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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 36/51, P = 38, EP = 43, Stunned
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 30/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit, Extreme Cold

Mind Check: Enemy wins. Elea takes 5 damage and is stunned for one round.
(Bad luck for you.)
Damage: 4 + 12 - 5 = 11 damage.
To-hit: 1 + 26 + 3 = 30 vs 42 == Miss.

Despite her resistance, the spell still holds Elea its painful grip. The field of cold around Sable, meanwhile, finishes off the injured demon, the creature passing out as the extreme cold freezes it. The uninjured one doesn't seem badly injured by her spell, however, and it dodges her lunge with ease.

To-hit: 7 + 34 = 41 vs 41 == Hit.
Damage: 5 + 10 = 15 damage.

The stalker claws against her back as she rushes past, causing Sable to emit a scream of pain. Her static gives the demon a little zap, but the blood welling up from the cuts on her back is much more severe than the damage such a minor shock would cause. The other demon wizard, meanwhile, moves closer to Elea, content that his ally had her well in hand with his spell. He still doesn't quite reach her, but she knows, through the haze of pain, that he will very shortly.

(Short post. Sorries.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"AAIHN.." Sable yelped out from the deep clawmarks in her back. It wasn't a horrible injury, but she realized she couldn't help her friend if she was stuck dealing with this stalker, and while one or two scratches like this wasn't that bad, any more would start to prove dangerous to her health.

The little beast was faster than she gave it credit for, and it's claws were, indeed, vicious.

Sable froze for an instant as she realized that her dive had sent her past the beast, and with it behind her, she had a straight shot at rescuing Elea, but more than that...

"Mmmh, nice strike, but you missed my tail. Offer still stands, grab my tail, and my ass, is yours." Sable taunted the beast, flicking her tail about at it a few times before she took off at a run... She knew exactly where her mines were, only two of them had gone off, and she could sense exactly where and how every other one was placed. Rather than fighting these demons so foolishly, Sable took a hard side to side run and dodge approach, refocusing her efforts into not being struck as she attempted to lure the remaining demon straight into her scorching mines that the group had moved past to reach her.

Every step back from the stalker and through the mines, acting as both another chance to detonate one of her traps on her remaining foe, and as one step closer to helping her elven friend.

(Actions: Use knowledge of mines to lure remaining stalker back through them without getting hit by their explosions. -5 to hit, +10 dodge. Taunting stalker to follow. Moving towards Elea (unless I'm off on our positions).)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea's body visibly falls as the continuing pain saps her strength, her arms and legs giving out and driving her further into a quivering ball of agony. Unable to focus her mind anymore, the ranger nearly forgets about the demon before her, and her friend, still fighting so far away. Instead, her mind locks on the last thing she clearly thought about: get up.

Somehow, Elea knows that moving will end her torment. Right now, nothing else matters but stopping the pain. Her arms tense as all her remaining strength moves into them, desperate just to push her head off the ground.

(stunned #3: return of the stun)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 43, Stunned
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 29/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit, Extreme Cold


Damage: 2 + 4 + 5 - 5 = 6 damage.
Damage: 2 + 12 = 14 damage.

Sable manages to lead the demon onto one of her mines, but it doesn't seem overly bothered by the explosion. Her cold spell is much more effective, however, and the creature drops to its knees shortly after stepping on the mine. She gets within fifty feet of Elea as she rushes toward her allies aid, and sees the injured demon wizard standing over her.

Mind Check: Enemy wins. Elea takes 5 damage and is stunned for one round.

Elea is still unable to even resist the pain, and despite her litany she fails to even rise an inch. She does manage to look up to see the injured demon standing over her, though she is unable to tell what exactly he is going to do to her.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Grinning as the final one of the lesser beasts went down, Sable ran forward on all fours, rushing to aid her ally as she chanted another spell under her breath, approaching until she was just barely within range before she rose to her feet.

