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Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how I'm attracted to shit.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate my luck in team games. TF2, MNC, Counterstrike, L4D(1&2)..... it's a rare occurrence that I get thrown on the non-idiot team (unless I'm playing with friends).


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate my luck in team games. TF2, MNC, Counterstrike, L4D(1&2)..... it's a rare occurrence that I get thrown on the non-idiot team (unless I'm playing with friends).
Being the only sane man on a team sucks. I tend to play supportive classes, so I'm always shaking my head when all the meatshields tend to go into the obvious chokepoint...


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

thanks to autobalance, the better you are the worse your team will be.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

It seems like all the multiplayer 'balancing' systems seem to just stack one team and put a couple unfortunate good players on the shit one.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Sounds about right. Unfortunately, all the scrubs just happen to be put on MY team. I admit I'm not the godly multikiller, but when there's an obvious ambush I don't blunder into it...


Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Now, I believe I ranted about Pokemon earlier before in this thread (I think three times already). But this issue's been really irking me, so it'd be nice to just lay out my thoughts here.

I really, really REALLY FUCKING LOVE the Anime. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's horrendously written, the animation is extremely stock relying heavily on 3D effects that makes 3DO games look realistic and the characters are so one-dimensional, it's no wonder that a My Little Pony show is adored to death simply because it actually has characters with actual fucking characters. But that's why I love it. It is just so bad, that it's good. I can't help but at least give a chuckle at the overall goofiness of the show. It is a guilt pleasure, which I also had with other shows based off video games like the Super Mario Super Show and Zelda.

But I realize this is the HATE thread. No worries, for my love towards this show also comes in the form of a double-edge sword.

I think it's a very safe assumption that the Pokemon Anime is essentially the "Twilight Saga" among Japanese media. Except, it's worse in the sense that this show is solely meant to market its already vast merchandise, where Twilight was just some shitty movie adaption from an already shitty novel. What I mean by this is... let's first take a look at why Twilight is considered notoriously bad. Aside from fucking with the vampire mythos, there was one huge issue that really brought people's piss to a boil.

The characters.

What's an important aspect of any coherent story? It's the characters that exist in the story. They are the blood that keeps the story alive. Having poor characters is like writing an essay without arguments to back up your thesis, or fucking in the crudest example making a fucking sandwich with just bread. Twilight at least had interesting MINOR characters, with the problem being present in the protagonists (which ultimately fucked over the movies from being anything that's considered adequate, storywise). Yet despite this gargantuan flaw, fans who genuinely like the characters for their characters (rather than their lack of character) somehow exist. Because of that, I believe everyone has every right to call them a complete moronic waste of flesh. I mean, I must be missing something crucial... but from what I saw, Bella and Edward LITERALLY bitch about nothing. Bella keeps fucking whining about wanting to become a vampire and Edward doesn't want that because it'll ruin her life for some reason. And that's literally the nutshell of the films. Can you be anymore static? You'd had to be fucking rocks if you wanted to be any more stale!! WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE LIKE BELLA?! SHE'S NOT ONLY WICKEDLY EVIL, SHE"S EVIL FOR NO ACTUAL REASON. It's like me shooting a dog spontaneously on the streets. What the fuck? It doesn't even help that Bella apparently represents the typical distressed female teenager.

It's the same case with the Pokemon anime. It seems like people like Ash because he's actually a good character. Now I missed out on a lot of seasons, basically stopping after the Johto season. So I'm not sure how much character development Ash recieved between his journey in Johto and to the Unova region or whatever. But I decided to watch the new season called Best Wishes.

Never have I watched something with so much shame and disgust. And that's saying... QUITE A LOT. I've witnessed shit like E.T. the Porno and Cannibal Holocaust. Those only induced a tiny sensation of uneasiness, along with a modest mess made from puke (which at the time, I suffered from a stomach ache). Best Wishes made me cry and destroyed my soul. It really shouldn't be too bad... I mean, it's just Pokemon. The entire franchise has been the butt of many famous plotholes. It's just for simple entertainment, just like any other Shonen anime out there.



No, no! He's even STUPIDER than he was back in the very first episode from the very first season which I watched when I myself was of a similar age. Granted, I haven't fully matured and still behave like a child, but Ash (who didn't even PHYSICALLY grow up) still remains the biggest, shameful protagonist I have ever heard of in my entire fucking life.


I mean, the fact that they decided to keep Ash the main character for all the seasons so far is absolutely ludicrious on it's own. But it's a further kick to the balls when we - the viewers who had to witness this shit since the beginning - has to endure the fact that Ash, still doesn't know how to be a Pokemon Trainer. GOOD LUCK BECOMING A POKEMON MASTER. EVEN THE FUCKING SHOW NEVER ESTABLISHED WHAT IT TOOK TO BECOME ONE.

