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Grain of Sand (Garran)

Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"It's you who was squirming with excitement. Are you saying you have no self control?" Roa asked him, before taking his length from the witch's hands and tucked it between her thighs as he could feel the top of his length brushing along her silk, and wet panties. "I won't allow you to cum, you need your energy, and to look fresh to the witches. With that in mind, you're still fine with being tortured?" she asked with a grin.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

They weren't going to let him cum?? How the-

"Hahaha...hah... ehh.. you're joking right? It's taking every ounce of my self control to keep still. Seriously this isn't funny."

Putting his cock between her legs wasn't helping either, squirming and gritting his teeth to prevent himself from moaning out loud further.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"I know, I can feel how badly your masochistic dick wants to be squeezed." Roa replied with a chuckle. Squeezing her thighs together, Garran felt his length suffocated by her legs and crotch, squeezed right up against her clothed sex. "If you want to be abused, go ahead and move your hips. But I won't allow you to reach climax."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

I'm not a masochist!... I think.
At this point he was unsure, he was definitely liking it, but at the same time begging for the torture to end. Her offer only made it more enticing.
Biting his lower lip, he tried to restrain his reflexes from moving his hips. Once in a while, a whimper would come from him as his body won over for a brief couple thrusts. Being sandwitched between two beautiful woman and having his cock so close to a hot slit made it even worse.
His body eventually began moving against his own will, seeking the pleasure of release.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Both Roa and the witch began to laugh as Garran began to move his hips. "How shameless." the witch mocked Garran, her hand coming over his waist to grab at his balls, cupping them in her hand. Moaning slightly, Roa giggled as she seemed pleased with what little pleasure Garran's length was bringing her as her paw began to glow, before Garran felt some sort of magical seal form around the base of his manhood, quite obviously her method of preventing him from fully experiencing climax.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Shameless? Maybe. But it wasn't his fault. They could call him names all they wanted, if he could just...
Feeling a warm glow upon Roa's paw, his groin felt almost like a warm seal was constricting his dick.
"Wh-what did you just do to me?" He asked nervously, his thrusting not slowing down. His balls really seemed to be hurting badly though, but his body still moved on it's own violation.
It hurts! A can't.. Roa's soft moaning wasn't helping either, as that only aroused him even further. He couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself though. She was obviously feeling some pleasure from this. One of his hands crept to her breast, fondling gently and he continued to grind between her thighs.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"What's wrong?" Roa asked as she giggled and moaned, thrusting back at him, grinding his length along her clothed pussy. "What did you expect to happen? Of course I will bind you so you cannot cum. Even knowing that you can't, are you still going to thrust against me?" she inquired with a grin while the witch tickled his balls relentlessly.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

He didn't respond to her, it wasn't much of a choice for him, his body only wanted one thing, even if his brain knew that it would be impossible. The witches hands just antagonized him further, how she toyed with his balls that only ached and further pained him. His body continued to thrust despite how futile it was. Instead of really moaning in pleasure, his voice began to mix with agonizing pain. It felt good to be stroked, but the more he did, the more he could feel his cum just continually building up inside him. His balls felt like they would explode! He could almost imagine that his sac would start to stretch beyond it's limits!

"I... can't.. stop.. please.. it hurts!" Begging pitifully as he gripped Roa tightly in his hands, his head leaning on her shoulder.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Roa was clearly enjoying Garran's torment, as he'd feel the slick, wet excitement leaking from her womanhood, and through her silky smooth panties to eventually coat his length with her vaginal fluids. As he leaned his head in, she embraced him with a happy hum. "I can't really keep my composure when you talk in such a pitiful voice~" Roa giggled, her blush barely able to be seen in the dark of the cave, but her moans were clear. She was enjoying herself.

"You're getting carried away," the witch chided Roa slightly. "He'll break at this rate, then he'll be of no use to anyone." she announced, before Garran suddenly felt the restriction on his loins lifted, and all of the built up climax that had been so desperately begging for release came gushing from his testes, and out from the tip of his length. As his climax flowed, so too did his spirit. Like a straw, Garran felt his soul being sucked out of him through his dick, even without penetrating her directly. As soon as the pleasurable experience of losing his existence to Roa began, it ended, as Roa seemed to force herself to stop devouring him.

