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Addiction (Clara)

Re: Addiction (Clara)

When she turned to the slime, and jokingly asked if it had any ideas for what she could do, the monster smiled, before lashing out it's tongue at great length, and licking Clara's face just as a dog would, before the vine-like tongue returned to her mouth, and the slime chuckled playfully. Further, the slime acted as if it didn't understand Clara's request. It swayed happily back and forth as she spoke, as if oblivious to the world around it. But, once she finished, most likely thinking the slime didn't pay attention to a single word, the slime's feminine body went stiff, no longer slouching as it always did, as it raised hand to give Clara a poorly executed military salute.

At least it seemed to understand what it was supposed to do...
Re: Addiction (Clara)

Clara rolled her eyes as her lips began to form a smile," At ease, soldier. " she said before turning and heading for the village.

As the blond woman approached her village she'd stop walking normally and begin to move in a more sneakily way, sort of like a thief would move when inside a victims house. She would take care not to make any sounds if she could help it, and most importantly not not get seen. This wasn't exactly the woman's specialty, hers was fighting, however she'd do her very best with this sneaking mission. Her children were on the line after all. Her plan was to stay on the outskirts of the village, keeping out of sight and silent, and ducking into and empty tent whenever she had to hide. She would work her way throughout the village and try to find the location of her babies.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

While the slime waited for Clara, albeit impatiently, the blond haired knight found that trying to sneak while in the middle of day was seemingly almost impossible. Clara made it inside the village, but before she had the opportunity to check a single tent, she noticed that she had already been spotted by one of the little children walking about, some distance away. Her only choice was to duck inside a tent nearby, and hope the girl would lose track of her.

But, when she ventured inside the tent, what she found was something quite odd. Three girls, similar to every other member of this village she had seen, were completely naked, and seemed to be participating in such an act of debauchery, that looked absolutely inappropriate for girls that looked their age.
One girl, with straight, blond hair, was on her back, laying down, with her hands placed on the hips of another girl, with curly red hair, who took to sitting on her face. Clara could see the bottom girl's tongue occasionally poking out to lick the clitoris of her partner. Meanwhile, the third girl, with shoulder length, brown hair, had the blond girl's leg over her shoulder, which allowed her to mash her own pussy against the girl under her, sliding her own wet lips along that of her blond partner's with each thrust of her hips.

Their attention, however, was turned to the 'adult' that walked inside their tent. The blond girl even lifted the curly red haired girl off of her face to see what the distraction was, before each girl greeted Clara with a cute smile.

"Hello, human!" greeted the blond haired girl, "Did you come to join us?"

The brown haired girl leaned back, giving Clara a sly grin, "Take your clothes off, and we'll do the rest." she instructed.

Meanwhile, the curly red head chuckled, "You have such nice breasts..." she commented, "Though, my breasts were bigger..."
Re: Addiction (Clara)

" Uhh... Hello... " Clara said with her mouth almost agape, a feeling of awkwardness washing over her after walking into the threesome. She listened and watched, watching simply from shock. Though she shook off the feeling quickly enough and spoke back.

" Wait, did you just say "were"? "
She suddenly asked the curly red headed girl with a raised eyebrow. Did this seemingly young girl actually have bigger breasts before? Clara had so many questions, but now was hardly the time to ask them. Especially with this sight in front of her that had caused her face to tint slightly pink from embarrassment. " Honestly, just how old are you three? " she shook her head disapprovingly. If these really were young human girls then... Well that was a bit disturbing, but she couldn't help but think that they were like those stooges she had met in the village earlier today. Maybe they were just monster children, or something. The blond haired girl had called her "human" so maybe that was the case.

" Sorry, but I'm not here to join you. "
She said firmly, " I'm here to pick up my children. They might look a bit like me, though they have the lower half of an octopus. Have any of you seen them? " Clara figured she may as well ask about them while she was in this tent. Maybe if she was lucky the girls would give her the information she needed instead of alerting the rest of the town of her presence.
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Re: Addiction (Clara)

Clara's firm denial to play the role the three girls wished proved to be a mistake, as each of the three seemed alerted by something when Clara began speaking, especially so when she refused their request. "Wait a minute..." the brown haired girl began, "This human isn't a part of our clan!" she suddenly announced, quickly realizing they'd mistaken Clara for one of their own, or at least a slave who had come to seek sex. Now, unfortunately for Clara, the advantage she had was gone, and the three girls were now clearly hostile to her.

