swing the weapon, grasping it's hilt with two hands, trying to get use to it.

With the new weapon in her possession now Clara would turn back to the creature who brought to her, " Thanks Slime. I've been needing a new weapon after my old one was dumped into the ocean. This will be a great replacement." she'd say. Now holding the sword with her right hand, her arm resting to her side, she began to walk in the direction that the town was in.

" Come on Slime, lets go!" Clara called to her friend and she went back to the village.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

The slime moaned in delight as Clara pushed her hand inside of the slime's body, and moaned even more, giggling a little as Clara took the sword out. And as Clara placed her hand around the grip of the weapon, the runes seemed to come to life, the seemingly normal inscriptions filling with some kind of blue essence, while Clara felt her own being pouring into the sword, giving the sword her energy. And while the weapon felt as light as a feather before when she first grabbed it, now it felt a little heavier after the sword seemed to fill with her power.

The slime leaned in with interest at the shiny blade, while Clara herself felt a little lightheaded for a moment after the sword had drained her of some of her spiritual force.

And, off in the distance, in the corner of Clara's eye, she could see the flapping of wings, flying up from the trees, and soaring off into the distance at great speeds...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

"Ugh..." Clara groaned out after the sword drained her of some of her energy. She stood up as she held the weapon, despite being a bit lightheaded. Taking in a deep breath through her nostrils and exhaling through her mouth, the girl looked at the blade, shocked that it was glowing. " Slime... I'm pretty sure you've given me some sort of magical sword..." she said to her friend without looking at it, having a bit of trouble believing that such a weapon was now in her possession. She couldn't help but wonder what this blade could do, what magic ability's it had. It seemed to of drained Clara of her energy when she took hold of it, perhaps it did the same thing to someone if they were hit or stabbed by it.

Rubbing her head a bit with her free hand and letting a breath out she looked around her surroundings, then began to walk in the direction the town was in. She was walking, but quickly stopped dead in her tracks, suddenly noticing something in the corner of her eye. She couldn't tell what it was, just that had wings. ' Somethings going on...' she thought to herself, her gut having a feeling that not all was well. " Keep an eye out Slime, something up..." she suddenly said as she continued to walk.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

Rather than what Clara expected, it seemed that whatever was flying, was not interested in her, nor was there any signs of a trap, or ambush during the walk back to the town. However, the trouble came when they arrived at the town. Many of the townsfolk Clara had only just gotten to know, were mostly nude, chained, and looked violated in a great many ways. Elves, Centaurs, and even humans were lined up, chains around their necks and arms. Each of them looked defeated, and some even had fresh signs of having been raped, which Clara saw when she saw a white glob of cum trailing down a whimpering elf's leg.

As Clara watched from the forest, the slime didn't seem to understand, or see the situation the way Clara did, and did the last thing Clara would likely have wanted the slime to do, by announcing, "Food!" when she saw the naked man and women.

A nearby succubus who was helping to make sure the group of captives stayed in line heard the slime's foolish announcement of their position. She turned around, and wordlessly started advancing towards where Clara and the slime hid...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

" What on Gods green earth..." the woman quietly said upon seeing the current state of the town. The sight of the towns folk all chained up and looking violated was a shocking one to Clara, almost as shocking as seeing all the demons that were in the area. She was trying to think of a way, any way, she could help the towns folk, however that was quickly interrupted. " Damn it... " Clara muttered out when Slime suddenly gave away their position with an excited yell. With the demoness advancing the girl began frantically thinking of what to do. Running away wasn't something she did that often, however the risk of staying and fighting was far too great. Clara was not about to risk becoming enslaved to a bunch of demons. " Slime, I'm running now. Try and keep up with me. If we get separated, go to the spring and wait for me there. " Saying that as quickly as she could Clara turned, and sprinted as fast as she could, running away from the advancing demon. She did her best to maneuver away from any tree's or stumps, anything that would get in her way.

' Once I'm safe... I can think of a way to help those people... ' she thought to herself during her escape.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

As Clara picked up, and turned to run, she suddenly felt her feet get incredibly heavy, before she lost her footing, and fell to the ground on her front. Meanwhile, the demon walked up from behind her, and let out a small giggle, "Well... Looks like we missed one." she announced. And before Clara could react, she found her blade taken from her hand by an unknown force, lifted through the air, until the succubus soon held it in her own hands.

