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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy grinned weakly at Kita, then a bit broader as Abi snapped back to her normal self. She dragged another shirt from the rack to offer to Abi. "Alright tough girl, you want to walk? Cover yourself up with that, at least..." She sneered, regaining her composure far quicker than she would've expected, regardless of her slight flush. Still, after Abi had covered herself, Suzy leant over to place a hand underneath her knees and one on her back, before hefting her up, blinking from how heavy she was. "New girl... Get the bags please? Nice rifle, where'd you get it...?" she said to Kita, giving the hunting rifle a glance.

Suzy carried Abi up to the cash registers, and set her down on the bench again. Kita seemed rather too optimistic about this. "Are you feeling better, Gray? Do I need to get something for you?" she cooed in a mockingly motherly way, stroking her hair again. She really was starting to enjoy Abi's humiliation now, served her right.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Abi was slowly starting to get ticked off at the two girls. "Don't touch me!" She swatted at Suzy as she stroked her hair. She'd already given Kita some dirty looks for her attitude towards what she perceived as a serious problem. Any earlier softness that she'd exhibited for the new girl were now firmly in the past.

Abi crossed her arms and continued to scowl on the bench. The other two should be back soon, but she remembered a way to get one of the pests away, for the moment. "Didn't the others want your help with the food, new girl? Set those bags down and go help them." Her voice was back to the snotty, commanding tone it ususal was, no doubt trying to preserve some sanity. She could deal with this, but for now she'd prefer the currently more annoying of the two to leave, even if she was sure to blab this latest problem to Sara and Alexis. No doubt Sara would come running back to fawn over her soon enough.

Time till futa wears off: 13


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy grinned at Abi's sudden anger, clearly she was really upset by now, but the ginger girl obeyed the brunette, letting her hands go limp. "Ah, of course, after all, you're in such a good position now, would you wish I left with the Civvie, to let you figure this out?" she said, not particularly picking her words, and doubtlessly angering the Private more, even though her tone was nowhere near as mocking as before. It seemed she was recovering herself nicely, which dampened Suzy's mood a little, oh well, the last thing she needed was an insane penis-girl right now. Though for some reason, Suzy felt that it would be a bad idea for Sara to witness Abi at the moment. So she sat down on an adjacent bench, and motioned to Kita. "I've got the bags now, I'll bring her over in a bit, try not to get everyone too excited, I'm sure the last thing Gray here wants is this news spreading, hmm?" she said with gentle mirth to the goth-girl, pulling the bags underneath the bench she was sitting on.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita sat the bags nearby but didn't go to move. "Sure you don't want to check on them yourself?" she asked. "After all I may know a bit more on this, er, ailment, and besides, you know em better. Besides, you can grab a spare rifle in Sporting Goods if ya like..." Kita pointed out. She wondered how hard it'd be to knock miss Pain in the Ass's attitude down a peg or two then....


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"No, Corporal Rider's in charge, and she told you to deal with the food."After a few seconds of hesitation, Kita went off to find the others, they were on the far side of the store, with the food, so it'd take awhile to reach them, let alone talk it over with them, Abi would get some quiet, well, quiter time now.

This left Suzy alone with Abi, who still looked royally pissed off. She kept giving the girl funny looks, but mostly looked down at the floor, almost blushing.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy sighed, and settled back on the bench. This was far more enjoyable than fending off hordes of spiders. She kept her own gaze looking out of the store, over Abi's shoulder, a slight happy flush still intruding on her features. After a half minute or so, when Kita was quite out of earshot, Suzy said "So, Gray. Feeling alright? Not so nice? Pity. Odd to think why this happened. The spider bite or something? I can't quite think why the spiders would want to have their venom do that though, seems rather odd. Have you still got that hard on?", giggling slightly at the end, but rising from the bench, and pulling her camping bag out, and one of her new sets of clothes. "Try not to get bitten by anything else while I get changed, hmm?" she jested cruelly, wandering behind a nearby rack to slip off her tattered clothes and pull on some new, rather similar ones, though these trousers were green.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita wandered through the store, pistol held comfortably as she looked for the others, until she ran into them, a bit flushed from all the running and activity but no less for the wear.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The girls were picking up some canned food and stuffing them into bags, this kind of food kept better. Kita could see that Sara had a can opener or two as well. "Ah, there you are, everything going well?" Alexis didn't seem to really expect anything else, though she was a bit edgy. Sara, on the other hand, seemed very happy from doing a normal activity, almost lost in another world. She picked up a full bag and handed it to Kita. "You can hold onto what we've packed so far. We've got about half our carrying capacity right now. Any brands you want us to get, we can't get anything fancy, of course, but nothing wrong with a little snack food here and there, better then rations that's for sure."


