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Thirst (TentariX)

Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Raven seems to hesitate with her answer, her red eyes glancing at her dog then back to Miko, " I'm not sure..." she says, " I... The man looks worn down... There are a bunch of dents in is armor... Maybe we could convince him to just let us through instead of fighting... Or we could run and hide! Ill let you decide Miko..." the youngish looking girl seemed rather nervous at the thought of fighting. Maybe she wasn't much of a fighter to begin with. Maybe the reason she had her pet in the first place was to deal with hostile people.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

"Maybe..... If we're lucky, I can sneak up behind him and take him out. Raven, why don't you and Doggy and draw his attention and I'll try to sneak up behind him and take him out with my katana." Miko saids as she unseahtes her blade, once Raven and Doggy were out in the open drawing the man's attention she would try to very quietly and stealthfully sneak up to the man and try to strike him in a vulnerable spot with her Katana hoping to at least deal some fair damage to him if not take him out completely since he was already weakened.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Raven seemed hesitant to agree, taking a moment before even answering the ninja. " Can your weapon pierce that man's armor? " she asked meekly, " Well, alright, I hope you know what you're doing. Please kill him before he kills us..." The worried girl then trailed off, drawing her small but long rapier from her belt and began approaching the armored knight who now guarded the portal. Miko quickly runs and ducks behind some buildings as she slowly begins to sneak down an ally and toward her foe.

Stealth = Success

Miko manages to make her way pass several buildings without alerting anything. She quickly makes it behind the last building, props herself against the wall and peers toward the portal.

The knight hadn't yet noticed her and was now focused on Raven, gripping his large sword and facing the girl. Raven looked terrified, her dog growling. Miko heard the girl saying something, though couldn't make out what. The knight seemed to be approaching the pair, slowly but steadily. This was Miko's only chance to strike before something bad happened.

Upon looking at the suited man she saw a very large dent in his armor. A possible weak spot, likely the best place to strike.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

It's now or never! I can't let Raven down! Miko thought as she did her best to stealthily lunge out behind the man and thrust forward with her katana with all her might into the large dent in the man's armor; hopefully with enough force and power to pierce through it and his flesh, at the very least severely wounding him if not fatally before he could harm or probably kill her new companions.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Stealth = Success
Damage = 25 ( There's a bonus in the damage for doing a successful sneak attack. )

The knight seemed to of actually placed his sword down, the blade impaling the concrete below, as he face Raven and her dog and Miko suddenly lunged at him. Thankfully for the girl, he didn't hear a sound as Raven suddenly came from nowhere and stabbed her eastern sword right into the back of the armor clad man. A groan of pain was heard as the man seemed to shudder in pain, though sadly it seemed the blade had hardly even injured hurt him. " What is this?! " His voice boomed with anger, sounding deep and knightly. The warrior suddenly reached out behind him and pulls the blade out of his body and armor with his gauntlet. As it slid out Miko saw that her blade had gone about half an inch into the man, indicated by the blood.

He turns around and suddenly faces her, Miko sees hazel eyes glaring at her from behind the slit in the The man suddenly opens his dented helmet up, his face an angry scowl and his eyes glaring at the ninja with anger. " Maiden, why would you stab a man in the back when he is helping a young lost little girl and her pet?! Have you no honor?" He asked with impatience, his armored arms now crossed. The man seemed rather pissed off, though not about to lift his large sword and chop Miko in half with it.

The man himself had the face of a middle aged Caucasian. His head was mostly bald, though he had a thick brown beard. He resembled an old grizzled warrior, one who likely had quite a few stories he could tell.
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Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Thinking quickly, Miko suddenly got down into the submissive Japanese kneeling position and performed a two finger bow going prostate before the knight and meekly and humbly replied, "I'm sorry, Sir! I wasn't certain if you would be hostile or not towards us! It was a precaution! Please don't hurt me or my friends? We only want passage through that portal! If you let us go I promise we'll never be a bother to you again!" Miko explained, hoping that if she presented herself as respectful and beneath the man he would not retaliate and or bring any harm to herself or Raven and Doggy.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

" You say that you know this young girl? And that the two of you wish to go through the portal? Wait a minute... " The mans expression suddenly shifts from annoyance to extreme suspicion, and was just about to reach for his meat cleaver like sword, but was swiftly cut short of doing so as a loud crack was heard coming from behind him. The man let a groaning sound out as he fell to his knees and began rubbing his head with his hands. Raven could be seen holding a dense looking brick, now broken in half. Her haired practically seemed to be sticking up.

" Run for it! " Raven cried to Miko before running to the portal and away from the armored man, her pet dog trailing right behind her. The armored clad man seemed to be a bit stunned at the moment, and in a lot of pain, so the ninja now had the chance to run off or, if she actually had the guts, to try and finish the man off.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko quickly sprang up from her knees and made a mad dash towards the gate behind Raven and Doggy hoping to get enough distance between themselves and the man and hopefully out of danger.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Miko is easily able to run all the way to the portal. Looking back the man seems to be staggering, trying to stand up while rubbing his aching head. Before he can even see her again the ninja leaps into the portal and out of danger. For a moment Miko feels weightless, she is going through time and space itself. Her trip soon ends though, and before she knows it she is on the other side of the gate with Raven and doggy, both seeming relieved that she is with them. " Glad you could make it! " Raven says cheerfully, doggy chiming in with a bark.

Looking around Raven seems to be on some sort of alien planet. It is like a desert, sand all around them. There is a twilight like lighting, and it is neither too hot or cold. There is an eerie silence in the air.