"You may want to think twice about whatever you're planning, Demon." Sable declared in a powerful voice once more as she raised a hand towards the beast casting the curse on her ally, "And you. That's enough of that, I think... Die." she spoke at the beast in a passive voice while feeling the surge of her magic spell burst through her hand, charged across the gauntlet and flinging jolts of lightning towards the casting demon. (Lightning, level 4 lightning magic. At the demon casting to stun Elea.)

Sable's continued approach keeping herself guarded, just in case the demon tried something on her, but attempting to move so he would be in range of her extreme cold spell, protecting Elea against the chilling effects, while letting the demon suffer it full force, as she uttered out softly, "Unless you think you've got the power to try on me what you were about to try on her... Demon..."

(+10 dodge, -5 to hit. Attempting to move in range of the demon on Elea while protecting her from Extreme Cold. Lightning the one casting on her.)

(p.s. have you considered adding a "resist" successive failure bonus? It seems unfair for anyone, PC, NPC, monster, etc. To be able to be stunned for many consecutive rounds with no hope of breaking free due to low stats in one category.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Still unable to move, Elea stares at the demon above her. While her body had been shaking from the pain earlier, she now begins to shake in fear, understanding the horrible position she finds herself in. As yet another wave of pain assaults her nerves, Elea's eyes shut instinctively. With the demon removed from her sight, the elf is unsure whether she is happy to no longer be staring at her imminent attacker, or more fearful of what he may do to her. Refusing to give in, however, she continues to attempt to force herself, if not to her feet, then at least off the floor.

(stun #4)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 22/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit, Extreme Cold

(That's looking like a wonderful idea, actually. Something to think about for the next version, at the very least.)

Casting: 9 + 24 + 12 + 3 = 48 vs 30 == Success.
Damage: 10 + 2 + 24 + 2 = 38 x 3 = 108 - 5 = 103 damage.

Sables lightning bolt lances out at the demon who was continuing to chant his spell, concentrating only on keeping Elea captive. As such, he is caught completely unaware when her lightning bolt crashes directly into his chest, catching him completely off guard and sending him flying away with a massive hole in his chest. As such, Elea is now released from the torture spell holding her, and is finally able to regain her feet and re-enter the fight, though it is now mostly over.

The demon, seeing the lightning bolt utterly destroy his more powerful comrade, drops to his knees and holds up his hands, as clear a sign of surrender as any they'd ever seen from a demon. He was likely too injured to attempt to flee, having seen the two women in action enough to know that any attempt at getting away would have likely spelled his doom.

(Fight's over.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable laughed softly as she walked up to the creature, pressing a single gloved hand down upon his head, not in an aggressive way, she simply held it there.

"Filthy thing." she muttered, "I warned you and your little... companions... what would happen if you faced me."

She let her extreme cold spell drop, not wanting to kill the severely injured thing, at least not yet, as she began thinking through the mental link, if it was still active.

"Elea... are you okay?... I got here as fast as I could... I didn't think they'd catch you like that...."

Sable hesitated for a moment, looking certain and confident, but Elea could feel her indecision through the link, "There's going to be more of them, I'm pretty sure. And this guy seems to be impressed enough that he'll obey me... it's up to you if you would rather slay him, or if we should keep him around... He seems to have some magic about him, like that other one. At very least, he could prove useful." she thought quickly through the link. "Just in cast Matthias takes too long to return, one more ally is better than one more dead demon... or hell, even after Matthias gets back, I wouldn't mind getting them to fight their own kind. If more of them did that, we wouldn't have nearly so much trouble on our hands..."

She slid her hand away and walked past the demon, her tail curled up and tracing over his face playfully, trying to keep up her dominant outward look, "Mmmh. So you surrender... ... Tell me your name." she ordered him, stalling for time as she hoped for Elea to recover, briskly moving past the beast and reaching down to offer her friend a hand getting up, and a warm body to hold if she needed it.

