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ACT [ Unholy Production ] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

What the defferent between ver1.01 and complete version?

Ver1.01 is the bug fixes from when he rushed finished the game.

The complete version (which isn't out yet) will add in stuff that he wanted to do before his real life situations cut down his time as well as new stuff that he's coming up with

That means updated CG, new animations, new level design, new music, new voice samples, etc.

Go back one page for some details.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

The complete version (which isn't out yet) will add in stuff that he wanted to do before his real life situations cut down his time as well as new stuff that he's coming up with

That means updated CG, new animations, new level design, new music, new voice samples, etc.

This probably will take quite a while given how long it took him to develop the original. My guess the complete version won't be out till the end of year at least.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Except he already have the framework of the game already in place. He just have to put some more extra-special polish to the game he has in place. The first stage looks like it went swimmingly.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Except he already have the framework of the game already in place. He just have to put some more extra-special polish to the game he has in place. The first stage looks like it went swimmingly.


From the time he gave word that he's back in action til the time he made the first stage demo was quite short. If all things go well, we should be seeing the completed version ripe with new content within a few months. Well, wishful thinking on my part. I can't wait to play it.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I think someone mentioned he was going to commercialize the final version. Can anyone else confirm?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I think someone mentioned he was going to commercialize the final version. Can anyone else confirm?

I think the author himself mentioned it as a possibility somewhere on his blog...I hope it won't go that way,but i would understand if it does...I mean the game was a high quality H platformer before and it was free,and now he's going to improve the quality and get new content in,so it would be understandable if he wanted some compensation for his work.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I think the author himself mentioned it as a possibility somewhere on his blog...I hope it won't go that way,but i would understand if it does...I mean the game was a high quality H platformer before and it was free,and now he's going to improve the quality and get new content in,so it would be understandable if he wanted some compensation for his work.

And I would buy his game instead of pirating it.Because the free version was better than most commercial games on DLSite.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

And I would buy his game instead of pirating it.Because the free version was better than most commercial games on DLSite.

Yes i agree...For the amount of work that the author put into the game he should have all the right to expect compensation for it if he ever decides to do so.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I'm always surprised when this thread pops back up. Man how long has Unholy Sanctuary been in progress and being worked on? I remember playing this years ago. Not sure if all the blog posts are about this game but they go back to 2008. Dang.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I'm always surprised when this thread pops back up. Man how long has Unholy Sanctuary been in progress and being worked on? I remember playing this years ago. Not sure if all the blog posts are about this game but they go back to 2008. Dang.

Maybe I should practice reading comprehension again. Yeah Fruit, you're right...and I'm an idiot heh -_-'
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Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

What's you do, just see the title and hit reply automatically without reading anything? He's working on the game again.

I think he was commenting more on his surprise that the author is still working on this after 5 years, not his own inattentiveness. Which is something worth commenting on; very few projects end up being stretched out this long without completely falling apart, but we are have a pretty stable build of the game that could have passed as the final version...and yet the dev is continuing their work on it anyway. Good stuff. His dedication is inspiring, plus his game is really good.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

^ Guy knows what's up.
What's you do, just see the title and hit reply automatically without reading anything? He's working on the game again.
Do you quote people and reply to them without reading anything in their post? I said that it's impressive that it's been worked on for so long. I never said it wasn't currently in progress, derp.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I think he was commenting more on his surprise that the author is still working on this after 5 years, not his own inattentiveness. Which is something worth commenting on; very few projects end up being stretched out this long without completely falling apart, but we are have a pretty stable build of the game that could have passed as the final version...and yet the dev is continuing their work on it anyway. Good stuff. His dedication is inspiring, plus his game is really good.

Guess I'm too tired...because I definitely read it but now that I go back and read it again, my brain is telling me I need to go to sleep and stop being the idiot. My apologies.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I think someone mentioned he was going to commercialize the final version. Can anyone else confirm?

I think I can live with that.

The guy did good work, the game play in the original was pretty good, and H scenes were hot. Now he is polishing it with more GO CG and better voice, I wouldn't mind dropping 10 bux on it.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Not sure if you all know this but this game is actually based on the game Ragnarok Online.

If you don't believe me just check out the Character Designs for a priest also most of the Mobs you fight looks exactly like the one from the game.

It's one of the few reasons why I tried out this game
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Ragnarok Online Player would definitely recognize it x3
so yeah.

One of the best Hentai Games for me so far.
Hope much more updates in the future like a extra Stage or something like that =o

would be awesome.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

It's an UnHolY union with Ragnarok Online and Castlevania, that's for sure!
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

There's a trial for the new version now.And you can get it from his blog:

Note: Do NOT upload hatahata's game anywhere else,and please do not link the download link for the game,instead link his blog entry where he posted the download link.He will block foreign ISPs if you upload it somewhere else!
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Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

There's a trial for the new version now.And you can get it from his blog:

Note: Do NOT upload hatahata's game anywhere else,and please do not link the download link for the game,instead link his blog entry where he posted the download link.He will block foreign ISPs if you upload it somewhere else!
His download link doesn't work for me.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

His download link doesn't work for me.

Well,if i were you i would go directly to the author's blog and open the trial link from there...

I DL-ed the trial yesterday morning after accidentally checking the blog for updates,and i got it without a problem.

On a side note i like the trial for the complete edition.True to his word the author has done an amazing work with the facelift of the first stage,and the new CG's are really appropriate for each and every occasion,plus every enemy now has his own GOR CG...The new music is really fitting in a real Castlevania-ish style.

Also has anyone noticed the cards that some enemies drop? It seems like those can be used to increase starting crystal number,life number and so on depending on how many of those you've got during your playthrough after you finish the trial...I think that is a really nice touch,although i don't quite understand the purpose of the GO's counter,so it might be just for bragging rights abouth eventually finishing the game without losing a single life...
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