Back across the store, as Suzy was changing, Abi snuck up behind her. The girl hadn't responded to her jests moments earlier, instead she just sat more pissed off then ever. She waited untill Suzy was just in her bra and Alexis' panties, then she struck. One swift move and a hand was clasped over Suzy's mouth and her new dick sticking into her back, rubbing right above her ass. "Don't scream, we're just having a nice chat right now. Your earlier question, yes, this thing is still quite hard and long. I think I need to let out the pressure if you know what I mean." Abi's other hand snuck around to Suzy's bare belly, rubbing it slightly. "Way I see it, it's something that is going to need taken care of one way or another. I've got feelings running around that I've never felt before, and I desperately need to be rid of them. Are you up for another attempt at redemption? I'll even let you pick how we do it, and treat you as someone to be loved, not hated, I'll let you take just as much pleasure as I do, if not more, this thing's kinda long. Afterwards, all will be forgiven. Abi started poking her dick into Suzy slowly but with regularity as the speech continued, she seemed a bit scared, while she was trying to seem tough, deep down a hint of needing was showing. "I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, so you can answer, don't scream, or there will be consequences."

Time till futa wears off: 11


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy had been humming a merry tune, quite content with herself as she changed, and as such, gave a strangled yelp of surprise as Abi's hand came over her mouth, instinctively bringing an elbow round to hit her assailant, though Abi caught her elbow easily. Suzy calmed down when she heard the Private start speaking, but tensed at the feeling of the cock rubbing along her back, an all too unpleasant reminder of the previous day.

When she was released, Suzy stepped away, and turned, an angry flush in her cheeks. "Redemption? Fucking redemption? You're much worse than me, Gray. Go jerk off in a corner why don't you? That'll help as much as trying to fuck me will do. You're scared of that thing, I can get that, but I'm not gonna fuck you because you're scared and horny. I have nothing to be forgiven for that I haven't already made up for." she growled, reaching down to pick up her clothes again. She was in no mood to sink to the brunette's level again, not after what had happened this morning. Sure, she had an itch, but she'd deal with that later, preferably with Alexis, not this newly-imbued cock girl. "Come on, dick girl, pull some clothes on, or go masturbate yourself. I'm not helping you." she taunted while she straightened up, about to pull her shirt on.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita sighed. "Packhorse as usual..." she muttered as she took the bags. "Anyway, managed to locate a rifle out in the Sporting Goods area, looks pretty sweet no?"


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis was slightly put at ease by Kita's comment, though still a bit jump. She stopped for a moment to see her new gun. "Eh, not as good as ours, but it'll do. You sure you can handle it or you want me to show you how to use it a bit better?" Sara kept picking up more cans as the two talked.


As Suzy turned, Abi jumped on her, knocking her to the ground, dick rubbing down the girls ass crack through the panties. "Don't you understand, Sara can't see me like this. She need me to be strong, and I don't want to have to push this problem off on her." Abi just hung on for the moment, giving Suzy one last chance to take action either way, but the girl was quickly losing it.

Time till futa wears off: 10


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Sure, to tell the truth the closest thing to a gun I ever held was a crossbow hunting with my dad, and that was before I left home about.... 2 years ago? Ya, it's been a while," Kita admitted, allowing the girl to show her the ropes.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy yelped again as she was tackled, her petite breasts pancaking as she hit the floor. She shuddered at the touch of the cock, but couldn't get out from underneath Abi. "I can understand fine why you don't want Sara to know about this, but that still doesn't explain why you want to fuck me other than you're getting a little too randy for your own good. Now get off and go jerk off like I said if it's that bad. I'll wait for you to finish, I won't tell Sara, but I'm not a cumdumpster!" she said relatively calmly, the only emotion in her voice being the hint of anger. She was losing it too, but she was about to punch Abi if she didn't get a hold of herself. This was stupid, and the cock rubbing her wasn't helping with her own itch in the slightest. The swapped panties were starting to get a little damp, much to Suzy's frustration.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis placed the rifle in Kita's hands, waited for the girl to adjust a bit, then showed her how to place her hands on it correctly. "I might get a little close to you now, but don't worry." The tall redhead stood behind Kita, gripping the rifle with her hands placed over the small woman's. "Just follow my movements, watch where the rifle points, keep your focus." Alexis ran through a series of slow, sweeping motions with the gun, instructing Kita softly whenever the goth made a mistake.