"And tell me one good reason why I shouldn't do to you what I did to your fellows for your defiance." Sable added with a vicious bite to her words, "Prove to me you're worthy of not being slain on the spot."

It was still just a distraction... She knew Elea would need a moment to recover, and Matthias was nowhere to be found still. Things could've gone very bad, very fast, and she wanted as many allies, ready to fight, as she could. Even if one of them was a terrified demon that was only fighting for fear of what she'd do to him.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea collapses to the ground as the wave of pain finally dissipates, exhausted after attempting to fight off the magically induced torture for so long. She lays still, panting for breath for a moment, completely oblivious to the state of the demons that had been troubling her. When Sable's voice rings through her mind, however, she swiftly brings herself back to the moment.

"I-I'm fine," she thinks, though a mixture of anger, fear, humiliation, and relief wash over the link as well. "I can't believe I let them do that to me," she continues, angry at herself for falling so easily and requiring rescue, even when Sable was surrounded. Still, she is thankful to have had the help, and gladly takes the offered hand, nodding as she brings herself back to her feet.

Looking around, Elea can't help but feel impressed by Sable's ability, even more so than when the catwoman had destroyed the knights earlier. The demon cowering before them, however, draws her attention quickly. Despite the knowledge of what the demon would have done to her hand Sable not reached her so quickly, or perhaps because of it, Elea's anger is stilled as she stares at it. "It would be a shame for all your hard work to be ruined," she thinks, not wanting to speak out loud and impinge on Sable's act. "If this thing can overcome it's nature long enough to lend us a hand, I think we will need it."

Elea brightens however, as she sees the catwoman teasing the demon with her tail in its face. "If you're going to flaunt it that easily," she thinks with a sly look at Sable, "maybe I should just grab your tail myself so I know none of them can get to it." She winks mischievously as she thinks back to Sable's earlier offer to the demons.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 22/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

The demon, oblivious to their mental communication, says, in a low husky voice; "I am called D'von, master. Please, do not slay me! I would have surrendered to you, but my superior would have killed me had I made any attempt! I did neither you nor your slave any harm! Please, spare my life, and I will serve you however I can!" Its voice is of an odd tone, but the way it quakes in fear seems to imply that it is honestly afraid of Sable. Neither woman can be sure that it would be a good idea to honestly trust the cowardly demon mage, despite his apparent fear.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(Long post is Long.)

Sable forced a tender chuckle aloud, followed by a low purring, as if reviewing the beast...

"Oh my! Well, then, I guess if you want to make this demon right by being my own personal slave... I technically hold enough rank that I would be allowed one." she teased Elea through the link, her tail slipping away from the beast's face to slide over and caress Elea's throat softly, caressing her in a gentle, almost loving way, "By all means... please grab my tail and surrender to me... I'll make you the happiest slave I can." she encouraged, genuinely wanting Elea to be hers, "...and I promise I would make the night of passion owed you, a worthy exchange for becoming mine."

Though it was difficult to understand for someone who frowned upon slavery, somehow, through the link, Elea would feel how happy Sable felt as a slave, the catgirl's mind roaming back to several days where she'd actually run away once...

...the cold... not physically, she had a fire...
...the hunger... fresh, tasty meals laying there, better than she'd eaten in a while, almost a celebratory meal for her freedom...
... the loneliness... she spoke with friends, lovers, and even stayed with the human who convinced her to 'give freedom a try'...

... the confusion...
He convinced her to stay away from her master. She actually asked her master if she could have this elusive thing called freedom. Somehow he knew all along, well before she did. He kissed her cheek and told her that it wasn't allowed... but that she could run away, if she found true love, if she found something worth leaving him for.

... the emptiness...
It was a week after she'd left her master, laying in a fanciful inn room, her human 'rescuer' having just came inside her again. It was so foreign, so strange. She'd been used by others, humans too. This shouldn't have been like it was. She felt numb inside, having had no pleasure from the experience.