" Come on Miko, lets get going. Our destination shouldn't be too far from here! " Raven then walks off, her pet following behind her.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

"Thanks! That was close. I'm glad we were able to distract him enough to make a getaway. Although, I wonder if leaving him alive was a good idea or not? But I guess it's too late to worry about that now." Miko looked around her surroundings, in awe of what she was seeing, and surprised for the area being a desert how it wasn't scalding hot, "Is this a desert? It doesn't feel hot enough to be. It's also really quiet..... Are you sure where we're going isn't far?" She said thoughtfully following after Raven as her mind wandered.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47

Raven only replies with a confused; "What's a desert?" And starts off in a seemingly random direction. The two travel for a while, going past ruined structures built of white stone, most of which are empty. A few of the demons from the ones that are occupied cast glances her way, but they don't bother the trio as they walk across the dessicated landscape. As they travel, they pass a large gathering of demons clustered atop a hill, though Miko can't see through the crowd well enough to tell what is in the center.

Eventually, they arrive at a large and mostly intact structure that sits on top of the largest hill, and Raven doesn't hesitate to enter. Miko follows her inside, and finds herself within a large chamber held up by rows of heavy stone columns, with a woman sitting on a stone throne on the opposite end. She is completely naked, and very nice to look at, even though her breasts are engorged, the nipples red and erect, as though they'd had recent attention. She is of average height, maybe even a little shorter than Miko, though she can't tell since the woman is sitting down, and has pitch black hair.

Raven immediately starts heading toward her, and the womans eyes snap open as Raven reaches about the halfway point of the gap between them. The woman says; "Yes? What is it?" In a sharp, commanding voice.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Raven's scout like legs stop their movement when the woman speaks to her. She seems to frown and even her excitement seems to die down. " H-hello mother... I'm happy to see you again... " she says shyly. The girl slowly begins walking toward her, much slower then before, and begins speaking. " This mortal," she gestures to Miko, " Wishes to become one of us and serve you. She has proven herself able to myself, actually saving Doggy and I from certain death..."

"Doggy" himself seemed to be laying down near the entrance of the building, seemingly uninterested in being near the woman Raven had revealed to be her mother.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko slowly and apprehensively made her way up to the top of the large hill, glancing around nervously and self consciously up to the large stone throne where the woman that Raven had called "Mother" sat, and stopped when she was beside Raven and slowly and reverently bowed down before the woman, as she could somewhat guess by the large gathering of demons and Raven's own apprehension around the woman that she was of vast importance and power among the demons, if not the their sovereign and supreme ruler. She stayed bowed down prostate before the woman until she diverted her attention towards her and spoke directly to her.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47

The woman scowls as Raven refers to her as mother, seemingly not liking the title one bit, and replies; "I've told you many times not to call me such. Our kind do not coddle our children, as the mortals do. It is weakness that cannot be tolerated. Address me by my rank, or by my name if you must be informal, but do not call me mother." She delivered the last word with a good deal of distaste, but Miko sensed somehow that it was affected, rather than genuine dislike of the way Raven addressed her. Raven didn't seem to catch on however.

"Well, if she had half as much potential as the other one that has come to us, than no doubt she will be useful. You, mortal, what are you called? And how did you save my daug...... Raven, from certain death? What could you do that she and her pet, both demons, not handle? And get up, beings of demonic lineage do not grovel, even to their superiors." The woman continues, now turning her gaze toward Miko.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko slowly arose from her position and responded to Natalie's inquiry, "Well, my mistress, there was large man in armor guarding the gate with a huge cleaver like sword. I had Raven distract him so I could sneak around him and find a chink in his armor to exploit and severely wound him, and while he was down we made our escape. I would've finished him, but I didn't want to press my luck. I shall strive to do far more then my best and for excellence in all tasks assigned to me, if you were to be gracious enough to bless with even the smallest portion of your majestic and demonic power, Milady." Miko said confidently and respectfully.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47

The woman listens with a neutral expression on her face, waiting for her to finish before replying; "Fair enough. It would have been better had you killed him, since he seems to have slain some of my servants if he was at the gate, but I will see to it that he is dealt with at some point. As for you, I can always use more competent minions, so I'll ask you one last time before we continue; Is it truly your wish that you become a full demon? You would be recognizable as such in your own world, so it would you would have to live here, among our kind, forevermore."
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko pondered about the woman's words carefully for a several moments before setting her haw and nodding solemnly once and answering, "Yes, Mistress. I always felt different from all the other humans and separate from them. Out of place, almost like I didn't belong with the human race. I am already half-demon, so.... I wish to fully embrace the demonic half of my lineage and become a full blooded one of your kind forever, if it would so please, Milady."
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47

The woman nods, and says; "Very well. If you will be one of our kind in full, you may call me Natalie, as all the other demons under my command do." She says, as she rises from her seat and casts a glance at Raven during the last bit. She walks toward Miko calmly, clearly not bothered by her nudity even as she goes past Raven, and says; "Rise." When Miko stands, Natalie says; "Are you prepared?"
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

"Yes, Mis- Natalie. I am looking forward to and ready to cast aside my old life and join my other sisters in my new home. Beginning my new life as full demon and shedding out of my human skin. I will follow you faithfully and obediently. I am ready to accept the gift you are generous and gracious enough to bestow upon me." Miko saids surely and even happily.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Ravens head lowers as she frowns, feeling embarrassed and very sad. Though far to frightened to even think of crying. She awaits for the woman's transformation to be completed, knowing that she would be needed to carry Miko somewhere to rest after it was completed. ' Its nice she is going to be joining us...' Though upset, Raven was happy for her new friend. It was nice she was finally with people that she would fit in with.