After awhile, the sniper backed up. Sara had stopped to watch them as well. "Wow, is that how snipers aim better? In basic they just hand us the rifle and tell us to shoot!". Something odd had gotten into the blonde girl, she was way to happy. "Do you want to learn next? Now that she's free she can keep packing as I show you too."

(your mil score went up 1)


The venom must make its victims horny as well, as this Abi was alot alot different then either of her two ususal personas. "I don't have to cum in you. We can do it however you want. I can pull out at the end.... or... or you could just use your hand!" She seemed to take Suzy's last statement a little to seriously. "I'll forgive you completly. Please." The brown haired girl was practically begging Suzy to help her. The level of her insanity was astounding!

Time till futa wears off: 9


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy blinked. She was completely taken aback by Abi's sudden change. It was nothing like her, but Suzy was tempted, oh so much, by that offer. She could have the girl off of her back just for a handjob? But then again, she wanted to belong to Alexis. She groaned on the floor, trying to decide. She highly doubted Alexis would want to scratch her itch while anyone else was nearby, but she didn't want to be unfaithful, but she wanted the pleasure she could see herself getting from that thing. The ginger girl was lost, and silent for a moment as she thought.

Eventually, she pushed herself up as much as Abi leaning on her allowed, and turned to face her. "Gray... Abi... That's not exactly what I meant... But... I suppose I could give you something if it's really that bad..." she said slowly, before reaching behind her and grabbing the cock prodding her ass, shuddering at the touch, and with her other hand, pulled down her panties, decision made. "Abi, you can fuck me... But you owe me big time! And make sure you pull out before the end!" she said, the embarrassed flush returning to her face as she lined up Abi's penis to her now rather wet flower, pressing the head against her nether lips. Suzy was already telling herself off for this, but she needed to get off, and the easiest way was to let Abi do it for her, and if she pulled out then no-one needed to be any the wiser it had happened, assuming no-one wandered up to them while it was happening. Somehow, she actually felt sorry for the girl now, it seemed she was being driven mad, and Suzy could sympathise with her wanting to spare Sara the knowledge. She definitely wouldn't want Alexis to find out if this had happened to her.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita nodded and took over work duties on the can gathering. "Works for me, I'll work as ya give pointers!"


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita managed to fill one bag while Alexis showed Sara how to aim better. They were starting to run out of room for supplies. As the two came back over to Kita, they took the remaining two empty bags. "Ok, enough canned food, lets go to the junk food. Both of you pick out your favorite sweets." Alexis let the two run of ahead of her slightly as they shifted through the food section.


Abi wasted no time in thrusting into Suzy. They were currently positioned for doggy style. However, once Abi got all the way in, her inexerpience with this organ showed. Her knees already started to go out and she simply hung onto to Suzy while letting out a deep moan. "Sss Sss Suzy, can you flip ooo over... I don't think I can s ss support myself like this... it it's too powerfull for me to stay up like this..."


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy winced as Abi entered her, stifling her own moan, and she supported herself on her forearms as the brunette collapsed on her, blinking from the strain. As Abi spoke, Suzy let out a gasp as the cock shifted inside of her, and angled her head round to look at the other. "Gah... Fine, come on, you." she said gently, raising her leg to slip it in front of Abi's chest, and flopping onto her back while never letting the cock fall free. Suzy opened her legs, and then wrapped them around Abi's back, pulling her in. "Is that better? Come on then... Get going. We can't stay here forever..." she continued, grinding her hips against Abi's, encouraging her to resume thrusting. She opened her arms to let Abi lean forward on to her, but was perfectly happy to let the Private do the work here. She was getting hornier from the insertion, but wanted to give Abi the impression she wasn't doing this for her own pleasure, so controlled herself, only showing her bright red flush, leaving her bra on for the moment. If Abi wanted, she could start to fondle her, Suzy wouldn't stop it, but she wasn't about to go to self-groping.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Surprised you're soo worried about junkfood, though I guess the extra sugar can keep us going at times," Kita remarked as she started tossing handfuls of junk into the bag.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

As Kita and the girls rounded the junk food area, they stumbled upon the store's offices. A hall went into the back of the store with many shut doors and a rear exit. All was quite back there, but that didn't assure the lack of a monster waiting in abmush. The three stood for a second looking, before Alexis spoke. "We have time, you want to search?" She nodded towards the other two. "If one goes, we all go. Buddy system at all times. Suzy and Abi can handle themselves right?"


The new position was much better for Abigail. She slid right in between Suzy's legs, her arms wrapping around behind the girl as she pressed her top up against the redhead's bra. She slowly thrusted in and out, moaning each time. This new sensation was very stimulating for the girl. After awhile she rested her head against the sniper's neck, cooing softly as she kept going.

Time till futa wears off: 7