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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 38/47, P = 40, EP = 51

"Demons are self destructive monsters," Akah growls after Mina's musing. "They invade and destroy, both their enemies and their own." The demonic guard, still standing in the doorway snarls at Akah, gripping his weapon, but a single look from Mistellah calms him.

"Please, calm yourself," she says sweetly. "We do what we must to survive, as do any creatures of your world." Akah grunts and shakes his head, but the demoness ignores him and instead responds to Mina. "The item I seek is very important for my companions and I to do just that, survive. It is a key. A key that once belonged to the human who owned this house, and many other buildings in this city. He was a powerful man, with access to many resources that proved useful before the invasion, and some that may still be useful." The succubus looks down at Cherry, the corrupted woman nuzzling her face against the demoness' leg, and pats her head. "My dear Cherry is the one who first informed me of it, in her own special way."

"Amazing," Jerr says, staring at the succubus before him. Akah snorts, and shakes his head. "Mina, demons like this succubus are the reason this city will be destroyed. Do you really wish to assist them?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina rubbed her face and pulled Akah aside, "Akah there are only three choices here, we attack them and we barely survive if at all. We leave and the demons are still here and we have no idea what these resources are. Or we help them, might find something useful, these demons leave and we can focus on the larger actual threat.... If you want to go hunting them down later very well but first let's concentrate on not being -BLOWN UP!-" Mina walked back to the couch rubbing her face obviously at the end of her rope with Akah's foaming urge to kill everything that moved. "Where do you think this key is? And Jerr please stop oogling our hostess." Mina put her face in her hands and sighed thinking to herself, "These two would be dead in a hour if they were ever traveling alone..."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Akah stares down at Mina as she takes him aside to speak to him. "Yes, but..." he tries to interject, though she continues speaking regardless. Several times he tries to interrupt her frustrated tirade, but the mercenary's insistent attitude silences him quickly. Somewhat humiliated by being redressed by the human, Akah stutters a bit before choking back any argument and nods in agreement. He had sworn to follow her orders, after all.

When she turns back, Mina notices that Mistellah had been watching their quiet conversation from her chair, and her mischievous smile hints that she had heard the two. The succubus waves off Mina's annoyed request to Jerr, and says, "Nonsense. What good is this body if young ones like him are not allowed to look?" She accentuates her question by stretching her body to show herself off more, looking slyly at Jerr, who only smiles dumbly. She relaxes, then looks back at Mina and says, "Don't let them bother you dear, they're men. They don't know any better." She gives a slight giggle, which Jerr echoes, and causes Cherry to purr happily, then looks back at Mina with a smile.

"I know exactly where the key is," the demoness admits, looking a bit abashed. "Or rather, Cherry does. Don't you dear?" Cherry looks up at Mistellah and nods eagerly, before going back to rubbing her face against the succubus' leg. "The key is in an office in a building in the factory district, the demon armies strongest held position. Finding the key is not what I need you for though. Getting past the demons spread throughout the area is." Mistellah raised a hand to her cheek, almost looking like she is trying to hide a blush, though none appears on her face. "My companions and I are no longer welcome in that area, you see. They can smell our scent from far away, and would be eager to punish us for breaking from the masters. You and your two cute friends, however, will just appear to be minor pests, at most. Any demons you come across will attempt to... deal with you... as is our way, but they should take no special measures to stop you."

"A dangerous mission," the succubus says, looking at Mina seriously. "Are you still willing to assist us?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Hmm very dangerous indeed but this will allow me to help both sides at once, you'll be able to escape and I'm certain the fey will appreciate so much havoc behind the enemy lines. Are the other demons aware of the importance of the key? I doubt it would be so easy as to just walk into an abandoned building and pick it up off a desk correct?" Mina put her hand on Akah's shoulder, "I apologize for snapping at you my friend but regardless of where we stand in our opinions of each other if we all die in some kind of horrific disaster it renders the debate moot." Mina looked down at herself and turned red. "By any chance do you have any armor you obtained that's my size? I was a fool and forgot to get mine replaced or repaired before I left the fey camp...."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah grins as Mina eagerly agrees to the plan. "No, the demons still working for the masters have no interest in the effects of humans. It is only we who can no longer rely on their power that find such 'relics' useful." Cocking her head to the side however, she continues, "That does not mean the building is abandoned, though. Even we demons need shelter, as well as places to store our own... precious possessions." The succubus says the last with a glance down at Cherry, who continues to blissfully press against her mistress. "The buildings in that area are well suited to their needs, and the one you seek may literally be crawling with demonkind."

