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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was a bit disappointed with Nosgoth,

The hit detection seemed a bit wonky and it seems to be leaning very strongly towards a PVP only game... Which doesn't lend itself to introducing any new lore... Which is a damn shame if you ask me...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

New sales by Steam

That Styx stealth game is 20% off too
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Space Engineers currently doing a free weekend thing on Steam, for any curious. Also 40% off during.

Personally I can vouch for the game 100% and am in absolute love with it. But obviously depends on whether it's your kind of game. Have a look at the trailers and such.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Games Workshop puts a name on something and jacks the prices up, news at 11

Remember, friends don't let friends buy stupid.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Found this for those interested
Now you can keep yourself up to date and informed on all of thestuff going on with games media (Mainly just the idiocy of 'game journalists' for my entertainment, but there's other stuff as well)

Gamergate stuff, their page on current happenings and archive on past happenings.
It also shows the things that are opposed to them, so at least there's no deliberately hidden information as far as I can see
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'll just leave this here.

Basically, this weekend is going to be a massive free weekend for 10 different titles.

EDIT: Shitaku are strawmanning GamerGate again. Archive link because I refuse to give them any actual traffic.

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, yeah, that one.

The fun thing is, the bots that support that hashtag also support #ISIS and similar things. Must have been a discount on them or something.

In other news, GoG seems to be planning to compete with Steam. But with a modular client that lets you turn on and off all those things, and keeping no DRM on them. Beta stuff seems to be starting soon(tm)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Payday the heist and Payday 2 are on huge discounts today
If you wanted them, grab them while you can

Also, 'games journalists' support bullying gamers.

This led to Mercedes withdrawing their ads because seriously how retarded do you have to be to make statements like that? And in public?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Should Gamergate also not be looking the other way as well? At people who are tossing death threats and the like to developers? Is the creation of video games themselves not in the best interest of gamers?

Also, perhaps a bit of moderation on who is actually using the hashtag. I've seen enough actualy misogynistic users screaming Go Gamergate that it does give weight to the movements detractors. And so long as these kinds of supporters are not publicly distanced, I cannot support such a movement.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Should Gamergate also not be looking the other way as well? At people who are tossing death threats and the like to developers? Is the creation of video games themselves not in the best interest of gamers?

Also, perhaps a bit of moderation on who is actually using the hashtag. I've seen enough actualy misogynistic users screaming Go Gamergate that it does give weight to the movements detractors. And so long as these kinds of supporters are not publicly distanced, I cannot support such a movement.

Can you moderate a hashtag? I thought anyone anywhere could use it. I mean, I could make tweets like:

"You killed my father. Prepare to die. #gamergate"
"The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain. #gamergate"
"My dogs ate my cheese. #gamergate"

and they'd show up as part of the trending gamergate hashtag.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Should Gamergate also not be looking the other way as well? At people who are tossing death threats and the like to developers? Is the creation of video games themselves not in the best interest of gamers?

Also, perhaps a bit of moderation on who is actually using the hashtag. I've seen enough actualy misogynistic users screaming Go Gamergate that it does give weight to the movements detractors. And so long as these kinds of supporters are not publicly distanced, I cannot support such a movement.

They are publicly distanced though
Whenever an invested gamergate member spots someone putting out threats they report them, and often gets a whole bunch of people going "We do not support death treats, this user is just a dick"
Of course, since they're up against gaming 'news' sites, the 'news' sites will report on the threats but not on the distancing going on. And there have been times where sockpuppets made threats like it so that there was more fuel for the 'journalists' to bullshit around with

It's a mess, basically. There are a few idiots who are actual misogynists but they don't represent the people who actually want that movement to succeed. Kinda like how the KKK doesn't represent the entire South US, and it's kinda hard get told about the good parts of a movement when they're up against some form of media and trying to change things
It's basically a fight about public perception
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Is one of those problems both sides face.

Not really any way to stop internet anons from deciding they're on the gamergate side and making crude remarks and death threats, or saying counter-productive things like "I hate feminists". There will always be fringe users that don't really comunicate with the rest, or just mus-interpret the intended cause.

Same as you can't stop random individual women from campaigning to ban the broadcast of My Little Pony "for promoting lesbianism" and calling their campaign feminism. Nor moderate the views of start up youtube users, or how they use their platform to rake in hundreds of thousands in donations for no more than what other less inflammatory feminist youtube users had already been doing for free. (And I know I've used that silly MLP example before, but it continues to crack me up. Handy example of how a group or cause can often be anything but unified.)

Regarding how to moderate game journalism or such, I'm kinda clueless. It's virtually what GamerGate was set up to stop, in response to the private room moderation going on.

There's also all that talk about how gamergate opponents have seemingly been sending fake death threats to themselves to drum up support. Lots of speculation, but also lots of plainly suspicious circumstances. That case with Anita at least, looked pretty convincing to me. Conveniently launching yet another donation drive off of it and all. Controversy marketing made Rockstar rich. Works for this too.

