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ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Karen panics, and lets the bullets fly in a wide arc, spraying lead all over the room, hoping to hit at least one wolf if not more. "Spawns of Lucifer, stay back!" She cries as she continues firing.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Scrambling to her feet and coughing badly, Sen starts checking around while looking for the remains of her coat. As long as the tentacles didn't intentionally start tearing it up after removing it from her, there should be at least a couple of fairly large pieces left.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sandy growled feraly as she continued to rip at the various tendrils, driving the beasts away or at least impeding them going after her. The scientist... why the hell would she care about her?


"Shit shit shit..." Sarah whimpered, scrabbling at the polished floor as a large twang of pleasure hit her as she was dragged by the beast. Fearfully she looked for anything nearby that could help disloge her from the monster...
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

As Sam grabs hold of Suzy's arm, and Suzy offering her the gun to finish off the Licker as well as grabbing hold of a piece of loose tiling the Licker continues to try and pull her back, its four feet gripping firmly onto the edge of the elevator doorway.


As the remainder of the wolves near Karen her uncontrolled spray of fire did manage to hit them all, killing most of them and critically wounding the rest. She'd now see the Alpha Wolf draggin Sarah away from all the action.

As the Wolf drags Sarah off she'd see a slightly open door, and while she'd need to stretch and time it right she may just be able to grab hold of the door frame.


Sen would find that her lab coat wasn't completely torn to shreds, though she'd not be able to wear it effectively as the arms had torn off the seams as well as there being a tear down the left side where the tentacles had ripped it off her.

All the tentacles had drawn their attention to Sandy, who was quickly making mince meat out of them in their subdued state. However if the girls were listening hard enough they'd hear a low growling sound coming steadily closer to them.
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Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Now that I've taken care of all those other monsters I need to try to help the poor women it's dragging off, she thought as she aimed her weapon, hoping it would still have at least enough ammunition in it to at least seriously injure the beast; of course though she has no experience with weapons she did do her best to aim at the wolf and not to hurt it's unfortunate victim.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Digging her fingers around the loose tile, Suzy pulled herself back from the Licker, groaning as she felt her body stretching, the Licker likely going to pull her free any moment now, unless Sam could hit it. In the meantime, she beat on the appendage with her free foot, hoping the tile won't come loose completely...
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sam shakily reaches for the gun with her other hand, yelling at Lila, "What are you doing? Stop running away!" A combination of wanting to live and adrenaline caused Sam to have a slightly shakily aim, as she squeezes off a few shots, "Do something useful you coward! Like hold onto me so I don't fall!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila squeaks as she looks to Sam.

"Attention.wav. But what can I do? I am just as vulnerable. I need some form of self defense, info.wav. Or else I am a goner, danger.wav!"

Lila looks around frantically for any means to save herself, then the others. She knows not to leave anyone behind, but her small size would be crushed easily.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Timing herself, she waited till she was near the door edge, then made a grab for it, trying to ignore the odd pleasure of being dragged off by a large object jammed inside her...


Looking between the thing coming closer and the scientist, Sandy seemed torn for a desicion. There was the fact that it was one of her tormentors, but she couldn't just LEAVE her there...
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Gathering up her coat, Sen slides it on, buttoning a few buttons for once so she can use the fragments of the left side of the coat to turn it into a pseudo vest. As she does this, she notes the low growling coming closer to herself and the other woman before speaking Lovely, somethings between us and my lab. I don't suppose you'd want to help me get by it? I have some useful chems in my lab that were originally designed for military use. Mostly to either give a boost to how fast you think or slow down how fast the victim thinks. It's not much, but a temporary boost to your reaction speed or a hit to a test subjects reaction speed would probably help us against things like whatever's coming towards us.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

As Lila hesitates to help her 'friends' Sam fires a few rounds off at the Licker, two of the shots miss completely though the last two hit it, one in its leg and the other straight through its head. This time it really does die, and as it falls back into the shaft the tongue slightly loosens up on Suzy, though a moment later it tightens back up again around her leg as the beast continues its descent into the darkness below, threatening to pull Suzy down with it.