The girls each broke from the 'triangle' they had formed to stand on their own feet quickly, taking aggressive stances towards her while the curly haired red head suddenly shouted in warning loud enough for Clara's presence to be known throughout the whole camp, "HERETIC SPY!" she screamed. Then, the three girls stood in place, bracing themselves for something, none of them attacking Clara for the moment...
Re: Addiction (Clara)

' Damn it! ' she thought as this happened. The worst possible thing, the one thing she prayed they wouldn't do had just happened. Now she'd be lucky to even leave this camp with her life, let alone her kids and freedom. This made the blond woman rather frustrated. So much so that she felt like taking her large blunt sword and smashing it against the loud mouth who just shouted, and then her friends. As tempting as beating the three girls like an savage cave woman sounded she decided that would only make matters worse. Killing any of these three would certainly result in the rest of the camp trying to kill her, or something far worse then death.

In a split second decision, Clara ran for it. She turned from the naked girls and ran out of the tent. Maybe she could still get out of the camp and try again, maybe duck into another tent and hide, something! Anything that didn't involve her getting captured or killed.

In the back of the woman's mind she couldn't help but loath what was coming. She was sure it wasn't anything short of either pain or humiliation, or a mix of the two and enslavement. The very idea of ending up like that elf she saw back in the village, with semen dribbling down her legs and wrapped in chains, scared the hell out of here. Though, such a fate seemed fitting enough for a human on this island. It seemed ever since she ended up on this island bad things have been happening, and now even demon's were after her and using innocent children as bait. Clara just prayed that whatever happened next wouldn't get the only friend she's made on this place hurt. She hoped Slime was still safe, and would remain that way.
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Re: Addiction (Clara)

As Clara ran outside, she emerged only moments before other girls were emerging from their own tents, most as nude as the three girls from before. Worse, there were a few fully clothed, bearing odd staffs with monsters skulls on the top, each dressed in a costume appropriate to the name of 'witch,' a name only known to her via the stories she was told as a child.

Each of the witches were quite alerted from the scream the girl made from the tent. As such, Clara was quickly being surrounded from all sides, except for one, which was her only path of escape. Unfortunately, this route led in the opposite direction of the slime, who might have been able to help her escape.

Running as fast as her feet would carry, Clara's retreat was brought to an unfortunate end when the quick thinking of a single on-looking witch, summoning a fast gust of wind close to the ground, caused Clara to trip, and fall down. In a matter of moments, surrounding witches would easily be able to lock onto Clara, binding her hands behind her back with their magic, as well as her ankles.

The witches approach Clara as she lay on the ground. One of her assailants placed their hands under her body, pulling upward to flip their blond captive over on her side. Then, Clara was approached by a different looking girl, with horns coming from her head, who could only have been the chieftain of the odd gathering of little girls. "So, I guess you're the spy, huh? What are you doing spying on us? Did we kidnap a friend of yours, or something?" she asked Clara.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

The blond woman let a breath of defeat out as she hit the ground and was suddenly bound by magical powers. Try as she might she couldn't escape and had to face the facts. She had now failed to save her kids and was at the mercy of a bunch of crazy magical girls and their demon leaders. She couldn't only pray Slime didn't get hurt when it eventually came looking for her like she told it to.

Clara had to retrain herself from spitting at the horned girl who approached her. The warrior felt rage building as she was suddenly questioned in this position by the smug horned demon. As angry as she felt, the woman did her best to keep calm and answered the woman. " You kidnapped my children! " she almost shouted, having trouble keeping herself from raising her voice while speaking those words. " I came here to get them back... " she said before trailing off. Maybe this demon knew she would eventually show up... Maybe she would finally be introduced to " The bitch " the Scylla had spoken about.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

The Baphomet suddenly looked confused. She tilted her head at Clara, raising her eyebrow questioningly, "Your children?" she inquired, turning to look at some of the surrounding witches, questioning them without words, only for each of them to shake their head obliviously. The Baphomet looked back to Clara, gazing down at her, "We don't kidnap children. Little kids don't produce sexual energy," she raised her 'paw' into the air, directing a single claw upwards, "a vital component of Black Mass!" she announced, to which every surrounding witch nodded,