Akah holds up a hand to forestall Mina's apology, the shakes his head. "I am a soldier and you are my commander. If you feel our cause can best be served by aiding these... things,", he growls, "then I shall support you as you require." The older gruff falls silent after, though Mina can see a flash of annoyance in his eyes when Jerr pipes in with a, "Lighten up, old man!" Turning back to look at their host ravenously, the younger gruff adds, "Mina and I would be most happy to help you, mistress Mistellah."

"Oh, your such a cute little morsel, thank you," the succubus says with a giggle to Jerr's pledge, reaching out one slender hand to gently rub the gruff's own. Were he a human, Mina is sure he would have been blushing, but the gruff merely lets out a sheepish chuckle while edging further in the chair towards the demoness. The gruff doesn't hold Mistellah's attention long though, and she turns to Mina, humming at the human's request before shaking her head. "This house seems built more for comfort than security, I'm afraid. We searched each room but found no signs of real armor." The demoness' eyes flick over Mina's nearly exposed body, for a second appearing almost as lost in thought as the younger gruff, before returning to the woman's eyes. "I'm sure we can find you a change of clothes however, though why you would want to cover a body a delicious as that is beyond me."

Mistellah turns to the armed demon still standing at the entrance of the room, and with an imperious tone, asks, "Karv, my friend here would like some new clothes. Go grab that trunk we found and bring it here." The demon snarls, and speaks several words in what Mina can only suppose is the demonic language, before Mistellah quickly responds. "I'll be fine. Rax is here. Get the trunk." Each short reply is said with air of dismissal, and the dark skinned demon growls again before hurrying off into another room.

Before long, Karv returns, hefting a sizable green wooden chest, which he drops next to the sofa Mina is in. His clawed hand yanks open the lid and Mina can see that the trunk is filled with varying styles of clothing, neatly packed, as if someone were planning a trip. "Take your pick," Mistellah says with a wave, "though I do suggest traveling lightly. You don't want to be stopping to pick up a pretty dress when being chased down by pack of hell hounds."

(gain cloth armor, with your choice of appearance)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)


Mina ditches her old armor and picks out a decent top that would fit over her own opting to keep the pants she already has on. "This should do for now, just to keep me a bit warmer at the least. At least we've mostly recovered from that small scuffle involving Cherry. Walking into the heart of demon territory injured would be beyond foolhardy." Mina bows to Mistellah, "As much as Jerr would probably like it I'm not sure we should linger even though it's incredibly tempting to stay for the first and possibly only opportunity to discuss my....condition." Mina walks over to pat Cherry on the head a small hint of sadness on her face as it seems to sink in for her how long she's been solo and hidden her affliction from everyone. "My apologies, it would be impolite of myself to drag my two companions into personal matters."

She closes her eyes with a sigh..... "Damnit I might as well get it out of the way now." Mina turned to Jerr and Akah, "I have to confess, I took this job for my own benifit as much as your people's. I have the blood of succubi in me, I was not born with it and I did not intend it to happen. I don't know what the long term effects will be. I want to know now before you risk your lives if -personally- this changes your opinions of me."
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 40/47, P = 40, EP = 51

Cherry smiles and hums contentedly as Mina pats her head. Mistellah nods as the mercenary voices her readiness to leave, about to speak, though she falls silent as Mina announces her confessions to the two gruffs. Akah raises an eyebrow at the mention of succubi blood, and Jerr is even able to tear his eyes away from the demoness before him in his astonishment. For several moments, nothing is said, but before long, the younger gruffs inherent eager attitude breaks the awkwardness.

"So you're a succubus too, eh? No wonder your so lovely," he says, a hand coming up to stroke his chin as he looks over Mina appraisingly. Akah sighs, then growls at the younger gruff angrily, "She's not a succubus, she's just been cursed with their blood." He steps away from the wall and walks around the sofa to stand before Mina. "We agreed to assist you because one of our ladies has placed her trust in you," he says. "Whatever burden you carry due to the evils of others does not change that fact. We stand with you now as we have since you approached us in the grotto."

