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Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Sho...'. Was the only word Nova said hearing the name. Another flood of memories hit him as he was half paying attention to his surroundings. The teleport was nothing unusual for him as his occasional trip to hell felt similar. The moment he arrived he took a glance around the room and determined his ambush position. Tho the stasis pod intrigued him as an unusual vibe greeted him. Shaking his head once again he focuses on the situation. "Siphon I'm going to ambush them when they get here focus on what you need to do.". His katana was drawn and he faded into the darkness of the walls.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Roger that, I'm on my way. Caitlin broadcast, then cut the channel. A few minutes later, a bay on the side of the ship that wasn't overgrown opened, and a single-person fighter slipped out, making it's way towards the surface. It seemed just as overgrown as the larger ship, but more gracefully, lines of spines following the shape of the ship underneath, and no postules and such strewn haphazardly about, short of a few tendrils trailing behind. And again like the larger ship, it seemed to move without any discernable propulsion, producing no emissions and with no obvious energy signatures, just a steady reading covering the entire ship.

Caitlin entered the atmosphere and flew straight towards where the energy readings had come from, but had to make a couple flybys in order to find the entrance to the cave system, finally setting down about a hundred yards from said entrance.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

She nods as the Wraith gets her name right, following along and looking none too happy about having to go into the caves, but she is, "listening" to Siphon as they chase after the Bentari.

Copy. We'll meet in the middle then. At the mention of the half-demon's name, though, she suddenly stops, grunting as one of the Wraith following her isn't exactly expecting that and she nearly stumbles. Catching herself quickly, she mumbles an apology and keeps moving, though she does turn back around, hearing the engines of the fighter as it lands. The Wraith seem to hear it, too.

We might have more company.

She lets the Wraith past her, given that they're better in close-quarters than she is, and hangs back in the stone tunnel, watching the entrance to see what else is headed their way.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Siphon nodded.

"Go Shade, this will take a few ..."

While Shade headed out to do what he needed to, Siphon began working on the pod, which truly was beginning to fall apart. He knew he'd have to move quickly or risk losing the occupant, though he knew one mistake meant death for whoever was inside just as surely as not doing anything would. Finally, he had it figured out and activated the protocol needed, which would wake the person over the next three minutes. And that's when he heard weapons fire from the hall.

Copy that, might be Thor and that new person he mentioned, he said he'd meet us here. I've got the pod working, three minutes til we can meet the occupant. Shade's trying to set up a frontal ambush of the Bentari, and I'm hearing weapons fire outside. What's your position?

Nothing showed itself to them immediately, though the Wraith didn't seem awful worried.

"I do not believe that was a Bentari ship that landed. The engines sounded a bit too low pitch for one of their ships. Still, we will leave a small contingent behind on the off chance we need them."

Caitlin hadn't been down for long before a sudden sound and flash of sparkling white light appeared off to her side.

If she turned, she would spot a small, grey alien with large black eyes standing not too far from her. He raised a single hand and spoke.

"Greetings. I am Thor. I apologize if I startled you Ms. Hall."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Caitlin had just finished climbing out of her ship and was sitting on the part where the wing met the fuselage when thor appeared, promoting a startled jump from her.

She appeared to be a woman in her late thirties, though a few streaks of grey were beginning to show, placing her likely age at later than that. her flightsuit seemed to be made of an organic brownish material, with traces of green marbled through it, and it covered all but her head. There also seemed to be a small square-ish pack extruding from the back of it four or five inches, which appeared almost chitinous, and likely held the suit's air and other systems.

"Yep, you sure did!" She said with a bit of a laugh, shifting back around to face her ship. A piece of the organic covering responded to her touch and peeling away, revealing a storage compartment. "Be right down." She said, pulling out a folded wheelchair and deftly assembling it, dropping it the few feet to the ground. Then she slid down herself, landing neatly in the seat and spending a few seconds repositioning herself before looking back to him. "Nice to meet you in person, Thor." She said calmly, extending a hand. "Shall we be off?"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova one with the shadows and disturbingly familiar with close quarters combat. He could hear and smell the targets well before they rounded the corner. Hanging from the tunnel roof he waited until the mass of the 15 man group was under him before dropping down. Anyone along the path could easly make out the sparratic blaster fire slowly dieing down as friendly fire claimed alot more lives then Nova's blade.

