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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I still have to complete the campaign I've got with Inky... but if I'm free I'd be up for multiplay.

In other news, The Darkness II is officially announced. Different developer which makes me sad, but I'm still excited.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't know if anyone brought this up but I doubt it. About a week ago, when perusing steam, an image caught my eye and I decided to check what game they were selling.

Before even looking at their interesting pictures, the description caught my eye.

"The year is 1942. Adolf Hitler has succeeded in resurrecting dinosaurs."
That's it, I'm sold!
Apparently, on the axis side, you have the ability to play as 3 different kinds of dinosaur, as well as 3 nazi classes and the 6 allied classes.

Of course, at the time, there was no option to buy it. However, Dino D-Day is now available for prepurchase at 10% off. ($17.99)

I don't know much about it, but if anything could make me buy a game for all the wrong reasons, they have that by the bucketfull

At first I was like, "Oooh, sounds pretty good. But I bet it's single player."

And then I checked Steam. It's. Multiplayer. I am now another 18 dollars poorer.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Darkness 2? Wheee! linkie, perhaps?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, i guess i will have to stretch my google-fu then. Avast!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those of us playing Dragon Age 2 and that have Facebook accounts, the Dragon Age Legends game has gone live and there are several items that you can earn by completing various chapters of the game. If you played Journeys, it's very similar, but a little tougher and you can recruit your friends to help you out. Pretty decent game, all told, and they're slowly moving out of beta, too, so no more character resets. Yay!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Finally got Dragon Age II. Now I can judge it for myself.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Glad to hear it, Sin. Hope you enjoy. I have another three day stint off and intend to play the hell out of it. Might even get the damn thing beat. Maybe. Guess I'll have to see.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Remember the thing about female characters runiing around half naked in the battlefield?

Check what i found! :rolleyes:

Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Mortal Kombat demo... Well good news to the PS3 owners, bad news for the 360 owners. Netherrealm Studios said fuck you to all the 360 players, and gave the DLC character (Kratos of God of War) to PS3, and only released the demo for PS3 as well. Thankfully a friend of mine let me play the demo on his system.

OH MY GOD THAT GAME IS BLOODY. Netherrealm Studios really has a polished fighting system here. In the four hours straight I've played the demo, I never got tired of pulling off really bloody, gruesome moves. The X-rays moves are fantastic to watch, the fatalities really up the ante, and the trailer that shows us what to come is really hyping me up to buy this.

I love Mortal Kombat...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

DA2 arrived.

So now I've got Shogun 2, Ass Creed Brotherhood(PC) DA2 all lined up to play...

And am doing a 60 hour working week >.<
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, Dragon Age 2 has officially put me into a moral dilemma. Spoilers are to follow.
I've always wanted to put my character on the throne as the viscount. I didn't figure out until the end of my second playthrough that in order to do that, you have to side with the templars and kill every. Single. Mage in the city. Depending on the outcome, probably including Anders, Merrill and your own sister. Now originally I wanted to do that with my second character, but my weakness for cute, naive elf-girls got the better of me, and I started a romance with Merrill. So there I was, all power hungry and ready to kill those mages, and suddenly Merrill speaks up and says she can't support that. So I caved in and gave up all the power I could have had for my character to be happy.

And since there is no female other than Merrill to be hit on that will actually stay with Hawke and, even as a female character, I find myself uncomfortable putting the moves on a guy, I am directly faced with the decision of either being in love and on the run or being in power and alone. I wonder if BioWare wanted to make a statement there.

Also, sword and shield warriors are boring to play IMO. With two-handed weapons you can just charge in and absolutely destroy everybody around you, and two weapon rogues are killer against single, strong opponents. Not sure if I want to play as a bow rogue or a mage either, the latter mostly because of what's written in the spoilers above.

EDIT: Also - favourite companion banter: Aveline/Isabela. Favourite overall companion: Varric. Least favourite companion: A tie between Fenris and Sebastian.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I despise Mortal Kombat. But I suppose I'll check it out, and if I like it, well then that's saying something
Re: Games Discussion Thread

@Rule 34

I think bioware just wanted you to hate mages, story-wise, in this game, they give you lot's of reasons to. I can't find a good mage beside bethany, they all end up willingly go bad or unwillingly bring destruction and chaos...

I agree, WnS warriors are boring, they're just used for tanking, going for sustainables and defensive/threat control skills, archery rogues are beasts tho, they have the same weakness as mages, that being knockback attacks, but with evasion/stealth/threat reduction/obscuring they are extremely fun to play and really powerful against both crowds and bosses.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I despise Mortal Kombat. But I suppose I'll check it out, and if I like it, well then that's saying something

I used to think you were cool...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

@Rule 34

I think bioware just wanted you to hate mages, story-wise, in this game, they give you lot's of reasons to. I can't find a good mage beside bethany, they all end up willingly go bad or unwillingly bring destruction and chaos...

I agree, WnS warriors are boring, they're just used for tanking, going for sustainables and defensive/threat control skills, archery rogues are beasts tho, they have the same weakness as mages, that being knockback attacks, but with evasion/stealth/threat reduction/obscuring they are extremely fun to play and really powerful against both crowds and bosses.

Quite a departure from DA:O, where most of the mages are actually on the good side, and Wren was about as devout as a chantry Mother. But then, the mages in Kirkwall have been driven to madness by the templars.

I am annoyed about the whole mage/templar decision as well. I also chose Merrill as my lover, and I simply did not want to lose her. But according to the wiki Merrill will still side with you if you have a high enough approval rating.

But in the end, I think siding with the mages is the right choice since it reveals that the Knight Commander has gone completely nuts. Well, good riddance. Never liked that arrogant bitch anyway. :D I won't be surprised if this is the canon ending. After all, if the Champion managed to completely crush the rebellion right as it begin, the rest of the circles will hesitate to follow suit, and the situation shouldn't have gone out of control.

WnS warriors used to be fun - In DA:O they can deal quite a fair bit of damage if you have the appropriate power ups. This was improved further in Awakening with the introduction of spirit warrior. But in DA2 they got nerfed so much that they do almost no damage at all. In comparison, 2 handed warriors have far too high defence - the 2 handed warriors DA:O usually die quite quickly if they try to fight more than one enemy at once. Also, it's really sad that they removed dual wielding though - I loved watching my dual wielding grey warden tore through enemies with a flaming sword in one hand and a freezing sword in the other. May be someone will come up with a mod to fix this, may be not.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dual wielding wasn't removed, it was simply given to the Rogue to make a difference.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I used to think you were cool...

Oh yes, a bottom barrel fighting game series that only gained any popularity because it was retarded, bore using the same process of animation that "Street Fighter: The Movie (The Game)" got so much praise for, not to mention their endless characters spawned via the incredible writing process labeled "palette swapping" and lack of any real combo system or mechanics Surely, something of that quality would be something I'd love.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh yes, a bottom barrel fighting game series that only gained any popularity because it was retarded, bore using the same process of animation that "Street Fighter: The Movie (The Game)" got so much praise for, not to mention their endless characters spawned via the incredible writing process labeled "palette swapping" and lack of any real combo system or mechanics Surely, something of that quality would be something I'd love.

Psh. You say that like it's a bad thing.