She returned to her master that very night, washing herself clean and showing up at his door, looking miserable, like a wet cat begging to come in from the rain.

"Are you sure you want to come back? ... You don't need to... you don't owe me anything... ... ... If. If you return, I will need to punish you. I can't change that. Too many people saw you running around like that. As much as I give you, you went too far... please be sure. If you want to go, you should. It's for the best to run clean away..."

"m..master... I'm so sorry... I was confused... this..freedom... concept... that human kept going on about... it... it was so..." she couldn't even put it into words, her detest of the idea so strong. Her master nodded, and hugged her, a tearful reunion between two that loved one another, and no other words needed to be said that night.

Sable was punished horribly for 'trying' to escape. Several of her punishments very public, others, slightly more private, but always with onlookers. Whenever it was just her and her master, they understood, and things were as they were before. After several long months, Sable eventually began to reclaim her rank, and with her master's help, the entire incident was downplayed, and soon, as if it never happened.

The human returned several times, beseeching her to leave again, begging her, whispering the sweet sins of freedom.

Of all the punishments she'd endured after her little run with freedom, none were so strong as the loss of her master, and even when left bloodied from her first public beating, laying physically broken before the town, she smiled, knowing the pain was nothing compared to the joy of having her master back once more.

"I've thought long and hard about my position as a slave, sweet Elea... and I assure you, my life is unhindered by it. I go where I want, I enjoy what I want, and with only a few exceptions, I am ... in every way, just as good, if not better, than your sinful 'freedom'... and... if you don't like being mine, I can always release you." Sable thought softly through the link, that mischievous tease by the elf drawing her to lean forward and lick the girl's cheek tenderly with her rough tongue, "Just consider it." she whispered aloud for only the elf to hear.

Her attention quickly snapped back to the demon, shaking her head to clear her mind from the memories. "D'von... Very well. Look around." she called out, waving her hand across the mists once more, throwing them aside with her energies. "Stay silent... just look around... You see the corpses of those black armored weaklings, yes? ... I destroyed them all with but a single spell. ... Oh yes. Question it. Consider it. Ponder how strong those creatures are. Then come to terms with it. They were, to my magic, utterly helpless."

She moved behind the creature, throwing her arms about it in a playful manner, rubbing her bared breasts into it's back as she stroked her cold, black metal gloved hand across it's chest, "Mmmh... I've decided..." she purred in his ear, "You are... an untrained slave to your new goddess, a trial worshiper, let us say... Prove yourself, and obey my will, and I will slowly accept you as a trusted follower, and... perhaps... offer you my body once more. You missed a wonderful opportunity for not surrendering earlier. You would've survived the fight and been given much rank for your faith, and many rewards... yet.. you claim to want to make amends. So I will give you the chance."

She released her grasp upon him and slowly took a more casual stance around him, but not unguarded. "Alright my followers... It is time to plan our next move. First things first... Tell me. Why was this meeting taking place. Tell me everything about it... and tell me why you are invading NOW, of all times." she attempted to make it sound as if she knew the invasion was coming, so she would appear more knowledgeable than she was, while still doing so in a way that she could gather information.

Sable knew that another fight could be just around the corner, without Matthias' return, there was no telling how much longer they would need to hold out. But for now, she wanted information, as she watched carefully for more demons that might be on their way.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(long, but great ;) )

Elea's mischievous expression flashes to anger at the demon's words. "Sla-" she begins angrily, but catches herself, once again consciously trying not to ruin Sable's act. Still, the demon's words cause a flare of emotion to course through the elf's mind, though Sable's communication through the mental link stills it.

Although she had begun the teasing, Elea is still not prepared for how readily the catwoman pounces on her words. The teasing, tickling tail brings a blush to the elf's face as she quickly grasps what Sable is promising her. Even more, the sincerity of her thoughts and the strength of her emotions brings Elea to a state of shock. Frozen, Elea can do nothing but stare into Sable's eyes as the catwoman's feelings and experiences are shared over the link. A soft murmur leaves her lips as the tongue dances over her cheek.

