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Re: Hate Thread

Oh, let him be, I think people stopped caring about his faggotry a long time ago.
Re: Hate Thread

I just wanted to express my hatred for him.
That's all.
Re: Hate Thread



Now I have to watch Hilary Duff play Bonnie in the 'Bonnie and Clyde' remake JUST to wash that... that.. w/e the hell that was... was it really anywhere near some category loosely related to a subdivision of a wanna-be art category? Hell, super-what's-his-face was more tolerable than that o.o
Re: Hate Thread

I hate cramps. T.T I dare any one of you testicle-bearing members of this board to loathe anything else in the same way that I fetal-ball-curlingly, vomiting-in-painingly hate cramps.

*crawls under a rock to die for a while*
Re: Hate Thread

nut shots? I obviously can't compare cuz the cramps I get are obviously different from the ones girls get, but there is no limit to frequency, and if I were to explain the area and strength of the feeling, it would sound like an exaggeration.

I'll definitely give it to ya for birth though, I'm not touching that shit with a 40 foot pole
Re: Hate Thread

Giving birth through a 40-foot pole would be traumatizing, to say the least.
Re: Hate Thread

I hear you wallpaper. Those cramps are... ugh. Mine havn't been as bad lately, but that's just me being active I suppose.
Re: Hate Thread

Being active just helps with so many things. XD Do you still have to do training now that you're back on home turf, or do you get a vacation?
Re: Hate Thread

I get a vacation. Meaning I can wear what I want, and I can do what I want with my hair, and eat what I want. Its fucking awesome.
Re: Hate Thread

Time for some face metal!

...Well, that might be pushing it. XD Enjoy, though!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I can't get TF2 to run on my laptop. And then, whenever it quits, I get this friendly message from valve about "Did you have fun? Buy a copy!" No I did not have fun, I spent ten fucking minutes bashing my keyboard with closed fists because your goddamn game refuses to go past the main screen, you useless fucknuts! GRAWGRH
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that Stalker: Clear Sky refuses to run on my computer after patching it, even though I could play it pre-patch.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that Dark and Oni have decided to be online and I've already made plans with friends.

Fuck you guys. :mad:
Re: Hate Thread

Time for some face metal!

...Well, that might be pushing it. XD Enjoy, though!

I actually don't have any piercings... I think I'm the only girl I know that dosn't have a single one.
Re: Hate Thread

I was thinking of getting my clit pierced.
Problem is, first, I need a clit.
Where do I go to get one installed?
Re: Hate Thread

Nope not even ears.
Re: Hate Thread

Wow, my parents got my ears pierced when i was like two years old. I've got an extra two on one side and one on the other since then, but you're probably the first woman I've heard of with absolutely none. Did you have them before, and they grew back over maybe?