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Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP


Jungle Girl
Aug 23, 2010
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hey, i'm Darius, and first i apologize if i'm posting in the wrong place, but i couldn't figure out a better place to post it.... well, i'm looking for some hentai resources for RPG MakerXP to make a game, but i'm having some trouble to find it...(OF COURSE!) so, i want to ask some help for you guys... if you could pass me a link to download it, or if you developed some and you can borrow me, i'll be happy to dedicated the credits for you...
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

A better place to...

I'm sorry, what?
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

hey, i'm Darius, and first i apologize if i'm posting in the wrong place, but i couldn't figure out a better place to post it.... well, i'm looking for some hentai resources for RPG MakerXP to make a game, but i'm having some trouble to find it...(OF COURSE!) so, i want to ask some help for you guys... if you could pass me a link to download it, or if you developed some and you can borrow me, i'll be happy to dedicated the credits for you...

By 'resources', do you mean Sprite Sheets, Battle Sprites, Monsters, Music, Movies, etc? What are you looking for?

*speaks the RPG Maker lingo, having used it quite a bit in the past*
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

By 'resources', do you mean Sprite Sheets, Battle Sprites, Monsters, Music, Movies, etc? What are you looking for?

*speaks the RPG Maker lingo, having used it quite a bit in the past*

Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

For most stuff to use in RPG Maker, this website has plenty:

As for adult/hentai based stuff, I would suggest looking around via Google, as I do, though you may need to end up creating some things yourself, such as nude sprites (although you can get a base level charset also). I found this, for instance, at Danbooru - it could work as battle sprites or for a battle summon animation perhaps:

Lastly, the first link I gave, to Charas, has a Charset, Faceset, and Battle Charset generator on it (right side of the front page in orange letters near the top), and you can use those as bases to create your own (using the blank sets) or create characters with the options.

In the meantime ^^ I'll keep roaming Google and other sites to find any adult-related things you could use: what do you have in mind?

Also, lastly, as far as music goes, you're best with MIDI files - they're lower quality, but massive MP3 files will make the game run stupid slow sometimes. VGMusic has THOUSANDS of Midi files you can use, including remixes:
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

I'm rather a novice to RPG Maker myself, so I can't offer that much help, but I can suggest something not to do. Do not rip off another adult RPG Maker game's resources. Not only is this disrespectful to the original creator, but it's also lazy.

I've noticed a few games that use 3D Custom Girl for graphics, another program I'm pretty clueless about, but it seems like an easy way to make pretty decent images for the artistically impared. I think Illusion released a similar poser program at some point as well. The advantage to using these programs is that you can create a character that is largely unique, freeing you from having to use pre-made images that don't suit your imagined character.

is awsome. Before mp3s, this was my main source of video game music, not counting putting a game on sound test.
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Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

*speaks the RPG Maker lingo, having used it quite a bit in the past*

I've only really used RM2K/2K3 and I like to think I'm pretty good with them though variables still confuse the fuck out of me. Though thanks to Nunu I've decided to give VX a whirl. And from what I can tell its a tad different to 2K/2K3. Currently I'm looking for some zombie sprites for an idea I've had for a while now.
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Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

Has anyone got a reliable link to an English translation of RPGMaker?
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

have you considered downloading the english version of it they have for free on their site?
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

Quiet you. Obviously I am less adept as using google than I thought.
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

as some of you may know i've been pondering around in VX.

i'd say episode 1 of raisin toast is about 60-70% finished.
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

Do you need to use the scripting in VX or can you ignore it entirely and work with it like it's one of the previous RPG Makers?
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

well, i haven't HAD to change any of the script, i found one or two things so far that would be better slightly different so i changed them (similar in principle to actionscript 3) but everything else i've needed works pretty easily through the wizards.
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

Ah thats alright then, I'll just use the default stuff. I've got absolutely no knowledge of Actionscript 3, so it'll be better if I stick to what I know. Now, onto finding some zombie sprites.
Re: Help to find some hentai resources for RPGMXP

Ah thats alright then, I'll just use the default stuff. I've got absolutely no knowledge of Actionscript 3, so it'll be better if I stick to what I know. Now, onto finding some zombie sprites.

by action script 3 i meant practically English. With half a brain you can tweak little things when needs be. one thing i did was remove the line that stops the title music playing when you start a game for a more seamless transition.