"D-Damn...!" Roa cursed, her body and face tensing up as she moaned with restraint, for a moment, seeming like a normal girl trying to bear with the pain of intercourse. But the truth was that she was fighting against her innate desire to feast upon his soul. Once Garran's climax would end, Roa let out a breath she was holding in, panting with mental exhaustion. "I'll make you pay..." she growled at the witch. "... For releasing his bonds so suddenly... I think I already ate too much of him..."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

As his groin was released from the magic shackles, Garran felt the overwhelmingly pleasurable release of orgasm that had been to pent up inside him. For some reason, this release had been the best one he'd had so far upon reaching this island. His moans escaped unrestricted from his mouth as he enthusiastically thrusted between her legs, not caring that where he was or who he was cumming on. Rolling his eyes to the back of his head, he continued to thrust away with each heavy pulse that rushed through his dick. This feeling was something he wanted more of, he didn't want it to end. In his current state of mind, if he could have this pleasure for the rest of his life, he'd do anything to achieve it! Life didn't matter, all that was important were these orgiastic feelings.

With one last cry as his torrential cum release finally started to slow down, his thrusting finally stopping as his body felt exhausted and weak, he gave a soft "Thank you...."
His body felt heavy, and he struggled to remain coherent as he almost felt like that he had done more than just orgasm. The words the woman spoke to eachother didn't even register through his head, struggling just to keep himself from fainting. Was something wrong?
"Something... I'm not.. feeling so good.." He struggled to utter, his control over his body almost totally absent as he continued to lie with Roa.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"Definitely ate too much of him." Roa sighed, before putting her hand to Garran's head. "Sleep for now. You'll feel better when you wake up..." Roa promised, before he felt a tiny trickle of magic flow into him, and his mind went blank soon after.

When he next awoke, he'd find that there was truth to her words. He felt like he had a good night's sleep, although he did find himself waking up to unfortunate circumstances. He was bound by the wrists, and being carried along by scorpion women on a flat wooden board like a sacrifice. Traveling between the mountains in a valley where green grass was barely managing to grow, Garran heard what sounded like a jet flying through the air, before a tiny figure quickly came soaring into view, before he saw the Baphomet herself slam into the ground before the small group of scorpion women. A large shockwave sent dirt and sand flying, whipping through the air, stinging Garran as they collided with him in tiny particles.

If he ever tried to speak, he'd find his mouth was gagged by... What felt like the same fabric as Roa's panties, which was sealed into his mouth by a tied strip of white cloth. As such, he could say nothing coherent to the Baphomet or the scorpions, which was likely Roa's intention. She didn't want him saying anything to screw up her plan. "Hah! I thought I smelled something familiar! What do you little bugs think you're doing, hm?" the Baphomet asked with a cruel tone.

"We give you this man as an offering, please return the Pharaoh!"

"Hah!" she laughed, before approaching Garran casually, and jumping up onto the platform itself. "Hello again! I do recall you saying you had a dislike for my youthful appearance? That'll change, eventually~" she promised with a grin.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Exhaustion overtook him, finally allowing his taxed body to rest. The last thing he heard was something about 'too much', before he felt a little tingle, then blacking out.

Waking up to being bound and gagged was what he certainly didn't expect. Bound? Maybe. Gagged? Probably. But strapped to a board?
What is this? Gags are usually just a single piece of cloth, but something....
He soon recognized the texture of the fabric, his face growing a deep flush from his realization. Under other circumstances, he might of been turned on a bit.
Not bothering to struggle, he instead shifted around a bit trying to at least make his bindings comfortable, however that could be done. He told them he had learned his lesson. They didn't need to be this rough! Being at least able to turn his head, the environment finally changed from the desolate desert.

What do you know! The grass IS greener on the other side. Hell, it exists on the other side! Damn it, maybe if I wasn't bound I'd be able to at least feel it. Oh well.
A hard thump snapped him to attention to the situation before him, forcing him to close his eyes to keep the sand out. When he opened them, what he saw made him cringe.

"Hello again! I do recall you saying you had a dislike for my youthful appearance? That'll change, eventually~"
she promised with a grin.