Mistellah watches the scene unfold with an amused grin. "What a lovely scene," she says sweetly, the sound of which bringing Jerr's immediate and rapt attention flying back to her. "I'd be happy to discuss anything about your miraculous and enjoyable condition any time you want," she continues, her words an obvious counter to Akah's insults, "but the sooner you find the key, the better. For all of us."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Indeed, there will be time after this task for my personal issues. Madame if I may have my blades I will go find your key. I hope I'm able to return with it, or simply return at all would be acceptable." Mina gives a half hearted chuckle.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Of course, dear," Mistellah says, before patting Cherry on the head. "Give Mina her pretties back." The corrupted springs to her feet happily, grabbing the blades leaning against Mistellah's chair and almost tripping over her own feet in her eagerness to return them to Mina. Rising from the chair herself, the demoness takes the opportunity to stretch and reveal herself more, much to Jerr's pleasure. The demonic hound also rises, coming to stand at Mistellah's side, it's imposing figure and menacing growl quickly stopping a hand that had begun to reach forward from the young gruff, though the demoness pays noi mind to either. "Karv," she says to the demonic guard, "Our guests will be leaving shortly, and I know you are eager to see them gone. Show them to the front door."

The dark skinned, armed Karv looks at Mina and the gruffs before turning and walking out of the room, heading in the opposite direction from the door they had entered the house from. Before the group can follow though, Mistellah speaks again. "You will, of course, need to find the building the key resides in. If you wish, I can send Cherry with you so you won't have to stumble around in enemy territory looking for it. She knows her way to your destination, but having her along will not be without it's own risks. Our enemies will know her as my minion, and as you may have seen, she is uncomfortable in battle. She has other uses, though, if you do not mind using them." The last is said slyly, and Mina can easily deduce the lascivious meaning behind Mistellah's words.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Hrmm...well I'm certain they would attack us regardless and neither of us knows a bit about the city." Mina suddenly gets a disgusted look on her face, "I've already spent two days straight wandering around this city completely lost. There's no way in hell I'm doing it again." She nods to Mistellah, "We'll take Cherry as a guide. Don't worry we'll look after her. With her this should only take a few hours, without her and with my sense of direction?......weeks. As for her other talents I think I'll stay focused on the task at hand, Jerr's response is -Woo.- and Akah would say -Hmph.-" Mina gives a sarcastic smirk to her two companions. "Unless she has something unexpected hiding behind that giant smile."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Cherry look up at Mistellah with sad eyes, but the succubus merely smiles down at the corrupted woman and gently pushes her towards Mina. "Take them to see daddy's office, Cherry," the demoness coos sweetly, "then hurry back. I'll be waiting for you."

"Oh yes, mistress!" Cherry says, her mood improving after hearing Mistellah's words. "Come on, Mina, I'll show you where daddy works!" The corrupted woman hurriedly runs through the hall after the armed demon Karv, bouncing up and down on her heels as the demon slowly opens the front door of the mansion. As soon as the door opens and the light from outside shines in, Cherry runs out, happily yelling about her mission for her mistress.

Mistellah smiles, walking calmly with Mina as they exit the mansion. "She really is so very cute. Please take good care of her." The succubus and the demon stop at the door. "You'll be heading north from here," Mistellah calls, "and when the air starts smelling stale, your almost there."

After exiting the mansion, Mina and the gruffs stand in a rather luxuriant front yard, with a long cobbled walkway, heading towards a large wrought iron gate. While normally the yard would be impeccably trimmed and maintained by servants, the grass is now growing tall on the sides of the path, and the bushes near the fence look wild and untamed. Beyond the fence, Mina can see a wide road leading back in the directions towards the main street of the city. In between the many buildings that line the road are many alleyways, much like the ones Mina had come through on her way to Mistellah's mansion. Mina stands waiting at the gate, seeming very anxious to get moving.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina took a deep breath, "Well at least I can get back to something I'm better at, lead the way Cherry but go slowly. If we rush we may stumble into an ambush with little or no warning. Jerr, Akah, you're the rear guard. And Jerr if you say what I think you are going to I -will- give Akah permission to hurt you." She raised an eyebrow at the young gruff as she finished putting her weapons back on.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

With a playful smirk and a giggle, Cherry hurries through the gate and into the street, though she waits patiently for the others to catch up to her before running off again. She follows the road to the left from Mistellah's mansion, and Mina immediately realizes they are heading north-north east. The road slowly slopes up as they move, but not so much to be tiring.