Stunned, Elea is almost oblivious to her surroundings as her companion moves over to and begins to berate the demon. She brings a hand to her face, gently wiping the spot where Sable had kissed her. The ranger, having lived a life of strict duty and constant training, had never experienced anything like what Sable had just shared with her. The catwoman's actions and attitude were simply incomprehensible to the noble and proper elf. Yet none of it was unwelcome.

As Elea mulls over her own thoughts, she blankly looks down to notice her bow laying on the ground. "A ranger never lets her weapon, her life, leave her grasp," she thinks, the phrase that had been repeatedly drilled into her head during her training screaming through her mind now. She slowly bends over to pick the bow up, then looks up just as she grabs it to see Sable's tail swaying in the air behind the demon. For a second, the idea of experiencing the sense of belonging, of acceptance, of... love... almost drives the elf to run over and snatch the offer as she had teased. The word 'followers' however, snaps the elf from her reverie.

Quickly straightening herself, Elea holds the bow to her chest while she breathes deeply to try to calm herself. She stares at the cowering demon, focusing on it, on Sable's plan, on the battles she knew were sure to come soon, and those that had passed. A sudden inspiration comes to the elf as she thinks back to what she had witnessed of the demon lady she had encountered. Boldly stepping forward, Elea places herself so that she towers over the kneeling demon.

Sliding her foot forward, Elea makes sure her armored boot is clearly visible to the demon's down turned eyes. 'Act as she acted' she thinks, a quick moment of doubt passing before she attempts to join the act Sable had started. "Answer our mistress, slave," she commands with an imperious tone to her voice, though her eyes flick to look questioningly at Sable.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 22/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

(Keeping off the channel on the private conversation between your characters, so this is a bit short. Hope you don't mind.)

"Thank you mistress! I will not forget your mercy! I will do all I can to serve you! I swear that you will not regret this!" The demon says, honest terror evident in his voice even through the odd accent he carried. As Sable releases the demon, and begins questioning him, he looks confused for a moment, and replies; "Meeting? Wait, you mean the.... What's the word? Camp, yes. We are to prepare the way for the army. We must hold this town, and clean it of the mortals that lived here, either through corruption, or by claw, spell, and blade. The mortals that came after have only strengthened us with greater numbers and more energy, as have the pathetic Fey that live here. We have captured hundreds of thousands, and they even now increase our numbers. Soon, the full invasion may begin, but only once the Destroyer has been captured. Our Queen has devised a way to capture him, and once he is done, my kin will open the second gate, allowing our god to pass into this world."

"We invade now because the Queen demands it, her words having been passed down from the Great Devourer himself. Our god judged that we had enough strength in numbers and magic now to ensure that this world could not hold against us. Once the Devourer stands with us, we will have no true opposition, and will take this living world as our own, and finally be free of our own dying homeland. The mortals that have sided with us will be given places of honor and power among us, and made as we are, to rule here forever. You will be greatly honored among my people when that time comes, mistress."

Meanwhile, the demon slaves bleeding seems to have stopped, and he ceases to wince whenever he moves his injured arm. It seems that his wounds are healing, though a bit slowly.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"mmmh... how sweet." Sable churred at him, sliding her hands over his body tenderly and giving his cheek a soft lick, her lick getting slightly more devious as she moved in to kiss him softly upon the lips, a purposely shallow kiss, just enough to tease the demon and, she hoped, coax him into wanting more, "It's so nice to have a slave that knows his place. Thank you for your information, it's nice to know why the demons are on the move... mmmh. Perhaps we shall meet your queen in due time, or even see this weapon in use. But for now... I fear we have other objectives. For example... I believe we have met... this... destroyer."

