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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Salty dev is salty...

Re: Games Discussion Thread

New Humble Bundle: You can get both Batman games, Fear 2 and 3, and Scribblenauts Unlimited. I paid five bucks, and they usually add something extra in the second week of the sale.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not sure whether to put this here or in announcements, but we usually put the sales things here, too, so...

Okay, so it's more for tabletop than video games, but there are some awesome deals going on there right now. Enjoy?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wow, thanks Copper. Got 4 interesting items, payed more for shipping than I did for said items.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's what's worrying me about my order. I pretty much bought ALL THE THINGS when it came to Pathfinder. I'm *dreading* looking at what shipping's going to cost me. I am, however, saving over 500 dollars with my purchases.

Edit: Grrrrrr. Excepting it's not letting me check out. Every time I go to checkout it tells me to login. I'm *already* logged in. But when I put my password in, it takes me back to the main page. Very annoyed.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Eheh, well I generally don't use published adventures for much, which seems to be a lot of the Pathfinder stuff. I got a book for PF by Monte Cook and the Adventurer's Armory, plus the core books for a couple weird games that were only a dollar apiece.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I like reading them, if nothing else. Plus they give me ideas for plot hooks, which is always nice.

Yeah, I think I got the Monte Cook one, too. And some oddbits. And the Pathfinder novels. Although still having checkout issues. Wrote to customer service, so we'll see what they have to say about it. I'm still rather annoyed, though. I want to get this done.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Heads up for anyone involved in Warframe:

Damage 2.0 is coming finally, and the first blush from the 'tutorial' on how it works is, frankly, rather more complex than expected. I'll try to do a brief analysis, but if you want the in-depth, go here ->

Basically, instead of just a flat damage number (to use the Lato Vandal as a example, 30 damage without mods), damage for most weapons will be split between 3 primary damage types - Impact, Puncture, and Slash (If the same damage numbers are kept, I can see the Lato Vandal now doing 5 Puncture, 10 Impact, and 15 Slash, perhaps). To quote, 'Real-life Firearm Metaphor: Impact=Slug; Puncture=Armor Piercing; Slash=Hollow-point.' Each weapon will have this damage averaged out, so you'll still be able to deal damage to any foe with a weapon not optimized for the target (as a theory, Grineer will be weakest to Puncture in the armor areas, for example). Weapons won't be 100% purely one type though, meaning that even if you are ill-equipped for your target you can still whittle it down.

In addition, elements got a rework, and there are now 4 'primary' elements (Heat, Cold, Electric, and Toxin, in that order of importance for comboing), that combine Magika-like to secondary elements, each with a effect on the target, such as Magnetic from Cold+Electric and Blast from Fire+Cold.

As well as this, ALL the different damage types offer a special status ailment that can happen from it, both to enemies and to the player now. Pulling out of my ass, but assuming the less a specific damage type is coming from a source the less chance it'll happen, but that's pure speculation. Some examples include Confusion, reducing enemy accuracy if you peg em with Radiation damage, Gas damage releasing AOE clouds, Puncture causing reduced damage from the afflicted, and causing enemy armor to reduce via Corrosive damage. Again, kinda in-depth, this part of the system.

In addition, enemy scaling has finally been reworked, though if anything made tougher and more varied due to the new combat mechanics. Again, quoting, 'Level 1 enemies are still the easiest, but the difficulty of a Level 40 enemy in Damage 2.0 will be comparable to a Level 100 enemy in Damage 1.0. Infinite mission types will still feature ever increasing enemy levels. Enemies will be wielding weapons that can inflict different types of damage and Procs on the Tenno, meaning the difficulty will come from a combination of their loadouts and their level.'

Hopefully this will make the game more interesting, and with this and the rest of the Update 11 content coming tomorrow, will hold some attention for a bit until the next major content. The life of a PVE game and all that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So who wants to throw $100 at League of Legends?

Assuming you have all of the champions and none of the skins, Mega bundle will run ~14628 RP at the 60% off price. $100 gets you 15000.
Or you can do the sane thing and just pick up the individual skins that you like for 50% off on their specific days. But who does that? Right? Right?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Good Old Games is having its Winter sale. Currently, Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics can be had for the low low price of fuck-all.

I highly recommend the games, including the oft-reviled Tactics, so ye should pick them up. And also probably buy stuff because every game on the site is dirt cheap, has no DRM, and is made so that you only have to install it and it will run on nearly any system without you having to fuck with an compatibility settings or whatnot.