"But, it doesn't really matter what you came here for, human. Clearly, you have no idea about the teachings of Sabbath. Whether you're a heretic to our cause or not, you'll see that our way is truly what's best for you, once you fully understand our teachings." the Baphomet lectured her, before clinking her staff on the ground, "Consumed in intense pleasure, you'll learn the meaning of life!" she told Clara, spreading her cultist beliefs to her, which she no doubt would eventually force upon her via physical means. Clara's only hope, would be to fight this 'pleasure' she spoke of, lest she actually 'does' get consumed by it, and becomes a slave to pleasure...

"Take her away!" she commanded, clinking her staff against the stone ground once more, before Clara's arms and legs were bound by real rope, soon finding herself hogtied to a long wooden pole, which was carried by two Witches, into a mostly unoccupied hut. There, Clara's pole was staked into the ground. She was forced to stay, sitting on her knees in the middle of the tent, as the two witches left her all alone without a word, after removing everything of value from her possessions, including the magical sword that the slime found within the hot spring...

There, Clara would be forced to remain in captivity for many hours. Any attempts to loosen the pole would turn to be futile. It was pushed into the ground via powerful magic, and sealed there with the very same. Clara would have to possess powerful brute strength in order to break from the pole. Using her nails to cut the rope would only result in her nails breaking. The rope was quite thick, and strong, to the point that she would need the knife she had stolen from her by the witches in order to cut it.

The idle quiet inside the hut, no doubt having an effect on Clara's mental state, would soon be disrupted when her mind became shockingly alert from the sounds of footsteps approaching, much heavier than that of the witches. The flaps that made the hut mostly dark slowly parted open, to reveal a figure wrapped in a black cloak, who slowly stepped inside. The stranger's eyes were the only thing Clara would be able to make out, from the faint glow of red circles staring at her, and the glint of reflection coming from a small pocket of light, brought forth by the small patch missing in the hut's fabric.

"I didn't think you would make it this easy..." said a seductive feminine voice, belonging to the stranger, "But, here you are, ripe for the taking..." she giggled.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

Being trapped inside the hut and tied again the pole certainly did have a negative effect on Clara's mental and physical state. No matter how hard she tried her brute strength, one of the few useful skills she had, simply was not enough to bust the ropes. Her puny human strength just did not compare to the ropes she was tied in. No matter how hard she tried, on how much she picked at them with her nails, she continued to fail. In the end in all made her feel agitated and tried. As she sat there, her attempts to escape having ended in failure, she was left to think about her family, the only good that had come of this island. Were her children alright? Were they scared being away from the ocean and their father? These thoughts tormented her, making her feel like a failure as a mother for being unable to rescue them. Her thoughts also wandered to Slime. Had it gotten hurt looking for her? She could only prey that it, and her children, were safe and sound.

Eventually she hung her head and let her eyes shut, a near futile attempt to regain some of the energy lost from trying to escape, when she suddenly heard the sound of heavier footsteps. Her eyes opened up as the huts flaps opened as well, causing the woman to look away now that her orbs weren't use to the bright light. When her eyes adjusted to the more, and she saw the cloaked figure with the glowing red eyes, she was certain who she was looking at.

" You..."
Clara whispered after the stranger had spoken to her, now certain this seductive sounding female was "The bitch". " Who are you...? What the hell do you want from me? " Clara asked, casting a glare of anger at the woman. She was unable to scream or yell at the moment because of her current weak state, though her condition would not stop her from asking this cloaked stranger who she was and why she had done the things she had done, even if she had to practically whisper her questions.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

The woman chuckled, pulling back her hood to reveal a mature face, with a creamy white skin tone, as if she hardly saw much of the sun. Her hair was red, quite long, and curly as well. Her lips, grinning at Clara, were as red as her hair, a shade that reminded the blond girl of blood...