Sable's attention turned to the mental link, "I hope Matthias knows how to deal with whatever weapon this is they have against him, I can only assume that's who they mean as 'the destroyer'... this demon seems to have accepted me as one of their own since I spoke of devouring souls and such... we could use that to our advantage. But. This seems to be a dangerous gambit. He'll obey us for now, but how long will that last if he's faced with the task of fighting his own kind..." She hesitated for a moment, then added, "Speaking of Matthias... Could he still be fighting? Should we go try to help him?"
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea stares down at the demon, stepping back when Sable moves in to continue her act. 'At least I hope it's an act.' Still, the catwoman's flamboyant performance had convinced the demon thoroughly. The elf couldn't help but be impressed.

"From what I've seen of him, if Matthias is not the destroyer, then I pray we never meet who is," she thinks over the link. "These demons seem to only respect power. I think he will obey your orders, at least until he learns you aren't a soul eating goddess." At the idea of searching for Matthias, Elea turns to look down the street, and shakes her head, though she only speaks over the mental connection. "When Matthias left, he said these stalkers were the advance squad. I think leaving this position will leave us far too exposed to defend ourselves." With that, the ranger moves away from the catwoman and the demon, keeping her eyes on the road that led to the square that Matthias had headed for. "Besides, anything Matthias can't handle would be too much for us. It would be best if we follow our plan and wait for him here."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(mostly conversational post with Elea, if allowed.)

Sable seemed to catch a hint of Elea's doubt. "relax hon... I've been trained to keep my word, and made promises like to always do what's best for my master... Lies though..." the catgirl grinned ever so slightly as she found herself softly kissing the demon once more, stroking her hands across his arms, "You're healing nicely. Pity this body cannot heal that swiftly... but I suppose it's a tradeoff for mmh... the pleasures of the flesh." she teased, coaxing the demon's hand to caress her breasts slowly, "No claws now, I don't want to go find another body sooner than I have to." she chided the demon teasingly as she encouraged him to fondle her a bit.

Thinking to Elea again, she continued talking as if nothing was happening, "Think about it. Who's the strongest thing here? Matthias said that he's here to hunt something or another, the leader of this invasion. We only talked briefly, but add it up. What would they call their greatest foe, especially someone as powerful as him, other than 'the destroyer'? ... Normally, I wouldn't be concerned, but... he said he's been in this fight for a long time.. more years than our history can recount or somesuch like that... I just know it's a long time. So what if in all that time, they DID find something that could hurt him?"

Her attention diverted back to what Elea said about staying there, and this only being the first line of defense and she gave a slow nod, "You may be right... If we leave here, we may find ourselves overwhelmed... but I don't know what else to do... defend here stupidly until the next assault, hoping Matthias is okay and comes eventually, or try to push forward. We can still use this as our fallback point as long as we don't advance TOO far."

Her ears flattened back as she put her attention on the demon once more, "Mmh. So what spells can you cast, my follower? It'd be nice to have an accurate judge of your power instead of guessing around... I'd hate to send you into an impossible situation for you and need to go rescue you. It'd make having you as a follower useless, now wouldn't it?"

(Sable's trying to get passive information from the demon while teasing him and speaking with Elea. I assume either another attack will show up, or Matthias, before long.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

The elf stares at the catwoman as she encourages the demons lewd attentions, slightly embarrassed. "Just be careful your new slave doesn't come to collect on everything you seem to be promising him," she think.

"I have no doubt that Matthias is the creature these demons fear," Elea responds after tearing her gaze away from the demon groping her companion. "I've seen him unleash a swathe of destruction so great that no living thing could possibly withstand it. That display of power just before he left for the camp was nothing. I can't imagine him being overpowered..." Her thoughts fall silent as she considers the possibility of Matthias being defeated. "He may be the only reason our world has remained safe from the demon invasions for so long."