"Christ i have had lesser demons put up more of a fight than this." he muttered to himself as he cut a warrior neatly into four pieces.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Heading in to ambush some Bentari from behind with a few of the Wraith warriors. I'll say here and meet Thor and his new friend and let the warriors handle the zappy zappy rendy gnashy. Though a couple of them are staying with me, looks like.

She simply leans against the wall at that point, keeping an eye and an ear out as best she can, hoping that Siphon and the Wraith are right and that she'll soon be seeing Thor padding on down the tunnel. In the distance, she could barely make out what sounded like a scuffle on a grand scale.

How's things on your end?
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Thor gently shook her hand, nodding.

"Yes, the entry is this way, and if my sensors indicated things correctly, we should have a small friendly party waiting for us not far inside."

Nova discovered there weren't as many Bentari dead as he thought, as a few moved to fight him, while still a few more slipped away quietly, moving towards the pods position.

So far so good, pod is opening up, and the occupant is .... oh ... shit.

His thoughts trailed off as he laid eyes upon the occupant, who was a strikingly beautiful woman. That however was not why he was frozen. He had frozen because the readout had just now indicated WHO and WHAT she was.

She opened her eyes, raising a hand towards him, and he spoke quickly, and rapidly. Told her who he was and the situation, but in Ancient, leaving Vanessa shaking her head wondering what was said.

He'd no sooner finished than five Bentari entered the room, aiming weapons that were surely set to kill. A moment later, many more appeared in a flash of transporter, surrounding the three.

FUCK, we've got TONS of company!

In orbit around the planet, a half dozen Bentari warships suddenly emerged from hyper-space, beginning to fire at the surface of the planet.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Oh yeah, now THIS is more like it! IT'S ON, YOU BIG BASTARDS!"

The Tiberion Fighters, led as usual by the Predator, begin swarming the newly arrived ships. The two cruisers position themselves to block the shots fired at the planet, and begin returning fire at the ships not surrounded by fighters.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Several of the ships switch to firing on the incoming vessels, while the remaining ones attempt to punch through the shields of the cruisers.

A moment later however, all the ships launched countless one man fighters, attempting to outnumber and englobe their attackers.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

The shields of the cruisers begin flaring up at the bombardment, while the fighters pull away from the larger ships and focus on the fighters.

"Hmm, I'm not sure I like the turn this just took."

"You ain't scared, are ya?"

"Hell no. Besides, reinforcements just showed up."

A huge slipspace portal opens and a gigantic ship flashes into view. Fighters and gunships begin pouring forth like swarms of insects, while guns all over the hull begin firing on the Bentari ships. Another ship, too big to be a fighter can be seen moving towards the planet, though it would not show up on any radar.

"Guess who."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

When the other ships arrived, large streaks of blue light began to flare off of the Covenant vessel. Were the volley to impact on the Bentari shields, they'd find massive heat and stress plaguing them.

As the Covenant ship cooled it's guns from the bombardment, a massive ball of searing green mass shoots out of the port side, heading directly towards one of the unharmed Bentari ships, slamming directly into it, the enormous ball of plasma overheating and stressing their shields, as the Prophet of Regret's voice came over an open com channel to the Tiberion and Siphon's ships "While I do not know who these fools are you are fighting. I shall provide you with all the might of the Shadow of Intent." the prophet says, as another volley of lasers is sent off of his ship.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Oh good, I wouldn't want to bore you the entire way down." Caitlin said with a chuckle, then started down the tunnel, using a joystick on one of the chair's arm's to control it. "So what do you think they Ancient will be like?" She had just finished asking when she twitched a little, and looked back up towards the ceiling of the tunnel. "More ships just arrived, the fight up there's started again..." She says slowly, her eyes dancing back and forth for a few seconds before returning to Thor.

Up in space, Caitlin's ship started moving, the nose tracking one of the larger Bentari ships. Scans would indicate a power source charging about two-thirds back the length of the ship, near the lower decks.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

As Caitlin and Thor made their way down the tunnel, they'd eventually find a young woman waiting there, leaning with her back against the wall of it, arms crossed at her chest, looking to be watching in their direction. Not far from where she stands looks to be a few Wraith warriors, some watching the way ahead, others keeping an eye out like she is. As they approach, she pushes off the wall, her coat flapping a little around her calves as she approaches.