As Sarah grabs hold of the door frame she'd feel a sudden tugging between her legs as the Alpha Wolf made to pull her off the frame, using only a small portion of strength so that it didn't hurt itself or her in the process. Sarah would however feel wave after wave of pleasure rush over her as the Wolf continued to try and pull her free, the pleasure getting increasingly more powerful with each tug.

As Karen aims at the Alpha Wolf and pulls the trigger she'd hear a dull clicking noise, signalling that the gun was now out of ammunition.


As Sen redresses and the mutilated tentacles back off from the girls the two of them would see a shadowed silhouette slowly getting closer, the figure appears to walk on four legs and as it got closer to them its growling would get louder as well.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sam drops the gun to wrap her arms around Suzy's torso, or try to, straining to try to anchor herself and become dead weight as she looks around for something to grab onto, and of course, prepare to shift her body to block herself from falling down the shaft in a worst case scenario, "Hurry up and unwrap that thing from your leg!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila sees this as an open moment and bravely runs in the help pull the tongue.

"I can be of assistance safely now, hypothesis.wav. I hope you understand my adversity to danger. Fear is a new process for me."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Suzy breathes a sigh of relief, seeing the thing finally fall, though apparently short-lived as the tugging of her leg is renewed. "Oh bugger." She mutters, tightening her grip on the tile, and pulling her trapped leg up, lifting the foot up, and trying to twist off the tongue with her other foot. "Yeah, I'm trying, but its a bit hard without hands or sharp things!" she cries out to Sam, looking bemusedly at Lila for a second, before shaking her head, "You can explain what that means later, just please get it off!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"A-aaah...." Sarah whimpers, the pull from the dog-monster's tugging having a profound effect on her, even so, she clutched the doorframe in a deathgrip, trying not to give in...


Sandy rounded on the doctor slightly. "WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I HELP YOU!?! YOU'RE THE IDIOTS THAT CAUSED THIS!"

Before she could really rip into her verbaly, the doctor took second fiddle once again, as she turned to face the aproaching figure..."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

First of all, most of my work was for making weaponized serums, so I didn't do this. Second, some of my serums could greatly improve our chances of getting out of here. You wouldn't believe the difference a simple change in reaction speed can make. Sen responds as she moves to keep Sandy between her and the figure. If she could just get the woman to help her to her lab, she'd be able to get out of here quickly before the really bad stuff got loose.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Kare desperate to help the poor woman being dragged off by the wolf decides to make one last and possibly futile and foolish attack on the wolf and charged at it attempting crack its skull open with the butt of the weapon.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

With some struggling, and almost failing, the group manages to free Suzy from the dead Licker and helps her back up onto her feet.

The group would also notice that the area had grown relatively quiet, however the floor was littered with bodies, both human and monster. The only sounds they could hear from where they were standing would be the noises travelling down the elevator shaft from above.


As Sarah holds on for dear life Karen runs up at the Alpha Wolf and smacks the butt of the rifle against its head, with perhaps a little more force than she intended on using as the gun butt shatters where it stuck the canine. The Wolf staggers for a moment, dazed by the attack its knot reduces in size, giving Sarah the opportunity to free herself if she so chose to do so.


As the two girls continued to argue the figure got closer and closer until they could make it out. A hulking brown-hued beast standing on four legs with four sharp claws on each stood in front of them, its brain seemingly fused to its head as well as being in plain view. The Licker stood at about ten foot tall, quite a bit larger than usual, it's twenty foot-long prehensile tongue lashes at them menacingly as it lets out a low roar. There is still quite a bit of mist hanging in the air at the moment, even if the creatures that had created seem to have disappeared now.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Panting slightly as she rises, Suzy takes her time looking around. "Damn. It's never good news when it goes all quiet after this. Ah well. Thanks for that you guys. You may as well keep that..." she says, indicating the discarded handgun "I don't think I know your name yet, we got interrupted?" She finishes, turning to Sam for the final part.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila herself looks toward Sam. Blushing n slight shame as she didn't help at first. She then keeps quiet for a while. She slowly looks up.


Her eyes focus upward toward the faint sounds she hears.