"Very beautiful sword... I don't think you'll be needing it..." she said with a chuckle. And the strange thing was, that while the succubus held it, the weapon didn't glow at all. Clara didn't have much time to think on that strange occurrence, however, as soon after, the succubus kneeled down behind her, using her magic to manipulate Clara's body to feel heavy, making even the smallest movements for her to be very hard, and slow.

Gripping her ass, the succubus raised Clara's bottom up, so that it was just in the right spot for her to slip inside her nether parts. She giggled as she taunted Clara, "One more meal for this night... Oh, your soul looks so tasty!"

But, as Clara was about to be mounted, suddenly, the succubus was thrown off of Clara, releasing her of both the imminent rape, and the spell holding her body down as the slime tackled the succubus, saving Clara while shouting, "Food!" as she attacked the succubus, apparently wanting to rape her for whatever juices and fluids she had to offer...

And before any thoughts of retreat came to mind... It occurred to Clara that, should she use the slime to aid her escape, it's likely that the slime will be killed by the succubi...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

" Thank goodness..." Clara muttered to herself after being saved by Slime. After the demoness was tackled off of her backed away and got back on her feet whilst taking in the situation. After some quick thinking, she decided the best thing to do was to nab the sword and run off to the spring without slime. The spring was far enough from here so she'd be fine. Slime's, from what Clara figured, were hard to kill. The slime could hold it's own against the demoness, there was little to worry about as far as it's well being went. Without another thought, the warrior made a run toward where Slime and the demoness were, and quickly grabbed the sword handle and pulled it away. " Sorry, but I will be needing this!" she said to spite the woman. " You two have fun! " Clara said with a laugh, amused that the demon wouldn't be able to follow her or cast a spell with Slime all over her. Clara quickly turned and ran away once more, heading to the spring. As she sprinted, not having much trouble running with the sword, and began to get out a sight she stopped and looked back, " Hey Slime, forget about that bitch and follow me! " After shouting that to her friend she continued fleeing to the spring. It was a bit hard to run in the dark like this, although so far she managed to navigate without tripping or running into anything.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

After a moment, and after some shouting from Clara, the slime almost didn't want to part with her new meal. The succubus was already moaning from the slime's body filling her holes, even her mouth, and when the slime decided that she wanted to follow Clara, the succubus started choking when the slime's body pulled out of her mouth, as well as her other two unmentionable holes. She gagged, and gasped for air, having had the slime shove it's body down her throat, force feeding her the slime of her body, before the slime left to chase after Clara.

Running as fast as she could manage through the open woods, Clara eventually found the spring, and once she did, she suddenly felt the adrenaline fading a little, as she started to gasp for air desperately. A moment after, she heard the slime soon arrive behind her. The slime gave her a concerned look, before their attention was drawn to the flapping of wings, and the signs of a demon search party going into the woods after them.

The slime's brow furrowed together in worry, "Trouble!" she announced, even a being with no brain being able to understand when things are looking dangerous. The group of succubi spread out through the woods, emitting some kind of bright light from their hands in short bursts, as they casted strange spells that gathered, and then fired concentrated light, like search lights that revealed the forest in a bright light in an attempt to locate Clara and the slime. They were doing a thurough search, and there were Succubi all over the woods, using flight to quickly move around. Escaping without being detected seemed a very unlikely possibility... Although not impossible.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

" This is bad..." Clara muttered to herself. Never once in the woman's life had there ever been a group of demon's chasing after her. Sure, on a few occasions some people and monsters had gone after her, however nothing as dangerous as demons had ever formed a search party in an attempt to locate and capture her. This situation looked very bad, almost hopeless. Even brainless Slime knew this. ' What should I do..?' Clara thought to herself, feeling dread and even some fear. She wasn't sure if she should try hiding or try making a run for it. Although, it felt like either choice would ultimately result in her being found, raped, and enslaved. Standing there for just another moment, looking at her glowing sword as she thought of what to do, the blond woman let a sigh out as she came to a decision of what to do. " Slime..." Clara softly said, turning to the brainless mess of goop, " Let's make a run for it. Standing around the hot spring will likely just get us found." Tightening the grip she had on her weapons she got ready to start running. She'd have to be quiet and quick if she had any hope of escaping the area, or find a place to take refugee, like a cave or something.