Akah silently nods at Mina's order, seemingly happy to be away from the demoness. Jerr, on the other hand, raises a finger with a delighted smile before Mina shuts down his upcoming quip. "Err, right," he says, taking a quick glance at the older gruff before falling in to step with them.

As they follow the road, Mina and her companions occasionally catch a glimpse of demons watching them from the shadows of buildings, but since nothing attacks, they can only assume the watchers are allied with Mistellah. Numerous large buildings line the road, looking almost as opulent as the mansion the succubus had claimed. All of the buildings appear to have had their doors and windows broken, and every so often, a trail of blood leads in from the door.

As they walk, Akah closes the distance between himself and Mina. Leaning in, he says, "If we head back to the grotto, I'm sure we can convince more of my kind to come with us and deal with that demoness. If she knows anything useful, we can make her speak. She told us nothing back in the house and offered us nothing in return for retrieving that key. We... you... owe her nothing."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina rubbed her face as they walked, "No Akah, people like that do not take risks unless they can handle it. If we go back to camp they'll definitly harm Cherry and then when we return to Mistellah -something- happen. If there is one thing I have learned in my travels is You. Do. Not. Piss. Off. Ancient. Spellcasters. The last time -I- got truely enraged I massacred an inn full of thugs. I trust her but at the same time I'd rather risk the worst being her dragging me into her bed rather than her wanting to scour me from the face of the earth. One of those you can walk away from. "Rats I got tricked into sleeping with a demoness." is better than "Oh dear gods that magically enhanced 30 foot hell hound Mistellah is mounted on is going to leave me as a scorch mark on the cobblestone along with the squad of gruffs behind me." If I tried to strong arm or muscle or outnumber my way through every problem I'd be dead.....I don't know how many times! And even if we survived then we'd get to crawl back to camp and say, "Sorry we pissed off this super powerful succubus who's going to tear through your unguarded flank in about.....3 seconds." If she ends up betraying us we can all deal with her together later after the MASSIVE VORTEX OF EVIL CONNETED TO THE WORLD OF HELL IS SEALED! But by all means let's focus 100% of our efforts on a minor -possible- antagonist completely unrelated to it at this point and when we're victorious just in time to watch the world explode we can just go. "Oops." Mina turned on her heel and stormed off behind Cherry obviously starting to get angry with Akah's sudden fixation that they Fey's entire war effort should be deployed against Mistellah and forgetting about the dark portal spewing out dozens of Mistellahs and god knows what a day.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 43/47, P = 40, EP = 51

Having been redressed earlier by the mercenary, Akah is much less surprised by Mina's reaction to his suggestions this time. He allows her to finish her rant, but as she walks away he adds, "Our duty as fey is to stop the spread of demons into our world, not safeguard a simple human 'town'." He spits out the word town with more than a hint of disgust. "And I highly doubt the fey lady who entrusted you with her symbol meant for you to fight off the demon invasion single handedly." The older gruff allows Mina to get some distance between them, but follows dutifully, searching for threats from behind.

Jerr, on the other hand, rushes to keep up with Mina, an abashed look on his face as he tries to calm her down. "Hey, don't get so angry, the old guy just really doesn't like demons," he says, walking beside the mercenary. "I mean, can you blame him? Look what they did to her." The younger gruff waves a hand to Cherry.

The corrupted woman, busy humming and skipping down the blood strewn street, doesn't seem to be bothered or have even heard Mina and Akah's disagreement. Instead she seems more preoccupied with timing her footfalls to land in the middle of the stones that make up the cobblestone road, avoiding the cracks and spaces between them. When she suddenly happens upon a change in the road's appearance, she stops, looking a bit confused, before turning back to smile at Mina and shrug her shoulders. Cherry stands still, looking back and forth along the road, as well as the road intersecting it, a finger brought to her lip.

