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Fantasy of Mana

Re: Android 070

I was gonna say... The swords come in a set of 3. Katana, Wakizashi, and Tanto. I mean, I own a set, so I'm not hallucinating, right?
Re: Android 070

I was gonna say... The swords come in a set of 3. Katana, Wakizashi, and Tanto. I mean, I own a set, so I'm not hallucinating, right?

nope most definatly not lup i have seen ornamental sets that ppl can buy which mind u are bullshit fakes compared to the real deal but here in australia we have very strict laws if u are seen in public with even so much as a bloody swiss army knife aka pocket knife u can be fined and or if serious enough thrown into jail dang australia is harsh with its laws.
Re: Android 070

Dang. Oh, and I know my set is ornamental. But theyre still heavy enough to be a weapon in a pinch. ;) Gonna resist a Crocodile Dundee Joke here...
Re: Android 070

Daisho (dai: big, sho: small) can be used to refer to any combination of long sword and short sword althought the term is mostly used for the combination of an uchigatana and wakizashi. The discussion was about swords, so the Tanto wasn't to be considered in the discussion about swords, it can be an addition to the daisho, but it cannot substitute the wakizashi, which is a ritual sword more important to a samurai than the long counterpart which is used for combat (which can be a tachi for example). So as we have it the tanto is not a part of the daisho although it can be added to it to make a set. As a joke i could say: it's called daisho, not daishosho.

A few examples of daisho sets not including a tanto, form different sources(google images):

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Re: Android 070


To correct some misinformation:
-Shinobi and Samurai weren't exactly enemies. While one may frown on the others methods, they would only be enemies depending on their affiliation. Many Ronin (leaderless) Samurai became shinobi. Most of that "Bushido" code came when Samurai became more of a political-role, rather than martial. If it was always there, why are most of the beginning of forms of iaido usually start while you're seated, with blade sheathed? And taking on several opponents?

-The Ninjato is a fictitious sword. Most of the time the shinobi would either take katana's off dead samurai, or have a shorter blade (wakazashi) in a katana saya. This way, when drawn, the opponent would anticipate a longer blade, and would be "cut short." The most likely "prototype" of a ninjato was just a poorly made katana by lone blacksmiths, or just "machette" type utility knives.

-Daisho (set) was any katana/wakazashi. It was EXTREMELY rare for you to get a matching set, and VERY expensive. A mark of either being very wealthy or affiliated with a very rich lord.

-The Katana was honestly more of a sidearm, much like the pistol is today. The "assault rifle" of the time would be a naginata, or other pole arm that would reach the enemy before he got to you. The reason swords are most likely associated with warriors, is because they're convenient to carry, much like a pistol. So warriors not engaged in war, would carry their swords as a side arm (and also to mark them in the warrior caste, just associating the sword with battle.)

-The wakazashi I do not believe was the blade used in sepukku, it would most likely be the tanto.

-The Wakazashi was used for areas in which the katana would be cumbersome to wield, like small hallways. Also, the famous Miyamoto Musashi made the dual-wielding style quite famous, using the wakazashi much like a main gauche.

Re: Android 070


To correct some misinformation:
-Shinobi and Samurai weren't exactly enemies. While one may frown on the others methods, they would only be enemies depending on their affiliation. Many Ronin (leaderless) Samurai became shinobi. Most of that "Bushido" code came when Samurai became more of a political-role, rather than martial. If it was always there, why are most of the beginning of forms of iaido usually start while you're seated, with blade sheathed? And taking on several opponents?

-The Ninjato is a fictitious sword. Most of the time the shinobi would either take katana's off dead samurai, or have a shorter blade (wakazashi) in a katana saya. This way, when drawn, the opponent would anticipate a longer blade, and would be "cut short." The most likely "prototype" of a ninjato was just a poorly made katana by lone blacksmiths, or just "machette" type utility knives.

-Daisho (set) was any katana/wakazashi. It was EXTREMELY rare for you to get a matching set, and VERY expensive. A mark of either being very wealthy or affiliated with a very rich lord.

-The Katana was honestly more of a sidearm, much like the pistol is today. The "assault rifle" of the time would be a naginata, or other pole arm that would reach the enemy before he got to you. The reason swords are most likely associated with warriors, is because they're convenient to carry, much like a pistol. So warriors not engaged in war, would carry their swords as a side arm (and also to mark them in the warrior caste, just associating the sword with battle.)

-The wakazashi I do not believe was the blade used in sepukku, it would most likely be the tanto.

-The Wakazashi was used for areas in which the katana would be cumbersome to wield, like small hallways. Also, the famous Miyamoto Musashi made the dual-wielding style quite famous, using the wakazashi much like a main gauche.


lol ok mister magic i was gona change the subject tonight but if u are so smart what is the difference between a samurai and a ninja
Re: Android 070

Well, Toxic, he might be like me, who considers gender simply based on what is the main erotic thought that first comes to mind about the person.

