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Fantasy of Mana

Re: Android 070

*raises both hands, both feet, and then promptly falls off of his cheer due to the sheer weight of a fifth member*

...MEDIC!! :eek:
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Re: Android 070

You plan on animating that scarf around her neck? Or is that not what it is?

Definitely a scarf and will definitely animate it.

Huh, a well drawn and animated character already?

My my, this project might actually have hope .

Gosh and golly gee you really think so?

Joined just for this sadly...etc. longest post

You can't be that busy if you're here...and offering to make pixel sprites no less. Thanks though, but if I ever feel pixels to be a necessity for this(which I most likely won't) I'll probably just set aside a day or two to get a handle on making them. Right now, I feel I could move faster if I just stick to the plan I have laid out, and keep it a solo project. Also, you've gone through all the trouble to register, so have a seat and keep us company....

*slides chair across the floor*

All in all, thanks for the input everybody. I'll try to be at it all week. I'll see you in a couple of days...:)


*raises both hands, both feet, and then promptly falls off of his cheer due to the sheer weight of a fifth member*


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Re: Android 070

I must say, initially, I was rather skeptical of this whole thing, but looking at those early sprite, this looks like it might actually be something. Keep it up.

One piece of constructive criticsim though, on the walking animation, her right leg (nearest viewer) seems a little odd when she picks it up.
Re: Android 070

Good start, the only problem I noticed was the right leg (closest to the viewer) tends to spaz right before it comes forward again. (in the walking motion)

And a little breast giggle wouldn't hurt either. :D

But I know your fustration, I never got anywhere the rpg...and the arena wasn't too much run. But I loved the ROA 2 and the other one that came bundled in a previous post made here or the former forum.

Sadly, I can't offer you any skills...except testing...and maybe making my keyboard sticky.

Sorry if I missed anything anyone said, I'm typing this off of my g1..I started this post awhile and just found time to finish it.

P.S. I am a long term lurker, who does wish to offer anything I can. You guys are great. Raptor and Toxic I love you guys, fyi.
Re: Android 070

Hey, seems promising. But to make a final opinion, baddies are needed. Will it be tentacles, ninjas, demons, or 9-tailed foxes? ... Or... BOTH?!

Anyway. If you feel like adding a storyline but don't have enough imagination to write one down, I'm free to use.

Looking forward to see what will come out of this.
Re: Android 070

If you don't mind my suggestion, since Android is gonna be the name of the game (right, or is that still being thought out?) For 'baddies' how about the semi-classic, space invaders? wanting to take the worl'd women and make them a baby-factory... or something, idk. it gives the game a whole "save the world" feel, or doom it, depends how "sticky" you want your keyboard
Re: Android 070

Will it be tentacles, ninjas, demons, or 9-tailed foxes? ... Or... BOTH?!.

i think u meen or all of them not or both

edit#1 offtopic can anyone point me to that game based in japan where nobunaga i think it is turns into the demon xavier plz and thnx if u's can
Re: Android 070

... or 9-tailed foxes?

That's pretty specific... Also, I don't think he's gotten to the point of making enemies yet. The heroine's the most important part of these kinds of games though.

Re: demongod,
Is that Onimusha: Warlords?
Re: Android 070

I agree with everyone here. This looks amazing! The leg does need a bit of work, and some jiggle would be nice, but overall, can't wait for a demo!
Re: Android 070

Re: demongod,
Is that Onimusha: Warlords?

Nah, the game he is looking for is Sengoku Rance. You now have the title of the game, employ the search feature, so I don't have to.
Re: Android 070

Nah, the game he is looking for is Sengoku Rance. You now have the title of the game, employ the search feature, so I don't have to.

thnx incubus i'm lookin in that thread for the dl links now
Re: Android 070

*raises hand*
great animations kinda reminds me of mitsuko

Lol, exactly what i was gunna post.

Hey, seems promising. But to make a final opinion, baddies are needed. Will it be tentacles, ninjas, demons, or 9-tailed foxes? ... Or... BOTH?!

??? said somthing about cyborgs and mutants, so maybe tentacles... most games with cyborgs and mutants have aliens involved (because apparently these are the most post apocalyptic things we can think of... that and giant ants... but maybe those are classified as mutants... idk) but thats probably a no on the foxy 9-tailed demonic ninjas :O

Looks great and can't wait ^^ I just hope it's not quite as buggy as mitsuko... :D
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Re: Android 070

Yeah, the style of the chick made me think of a ninja, rather than an android, and I got carried away~
Re: Android 070

Google "Cyborg 009", androids and ninjas have been a single thing since long ago. ;)

...damn, now i feel old...
Re: Android 070

004 was the coolest, by far
Re: Android 070

004 was the coolest, by far

009 with his hyper speed

Lol, exactly what i was gunna post.

??? said somthing about cyborgs and mutants, so maybe tentacles... most games with cyborgs and mutants have aliens involved (because apparently these are the most post apocalyptic things we can think of... that and giant ants... but maybe those are classified as mutants... idk) but thats probably a no on the foxy 9-tailed demonic ninjas :O

Looks great and can't wait ^^ I just hope it's not quite as buggy as mitsuko... :D

lol add cyborg from teen titans
Re: Android 070

I didn't say most effective or which power I wish I had, 009's a big ol' gay. I'm saying there's nothing more badass than that russian motherfucker shooting rockets out of his goddamn kneecaps.
Re: Android 070

I didn't say most effective or which power I wish I had, 009's a big ol' gay. I'm saying there's nothing more badass than that russian motherfucker shooting rockets out of his goddamn kneecaps.

From Russia, with love~


... Just realized... Doesn't look like a leg in that screenshot... I know I've heard sex can be explosive but... DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN...
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Re: Android 070

I'm sure I've posted a similar picture of him up SOMEWHERE on this site. But yeah, motherfuckers got no pupils, machine gun fingers, razor hands, and rocket knees. AND his character has depth

*EDIT* HOLY SHIT, same exact picture and url

I wish I could dislodge my knee and shoot rockets from my leg.

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