Looking back at Sable and her demonic molester, Elea shudders as she imagines the creature's claws running over her body as it was doing to Sables. She is more disturbed, however, at the thought Sable had planted in her mind. "If the demons truly have found a way to subdue Matthias, we may stand no chance against this Devourer of theirs." Becoming more anxious as she considers the possibility, Elea begins to grow more and more in favor of Sable's idea. "Perhaps advancing isn't such a bad idea, as long as we do so carefully. We may need to warn Matthias, after all," she thinks, trying to mask her growing concern that the daemon had already fallen prey to some devious trap.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 31/51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 39/54, P = 65, EP = 22/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

(Important OOC Information that may spoil something for you, read at your discretion:
Their secret weapon already got sprung on him, and it didn't work. It was in another thread, several others in fact, just so you guys know. Your character don't however, so keep the metagaming to a minimum.

Also, feel free to talk for as long as you want. The next wave will only show up when you're done. Or in two or three posts, if you take too long.)

While he doesn't pull away, the gray demon doesn't respond to her kiss, and even looks at Sable as though confused at what she was doing. When she places his hands on her breasts, however, the demon, still quaking slightly at first, gropes gently at Sables breasts, squeezing them and rubbing her nipples in the palms of his rough hands. His skin is tough, almost like elephant hide, and feels very nice as it rubs gently against the tips of her breasts, which swiftly stiffen into points beneath his touch. He continues to rub her breasts, getting more bold by the moment, as he says; "I am skilled in Light magic, my mistress. I can blind my foes, or burn them. I haven't yet completed the training in the more destructive magics, but I have some ability in it."

Suddenly, into both of their minds, Matthias voice speaks; 'Good work, but the next group is on its way. This one will be much larger, and comprises of two dozen enemies in a mix of hellhounds, clawed demons, and the tentacled creatures. I have begun clearing the camp, and will be back as soon as I can.' And, with that, the connection to him closes, leaving no opportunity for either of them to reply.

(Less realistic, but more manageable than just throwing the full horde at you.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(OOC reply to that spoiler.)
(I actually already knew the weapon sprang on him, but didn't know about the timeframe relative to our characters. I actually assumed it would happen later on after this encounter. And though I guessed it wouldn't really "work" on him, I also assumed it'd weaken him somewhat, perhaps to the point where it would force players to "pick up the slack" when bigger stuff comes around. :p )

Sable grins a bit as the demon speaks to her and she takes note of his capabilities, quietly cooing to him as he starts out uncertainly, but quickly becomes more forceful, leaving her body available for him to tease and caress.

"mmmh. Tell me, demon... Do you take pleasure in the torment of others... or in manipulating their bodies for your enjoyment... Or perhaps if I were to..." she cooed gently, leaning down towards him and sliding the gauntlet off as her fingers began caressing between his legs, stroking his shaft slowly, "If I were to play with you... You different beings are all so hard to understand sometimes... this body tell me that offering it in such dirty ways will encourage obedience and positive response from you..." she purrs at him, trying to remain her seemingly powerful self while coaxing him into a further trusting and obedient state, trying to turn him from just obeying out of fear, to wanting to obey for other reasons, since she knew quite obviously, that if fear were his only motivator, then the second the battle turned against her, he would turn on them.

When Matthias' voice rang out in her mind, she felt a huge relief, but was unable to think of anything to reply in time, given pause for a moment, she sighed and thought back to Elea, "It's fine. He's doing well. He probably knows all about it by now from reading our minds. Let's not bother him with it until we're finished here."

Not stopping the demon from his bolder caresses, Sable turned back and softly made a few murmurrs, half enjoying the demon's touches, and half focusing on laying a few more of those scorching mine spells, hoping to have as many prepared as possible before the next attack came.

