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Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who spoil a show for others just for fun.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the new GameFAQs layout. It looks fine, but dammit, GameFOX doesn't work anymore. It's like they gave us a present, and inside the present was a cute little teddy bear, ONLY IT BREAKS OUR LEGS.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my supervisor with the fiery unbridled hate of a thousand hateful hate-thingies.

Multiply that about ten-thousand-fold right about now. Here's the deal, tomorrow is my bf's birthday, this coming Sunday is our Anniversary, and lo and behold, not only does he refuse me an extra day off, he actually REMOVES one, so the other guy can have a three day weekend for NO FUCKING REASON!! Now all I have is Saturday to celebrate, with no day after to clear my hangover, so its going to have to be dry, on top of it all...
Re: Hate Thread

Multiply that about ten-thousand-fold right about now. Here's the deal, tomorrow is my bf's birthday, this coming Sunday is our Anniversary, and lo and behold, not only does he refuse me an extra day off, he actually REMOVES one, so the other guy can have a three day weekend for NO FUCKING REASON!! Now all I have is Saturday to celebrate, with no day after to clear my hangover, so its going to have to be dry, on top of it all...

I hate your supervisor. A lot.

I also hate being horny as fuck and only having my fingers to satisfy me.
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Re: Hate Thread

I don't hate hearing that

I hate group projects I know I can do better on my own, and especially hate ending up having to do the entire group project on my own anyway.
I don't know how I'll ever get to work with people.
Re: Hate Thread

Delegation and then riding their asses with deadlines tends to work. Being annoying as fuck to the point where they just do it so that you're out of their hair seems to be the best way with lazy jackasses. XD

But I hear you... I usually just take everything on myself because I don't like a half-assed job from a teammate.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh I'm sorry for that fact you are unsatisfied, I just didn't hate hearing about it that way
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Re: Hate Thread

The wording definitely leaves something good to the imagination, I have to admit. XD
Re: Hate Thread

Well, I suppose being put that way it does leave some nice mental images for folks.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I don't have one of these!


Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who join an RP then don't post more than one-liners and just sit there like a useless bump on a log.
Re: Hate Thread

Bah ha haha. XD Seconded.

edit: I hate getting all excited about an RP, then having to sit on my hands while the other party (or parties) take their sweet time. Downfall of the forum-based game, as far as I'm concerned. :x By the time that my excitement has boiled down and I'm off to other things, somebody FINALLY posts back, and I get this feeling of obligation, like, "oh, now you have something to say. Great... could have said it X number of days/weeks/months ago!"
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate RPs that fail because their maker becomes inactive.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate all collaborative efforts
Re: Hate Thread

XD Now now, don't be hasty!

No I hate them because they give me the false confidence after I finish them that I am as effective as a team of 10 people.