Garran let out a disgusted muffled groan as he rolled his eyes, turning his head away from even looking at her. He was still aware her power wasn't to be underestimated, but her 'youthful' appearance kept conflicting with his mind between the authority difference between child and adult. The longer he spent here, the more it became obvious that talking back to them was a bad idea. But this girl seemed to be the only exception within his mind. Actually, it was good that they had gagged him considering who he was forced to meet. The only thing he could do was think it instead of say it.
If you ever hit puberty, maybe. For all I know, demon children don't have their first period till age 5000. So you probably got a long way to go.
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"Those little faces you're making are encouraging the worst out of me!" the Baphomet laughed. "For your first treat, I shall use your face as my seat as you're taken back to my camp. You should get used to having my crotch on your mouth anyway." she chuckled, before crouching over Garran's face, bringing her lower half down towards his face...

Before there was suddenly sounds of shouting and explosions. Standing back up immediately, Garran was spared the ordeal of being suffocated under her butt. "How persistent." the Baphomet growled. The scorpions went to burrow and hide, before a sudden whip of wind sliced through the air, and Garran would see the eight legged women sliced in half, their human halves parting with their scorpion bodies. Killed in an instant, the Baphomet turned, and looked down at Garran with scorn. "So they've gone for their master and left you in my hands?" she said aloud. "Adorable," she grunted with displeasure, before getting off of the wooden plank Garran was on, and picking it up above her head, and making a giant leap, bringing Garran with her as she sailed through the air, and immediately landed on a mountain cliff, suddenly among various witch huts, and witches, as well as Roa and a freed Anubis.

"Garran! You're still alive!" Roa said with a mixture of cheer and surprise.

The Baphomet tilted the wooden offering plank until Garran slid off of it, and landed on the hard earth below with a thud. "Get out of my camp, and go back to your land of exile." Baphomet said flatly, without any humor on her tone.

"Gladly, but I'll have my slave returned to me." Anubis announced, holding a strange crystal in her hand that seemed to be making the Baphomet hold her ground.

"Go ahead and take him. Hearing his thoughts, he's kind of stupid and annoying." the Baphomet announced, before Garran found his bonds cut with a single slash of the baphomet's scythe.

"Good. Come here, Garran." Anubis patted her side, calling him as if he were a dog.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Wincing his eyes, he prepared for the worst. But like a prayer from the heavens, an explosion ripped through air, making her hesitate before showing her frustration.

"So they've gone for their master and left you in my hands?" she said aloud. "Adorable."

Na na na boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. A smug smirk did it's best to appear through the gag.

Upon arriving, Roa made the surprising statement that he was somehow alive.
Did that mean that they had expected him to die in the process!? Baphomet dumped him to the floor like yesterdays laundry while his binds still restrained him, his body landing with a hard thud, making him wince a bit upon impact. Still, oddly enough he was glad that both Anubis and Roa were ok. What he noticed the most was the odd crystal Anubis held. Baphomet had beaten Anubis in combat once already, so was that the reason that she was hesitating to engage in another fight?

During their conversation, he was reminded that Baphomet was able to read minds.
Crap, I forgot she could do that. Good thing I didn't screw up the plan. His bonds were the cut, and he didn't hesitate to follow the orders he was given as he scrambled to his feet, quickly taking his place next to Anubis. He wanted to give one last snappy comeback to the toddler like demon, but holding his tongue seemed like the best idea due to the tension that lay heavy in the atmosphere.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Garran's ass was hit with a magical whip as he fled from the Baphomet, punishment from her for his thoughts. "Remember, doggie, you break that crystal, and I'll break your neck." Baphomet said to Anubis.

"You'll have to keep in mind the situation we're in now, however. The moment you have the crystal back, you will try to break my neck regardless."

"What gives you that idea?" the Baphomet grinned.

