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Re: Hate Thread

Personaly my stomach has trouble with meats outside of chicken, pork, beef and lamb, but that doesn't stop the fact that kangaroo is one of the best meats for you. High in protien and low in fats.

Then there is also emu, crocadile... australia eats most of its iconic animals. Actualy only about half, the other half are poisonous.
Re: Hate Thread

Personaly my stomach has trouble with meats outside of chicken, pork, beef and lamb, but that doesn't stop the fact that kangaroo is one of the best meats for you. High in protien and low in fats.

Then there is also emu, crocadile... australia eats most of its iconic animals. Actualy only about half, the other half are poisonous.

Koala too. :) EDIT: Nope. I heard that while I was in Sydney last year but the internet tells me you guys don't do that. And apparently they taste awful.

I recently got to try goat at a local Indian restaurant. Also quite delicious.
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Re: Hate Thread

I'm living off of gravy at the moment..

Yes, gravy.. JUST gravy, no bread or rice, just a bowl of gravy whenever I'm hungry.

Also.. I hate PAIN..

It seems like for the last 5 days now I've done nothing but manage to fuck up a different part of my body each day..

First my thighs, then my back (this is day three of the crick in my neck), then my guts (Slipped, and BELLY FLOPPED on flat stone floor), and now today, my elbow, because my fucking brother decided to be a dick and hit me.

I'm not cautious at this point, I know full well I'm gonna fuck something up tomorrow, I just know it.. I only hope it isn't a more-painful area..

Damned bad-luck streak...
Re: Hate Thread

I'm living off of gravy at the moment..

Yes, gravy.. JUST gravy, no bread or rice, just a bowl of gravy whenever I'm hungry.

Hey... Have you considered the effects of your diet on your body then? I mean, I have a bad neck, and take omega3 capsules and shit, and if I don't then my neck starts to hurt. Isn't eating JUST gravy sort of a "I'ma fuck my body over" kinda thing?
Re: Hate Thread

I'm living off of gravy at the moment..

Yes, gravy.. JUST gravy, no bread or rice, just a bowl of gravy whenever I'm hungry.

Hey... Have you considered the effects of your diet on your body then? I mean, I have a bad neck, and take omega3 capsules and shit, and if I don't then my neck starts to hurt. Isn't eating JUST gravy sort of a "I'ma fuck my body over" kinda thing?

I don't think StiffSponge has grasped the "gravy-ty" of the situation yet, but a bad diet can often lead to health problems, and an early grave.
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread


Hey if I got to choose what I eat I'd be eating better stuff, lol..

And LOL, I can actually do a laugh that's very similar to ed.

That pic made my day. XD

Fear not, I will not end up in a gravy grave, I still eat other things too (Like my fingernails, bread loaf heels, and candy).. It's just money's been tight, and we just happen to have a nice stock of bacon grease on hand. :p
Re: Hate Thread


Hey if I got to choose what I eat I'd be eating better stuff, lol..

And LOL, I can actually do a laugh that's very similar to ed.

That pic made my day. XD

Fear not, I will not end up in a gravy grave, I still eat other things too (Like my fingernails, bread loaf heels, and candy).. It's just money's been tight, and we just happen to have a nice stock of bacon grease on hand. :p

Uh ah. I am not sure if you are supposed to count fingernails as one of your five a day.

Can't you trade the bacon grease with your neighbours for some... I don't know, bread or rice?
Re: Hate Thread

Food is only worth as much as it valuably sustains you. If you let yourself get short on key minerals and vitamins by eating nothing but gravy, then your body is only going to be forced to start eating that stuff out of your own organs.

And anyway, even with eating a balanced meal aside, whatever happened to cheep bread or rice?

For 50pence I can buy a kilogram bag of basic long grain rice. That's enough to feed one person for a week. That about 75 cents, and since food is cheaper in the US, I'd bet you could beat that price to weight ratio. It would at least give you something to put your gravy on? :|

To improve on that. For £5 I can buy a 500 tablet pack of multivitamins. Take one of these a day and you get more vitamins than even a typical "farmers wife" meal can provide. That's barely more than one cent per tablet.

Add that left over gravy and you also probably have all the trace protein you actually need to survive.

That there is a bare minimum but sustainable survival meal plan that costs all of 8 pence (12 cents) and a small pot of boiling water per day. If you want to go "crazy" you can also add some peas, sweet corn or sausages for under 50pence/75cents per meal easy. This is why (and I'm just talking in general now, not about you Sponge) whenever I see these people on TV talking about why they are forced to eat ready meals or go to McDonalds "because healthy food is too expensive" I call bullshit.

If I payed out £3 on individual ready meals for every day, I would have used up my entire personal food and home essentials budget within 3.3 days. My message to those types would be stop making excuses, learn to boil a potato and spend the supersize money on some carrots.


But yeah, don't rely on gravy grease to sustain you dude. There's got to be better stuff than that you could eat. '-'
Re: Hate Thread

No matter where you live, there is always something small and furry you can kill, cook, and then eat.
Re: Hate Thread

No matter where you live, there is always something small and furry you can kill, cook, and then eat.

That's super fucked up. If it was my cat... well, let's just say that there are ALL KINDS of things that someone can legally do to express displeasure to one's neighbors.

For example, it can be awfully hard to accuse someone of loud music when they turn down the music as soon as the cops roll up.
Re: Hate Thread

I think you've missed my point.

However, that example is a particularily foolish way to go about eating someone's cat.