"Hey, Thor, how's it going?" She greets the Asgard with a wave. "Picked a busy time to show up, like always. Hopefully the boys will have the Bentari cleared out by the time we get to the pod. Who's the new friend?" For being caught between the space battle, what was obviously a skirmish on the ground, and the notion of the Bentari being further in the tunnels, she seems remarkably unconcerned.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

(Sorry about the absence all. My computer died for the most part. I am back tho)

As Nova attempted to chase all the Bentari.


He yells but the sound of many more figures entering the room caused him to curse many times. Rushing through the mass hacking at anything in his way he makes his way to Siphons side.

"Dammit bro, we reunite then ya go and get us killed. "

As he stood beside Siphon something kicked his sixth sense as the battle above heated up
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Several of the Bentari ships were slammed hard by the attacking vessels, and suddenly the Beliskner made her own move, neatly carving one Bentari ship to pieces with a barrage of weapons fire.

The remaining ones shifted attack, refusing to back down.

Thor briefly waved to Sho, before pausing for a moment.

"There, the orbital fight started again, I gave them something more to think of. Her name is Caitlin Hall, she arrived in system during the first fight."

Siphon dodged a particularly meaty fist swung at him, popping the beast in the face with a plasma round.

"You will NOT touch her!"

This seemed to spark something in the woman, who placed a hand on Nova's shoulder, gently pulling him back with surprising strength.

Then, with a sudden flash, every single Bentari in the room literally caught fire, roaring in surprised anguish as they quickly burnt to death.

However, more poured in from outside, but only a handful more. The woman though sagged against Siphon, releasing Nova, apparently spent.

"What the hell ... Watch out!"

To Sho, all her mind got from him was a sudden outburst.

Holy mother of Alverus!
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Sho shakes her head as Thor mentiones the orbital fight. "And how many ships have we got up there kicking ass? Really? You think they'd learn. Well, Caitlin, nice to meet you. I'm Shoni, though it's Sho most of the time. Shall we--"

A cacophany of screams errupted from the tunnel behind her and she whips around in time to see the glow of flaming Bentari. The Wraith with her waste no time in charging down the hall and the two lingering there hear her go "Siphon?" before muttering a curse and taking off herself. Obviously the battle has decided it doesn't want to be ignored for formalities any longer.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Nova gasps at the sheer power and ability it took to most of the bentari.

"What in the nine hells. Siphon take care of her, these guys don't seem to realise they are already dead."

Returning to battle Nova reflects on what just happened. 'Man i wonder if i can ever match that power.' His thoughts suddenly turn to pain as three more shots impact with his back. 'Dammit gotta get in the game.' Blocking out the pain he plays slightly more defensively.

"Siphon i may need a hand here, they are getting smarter."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Thor had started to reply when the screams cut him off, and his eyes widened, if that was actually possible for an Asgard.

"I do not like the sounds of how this battle is going down there."

He too took off with Sho down the corridor, a few steps behind due to his smaller size.

Siphon turned, gently laying the woman to the ground.

"Vanessa, watch her please, shoot anything hostile that gets within ten feet."

Turning back, he caught a glimpse of a Bentari pulling a dagger, trying to stab Nova. With a grunt, a sudden rush of pure gravity rushed past Nova, slamming into said Bentari with the force of three trucks, lifting it clean off it's feet and throwing it into the hall, shattering it's spine against the back wall.

Then he drew his swords, muttering something about closed spaces and flammable materials, and started carving Bentari apart where he could, mostly forcing them to go defensive.

About the time Sho reached the entry way to the room in question, a single Bentari flew by, impacting the wall with a satisfying crunch, slumping to the ground, dead.

Inside, metal hitting metal could be heard, as well as several grunts.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

(Bit behind, sorry)

"A pleasure, Sho." Caitlin says cheerily, raising a hand to shake again before being cut off by the sounds of battle. She watches Sho run off, admiring the apparently unarmed and unarmoured woman's bravery.

"Well, I guess the fight has come and found us, hasn't it?" She says to Thor, reaching around to the back of her chair and pulling a few pieces from the framework, hastily assembling them into a rather large rifle for someone her size, shouldering it a bit uneasily. "It's been a while since I had to use this, so I'll just stay here, if that's alright. If any of them try to come through here, I'll take care of them." She says grimly, taking her front hand off the front of the rifle to back herself against the wall behind her and getting comfortable.