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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

16 vs 6 | 8 vs 17 | 25 vs 8 | 17 vs 12
8 vs 26

Synthia lands another solid blow as Gerald is blocked, Max landing a powerful blast to his backside, sending him stumbling as Marie lands another hit.

Though through all of this as he fails to grab Synthia again, howling as she gets off a counter attack, he seems to be laughing the more they beat him.

Overlord ??/?? 14/30
Synthia 5/6 FP 2/10 AP
Gerald 8/8 HP
Max 4/5 HP 9/20 MP
Marie 6/6 FP 2/10 AP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Eh? What's this? He's laughing? Is he just insane or is there something else to it? No matter, we don't have any choice.

"Keep it up!" she shouts and busies herself with landing crippling strikes, lashing out a the weaker areas of his legs and ankles, hoping to make the fight hurry on towards its conclusion faster by slowing the thing down.

[attack, attempting to cripple him]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

11 vs 16 | 23 vs 8 | 23 vs 20 | 15 vs 11
Synthia misses her attack, though the others have better success, landing telling blows on the Overlord.

Oddly, even though it looks like he could battle for a while, he falls to one knee, stabbing his sword into the ground. "Enough! You have bested me, I surrender. I am not enough of a fool to see where this battle is headed."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia still held her sword ready, her eyes gleaming in frustrated malice.

"Remove your helm then, and do not think you will evade us with trickery. The moment you stall or do not do as we say, you will be finished..."

She glares at him and waits for him to unmask himself.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I am unable to remove my own helmet." He says. "You must do it for me."

A voice whispers out to Synthia in her head. "Do not remove his helmet, strike him down."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Very well, I shall remove your helmet, raise your chin up, I'm going to remove it quickly and don't want to fiddle with it..." she waited to see whether the overlord would acquiesce to her request.

If he did, she would approach steadily her sword still raised, she would lean in slowly, but as soon as she was within the arc of her sword length and felt comfortable that he was exposed enough, she would swing her sword with all her strength at his neck, intending to decapitate him.

He is a rapist and a fiend, and deserves far worse than a quick death, but that is what I shall give him.

If he does not do as she suggested and bare his neck, she will say: "You don't listen well, do you? Kill him!" and then would proceed to attack and slay the unarmed foe.

No matter what, Synthia had no intention of pardoning this creature. It had had its chance to surrender... but it wanted to play games instead. She was in no mood.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The Overlord complies, easily. "Quickly then." he rumbles.

The voice in Synthia's head continues as she moves forward, intending to decapitate him. "Do not remove his head! Do not! Strike him down so that his helmet never parts from his armor!"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Changing tactics, instead of decapitating him, she will pierce his exposed throat with the tip of her blade, keeping his helmet on him even as she runs him through.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia changes her tactic, the sword going straight through his neck as he looks surprised, angry even, that she didn't decapitate him. The voice in her head speaks again.

"Thank you...hero...for listening..thank you...for slaying me."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia frowned at the voice she had thought to be Max. Instead it appeared that the voice had come from the overlord. She watched the being crumple before her and wondered. Her anger and battlelust driven from her for the moment.

"Did... did anyone else hear that?" she asked.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The others look around with a little bit of confusion. "Hear what?" Gerald asks after a moment, a small look of concern on his face.

Taking a look around now, Synthia can see the remains of his army starting to disappear.

Taking another look at the Overlord, it seems his armor is starting to fade...
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia backs away from the armored body, her sword withdrawn from her foe and raised. She inched closer to Gerald, feeling safer near to him. She glanced to see that Marie and Max were fine as well.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max was watching with interest, Marie standing close to him as well, as they watch the armor sort of dissolve. After the armor disappears, what appears to be a very drained old man is left, dead, the sword having gone through his throat.

The armor leaves a sort of black fog for a moment that almost escapes notice as it shoots off in the direction of a far off mountain.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Well, that's a clue," Synthia said, nodding towards the mountain in the distance. "Whatever created him must come from there, wouldn't you agree Max?"

Her concern then went to the hundreds of women who were left on the ground behind the Overlord's corpse. "We need to get treatment for them. Max, can you send a message to the camp? Have our people come to help them. Tell them the danger's passed for now."

She clasped Gerald's hand tightly and walked to inspect the body of the fallen man closer before going to check on the raped women and make sure that they were still alive and not completely driven insane.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I don't believe he's a creation." Max said. "I believe I understand his nature now."

Max concentrated for a moment, before informing Synthia the message was sent.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Well then? Care to enlighten us with your guess Max? If he's not a creation then what is he?"

Synthia was stumped, her assumptions apparently all wrong. Not that it really mattered, so long as the threat was ended. She was hesitant to prod among the fallen man's belongings, wary of possibly touching something she shouldn't.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I believe the 'Overlord' is the armor, a spirit. His true body rests somewhere in that mountain I suppose. And this man..." Max says, pointing to the aged dead man on the ground. "Was merely a victim he used as a puppet."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Then to destroy the true monster, we'll have to journey to that mountain, otherwise it will all happen again. Maybe not today, or even a year from now, but it will, unless someone stops it."

Feeling safer that the man lying before them was not evil, she knelt down and inspected him closer, seeing if he had anything on him that might identify him.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max nods at Synthia as she decides the next plan of action.

The man wore only simple cloth clothes, and even those had been a bit worn out. The only other thing he had on him was a look of almost contentment, as if being released from a torturous hell.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"First things first however. We need to take care of the women he's been using to fuel his magic and his army."

Synthia moved about the women, trying to check on their conditions and speak words of comfort to them, telling them all that they were safe now and would be able to rest soon.