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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X

....You can't land on the leaves during or right after they shake. I had the most trouble with that part when playing as Zeta. Ironically, I played as Amy, and made it through on my first try.

Man, I had the most trouble with Rouge. Her jumps are TOO big it seems, and you don't really have air control.
Re: Project X

... They made the jumping section even harder? Given that the games jumping controls aren't that controlled, that seems counter productive. If you are going to make jumping sections, make movement left/right in jump completely separate from that before jumps.
Re: Project X

Current updates for 2.1:
Platforming w/ leafs has been changed. Now is thin platform jumping, but as new video showed, is again, quite doable, but now one mus move an jump in that segment far more then if it was just the fives shaking leaves.

2nd Boss has been changed: Vore attack no longer insta kills, instead victim gets raped in the bosses mouth, then spat out dealing ALLOT of damage ( Zu will die if she's taken ANY damage before hand as it does 50, and she at max has 60 ). Vine now move far faster, and the boss overall has more HP meaning it takes even LONGER to kill.

...Backlash anyone?
I prefer difficulty over luck, so not backlash
Re: Project X

Wait, where's the update? The main website just says it's still at 2.0.
Re: Project X

Not uploaded yet, only a video showing it on livestream

I love the "inset showing tentacle rape inside mouth" thing, it's awesome. But, I think she should keep the "spitting out skeleton" insta-kill move.
Re: Project X

Looks like the entire level got shortened and enemies can actually fall into the pit now. Awesome
Re: Project X

I am very annoyed that She got so much problems from these idiots that don't like the instant death its a fucking flower that has incinarated Or devoured Mario hundreds thousands if not millions of times in the past no one gave a shit oh but now that it involves tits its discusting fucking morons the instant death move was the only brake a got during that boss to help better my timeing to fight to fuckin tentacles... In short Very peeved that shes being forced to remove instant death So much so that now I would like to start a patition to remove the Inflation because You know what I hate inflasion its gross so she so totally remove it. Come to think of it I don't like how to worms pop out rouges nipples lets remove that too. Hmm Don't like the Belly button Cum either better remove that too. Hmmm Anything else people don't like we wouldn't want to ruin the gameing experience for people? Oh well some people don't like rape either so lets remove the Rape too Lordy wouldn't want to gross people out after all rape is a very Sick Fetish no one would possibly want it in there game...

The short verison. If you force an Auther to remove something from a game that is free mind you. Then you better start removing everything from the fuckin game. Go to hell you fags.

After I read Zeta's Posts I realised my issues with the leafs instantly and I die 75% less now purely because of it its also how I found out shes removeing the instant death from the plant. I will strangle the first person I meet that complained to her about it the games free I hate most of the fetish's in it but I enjoy the game why? Because No one else is makeing a really fun to play game for free Or Has the patience to learn it

Edit: OMG I just realised I have become a Zeta Fanboy >.>; Bwhahaha I Never thought I would become a fanboy of anything XD
Re: Project X

Alright, light of reason coming in here to banish your newfound "drooling fan-child" problems.

Your argument retains little water on the subject of instant death. I admit that it does add a challenge, which is the only thing that actually holds any water in this metaphor.

1) Regarding the "Mario's been eaten by this plant so many times before" argument, I will ask you this: how does he die? Does he get spat out in a pile of Mortal Combat style bones? No.

Personally, I found the skeleton to be quite the turn off. I probably wouldn't complain, however, if the game wasn't in the hentai genre. This is probably why she removed it. Aside from the abundance of complaints on it, it really wasn't hot to look at.

2) Regarding that petition, it'd fail from the start. The author of this game likes inflation. In fact, the belly button geyser is one of her fetishes apparently. This is why there's such an abundance of it in the game. She must have been trying to cater to a broader audience with the instant death move (considering that it's vore), considering that she only implemented it once.

3) Stuff happens; throwing a temper tantrum and acting like a toddler is only hurting you more than it's helping.
Re: Project X

Personally, my problem with the leaves is that it's not clear that you can't land on them when they're shaking.

If the only way to keep a section of a game from being insanely difficult is to read a development blog, the section needs to be revised somewhat.
Re: Project X

her hentai foundry is hardly a development blog >.>

edit: As for the tantrum And the patition It was stateing the fact that if you remove someonething just cause people don't like it why bother makeing the game to begin with Other then the Horse and spiders Not a heck of alot Appeals to me with the game but I Still like it purely because its fun to play.
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Re: Project X

Don't be a moron.

No one forced Zeta to do anything, alot of people gave their constructive critism and most of them were polite in doing so.