Hard to tell where this gamergate thing will end up really. They've already successfully disbanded GameJournoPros as far as I think I heard. Now they're celebrating over getting advertisers to pull out from certain sites. Their opposition continues to fight them as a perceived misogynist force, and they answer that's not who they are anyway. I'm not sure what their current goals are. The mainstream media is slowly picking up on the story, and naturally aligned itself with the side seen as pro-feminist, since GamerGate is admittedly pretty confusing.

Really seems impossible to tell "who's winning" or what's being won.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

While Steam does have an absurdly large chunk of the market, there are alternatives. GoG, Desura, IndieGala, etc are all viable distribution platforms, and this guy seemingly went a little nuts over something that doesn't seem all that important, albeit something that does make the people running steam look mildly incompetent.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

*Sniff sniff*

Smell that?

Smells a little bit like phil fish
Re: Games Discussion Thread

While Steam does have an absurdly large chunk of the market, there are alternatives. GoG, Desura, IndieGala, etc are all viable distribution platforms, and this guy seemingly went a little nuts over something that doesn't seem all that important, albeit something that does make the people running steam look mildly incompetent.

Honestly, I don't think it makes the people running steam look incompetent. It takes a while for them to sort through all their stuff to do and if a game isn't immediately updated to no longer say early access then that just means they didn't get to it yet. They're pretty slow from what I heard even, but that's still no excuse to make death threats

Also, apparently the guy banned users who left negative reviews from the game's subforum. So that's just to see how stupid this guy got
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bit of a shame, Paranauhtical Activity actually looked pretty nice, but if the dev's gonna pull a e-tard to such a degree, it kinda turns people away from the game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Current features we know thus far include:

- Archwing gamemodes, where you're literally being a ninja in space. Thus far two of them have been mentioned, a free-fly mode with certain goals like a standard mission, and a 'Trench Run' mode where you go superfast through a tight ship interior.

- A Syndicate system, with players can side with a faction or two to get unique goodies and rewards from assisting certain factions in the game world. Unfortunately, you'll lose some credit with certain factions for assisting others. See below for a full syndicate roster.

- Ability mods getting a overhaul to be built into a Warframe instead of requiring mod cards. Instead, they get unlocked as you level a frame up, and they get better as you use them in combat. Two slots out of the 10 being used by the Warframes are getting nixed with this change, though if you polarized your Warframe Ability slots you're getting Forma back.

- New Warframe, surprisingly DE is being rather hush-hush about it, beyond the fact that he is some sort of void-based magic user and he'll be gained via quest like Mirage. Supposedly the Archwing teaser site will show him off right before the update hits.

- Lockers are getting a colorblind-friendly pass, giving an easier way to tell what's unlocked and locked from a distance.

- Directional melee attacks MIGHT get in before launch, though if not expect them quickly getting in shortly after.

And finally, the banners for all six Syndicate factions.


EDIT: New Warframe revealed.

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those with Payday 2

Old Hoxton is back. Tech's tools are now viable, and there's a new heist that's pretty good
And it's all free. No payment needed. They're much better at making heists now, I would say.

As for the people following Gamergate stuff

More advertisers pulled out, Nintendo is considering pulling out of advertising(Read: Seriously looking into) on these 'games journalist' sites, and a vocal gamergate supporter gets threatened(Knife send to their home) and harassed(Local emergency services told they need to break into his place to stop suicide). Of course, none of this is actually appearing in mainstream news, as this person is not a (minority or female) game developer
Pretty much business as usual, and it's still going as strong as ever
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Figure this is as good a place as any to spark this up, or at the very least, maybe get a question or two answered.

So I've been watching the ads (Read: forced to sit through due to them being in front of stuff I *want* to watch) for Technicolor InFamous...I mean Sunset Overdrive and after watching about 10, a thought occured to me. The pitchman character explains that a "contaminated energy drink is turning everyone into mutants" and "the city needs a hero." Normally, you don't think too much about that. Evil, rampaging mutants versus you, the chosen one. But then, it got me to thinking.

"A contaminated energy drink is turning everyone into mutants..."
"...turning everyone into mutants..."

So, you're not fighting lab grown genetic experiments. You're not fighting robots. You're fighting normal joe people who have been *turned* into mutants. When I brought this point up to the CB, the reply was along the same line as I thought: "So, you're killing...people."

Which brings me to the question (for people who might have played it already) of whether or not they can be "cured," if it states that there's nothing human left at all, or if you are, in fact, killing people. Granted, wed o this all the time in games, but 9 times out of 10, your opponents are there by choice. They're enemy soldiers or they're making a conscious choice to try and kill *you*. What about these ones who have been turned into monsters against their will?

Not that a crisis like this would stop me from playing the game, but it's just one of those things that ran through my brain and I thought might make an interesting discussion/quandry.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

With that said though, isn't that the same with any zombie apocalypse sorta game? Noone I'm sure wants to be some flesh-eating killer corpse.