Perception: Success

Mina recognizes the new road intersecting the one they were traveling on as the large main street that runs east and west through town. They appear to be farther east of the area they had originally met Cherry. To the north, the smaller road continues, but it begins to twist out of sight not far from the main street, and the buildings that line it appear much less opulent than the ones in the area around Mistellah's mansion. More pressing, however, is the sudden appearance of several figures from one of the many alleys that open onto the main street from the west.

A pair of armored figures wielding vicious looking weapons emerge from the alleyway, followed closely by a group of stalkers. Finally, a grotesque black hairless spider about the size of a horse crawls out, following behind the group obediently. Before Mina can react, one of the knights turns and spots her group, yelling at the others and breaking into a run while brandishing his large sword.

(Six enemies in total, about 40 feet away)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina sighs, "I know I just....I just like to give people what I wasn't. Look at me, I'm the daughter of poor artisans who killed her fiance after he poisoned her with demonic blood. There isn't anyone who would even bother associating with me for any reason outside of my body if I wasn't the Red Asp.... I'm either a tainted woman or a skilled mercenary to people. There have been several times holy men and women have attempted to strike me down simply because of what is in my blood now. I know it's foolish and dangerous but I want to think that there's something different about Mistellah. I know Cherry looks odd but I don't think they've affected her mind any, theres something about Mistellah that makes a pure soul like her happy, that gives me hope." Mina smiles watching Cherry hop along the cobblestone before looking down a moment and wiping away some tears. "My apologies."

She looks around as Cherry puts a finger to her lips. "Hmm?" She glared as she spotted the demons and grit her teeth. "Jerr, Akah follow close behind and take down any injured after I attack, Cherry stay here and warn us if anything comes from behind." Mina ran forward a few feet before drawing her swords and piroetting in the air. She unleashed a scream of fury as she swung both swords through the air as she landed, a wave of energy flying down the cobblestones towards the crowd. If she was lucky the entire group would be devastated, at the very least they'd all end up badly injured and she and the gruffs could mop them up quickly.

(Run forward until the whole group is 20 feet away then a 10 energy 20 foot spirit blast cone)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 43/47, P = 40, EP = 41/51
With a roar, the demonic knight who had spotted the group charges forward, two of the stalkers trying their best to keep pace. The other knight, however, stares at Mina and the gruffs, unmoving but radiating tremendous power. Before the three charging demons can reach her group, though, Mina unleashes a torrent of spiritual power at them

Damage: 3 + 6 = 9 * 10 = 90 damage. 3 demons killed.

The huge blast of energy travels down the street toward the demons, the cobblestones of the road cracking and shifting in place underneath it. Unprepared for the attack, the charging demons meet it headlong, their bodies convulsing before disintegrating as the wave of power washes over them. Loud clangs of metal sound as the demonic knight's armor crashes to the ground, smoking but devoid of the remnants of it's owner's flesh.

Jerr, having been following closely behind Mina, watches the unfolding scene wide eyed, his weapon hand nearly going slack as he marveled at the human's power. Akah, however, had seen spirit user's before, and is unphased, yelling out his own battlecry towards the remaining enemies.

Rearing up on it's hind legs, the giant spider releases a chittering screech in return and advances. Rather than charge headlong like the others though, the massive arachnid attaches itself to the many grooves in the wall to it's side, climbing halfway up while also moving forward. The final stalker, visibly thinner now that Mina is close enough to see it better, is visibly shaken by the sudden destruction of the others in it's group, but still utters the words to a spell in it's demonic language.

Casting: Failure

Unfortunately for the demonic mage, however, his state of shock prevents him from fully harnessing the powers he had worked to master. A few bursts of light erupt between his clawed hands, but nothing further comes from his attempt.

(Knight and stalker are 25 feet away, spider is 10 feet away, and 10 feet off the ground [melee attacks can reach it, but at a penalty])
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(Hmm 10 feet away and 10 feet up, so 10 feet diagonally)

Quickly shifting her gaze to the wall Mina pointed down the street, "Kill that caster first. The knight can only attack one target at a time. I'll try and take care of that spider..." A red aura glowed around Mina as she lifted off the ground and went straight for the spider. "A good idea, too bad the asp can strike it's target no matter where it is!" She flew straight at the spider both blades forward intending to simply ram into it and skewer the monster.