"Thank fast," Anubis replied, before suddenly chucking the crystal far towards the desert. Growling, the Baphomet chased it, before Anubis grabbed Garran and put him over her shoulder. "Flee to the east, Roa!" Anubis announced, before she and the Sphinx began running through witch camp, and then making dangerous strides down the mountain. They fell more than they ran, down a dangerous trek along a steep slope. Rocks and trees Anubis and Roa dodged together, with Garran feeling as if he was going backwards in the fastest car in the world.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

A sharp pain struck him on the backside as he had started to fumble with the gag on his way over to Anubis.
"Mmph!!" He yelped, still gagged when he was hit harshly. Glaring daggers back at the kid, he un gagged himself and watched the two bicker back and forth. His assumptions about the crystal were correct, as it seemed to be in Baphomet's firm interest that the crystal remain intact in one piece. Anubis however, must of felt differently, as she hurled the crystal across the desert out of sight. Baphomet quickly gave chase, leaving him to wonder how she could possibly hope to catch it before it hit something. A split second later, the scenery around him zoomed away from him at an incredible pace. Why such a thing started happening baffled him until realizing that he somehow ended up being carried away. He had no say in where they would stop, or what to do. He'd only hinder them. The best he could do was wait.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The two suddenly slowed as Roa cried out, "He'll probably break in half if we land going this fast!" before Anubis gave no reply, but did slow down her speed considerably, eventually landing on solid ground, on the edge of where a forest touched the mountain as Anubis let Garran slip from her shoulder and to the ground, either to land on his feet or his butt.

"We had to leave our forces behind, but there was almost nothing left of them anyway." Anubis sighed. "That just means we'll have to lay low for a while and see if we can't assert my authority over some lesser creatures to make another army."

Then, she looked to Garran, "You're going to be my bargaining chip, so try to make yourself look desirable."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Landing on his feet, he did have to lean up against nearby tree that happened to be close by. The constant speed of turning and trying to follow exactly where they were going had been a big mistake on his part. He was insanely dizzy.

What she said next pierced through his dizzy haze.

"We had to leave our forces behind, but there was almost nothing left of them anyway." Anubis sighed.

His body froze, hairs standing on the back of his neck.
No... no way. That's impossible! Baphomet.. she couldn't have possibly killed them all right?! There were tons of them! Thousands! How?!
A breath of air seethed through his teeth. And then this woman plays them all off? Her subjects? I thought men were the only 'lesser creatures' here. Who am I kidding. She thinks she's queen. She thinks everybody is lesser than her. I figured she might just be a bit humbled from what had happened to her recently, but it didn't change a damn thing.
With his momentarily frustrated thoughts through, he acknowledged her order to make himself more presentable. But there was a problem with that.....
"I apologize, I don't meant to talk back or anything, but.... how do I make myself presentable with only a rag on?"
He could comb his hair, try to clean up a bit. But after that, it was pretty much all. Last time he remembered wearing clothes were back at the pyramid. Well, real clothes anyways.
Never thought I'd miss a Hanes underwear commercial, or those stupid Wrangler Jeans adds.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

"For now, you can work on practicing with your mouth, and I don't mean licking. Whenever you open your mouth I want to embrace my sadistic side and break you like glass." Anubis said with a growl. "A problem Baphomet also identified."

Roa meanwhile chuckled at Garran. "Just act like a happy slave and show off your stuff! Some masters like to be desired in returned by their slaves you know! Even if you don't wanna, you gotta put on the act so we can gain influence here!"

"And if that doesn't work, we'll bribe another savage tribe like the scorpions to rape you by the dozens, one at a time." Anubis followed up. "If you'd prefer THAT choice, let it be clear now, else, you had better not fail me..."
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Yeah, I plan on working on the talking thing. But Baphomet was just way too fun to tease.

"I'll.. try not to so much. But I have to inquire some things since this is such a big deal. How do you wish for me to address you in front of them?" If he said queen, for all he knew they might get laughed at. He wasn't sure if he should use Mistress, as that gave the impression she was some kind of a dictator or something. Then again, in this place, it could be totally normal.

What Roa said somewhat troubled him. It wasn't that he didn't desire her. Hell, any guy would want to hit that. But he'd never been the type to chase a woman that he wasn't fond of. Sure, he'd grown to care about her, but moreso Roa than the actual Pharaoh herself. Roa at least portrayed a concern for his well being. So how could he act like a good slave?

Well, I don't think I can pull off the 'eager to be a slut' type of slave. But what I can do is be butler type. Silent and always at her side, obeying whatever command she gives me.

Being threatened by rape didn't exactly help his fondness of the situation.
"Understood." If he had been a dog himself, he'd feel his ears pressed back against his head with tail tucked between his legs.

After a rescue, you'd figure she'd be more grateful.