My name is Scarlet, she introduced herself, "and as for why I've sought you out, I'm sure you'll figure that out on your own." She walked up to Clara, taking a knee in front of her so that her head was on the same level, while one of her gloved hands reached under Clara's skirt, the only thing protecting her lower half being the skirt itself, and her white panties she obtained from the town. Scarlet began trailing her finger gently along Clara's crotch, teasing her pussy. "Why don't you tell me your name? I think we should get to know each other a little~" she giggled mischievously. "Tell me... Are you attracted to women?" she leaned in, placing her hand on Clara's cheek while her other hand continued to tease her, "Have you ever masturbated, thinking of having sex with another woman?"

Little did Clara know, Scarlet was enveloping her mind with her seductive magic. Every moment Clara could feel her glowing red eyes staring at her, she felt more and more allured by her presence. Despite how much rage she'd have for the woman, Clara could feel herself getting wet. The finger between her legs never stopped teasing her, and with every passing moment, a part of her mind grew more and more fond of the idea of having sex with her.

Clara would be able to fight it for now, but as Scarlet doubtlessly knew, she would soon lose herself to the seductive force slowly taking over...
Re: Addiction (Clara)

As the woman revealed her pale face Clara was instantly reminded of the fabled vampires. The woman's long curly hair even matched the shade of blood the monsters hungered for. Though, as much as she hated to admit it, the woman's face was a beautiful one, her hair was also nice and lustrous. Likely her body hidden by robes was a beautiful shape.

As Scarlet introduced herself Clara felt herself being filled with disgust and anger for this woman, this tormentor of her family. Though, this began to change as she asked lewd questions and even boldly began touching Clara's private area, making her face begin to flush red and also making her begin to breath deeply. Slowly Clara's mind began thinking of sex, more accurately the sex she had with the elven woman the day before. How good it felt when their sex's mashed together. Would it feel just as good with woman? Possibly better because of how attractive she was? The blond woman still had a grip on herself though, and quickly shook her head to push these perverted thoughts away. She shut her eyes so she wouldn't see the face of the woman doing this to her, she needed to think.

" I... I won't tell you anything unless..." ' Unless what? ' she asked herself. What did she want, and did she even have anything to bargain with? What she wanted was her children to be returned to their father, this was certain. What did she possibly have to bargain with though? It then hit Clara, maybe if she went along with this willingly then the woman would give her children back. People like her tended to get off at willing obedience. It was a long shot, however she had nothing to lose by trying.

" Unless you return my children to their father. Until you give them back then I won't tell you anything..." She paused, then continued, trying desperately to fight the pleasurable feeling coming from her sex. " If you return them then ill do whatever you want, Scarlet..." She bargained.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

"Anything I want?" the woman mused, "Certainly a sound trade, although..." The woman slowly reached for the base of Clara's tunic, pulling her hands away from her pussy and face respectively, as she gracefully pulled the fabric over her chest. Clara's breasts bounced as they were freed, before Scarlet began groping them, toying with her. "I'd like for you to show me just how much of a slut you can be."

Scarlet abandoned Clara's breasts, before reaching for her own robe, slowly pulling the jet black fabric off of her body, revealing the very body Clara had expected; A voluptuous, curvy, large breasted body, the skin just as white as her face, a creamy, pure white. But, among the things Clara didn't expect, were bat-like wings on her back, large enough to give her flight, and a long tail, with a heart shape on the end, just like those demons she saw before at the village. That wasn't all, either; Something caught Clara's eyesight, below where she was looking, on Scarlet's lower body. When she looked, Clara found herself staring at a thick, erect cock.

Scarlet snapped her fingers, releasing a sudden burst of magical energy, before Clara felt the ropes around her wrists and ankles severed. And now that she was free, Scarlet stood on her knees, staring at her, awaiting for Clara to make good on her promise...
Re: Addiction (Clara)

' It's... For the children... ' Clara thought as she was stripped of her clothing and her breasts were suddenly toyed with. She would have to take whatever treatment she received from Scarlet without complaint. It was for the sake of her babies, the ones that had to be terrified right now. She would do anything for them, the little monsters that had grown in her womb overnight. Even being the slut that Scarlet wanted her to be.

When Scarlet pulled her own clothing off and revealed the her own body Clara let a sigh of defeat out. Her pride and dignity hated this so much. She quickly forgot about both of those things though as she looked downward and saw the large member sticking out above the apparent demons womanhood. A gasp nearly escaped her lips as she saw it, this bizarre sight. Though as she was freed by a sudden burst of magical energy, and began rubbing her tender, sore wrists, she knew what had to be done. Like her tormentor she got on her knees and began.