" Well, lets go Slime. "
Without another word Clara began to move, going away from the town this time she left the spring, moving as fast as she could without being noisy. She hoped, prayed, that she could manage an escape, although from the looks of how many of these demon's were searching the area, she felt that soon, she'd be in the same condition as that elf she saw at the destroyed town, whimpering, naked, and having cum dripping down her leg.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

As Clara turned, she was suddenly stopped in place when the slime, without warning, attached herself to Clara, quickly enveloping her whole body, until Clara herself was completely wrapped in slime. The slime formed holes around the nose, and mouth, which she let hang open so Clara could breathe. And, the slime's body started going up inside her nether holes, not penetrating, but filling, and molding her slimy body to match Clara's own shape of her anus, and pussy.

And once she was done absorbing Clara, the slime seemed to have complete control over Clara. No matter how much she may have struggled, whenever the slime wanted to move her arm, her arm moved with little restraint. And, given how much of a surprise it might have been for the slime to do this, her reason soon showed itself, when a searching succubus flew over the spring, shining her light. She glanced over Clara, who was inside the slime, and just seemed to ignore them, passing what the demoness saw off as a simple slime that's curious about all the women flying in the sky, before flying off elsewhere in search of the runaway human...
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Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

As surprised as she was when Slime suddenly came and began to absorb her all she did was let a yelp out at first. She didn't attempt to struggle or resist, she knew full well if she tried she'd just be wasting energy if she did, plus she trusted the slime girl to some level and didn't think it was going to try and harm her. Moments after being absorbed and having the reason Slime did what it just did reviled, Clara let a relaxed sigh out as a feeling of safety and calmness washed over. She looked off the the direction the demoness had gone off as she tried to relax her body, then shut her eyes. ' This thing is much smarter then it looks...' the girl thought to herself, stunned at the plan it had just come up with.

After what felt like a moment of trying to relax, Clara spoke up as her eyes opened up. " Slime... Nice thinking. We should both be safe like this." she said, her voice sounding much more peaceful then it had before. " Should we stay here till morning, or do you want to move on the moment those idiots stop searching for me?" Clara was fine with just sleeping where she was, inside the slime, for the rest of the night. She still felt somewhat tired and would like to sleep more.
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

At Clara's words, the slime, still manipulating her body, began to move her downwards, to the ground, until Clara was laying on her side, resting on the large pillow that composes the lower half of the slime's body. And the best part, was that she even felt the splendid slime washing along her whole body, as if cleaning her. The slime took in all the fluids she was secreting, using it for her own nourishment, so that even in the warm night, Clara wouldn't have trouble sleeping from the awful heat, nor would she have to wake up, drenched in sweat.

And, laying as she was, she could almost feel the slime's female body right behind her, cuddling up with her, with one arm over her waist, and the other arm acting as the pillow Clara could feel herself laying on, while the slime itself, all around Clara, loosened it's grip on her, allowing her to move as she wished. Although one could debate on whether or not slimes slept, it certainly seemed like sleeping with someone else didn't seem beyond them...
Re: The Knight's Escape (Clara)

She couldn't help but let a pleased sigh out as she felt the slime washing her, keeping her cool and comfortable. She was completely relaxed now, feeling safe and good. As her eyes kept shut she began to drift to sleep. She would of just fallen asleep then and there, however, a certain thought that had been in the back of her mind seemed to pop up, keeping her awake. The thought of her children came up, the ones she had been forced to bare not long ago. She wondered if they had hatched yet, how far they might of come in their progress. For all she knew, the octopus woman aged much faster then normal human's. For all she knew, they could already be talking. Thinking of her babies made her want to talk about them, she couldn't bare keeping them to herself.

" Slime..."
Clara spoke out as she rested, her voice soft and sounding slightly disturbed, " Did I ever tell you that I have children? You see... During my voyage here I was raped by a sea monster. The woman impregnated me... It was awful. After she had finished I was left alone, pregnant with her children. I quickly passed out, and when I awoke I gave birth shortly after..." she trailed off, now feeling sad. This was the first time she had spoken about what had happened to her. She felt better for finally telling someone about it, though bringing up the painful, humiliating memory almost made her want to start sobbing.

" The monster came back to me a little later, wanting her children. Before she took them, she told me I could see them again if I waited for her near the beach around noon. " She paused, letting a sigh out before continuing. " I must make it too the beach before noon today. I... I have to see my children. I want to see them. I'm just... I'm so worried that ill be captured by something before I make it there. I can't can't stand the thought of not seeing them..." she was done talking now. Letting another sigh out she tried to relax. She actually felt relieved, having gotten all of that off of her chest.