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Games Discussion Thread


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I hear that the big twist of the game is that at the end the setting is revealed to be Madagascar. :V


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

That looks amazing, I've always enjoyed the tense survival atmosphere, and I haven't seen this approach very much if at all. And the horror elements are also quite original as far as games go, I can imagine the interpersonal stuff getting pretty intense if you ever make any allies or enemies.
The original game (available on GoG if you really can't wait) is rumoured to be made after the devs went to a Norwegian abandoned haunted mineshaft and then stayed there for a few days with hallucinogenics.
According to the rumour, that's when they thought up the setting and they've kept it around since then.
It's certainly unique, very much so. A cult classic with a very devoted fan following, the devs make it because that's what they want to make. They said the original accomplished only about 15%-20% of what they intended, so this is something that can possibly do even more.

If you like the atmosphere it presents, I've got a spare copy of their second game (The Void/Turgor) on my steam I can send you. It has similar but still very(And I do mean that almost to an extreme) different atmosphere and settings. Like Pathologic, it too has a small but devoted fanbase. And as a bonus, the settings appear to be connected somehow, though I've not found anyone who can point out where exactly.
It's very well made, and certainly a different kind of horror than most people are used to.
That, and it's seriously incredibly hard. The game has no problem having characters lie to you and cheat you, and if you put yourself in an unwinnable situation it will just continue on until you inevitably lose.

Also, games journalism stuff.
Turns out there's several investigations going with law stuff involved. Something with Disney being involved somehow, and law enforcement asking non-journalists to not publish more stuff regarding the original 5-guys uh...Enjoying lady's exploits on account of compiling evidence for a case of some kind.

It's still going as strongly as before, and seems to only be picking up speed as the gaming 'news' sites related to it continue to find their pageviews falling even after Destiny's release. People are, en masse, taking their business elsewhere
Good news I'd call it
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Actually I re-call trying to play the original pathologic, but I sort of lost interest when I saw how shoddy it looked and felt on first impression. Figures that the design would be interesting.

Thanks a lot for the offer XSI, that's awesome of you, but I'll probably watch a let's play if it's that difficult, especially if you can GO without knowing it. But it does look interesting, and if it seduces me out of what I see on the youtubes I will definitely give you a shout.

Also: Fuck yeah, down with the critics who do anything but and the asshole journalists who call themselves bloggers, or should that be the other way round?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Last time I checked, there is only one lets play of it(In English at least). And I don't blame anyone for that, since it's a bit long. I would suggest going in mostly blind though, it's more interesting when you're trying to figure out what's going on on your own, and I think the LPer mentions some potential spoilers early on
And, of course, it's more impressive to explore and such on your own. Even if you lose/gameover by putting yourself in an unwinnable corner, that's still a pretty good experience most of the time. Just make sure to save often so you can go back

As for more games journalism stuff,
One of Polygon's sponsors pulled out

And you may notice a certain website missing from this affiliate list

(Hint: It's Kotaku)

And TB talking about the journalism stuff

Also, there's been an incident when some idiot posted child porn on a certain 'feminist' figurehead's twitter, which promptly got reported. There are ways to voice your opinion about someone, about what they did, or anything related to them...But this is not how you do it.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also, there's been an incident when some idiot posted child porn on a certain 'feminist' figurehead's twitter, which promptly got reported. There are ways to voice your opinion about someone, about what they did, or anything related to them...But this is not how you do it.
Considering that some folks more or less , I wouldn't put it past her that it may be a way to take the heat off of herself with that.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Considering that some folks more or less , I wouldn't put it past her that it may be a way to take the heat off of herself with that.
Pretty convincing evidence of scumbaggery. I love the part at the end of the article where the person calling her out of these fake threats writes...

Personally, I believe no human being deserves to suffer from physical violence or the threat of it. If someone has made a genuine threat against Anita or any public figure, they deserve to suffer the full punishment of the law. That is why I am calling on twitter to release the IP address those tweets were made from and work with law enforcement to arrest whoever is responsible for them.
I would absolutely love if people were able to nudge that mindset into her actual followers and trick them into harassing Twitter to expose her.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sometimes the best way to beat someone abusing the system is to use the system against them, heh. Gotta love it.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, we do know she lied about contacting the police

So there's at least that already. Apparently these threats were important enough to draw attention to it, and claim to report to the police...But not important enough to actually do it.