Clara's right hand slowly reached out and grasped the demons member. Her hand slowly began stroking it, her face and eyes full of embarrassment of the lewd actions she was making. " My name is Clara..." she started off, having remembered the questions she was asked. " I've never touched myself while thinking of having sex with another woman... " Clara said truthfully. She couldn't answer the question about being attracted to other woman though... Because she honestly wasn't even sure of her sexuality any more.

After speaking Clara slowly began to lower her head to the woman's member. After having stroked it, she would let it go and then wrap her lips around it, slowly taking it in and sucking the woman off like the slut Scarlet wanted her to be. While this certainly wasn't something she was experienced with she would still try and do it correctly. The speed her bobbing head was going at slowly increasing, her tongue rubbing against the shaft in her mouth.
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Re: Addiction (Clara)

Scarlet let out a pleased moan as Clara began to submit to her, smiling down at her as Clara's mouth took in her length. She gently placed her hand on top of Clara's head, combing her fingers through her blond hair playfully, "Is this all your children mean to you? You're so hesitant, as if this was the first time you'd ever touched a cock before." She kept her hand firmly on the back of Clara's head, keeping her mouth occupied with her phallus so that she could not speak. "You disappoint me, Clara... Here, I thought you would give it your all, and expose your libido to me, just to see your little ones go free..."

Scarlet pulls on Clara's long hair gently, pulling her mouth off of her cock, and tilting her head to look up at her, "You don't have to keep going, Clara." she told her with a seductive smile, "Unless you're willing to let your pride, and self-esteem sink away into the depths of the long forgotten, letting it all be replaced with lust, and submission, I'm afraid I have no use for you."

Clara's sides were gently gripped by Scarlet's hands, pulling her up to stand on her knees, just like Scarlet, so that they now saw eye to eye with each other. The red eyed demon's large breasts were mushed against Clara's smaller ones, nearly engulfing them entirely, when Clara found herself being pulled into an embrace. Scarlet's lustful body squirmed slowly against her own. The demon's soft, smooth hands coursed along Clara's back, massaging her as a powerful, tingling sensation overcame her senses, making her feel at ease for every moment her pale hands coursed along her skin.

"It is not just your body I desire..." she whispered, staring directly into Clara's blue eyes, her face so close, she could feel her warm breath washing over her lips in warm waves "... I want your soul... The very thing that makes you who you are... All of your good memories, all of the people who you love, and every single strand of happiness inside your heart, I want you to share it with me..." She leaned in closer to Clara, only inches away from a kiss, while her mind began going crazy. Thoughts that were not her own began washing over her own, current, rational thoughts. They spoke with convincing voices, encouraging Clara to trust Scarlet, to give her everything she wanted, and to find love within the pleasure Scarlet constantly bestowed upon her, even from the simple, gentle hands caressing her back...

Give it all to me, Clara... And I promise, I'll take away all the woe and sadness in your world. I'll make you happy...
Re: Addiction (Clara)

Clara continued to suck on the member in her mouth, occasionally opening her mouth up so her tongue had more room to all around lick it.

She had thought she was doing well, even though she was rather experienced with blow jobs, and became frustrated with herself at how fast Scarlet got bored with her. In truth she had been trying to give it her all, to give the best blow job someone like her could give, for the very sake of her children. Though it seemed her best efforts simply were not good enough and the demon wanted more from her. Though as much as she had been enjoying herself, she happily let the cock slide out of her mouth as she went up to Scarlet's level.

" N-no... I'm just not use to doing this... I want my children to go free... " She said as her mouth was freed. Her muscles began tensing up as Scarlet told her she didn't have to continue. Had she failed again? Would the woman just do as she pleased and disregard Clara's wishes for her children? At first it seemed like that, though she relaxed a little once she learned she hadn't failed... But not by much now she knew exactly what Scarlet wanted.

For a warrior and adventurer such as herself simply letting her pride and self-esteem become nothing but lust and submission, especially for this woman, disgusted her. However... As much as she hated this the demons seductive skills and magic were more than able to take effect on her, someone who was nothing more then a mere mortal. Having her breasts mush against Scarlet's as she was touched, her eyes looking directly into the deep hypnotic red ones, she could not help but begin to melt in the woman's embrace, her mental resistance draining away and being replaced with lust and desire, her body reflecting that.