As the author she has the right to either take the critism under advisement or tell the fans to shove it up their back passage (like she did at the complaints at the cum geisers)
Re: Project X

I never noticed whether you couldn't jump on them when they're shaking or not, but the leaves look like you need to jump diagonally, when you really don't. You just have to line it up right, and you can jump straight across. They should really just have them in a straight line, though.

They had damned well better fix that plant boss. Fucking 1-hit-KO can kiss my ass. Especially when it's right on top of you as soon as you stop blinking. Sure, you can use the escape move, but insta-death? That's a final boss type thing. Maybe the boss right before the final, if there are enough bosses before that one.
While I'm on the subject of that boss, you can pretty much spam the escape move over by the part you're supposed to be hitting (middle of the screen, the vine that's fucking the girl... thought I'd throw that out there, since I had NO FUCKING CLUE that was what I was supposed to hit at first), because hitting the stationary vine, the mobile vines, and the Pihrana(sp?) plant all at the same time almost fills your special meter for the same amount it cost to use the escape move.

I really didn't like the worms being in 2-2. Sure, you can kind-of see them, but the only reliable way to get them is to be waiting to smack that escape button.

Anyone else notice with Zeta and the Horse that when it goes to fuck her, there's a quick frame where she's on her hands and knees, like she's about to give it a blow-job? Just thought I'd point it out is all, I know they're not going to catch every little thing :p

What they need to do is make it so when an enemy has you, the other enemies scatter, so you can SEE the animation. I especially hate this during the first boss fight and whenever you fight the three horses. The ones doing nothing keep going over and blocking the action for a good 75% of it.

They also need to make it so the action doesn't happen off-screen. Mostly ran into this with Pokkun. He'd throw a bomb at me when I was at the edge of the screen, and then all I'd see of the animation was his face popping on and off the screen. Yeah, it's nothing that NEEDS fixing, but it would be nice.
Speaking of Pokkun, I HATE HIM. No matter who you are, he can ALWAYS knock you out of your combo while you're hitting him. Fucking bastard.
Re: Project X

What they need to do is make it so when an enemy has you, the other enemies scatter, so you can SEE the animation. I especially hate this during the first boss fight and whenever you fight the three horses. The ones doing nothing keep going over and blocking the action for a good 75% of it.

This is one thing toonpimp actually did right, when there's sex happening everything stops, and in his case(Looking at the castlevania one for this) the things not having their way with the player masturbate. It's a nice touch.

Speaking of Pokkun, I HATE HIM. No matter who you are, he can ALWAYS knock you out of your combo while you're hitting him. Fucking bastard.

Never had any problems with him whatsoever, but I noticed combos aren't that important anyway, so I just break off my combos when something is coming. I consider it a good thing that there's something to watch out for besides just punching things.
Re: Project X

I just never used the third hit in my combo, since that's the one he breaks from. Then I just use the special attack or escape attack to knock him back.
Re: Project X

I have to agree that the other monsters really need to stay away from the action; they make me think of old men trying to get a good look of the action, haha.

An alternate solution would be them ganging up on you - that'd be hot.
Re: Project X

I somewhat liked the vore, but i don't like that it was hard vore, but they cant all be winners. Like everyone else said they need to have an animation gallery, especially since animations are randomized.
And its very unlikely to ever happen but having anal/oral/no cum attacks deal less damage seems like it wold fit the story more.
Re: Project X

Hey peoples.

Just checking in.

The game is cool.

Really awesome.

Love Zeta. ^.-

People complain too much. Yup.

Pokkum was my bitch and the only time I fell off those leaves was because I was too high. Yup. >.>

Well, have fun now.

Was a hoot!

See some of you later. <.<
Re: Project X

I am very appalled and, apologetically upset at those who have yelled, carried on, and bit heads off about the vore finisher. My stance on the matter is, it is originally supposed to be a "don't let the robots and monsters impregnate you" complete with a phelopian tube as a health marker.

Someone please make sense to me how a skeletal husk can get pregnant, much less filled with cum?

I am at a complete loss, no offense.
Re: Project X

Also, you can solve your pokkun problem by just starting the combo earlier. He can only move very limited between your hesitation in strikes, and if you start it early, it's not enough to reach you.

I'm pretty sure it does more damage to finish your combo with the tackle instead of a regular finish
Re: Project X

If you get pretty good at it, I've often lured all three into the same physical space and hit them all with a combo, again when they got back up and.. pretty much finished everyone in just seconds. The only thing to be cautious about is to keep ahead of bokkun. Remember to jump if he's getting too close! Or just be prepared with a counter. ^.-