If no thought comes to mind, that person is genderless.
Re: Android 070

Well, Toxic, he might be like me, who considers gender simply based on what is the main erotic thought that first comes to mind about the person.

If no thought comes to mind, that person is genderless.

thnx for the laugh raptor roflmao and no i just assume everyone is male until told otherwise
Re: Android 070

-The wakazashi I do not believe was the blade used in sepukku, it would most likely be the tanto.

Well, any short sword would do, depending on the situation, a seppuku performed in public for atonement would most probably be executed with a tanto, but on the battlefield you would probably use the wakizashi since it's more readily avaiable. Seppuku has been heavily ritualized in plays and books, but was probably not so in reality.
Re: Android 070

I never understood why they couldn't have painted their mouths into a big smile.
Re: Android 070

Yanno what's been missing in games the last few years? References to old video games. I see it in Zelda a bit when it comes out, but I mean more than just storyline. You see the Konami code everywhere, but there's none of those whacky special spoof bosses that occur if you play the game the "wrong" way... Like a pong boss, or a tetris boss. Stuff you just weren't expecting. Hell, MGS had a mario bobble head you could pop off. In Super Mario RPG you could have Link outside your window at the inns. In Kirby Super Star you could turn into a ton of SNES characters including SNES Samus in her victory pose. We need more of that I think. If I actually see some of that stuff done in a humorous note, I WILL DONATE to this person. Ive got 25 bucks in my paypal if he so much as throws in Samus's zero suit as an equipable or has a redrawn copy of Alucard's sword in the game as a floating defensive summon. It's just 25 bucks but this guy was doing it for free... How hard can it be to have some ceiling tiles smash out for a pipe room full of unused extras and bloopers..? How hard could it be to have a replica donkey kong level where you have to jump barrels as you fight things in order to get to the boss? If you're already making it I'd feel it's safe to say "why not"? Who here would think it fitting to have a redrawn Duke Nukem clone just sitting there in a dead end where if you attack it a real Duke pops out and nukes you? I invest in lolz!! [I'm poor but seriously, who here would object to this sort of thing? Getting raped by Weegi... I think that constitutes as rule 34.]. Hell, if the guy does all of that, I WILL find a 50 piece to give even if it means walking to college for a week because I spent some of my gas money.

P.S. If nothing else, this guy will get some money for his beer fund; or a partial rebate on his flash program.
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Re: Android 070

well i for one think the reason why samurai never painted smiles on there mask's is cause if they painted smileys on them people would just laugh at them and they wanted a rep of don't fuck with me mother fucker or i'm gona kill ya'll ass's
Re: Android 070

I'm sure EVERYONE would remember the samurai who slayed and dismembered dozens of enemies on the battlefield with this face on
Re: Android 070

I'm sure EVERYONE would remember the samurai who slayed and dismembered dozens of enemies on the battlefield with this face on


agreed john bozo the clown never killed anyone unless they died laughing roflmao and samurai wanted to be feared not laughed at like the ninjas who where jokes especially failed ninjas i personally never knew any cause they died out long before any of us here in said forum were even born probably even before our parents parents were born

extremely offtopic and not of pornagraphic nature try this game the name is mount&blade it is a medievil game and some of the mods at this site here i mostly put this offtpoic part cause some of the mods have troop trees where u can get samurai yeha oh and man hunter which turn into slaver chiefs and the pesant females turn into sword sisters sry if this is going to long please someone slap me upside the head
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Re: Android 070


Shinobi were used were primarily for espionage, intelligence gathering, and when necessary, planting false evidence to lure enemies into a trap (such as feeding a lower ranked shinobi false information under the pretense of being real, and sent to be captured with a fake contact, and tortured until he confessed.) Their martial art was focused mostly of evading pursuers (use of shuriken to slow them down and distract) and slowing down pursuers through use of limb breaking techniques, and possibly killing. Hatsumi Maasaki, the most likely (if still dubious) teacher of the remains of ninpo, emphasizes these points of escaping, quick execution, and movement. There was an era where Shinobi might have been used for assassination purposes, but it's not as dramatic or as frequent as one might think.

Samurai were specifically trained to engage in open warfare, but also self defense from those seeking revenge.

As far as mentality goes, Samurai were trained on etiquette, customs, and art. Shinobi focused all their skill in practical matters, such as celestial navigation, chemistry, and disguises. Shinobi (and especially Kunoichi) would not be found in shozoku, but rather in plainclothes that would befit their setting.

Re: Android 070

nope most definatly not lup i have seen ornamental sets that ppl can buy which mind u are bullshit fakes compared to the real deal but here in australia we have very strict laws if u are seen in public with even so much as a bloody swiss army knife aka pocket knife u can be fined and or if serious enough thrown into jail dang australia is harsh with its laws.

=( tell me about it, I wanted to get a cane sword but of course they're illegal (concealed weapons) Best I have is a french hunting knife, good quality, could use a sharpen though...

The poor thing has been horribly misused, it's cut tomatoes, weed, cleaned my fingernails...etc. but hasn't ever skewered a rabbit.