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Operation TR (game in the making) - now with a blog

Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - looking for assistance

no aiming down?

Well I'm still working on them, so aiming down will probably come later.

I'm sorry, I did play around with game maker a bit tonight, to get a feel for it, and its quite easy to work with, kinda a VB feel. I threw together this using some sprites from your profile just to see what I could do.

I may not have experience with game maker before tonight, but I've been around a computer or two. What I cant do is draw :)


Well I must admit, you got me convinced, even though those sprites are some old consepts for the other games I was planning to make before this one.
I'll send you a PM in a bit and we can talk about this.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - looking for assistance

Well I'm still working on them, so aiming down will probably come later.

Well I must admit, you got me convinced, even though those sprites are some old consepts for the other games I was planning to make before this one.
I'll send you a PM in a bit and we can talk about this.

So, I know you are planning to pm me, but I was looking at that first upload, and its pretty terrible, and I was having fun playing with game maker tonight while I reinstalled eve (stupid update killed my client).

here's what I came up with, this I think is more along what you are looking for anyhow. It can still use some work, but its not embarrassing to look at like that first one :)



  • astart.zip
    1.3 MB · Views: 0
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - looking for assistance

So, I know you are planning to pm me, but I was looking at that first upload, and its pretty terrible, and I was having fun playing with game maker tonight while I reinstalled eve (stupid update killed my client).

here's what I came up with, this I think is more along what you are looking for anyhow. It can still use some work, but its not embarrassing to look at like that first one :)


Well it is a promising start, I didn't really get to write the PM yet, but I'll PM you the stuff anyway
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - looking for assistance

So what has been up to lately?
A lot of PM discussion about the game and the engine really.
And I've been working on various stuff, I've finished the topless status somewhat and started on the nude;


In the nude I'm basicly aiming her to seem to go a bit like "sigh..".

So what else is there?
Well considering there really hasn't been any work on the enemies I started on them;


I will see if I can get thise fellows some moveability soon.


Meet the ghost girl.

Purpose; Nuinsance.
Populating the beach of this mysterious island, thise appereantly restless spirits of horny girls are rather happy to see some living booty for change.

Being a girl this enemy cannot cum, but instead raises the lust to the extreem otherwise. Generally the ghost girls will basicly have lesbo sex as basic graples.. Their special attack is going to make them the nuinsance. They can possess our agent girl here and force her to strip and masturbate which can leave her vurnerable for other enemies to grap her immidiatly after she's done.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

Interesting stuff comming up I see. Keep up the good work! :D
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

oh my :O you are a genius :D
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

Looks like it's coming along well, sounds like an awesome concept that ghost girl,
Eh strips heroines, lesbian rapes em', and doesn't afraid of anything.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

Ok, I incorporated the new player graphics, and grabbed some random sprites to use as mobile enemys.

Theres no real H content, other than the character becoming naked, but hey, this is a pre-alpha version or whatnot :)

Please let me know what you all think, any suggestions on gameplay or style, I am open to suggestions. This is fun, and I think I'm picking it up relatively quick, but I am still new at this.



  • tr01.zip
    1.6 MB · Views: 0
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

unless you meant for it the player cant move and is stuck as soon as you start
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

Use the spacebar and arrow keys to unstick yourself.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

unless you meant for it the player cant move and is stuck as soon as you start

Yeah, its like one pixel in the ground, I keep meaning to nudge it up one, just jump once to move normally.

Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

Some of the enemies on the half-step are nearly impossible to get by without taking some damage.

And you might want to reduce the rate being in water destroy her cloth. As it is anytime you fall into the deep spot, you're pretty much guaranteed to be naked.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

Well this is getting somewhere, though you appereantly missed the jumping sprites completely (the ones below the walking in the sheet I send you)

However, I do like how the engine so far works, and I've learned a few notes how to improve some of the sprites from this aswell by seeing how they work in the real deal.

I'll attempt to update the main sprite sheet a little bit by improving the animations and get some proper enemies done for this weekend, and possibly see about getting started on the H content.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

Ok, your doing the graphics, so I have to say this for whoever is developing the code. Let me make one thing clear...


Doesn't matter how good a game could of been, if the controls are broken, it will SUCK. Now, lets take a good game for example. Contra. You can shoot all directions, shoot in the air, and jumping is fluent and precise. Hell just play Contra for the Nes or Snes and you'll learn how to make good controls. Thank you!
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

I am aware, and this is an initial version, working out the controls is tricky, I think its coming along nicely.

I do have the jumping sprites, and the aim up sprites, and am pondering putting them in, but aiming in different directions is more work than it sounds like :)

Not that it isnt possible, just not at the top of my list. Contra was a fun game, but I dont know if I would say it had the best controls ever.

I do plan to play with the water, what happens is that she takes damage on every collision, so deep water is multiple objects, I plan to tweak it some, probably just add a flag that shes in water, and regardless of depth, she will take it at the rate that shallow water works now. Might even have the flag stay up for a few ticks after she gets out, while she drys off.

As for the enemys, well, you can shoot every last one of them and not take damage, dont be afraid to hop back to an earlier platform to get a better angle.

Is there any specific aspect of the controls that works especially poorly? Does the speed / jump height work well for the scale?

Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

I didn't have any problems getting through the level without losing any clothing. Certainly didn't take any damage from enemies, since killing them just requires good timing. Controls were intuitive, though I imagine the final product will have some sort of instructions or ability to remap. Only complaint was that you couldn't jump up through platforms. That made some jumps more frustrating with platform placement being as close as it is sometimes.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

I gave thought to that idea, I actually did figure out the code for how to do non-solid from the bottom, but I went for the concept that sometimes headroom is a hard commodity, I like a little difficulty in a game after all. It will hopefully be more interesting to dodge the ghosts, since they will ignore platforms when coming for you ;)

Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

I gave thought to that idea, I actually did figure out the code for how to do non-solid from the bottom, but I went for the concept that sometimes headroom is a hard commodity, I like a little difficulty in a game after all. It will hopefully be more interesting to dodge the ghosts, since they will ignore platforms when coming for you ;)


No, seriously, let people jump through them from the bottom. I mean, you'll probably do a neater pathing job than toonpimp, but even so, it is seriously rage inducing.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - slow and steady

No, seriously, let people jump through them from the bottom. I mean, you'll probably do a neater pathing job than toonpimp, but even so, it is seriously rage inducing.

Exactly, it's so furiously annoying you can't get out of the way because you can't jump to a platform beneath you. But then again, if this game isn't going to be that hard.... eh... well make us WORK to beat the game. That's another important aspect about games. Too easy, too boring. Hence Fable series. Good concept, could of gone along way, looked beautiful, but every idea just made the game a chore, except the battles which were too easy.

And for the game that you've made, the jumping is absolutely annoying. It's like gravity has increased for her 10 fold. 0_e
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