With the woman's request made, the voices in her head twisting her ways of thinking, she breathed deeply as she suddenly broke down crying. The demon had pierced her very soul, brought out every woe and sorry she had promised to rid her of. With teary eyes and a heavy heart, Clara spoke back.

" M-make love to me... Scarlet..." She then leaned in those last few inches and kissed the woman herself, her dull lips pressing again the woman's soft ones, her blue, now trusting and wanting eyes looking into the demons.

Her left arm began wrapping around the demon so it could do the same as Scarlet's, caressing and rubbing her back. Her right hand would move down, searching for the cock, and begin to stroke it gently, as if it was the most delicate, precious thing in the world.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

Scarlet gave a pleased moan as their lips met, adding a gasp when Clara gently gripped her phallus, pushing her lips hard against Clara's own as she was stroked. Once the cock in Clara's hand became quite erect, even more excited than it had been when it was within her own mouth, Scarlet leaned forward, gently pushing Clara back, laying her down atop a blanket and pillow that was prepared nearby, as the tent's original purpose was to serve as a home for a witch, and not a prison.

Scarlet slowly pulled her lips away, a single strand of saliva connecting their tongues as she parted Clara's legs open. The succubus smoothed her hands along Clara's thighs, grinning at her with an expression that said she was pleased, "That's it, child... Just like that... Lose yourself in my eyes... Allow the deepest, darkest depths of your heart and soul unlock themselves to me..."

Suddenly, Clara felt Scarlet's cock pressing between her legs, before her pink folds were pierced by the succubi's cock, sending a fierce sexual shock through her body from the sudden penetration. And at the same time, Clara could feel her life force slowly being stolen away by the demoness on top of her. And even though it was quite a frightening feeling, it felt like the most pleasurable sensation she ever had ever experienced.

Hands gripping Clara's legs, spreading them wide open as Scarlet freely thrusted inside her, lewd sounds coming from their flesh slapping together as Clara was slowly absorbed of her energy. Scarlet's breasts bounced fervently with each thrust, her pink nipples glancing along Clara's own erect points.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

Clara's eyes shot wide open, a gasp escaping her lips as the member pierced her insides, practically reaching the end of her tunnel and brushing against her cervix. It would of been too much for her if she wasn't use to being fucked like this, by slimy and and regular tentacles. However the suddenly draining feeling coming over her, it feeling better then anything she had ever felt before, was too much for her to take and it mixed in with the cock going in and out of her caused her to helplessly moan out in pleasure as she her senses were overwhelmed. Clara's walls tightened around the member inside of her, squeezing it as her love juices kept it lubricated.

With the waves of pleasure going throughout her she began to drool. Her head tilted back and she looked up to Scarlett's red eyes, her own blue ones filled with the very same lust and submission the demoness had wanted from her. It appeared as if she had, for now, broken the warrior.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

Eyes going blank, and her resistance fading, Clara could feel her being slowly becoming filled with Scarlet's presence. Every single drop of her essence that was stolen from her, taken by the succubus cock slamming into her pussy, was replaced by a false feeling of 'love,' and 'compassion' for the demoness on top of her. The deceitful magic coursing through her soul gradually warping, and twisting Clara's mind into believing that she was developing feelings for Scarlet.

Bending Clara's legs over her head, suspending her ass in the air, Scarlet quickened her pace into vigorous thrusts, ramming her lubricated length into Clara's sex. And if Clara looked down, she could see her own pussy being stuffed by the thick phallus sliding in and out of her sensitive folds.
Re: Addiction (Clara)

Clara gasps out loud at the sudden ramming, before moaning out lewdly. The blond lets a cry out at each thrust into her. At this point the sex had become something her body simply could not handle this any longer, it just being far too much for her. As Scarlet continued to passionately ram into her Clara's body tightened up, her eyes shutting tightly, before letting a scream out as an orgasm shot through her. Her back arched as her toes curled, her girl cum coating the cock inside her. As her life force was drained from her and into the demoness she would surly begin to pass out…