This wouldn't really bother me, had it not been the fact that SOMEBODY actually told me about the Pokemon Special series, which was technically the manga version of the show. Except, what's this? It has... story? Exposition. Depth and even some atmosphere as if the series actually a gave a shit about itself. And more importantly, it also established character development which extended among a larger cast of characters, all with individual characteristics. The main characters actually grow up, they learn from their mistakes and mature into actual heroes. The art looks simpler and nicer. On top of that, the manga actually keeps true to the games, by referencing similar technology, similar character backgrounds (for the most part) and even mentioning of the game mechanics... which is kind of weird to hear somebody says HYPNOSIS ONLY HAS A 60% CHANCE OF HITTING in battle.

Why did we get so fucked when it came to the show? Is it so much to ask for something... DECENT?!


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I always viewed the anime as more of a guide at how to suck at the games.

Also, I remember how I hated gary for being an arrogant prick, but now that I look back I realise that gary doesn't deserve that, he's right to be arrogant because EVERYONE is apparently brain-damaged and he just ended up with the least amount. I mean just look at the gym leaders "I'm going to have only one type of pokemon because they're the BESTEST and no-one will come in with a team full of pokemon of the type that rapes it!" and then you've got everyone else who can do NOTHING to defend themselves because they don't have a pokemon! Well, it's not like they could just go out and buy a gun... and in a world where your only means of self-defense is to have a pokemon WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T EVERYONE HAVE ONE?!?!?!?!?!??

Damn, now I want to go play pokemon.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of Pokemon, I hadn't played Platinum in quite a few months and just yesterday I thought that I'd go back to it as I remembered I was trying to get all the gen 4 Pokemon to transfer over to White while one of my friends was playing through Soul Silver for me so I can get the Pokemon from gens 1-3. Anywho, I fire up the game, notice my Pokemon are injured to I whisk them off to the nearest Pokemon center. As my Pokemon finish being healed the nurse turns around and says one of my Pokemon has contracted the Pokerus. And I'm like FUCK YES. Apparently you have more chance of contracting it than finding a shiny, about three times more I believe, yet this is the first time I've found it whereas from gen 2-5 I've found over 10 non event shinies.

Also, if you were the one ranting about IV's, Dusty, why are you bothering with them? Competitive play? Because other than that you don't really need to bother with them, even the high level post game shit doesn't really need a team with stellar IV's. Now EV's, they're what you should be focusing on. As is a good trait or whatever they're called.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of Pokemon, I hadn't played Platinum in quite a few months and just yesterday I thought that I'd go back to it as I remembered I was trying to get all the gen 4 Pokemon to transfer over to White while one of my friends was playing through Soul Silver for me so I can get the Pokemon from gens 1-3. Anywho, I fire up the game, notice my Pokemon are injured to I whisk them off to the nearest Pokemon center. As my Pokemon finish being healed the nurse turns around and says one of my Pokemon has contracted the Pokerus. And I'm like FUCK YES. Apparently you have more chance of contracting it than finding a shiny, about three times more I believe, yet this is the first time I've found it whereas from gen 2-5 I've found over 10 non event shinies.

Also, if you were the one ranting about IV's, Dusty, why are you bothering with them? Competitive play? Because other than that you don't really need to bother with them, even the high level post game shit doesn't really need a team with stellar IV's. Now EV's, they're what you should be focusing on. As is a good trait or whatever they're called.
Legitimate IV Breeding = Wasting away precious years of your life inbreeding pokemon...

It's a waste of time. By the time you get one perfect IV & EV trained pokemon, you can have 100 decnt EV trained pokemon at LV 75-100 each.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Though there are those IV breeding items that allows you to breed a specific IV. Not that I'd waste my time doing so though.


Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Also, if you were the one ranting about IV's, Dusty, why are you bothering with them? Competitive play? Because other than that you don't really need to bother with them, even the high level post game shit doesn't really need a team with stellar IV's. Now EV's, they're what you should be focusing on. As is a good trait or whatever they're called.
EVs are very easy to do. ESPECIALLY in Gen 5, where - though the training spots aren't as ideal, the battling mechanics go by much faster than fucking Gen 4. It also helps that I too got pokerus.

But yeah, I'm only concerned about IVs solely for competitive play. Hell, I don't even think natures or EVs matter that much in a casual playthrough. I beat my copy of Black and only lost once - which was against one of my rival's, which considering how I only had two moves, who gives a fuck.

Oh, but IVs are extremely crucial for numerous reasons. Perfect IVs in every stat is extremely excessive and it's like trying to find a shiny... it's just not really worth the trouble. For the most part, I just try to maximize the appropriate stats - like maximize HP, defenses on walls especially subs/stallers. Anything that isn't a wall, I always try to get perfect IVs on speed because this is the more crucial stat when playing competitively.

Perfect IVs are never my goal - nor it is anyone else's. The only people who want perfect IVs are people with extreme cases of OCD - you know, the same people who would die for a shiny pokemon. I believe IVs only give a maximum of 30-ish points to one specific stat at lvl 100. It's not necessary at all. Focus on building a good moveset with appropriate EVs.