Edit: Also, fuck Capcom.

In fact, fuck the mainstream game industry as a whole.

It's a sad day when Ubisoft are the least scumbag people in the room, but as of the time that I read that article a few days ago I'm more or less boycotting every company on the list of the ones that are apparently trying to get rid of their free publicity. Granted, the only companies that produce games actually worth playing on that list are Telltale and Naughty Dog, so I'm not really missing anything besides The Last of Us and the sequel to the Walking Dead, but still. Fuck the games industry and their stupid, backwards, anti-consumer policies.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

In fact, fuck the mainstream game industry as a whole.

It's a sad day when Ubisoft are the least scumbag people in the room, but as of the time that I read that article a few days ago I'm more or less boycotting every company on the list of the ones that are trying to get rid of their free publicity. Granted, the only companies that produce games actually worth playing on that list are Telltale and Naughty Dog, so I'm not really missing anything besides The Last of Us and the sequel to the Walking Dead, but still. Fuck the games industry and their stupid, backwards, anti-consumer policies.

Allow me to add 'Fuck Google' for thinking this is a valid idea to agree with for their platform as well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Something I just ran across, and thought I'd share...

Seems that DriveThruRPG has available for free right now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Originally posted by lurker in the shoutbox, and also sent to me by MAF. Youtube's reply to the recent complaints about their new policies:

Basically, Youtube said: Tough.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I thought only certain pages could monetize? If so, what's wrong with non-monetized pages that play music? I, like many others, use youtube for musical playlist and to find artists.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


So whilst CapCom, Sega, Codemasters and those lot are busy trying to crack down on the terrible free marketing scourge that is so clearly destroying their revenues...

Crazy outside the box developers like Bossa Studios, creators of Surgeon Simulator, actually include in-game tributes to certain youtubers by naming organs after them in the alien surgery level. Perhaps they realised how these videos have quite likely doubled their sales. Or maybe they're just crazy. Who knows.

You really would think that the bigger companies would have cottoned on to the idea that someone else earning money for publicising your shit, and being paid by someone else to do it for that matter, is not something worth panicking over.

But oh well. Good luck to the youtubers in surviving this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's basically down to the point that there's going to be a mass-exodus on Youtube as soon as someone creates a new media viewing site without the extra DRM stupidity, or at least one that's physically moderated by the site holders. At this point, the content-check system Youtube is using is not only abuseable by just about anyone (it's been theorized that the unscrupulous can just set up some filter words and just walk off with that revenue until the claim is removed), and the fact that it basically is worded that Google is too scared to stand up to the RIAA over free-license laws (remember, most of what's getting hit is music-related) that it's going to really break down the running reputation. I've seen one G-Mod machinia maker already vow that he won't be posting content on Youtube until this bullshit is gone, and I head Classic Game Room and Nostalgia Critic are packing bags to their own web sites.

Imagine the damage if the likes of TotalBiscuit, Roosterteeth, Angry Video Game Nerd, or even the nigh-famous half-wit Pewdiepie left as well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Imagine the damage if the likes of TotalBiscuit, Roosterteeth, Angry Video Game Nerd, or even the nigh-famous half-wit Pewdiepie left as well.

I actually googled the most subscribed channels on youtube, and came up with this site:

As far as I know, all those numbers are recent.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm gonna be honest here, I don't think any of those people 'earned' a damn thing by posting videos of them playing games. I don't know why they're allowed to have ads on their site if they're largely based around copyright material. I can understand a company wanting at least wanting the option to control some of that visual/auditory distribution. I would disagree with it, but they do have a copyright claim against these muddled grey lines of let's players vs critics and what law/rule people are using to show videos. But why the fuck can't it be played on a free account, one without ads?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm gonna be honest here, I don't think any of those people 'earned' a damn thing by posting videos of them playing games. I don't know why they're allowed to have ads on their site if they're largely based around copyright material. I can understand a company wanting at least wanting the option to control some of that visual/auditory distribution. I would disagree with it, but they do have a copyright claim against these muddled grey lines of let's players vs critics and what law/rule people are using to show videos. But why the fuck can't it be played on a free account, one without ads?

Even when it comes to reviewers, modders showing their creations, or hell, even just a discussion using the footage as part of their point though? It's not just the let's players getting hit here.