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ACT [暁音] Nightmare Sphere 0 (NOT released yet)

Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

I've played it as well, and so far, I've found 1 save spot, between 2 stores, an item store with magic and items, and a blacksmith for armors and defense.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Is there an option to make everything English?

It took me forever to get over that one wall because I couldn't figure out that I needed to dash over the hill and jump over that wall. :/
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Unexpectedly, getting attacked while on the ground no longer affects health or soul corruption - healing allies that get knocked to the ground restores purity, while absorbing enemies that you put down corrupts your character.
How do I corrupt my character? I noticed new action in options "Absorb/Heal" but doesn't appear to do anything.

Basically, how do you go about being a bad girl just like in the first game? ;)
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

How do I corrupt my character? I noticed new action in options "Absorb/Heal" but doesn't appear to do anything.

Basically, how do you go about being a bad girl just like in the first game? ;)

You have to be a bit corrupted before you have the option to Absorb. In order to do that, just kill everyone. Also, whenever a giant floating eye in a sort of crystal dealie shows up, leave it alone. It slowly corrupts you the longer it's onscreen.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Well, this might sound like a lazy person's question (ok, I am lazy .- . hence the name)

Is there any H-content yet.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Same as the first. Any enemy that can, will rape you when you're laying on the ground. And the ogre boss has a grab move that rapes you. Except when you play as the guy, then a lot less raping happens since only female monsters can do it.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

- There's a new skill: Press down + jump (only available when you play Shaska, it's the famous skill in Castlevania game.)
- When your purity is high, Heal command appears when an ally (even an enemy that is human but not monster if purity is high enough) is laying on the ground, it will increase your purity. Absorb command appears when a monster is laying on the ground, it will decrease your purity.
- When your purity is low, you have only Absorb command no matter the one that is laying on the ground is a human or monster.
- These commands can only appears after you defeat 1st boss.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Actually, I've healed a monster before by setting the monster faction to 'Save'. He didn't attack me at all, instead walked around like an ally. The only difference was that a healed monster doesn't give you the light blue essence that restores your purity and heals you.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

- These commands can only appears after you defeat 1st boss.

No, those commands appears right after you kill more or less 10 people, not after the 1st boss.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

I can't seem to get past the 1st boss.... I can't get use to something other then up arrow for jump. that and I just charge in and well none of the girls are tanks.... I tried cheat engine but it wont stay set on....
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

I can't seem to get past the 1st boss.... I can't get use to something other then up arrow for jump. that and I just charge in and well none of the girls are tanks.... I tried cheat engine but it wont stay set on....

He took me a couple tries, you can jump through him if you do it before he has you crammed into the corner. I played the mage, and just jumped to the other side whenever he charged, and kept firing, he went down quick enough.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

He took me a couple tries, you can jump through him if you do it before he has you crammed into the corner. I played the mage, and just jumped to the other side whenever he charged, and kept firing, he went down quick enough.

cheat engine finally stayed for the boss. I was Shaska sword and dagger she's a Rogue lol. after I got back and started the new area I couldn't make that jump up into the wall with (!) and at some point I hit enter.... which crashed the game.... I really like the setup of these games but I never made it far in the 1st its to much of a Game and not H-game the point ruins it for me....

I wish I had art skills so I could make my own....
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Its so sad that there is no save function in this demo, especially after getting all that items and weapons.:(

There are lots of bugs for him to fix.

Looking forward to the next demo version.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

How is this hard for some of you guys? I just dodge rolled (down+dash) through him over and over again through each attack, and just jumped over him when he did his super move, dodge rolling again when he uppercuts his axe.

Seriously, dodge roll is your friend. It makes you invulnerable. Even blocking is fine if you know his combo is about to end and you dodged most of it.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

piff dodging is for the weak. I pushed to lvl20 then hit him a bunch of times used all 3 super moves and then finished him off by throwing 20 axles at him. now thats how you do it.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Fool, grinding for exp is for the weak. Only the strong can perform low level runs.
Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

how to absorb? I've the option, but don't know how to do it :(

edit: found it :D
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Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

I keep getting an error

action number 1
of Other Event: Room Start
for object obj_title:

In script scr_encrypt_fname:
In script scr_mangle_header:
Error in code at line 26:
gap = (fsize - header_size) div header_size;

at position 34: Division by 0.

No Idea what it is, but it closes on startup

Oh, I got it. For some reason, all the files didnt unzip. And to my dismay, it lags for me just as bad as Nightmare Sphere. I dont understand why. My computer is high end, and all other programs around NS doesnt lag. It just seems NS and NS0 has trouble running.
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Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Hi there, I just got to the silver key thing (with a Flame Sword next to it) in some upper corner of the map, and got a completion timer :eek: Does that mean the Demo is over, or did some of you guys manage to use the key to open the blue doors ?

EDIT : and while I'm at it, did anyone figure out what those big yellow gems are for ? There is one that can be reached with a Wave Dash in the starting area, for instance.
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Re: Nightmare Sphere 2 (NOT released yet)

Oh, BTW, first message, mazel tov ! :D