However, avoid getting IVs that are close to 0. Because that's when you notice a huge drop and things start to look a bit shitty, even with EVs. And perfect IVs can be significant depending on who you're using. For example, if you have Tyranitar and it has Subsitute, you need to maximize its HP through both EVs and IVs to make use of the 101 sub tactic (Subsitute with 101 HP, rendering that fucking whore Blissey's Seismic Toss useless). And for ALL sweepers that don't rely on Trick Room or Priority moves, Speed needs to be at max in order to ensure your Pokemon does not get outsped by your opponent's (who, by the way, CAN also use the same Pokemon as you - sp at the very least, try to make sure you match their speed precisely so you can let the RNG settle the outcome).

But... The true ordeal I personally have is trying to get specific IVs, which might actually be harder than getting perfect IVs - if that makes sense. Sometimes I need to get certain sets of IVs to maximize Hidden Power on numerous special sweepers, which requires extreme luck and patience. It's even worse when you're trying to get a legendary with a specific Hidden Power type and decent base power. It doesn't help that I never use anything but normal Poke Balls. On top of that, I also require a certain nature - so I have to keep track of its IVs, hidden power and nature. What a fucking chore.



Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

HOLY SHITBALLS! I have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The last pokemon I played had just introduced the breeding thing and it was... not really usefull.


Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

What breeding thing? You mean the passing down IV mechanic? It's pretty convenient because not only does it allow your Pokemon to inherit better IVs, but as well as pass down some nifty egg moves. My only complaint is that this was introduced a little too late, since the items you use for it were introduced since Gen 3 I believe. Though that isn't anything new for Game Freak, what it took them four generations to FINALLY split apart physical and special attacks, rather than just lazily labeling the attacks based on their type. This should have been done in Gen 2 when they decided to split Special into two parts and re-do the Critical Hit formula, making it less retarded.

Don't know if anyone hasn't figured it out, but I clearly have no fucking life.

Why else do I spend my time on a porn forum?


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I have no idea what IVs are...

As for the breeding thing, I think it was in gold, you've got two pokemon one male and one female, then you get an egg, and after wasting a pokemone slot on it for a while you get another pokemon of that species (I think species is the right term.)


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

I have no idea what IVs are...

As for the breeding thing, I think it was in gold, you've got two pokemon one male and one female, then you get an egg, and after wasting a pokemone slot on it for a while you get another pokemon of that species (I think species is the right term.)
IVs, or Individual Values, were introduced at the same time as EVs in 3rd generation. IVs are wierd and require a metric shit ton of metric shit tons of breeding to get 31 (maximum) IVs in every stat. Each IV gives you a point in each stat and having maximum EVs and IVs in a beneficial nature means you have aquired the maximum value that pokemon's stat can go up to. In all honesty, it's just too random for me and you can't tell what the pokemon's IVs are until after you get your pokemon past lvl 50 or 75. So I just take whater IVs I get...


Totaly not actualy a Moderator
Jan 8, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

IVs, or Individual Values, were introduced at the same time as EVs in 3rd generation. IVs are wierd and require a metric shit ton of metric shit tons of breeding to get 31 (maximum) IVs in every stat. Each IV gives you a point in each stat and having maximum EVs and IVs in a beneficial nature means you have aquired the maximum value that pokemon's stat can go up to. In all honesty, it's just too random for me and you can't tell what the pokemon's IVs are until after you get your pokemon past lvl 50 or 75. So I just take whater IVs I get...
It's easier to deduce what IVs you get by finding out what Hidden Power you have, which I believe there's always a guy who knows what Hidden Power type your Pokemon is. It sorta helps eliminate the possible points since the Hidden Power's type are based on specific IVs set on a Pokemon. I don't have to level my guys up too high as the option of simply taking them to the Battle Frontier helps me get their stats at level 50.

Fuck me, I really hate how I act as if this information is actually of some importance. Just the fact that I had to memorize calculations for EV distrubutions is really, really sad. I mean this is even more lame than trying to building a deck in Magic.

Be right back, I'm going to have sex with something.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

What breeding thing? You mean the passing down IV mechanic? It's pretty convenient because not only does it allow your Pokemon to inherit better IVs, but as well as pass down some nifty egg moves. My only complaint is that this was introduced a little too late, since the items you use for it were introduced since Gen 3 I believe. Though that isn't anything new for Game Freak, what it took them four generations to FINALLY split apart physical and special attacks, rather than just lazily labeling the attacks based on their type. This should have been done in Gen 2 when they decided to split Special into two parts and re-do the Critical Hit formula, making it less retarded.

Don't know if anyone hasn't figured it out, but I clearly have no fucking life.

Why else do I spend my time on a porn forum?
Are you implying nunu doesn't have a life? and that there is something wrong with watching ponies? and that i come here for the porn?