And then there's this

Polygon permanently lost Unilever as a sponsor/advertiser

And then this



Jungle Girl
Aug 23, 2014
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I figured there would be talk about gamergate in the video games section haha.
Have you guys heard of milo and internetaristocrat already?


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

For the sake of others' sanity and actually knowing what the hell GamerGate is, here's a handy FAQ.
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RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh god... This games soundtrack is fuckin great...

SFW 2D plat starring a bunny


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gave it a quick look at work earlier today
Latest gamergate stuff:
Reddit shadowbans someone right in front of Assange(Of Wikileaks), and he notices
Wikileaks picks it up and voices support for gamergate on twitter, in opposition of censorship
Minorities in game dev stuff are stepping up to say they support it, and want the agenda pushing idiots out
4chan has a rogue mod deleting everything claiming it to be spam, where earlier mod replies said it was not
And cracked shows how low quality they are with obviously extremely biased articles on it
And more crying by the 'feminist' figureheads trying to make this crap about them again.

And some other crap I didn't keep track of. It's only getting bigger


Jungle Girl
Aug 23, 2014
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gave it a quick look at work earlier today
Latest gamergate stuff:
Reddit shadowbans someone right in front of Assange(Of Wikileaks), and he notices
Wikileaks picks it up and voices support for gamergate on twitter, in opposition of censorship
Minorities in game dev stuff are stepping up to say they support it, and want the agenda pushing idiots out
4chan has a rogue mod deleting everything claiming it to be spam, where earlier mod replies said it was not
And cracked shows how low quality they are with obviously extremely biased articles on it
And more crying by the 'feminist' figureheads trying to make this crap about them again.

And some other crap I didn't keep track of. It's only getting bigger
Yeah I heard about that, to be honest I'm glad more and more people are supporting it. Hopefully there are some big changes within gaming journalism and censorship with gaming in general.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And I'll just leave this here

They've had a secret mailing list to discus what to cover, what to praise, what to ignore or block, and how to handle the fallout of being discovered
At this point North Korean state press is more legitimate than these clowns, because at least you know you're getting the North Korean government's version of it, and not anything related to truth

It's a legitimate conspiracy
No tinfoil hats
No bullshitting
Just a bunch of asshats conspiring to shit over games they don't like in the name of 'progress'

Edit: And talk about potential stock market criminal stuff earlier today(In between all the people talking about it on 4chan being banned). If they bought any video game related stock, they may be in for a long and messy legal procedure
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And I'll just leave this here

They've had a secret mailing list to discus what to cover, what to praise, what to ignore or block, and how to handle the fallout of being discovered
At this point North Korean state press is more legitimate than these clowns, because at least you know you're getting the North Korean government's version of it, and not anything related to truth

It's a legitimate conspiracy
No tinfoil hats
No bullshitting
Just a bunch of asshats conspiring to shit over games they don't like in the name of 'progress'

Edit: And talk about potential stock market criminal stuff earlier today(In between all the people talking about it on 4chan being banned). If they bought any video game related stock, they may be in for a long and messy legal procedure
I feel bad for anyone who this came across as a surprise to. It's so obvious this has been going on for years. IGN is borderline transparent about it for instance, hence why they get such much flak.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

'They gave us Mountain Dew and Dorritos. 10/10!'


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just spent an hour reading about that shitstorm... TBH I haven't read a "professional" video game review since I found the reader reviews tab on gamefaqs (I know it's a den of pre-adolescent idiocy for the most part, but if you take the time and read several reviews you can get a good idea of what the game will be like).

But even though this doesn't affect me, it's still really funny that they've managed to go from ruling the roost, as it were, to alienating the people that provide their paychecks to the point of endangering their industry.

I'm not even sure why they're being called feminists, they're just using that as a shield to keep the focus off their greed, in the same way their using their gender as a shield (Somebody made an internet rape threat oh noes!). Even though I hate feminists (because they won't shut the fuck up and leave me alone when I've done nothing wrong aside from having a penis), calling these women feminists is just... wrong? I move that forthwith they be referred to as something else, preferably degrading.
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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's hurtful.

So is being told you're shit for 20+ years because you share a sex with people that aren't you who did some things that you had no involvement in.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So is being told you're shit for 20+ years because you share a sex with people that aren't you who did some things that you had no involvement in.
Sounds to me like you've just met the extremist bunch.
Those are pretty much all retards, they'd find some other thing to hate you for and talk down to you for if it wasn't for being a man

Anyway, as for games, Bastion on Steam weekend sale!
If you don't have it yet, it's pretty good