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Re: Hate Thread

The little bastard dog bit me and drew blood and then i had a panic attack and proceeded to relive my very first dog bite as a child.

Re: Hate Thread

Urgh. Sorry to hear that, Chibi :(

Speaking of dogs, apparently mine have decided that somewhere between 4 and 5 in the morning is the perfect time to take a shit in the breezeway. This is the 4th time in the past month. Vet says there's nothing wrong with them, so we may have to start tying them up out back if they can't stop doing it. Don't want to do that at all, but it may be the only way to keep them from pooping indoors when everyone is (usually) asleep.
Re: Hate Thread

And apparently food aggression towards people is not fixable.
Re: Hate Thread

Dunno if this'll help, but quick google search:
Re: Hate Thread

Dunno if this'll help, but quick google search:

Thank you. The petting is the issue. If I try to love on him when he eats he snaps. So that's one tip I'll be avoiding.
Re: Hate Thread

The fact i can't get into skyrim anymore and I used to love the game. The hell happened? sure i 100%'ed it really hard but did that really kill it for me?
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate teenagers, those celebrities that promote socialist values, but have millions of dollars, people raping good franchises, and the thing I hate most of all, I hate you!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the guy who's been posting only partially borderline on topic, one sentence posts in the hentai section that are close enough to the subject at hand that I shouldn't delete them, but at the same time offers no contribution whatsoever.

So hey, I hate you too, buddy!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that hippomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the term for fear of long words.

Must have been the same asshole who made the word abbreviation.
Re: Hate Thread

That's actually a joke term.

this is actually it. Still long though...

Also, that guy ranks up with the s in lisp, the Ts in stutter and the guy who came up with "Phonetically" and it's not spelled phonetically.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I can't get anything done.

I hate that I'm insecure about my girlfriend even though I know she loves me and I love her.

I hate that the administrative system of my university is about as efficient as a police force of monkeys on horseback.

I hate all these middle-eastern and african men harrassing and assaulting women, ruining their sense of self and view on men. I hate white men that do the same.

I hate our media and our politicians.

I hate radical feminists.

I hate discussions on the internet. I hate trolls. I'm sick of them.

In spite of this, I do love my life. Almost every bit of it.
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Re: Hate Thread

No need to hate on feminists now. Nothing wrong with sticking up for women's rights.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate like she was like I was like were like you liek you know like she was like I was like we were like BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :mad::mad::mad:

I don't hate anything :\

I hate the guy who's been posting only partially borderline on topic, one sentence posts in the hentai section that are close enough to the subject at hand that I shouldn't delete them, but at the same time offers no contribution whatsoever.

So hey, I hate you too, buddy!

You hate me? :eek:
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that the pain medication I got for after my surgery is making me nauseas and puke.
Re: Hate Thread

Hearing "uuh" frequently during a conversation is slowly starting to irk me more.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate nightmares where my parents die. Ohgod, that's a good way to make me wibbly for the rest of the day.

I hate nightmares in general, but especially these kinds.
Re: Hate Thread

Yea, dreaming about death in particular is shit. One of my reasons for sleep deprivation.