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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I remember seeing some clips of it on Youtube, I'd have to agree that the combat doesn't feel very natural for some of the characters. I think it's because the dimensions of the fights are all wrong, there's no way you'd fight joker the same way you would fight superman, There's no way you'd fight Deathstroke the same way you'd fight Harley, etc etc etc....

So some of the moves have these exaggerated reactions that don't make sense. Because the character designs already exist, it's probably a lack of foresight, not thinking of the idea that the problem could exist in the first place. When joker pistol whips Luthor in his big mech-suit and he flies backwards like he just got sock'd by superman, it feels fucking weird.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hrmmm...may delay picking this one up til it is cheaper then...i hear the story is only maybe 3-4 hours and if combat feels forced and weird...meh. I really love DC characters but the roster I saw felt a little light...

I guess beggers can't be choosers when it comes to fighting games with DC in them though. May check out DC Universe for kicks. Steam had it listed as free to play last time I checked.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The combat isn't forced, just the situations can be weird. Cappy was just saying it's a little weird to have the joker pistol whip someone like Bane or Luthor in his suit, and have them react like they got socked by Superman. The alternative is, have a game that leaves out an even larger chunk of characters. Couldn't have Joker in it because fighting Superman would be unfeasible.

And the roster isn't that light. 24 characters at launch? Pretty decent in my opinion, with characters like Wonder woman, Superman, Batman, Flash, Bane, Doomsday, Catwoman and quite a few more all lined up.

And yeah, the campaign is short, but there's also the challenge tower, and various battle modes (survival, poisoned, and at least a dozen other unlockable modes). Most fighting games don't have overly long campaigns though.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The combat isn't forced, just the situations can be weird. Cappy was just saying it's a little weird to have the joker pistol whip someone like Bane or Luthor in his suit, and have them react like they got socked by Superman. The alternative is, have a game that leaves out an even larger chunk of characters. Couldn't have Joker in it because fighting Superman would be unfeasible.

And the roster isn't that light. 24 characters at launch? Pretty decent in my opinion, with characters like Wonder woman, Superman, Batman, Flash, Bane, Doomsday, Catwoman and quite a few more all lined up.

And yeah, the campaign is short, but there's also the challenge tower, and various battle modes (survival, poisoned, and at least a dozen other unlockable modes). Most fighting games don't have overly long campaigns though.

Hrmm..the list I saw was only about 12 characters. Guess I'll have to look into it more.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

There is:
-Black Adam
-The Flash
-Green Arrow
-Green Lantern
-Harley Quinn
-Hawkgirl (Voiced by Jennifer Fucking Hale! Fuck yes!)
-The Joker (Not voices by Mark Hamil. Shame that we won't get that again)
-Killer Frost
-Lex Luthor
-Solomon Grundy
-Wonder Woman

Re: Games Discussion Thread

There is:
-Black Adam
-The Flash
-Green Arrow
-Green Lantern
-Harley Quinn
-Hawkgirl (Voiced by Jennifer Fucking Hale! Fuck yes!)
-The Joker (Not voices by Mark Hamil. Shame that we won't get that again)
-Killer Frost
-Lex Luthor
-Solomon Grundy
-Wonder Woman

hehe ok, I think I'm sold. Freaking Harley...dat ass. Gonna pick it up tomorrow :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If yer into fighting games, very much worth it. If not... well give er a rent is my suggestion. I only rented it, already kind of bored, but fighting games don't keep my attention for very long to begin with. Any of em.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, when playing FF13... does anybody else get uncomfortable but also just a little turned on by Vanille's summon?

(Specifically this video:
at 1:38 during the final 'drive mode' attack... definitely looks like she's doing something way more suited for something found in the hentai games section of this forum... with afterglow, no less.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

In all fairness, the guy does look rather handy.

...I'll go back to my corner...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

World war 1
Trench warfare simulator
Re: Games Discussion Thread

playing the new Fire Emblem and all i have to say is asdfghjkl;'

I wish I could make homosexual marriage thingies. Because reasons.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The last DLC for Borderlands 2 has been announced.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

latest or last? Cuz I wanna get em all packaged when they're done, like I did for the first.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I heard final DLC for the Season Pass, so maybe not FINAL final.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The guys behind Eternal Darkness, considered by many to be one of the best horror games ever, are making a new game, and they could use your help.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hm... I did love Eternal Darkness and many will agree it's place as one of the best horror games ever. I will keep in touch with that. Thanks!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Who's up for Project H.A.M.M.E.R's comeback?
I am. And also pretty hype.

The thread in another forum about this has been deleted, so I'll have to say what I know about it's comeback.

Apparently Shigeru Miyamoto mentioned that one of their 'Nintendo Surprises' will be Project H.A.M.M.E.R for the WiiU.

- Shigeru Miyamoto - I am not part of the development team and really cannot comment. What I can confirm here is that only when Nintendo can become almost certain of the timing of the launch we will be able to make the relevant launch announcement of the software.

So now people of the forums, what do you think about this? Are you hype for knowing that Project H.A.M.M.E.R may come back or you simply don't give a damm about it? Shame that if it's released it will most probably be on the WiiU, 'cause damn it's expensive.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Haven't poked around too much for more info, but this looks interesting/promising.

Seems like a nifty game, given the subject matter. My one turn of is that it's 360 (only and I hate mine.) but will keep an eye on it and maybe pick it up when it gets cheap.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If only you could choose gender. I'm starting to get really damn picky about that.

Also. New , now published by Bethesda