(use 2 energy to activate flight and fly 10 feet to fight the spider on it's level)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(Flight costs 3+X to activate, so it will cost 5 energy)

Mina's Status: HP = 35/47, P = 40, EP = 36/51; Paralyzed
Although he is helmeted, the demon knight gives the stalker an obviously disgusted look before barking a command in the demonic tongue. The stalker flinches, then nods and responds, seemingly not sure whether to be more scared of Mina or the knight. After giving the demon a hard stare, the knight rushes off, much faster than his more reckless comrade, but rather than heading straight for the group, he moves off to the side, apparently hoping the box the trio in between himself, the mage, and the spider on the building.

None of the demons seem particularly surprised when Mina takes to the air, rushing for the spider, especially after seeing her earlier display. The spider does flatten itself against the wall, though, preparing to defend itself. At the same time, Akah shoves Jerr, while yelling, "You heard her, kill the mage!" The older gruff then turns to the demon knight that has stopped just a few feet away and grimly adds, "I'll keep this one busy... as long as I can."

To-hit (Knight vs Akah): 17 + 67 = 84 vs 37. Hit
Damage: 2 + 35 = 37 - 4 = 33
To-hit (Mina vs Spider): 6 + 47 = 53 vs 37. Hit.
Damage: 6 + 12 = 18
To-hit (Mina vs Spider): 12 + 45 = 57 vs 37. Hit.
Damage: 1 + 10 = 11
To-Hit (Akah vs Knight): 8 + 42 = 50 vs 77. Miss
To-hit (Spider vs Mina): 19 + 20 = 39 vs 35. Hit:
Body vs Mind Check: 19 + 30 = 49 vs 16 + 16 = 32. Fail
Damage: 2 + 8 = 10 - 7 = 3. Armor takes 10/2 = 5 Durability Damage. 20/25
Casting: Success
Damage: 2 + 2 + 8 = 12. Jerr takes 8, Mina takes 5.

Mina flies rapidly towards the spider, her blades held out straight as she taunts it. Her blades sink deep into the creatures carapace, causing it to cry out in a high pitched scream, though it still has enough fight left in it to lunge forward and sink it's fangs into the mercenary's arm. The bite isn't very deep, only causing a small wound to the battle-hardened warrior, though a bit of cloth does tear off. Unfortunately for Mina, a bite isn't the only trick the demonic creature has for her, as she can feel a thick, hot liquid begin pumping into her veins. As it spreads throughout her body, Mina can feel each of her limbs seizing up, moments before her body goes limp and she falls to the ground, unable to move.

The older gruff slowly approaches the demon knight, which raises it's weapon as if preparing for an overhead swing. Akah quickly positions his mace to absorb the blow, but the motion is only a feint, and the supernaturally fast knight quickly spins around and slashes it's sword across the gruff's stomach. Akah stumbles, clutching his gut while swinging his mace, but the knight is much too fast for the injured fey to connect with. Jerr, oblivious, speeds towards the mage, which begins chanting the words to a new spell. This time, the demonic mage decided to cast an easier spell, sending out a blast of light so bright and hot that it sears Jerr and Mina, though the pain is negligible. Behind her Mina hears a cry of fear and is just able to angle her eyes enough to see Cherry drop to her knees, seemingly panic stricken, though not in any immediate danger.

(Mina is paralyzed, and can't take an action unless she makes a Body check first. The flight spell is still active [unless you want to cancel it] but she can't maintain flight while under the venom's effects. Jerr will reach the stalker mage next turn)
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

(keep flight active for now)

Mina grinned as her blades went into the spider wincing as it bit her. "D-Damnit...." She fell to the ground holding herself as the burning sensation stole the movement from her. The feeling bought back old painful memories of being in a similar position, doubled up on the floor in agony. Even now she could hear that laugh, that cocky heartless laugh.... She grimaced as the light burned her, but after that memory she was determined that this would end the same way, she was going to get back to her feet and disembowl the spider..... "Cherry if things....go badly flee back to.....Mistellah" Mina pushes herself to her hands and knees stiff and jerking. The second she had full control of her body she was going to launch herself at the spider again and hope to finish it off.