"Elea... I'm mining the area behind us. There's a straight line we can cross in the center to avoid getting struck by the spells, so if you need to run, don't cross near either side of the road to be safe. We'll use your traps as a final protection in case we need to flee... unfortunately if this next wave is too much larger than the last, I may quickly run out of steam... but... " Sable's slightly worried mental state seemed to perk up a bit as she continued, sounding like a more excited voice in Elea's head. "I have an idea. You said you can use magic too, right?... Is there any way you could somehow force the group to funnel into a straight line? My more powerful spell lets me control my lightning's arcs, but... y..you saw what it does to me. If you can at least pin them in a line, I can cast my lesser form of it and simply send a single jolt through the entire cluster.

Still softly fondling her demon follower, and letting him fondle her, Sable's attention returned focus onto him once more, "Tell me... what would you ask me to grant you as a favor... for your ... services." she whispered in a slightly raspy voice to him. "If it is not unreasonable, I may grant you some small boon if you help me sway more of your kin to follow me... Mmmh, there are some approaching even now. Their choice is simple. Follow me... and they may be granted favor as well... do not follow me... and I hold them no grief. They may leave without concern. I won't bother them. But.. if they are foolish enough to attack me, like your other friends. I will slay them. And you, my adorably meek servant. Will have a chance to show me your abilities." She gave his lips another tender little kiss, encouraging him further, "Consider this... I never break my word lest I cannot help it. It is the promise of this goddess to you... Prove your loyalty, and after we are finished with this little scuffle, I shall grant you one favor... though I may choose just what that favor is, if you cannot decide something reasonable."

Before she even needed to hear it through the mental link, Sable knew what Elea would think of the deal and she quietly mumbled into her mind, "yes... yes.. I know what I'm offering. But we must hold this line and assist Matthias. And personally, I'd rather have an extra spellcaster that I offer one lewd act to, than to be betrayed, overwhelmed, give him his fun anyhow, AND have a swarm of hellhounds knock me up to top it all off. We're already making deals and assisting a daemon that devours souls, so making a deal or two with demons to end this siege will hardly matter in the long run..." ... Silently, to herself, though probably slipping through the mental link anyhow, Sable added, "Worst case, I end up taking this guy home as a pet after it's all done, and figure out some way to suppress his corruption... wouldn't be that bad though... he's got a rather nice sized cock to boot. And I certainly wouldn't mind an obedient plaything... ... ... come to think of it, I wonder if Elea has considered my offer to her yet..."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea, having been staring, shocked and enthralled, at Sable's increasingly lewd performance with the demon, jumps when Matthias' voice suddenly comes over the link. Her face blushes as she realizes what kind of thoughts had been running through her head at the moment the daemon had connected to them, easy for the ancient and powerful creature to read. Just as she is about to send a reply over the mental link, it is cut off, leaving the elf feeling exposed and embarrassed. She turns her focus back to the catwoman and her demonic 'consort.'

"Uh, yes," she thinks to the catwoman, "He seems completely untroubled." Matthias' calm and completely unconcerned manner thoroughly drained the worry from the elf about the possibility of the daemon falling, and she quickly pushes those thoughts from her mind. Sable's proposition of a plan to funnel the incoming enemies sounds like an intriguing idea, but unfortunately it relies on powers that Elea had never developed. "My apologies, but I have no ability to control the movements of many enemies like that." Feeling as though her inability to control her spiritual power is limiting the incredible magics Sable had displayed earlier, Elea begins to feel less than useless. More like a hindrance. She tries to mask the feeling, though she wonders how successful she is, and instead offers, "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I'll do everything in my power to protect you while you work your magic powers." After a moment, she adds, "The demon I will protect as well."

As Sable delivers her explanation as to her offer to the demon, Elea merely listens, accepting everything the catwoman says. "I understand," she responds after Sable finishes, "His powers can be very useful to us, it is only prudent to appeal to his nature to solidify his allegiance." Without admitting she had head the catwoman's later questions, Elea offers, "As far as the demon knows, I am your slave. If your act would be better served with my assistance... I will do as you ask."