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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max nods, Marie helping Synthia in comforting the women. Max was busy spending his time conjuring as many sets of clothes as he could muster, and Gerald was distributing them to the girls.

A while later, as Synthia was still helping to comfort the women, the rest of the camp arrived, lots of wagons following them to help take the women back to their homes, or to the city if they needed some help in recovery.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia moved to Gerald's side and leaned up against him.

"I don't suppose anyone else will volunteer to destroy this overlord, but someone has to, if we're to be able to live in peace again. What do you think? Shall we try it ourselves? Another adventure? We may not need to go alone, I'm sure Max and Marie and some of the others will come with us."

She put her head against his chest and listened to the beat of her husband's heart. She squirmed against the feel of her harness, suddenly feeling it tug against her again, and she desired his touch again, wishing there was somewhere private they could go to discuss things, but there was nothing for it, it seemed, with so many people around, and serious work to be done and plans to be made.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max nods his head. "I will join you, although I doubt his lair is very well protected, I believe it may be best for Marie to stay here and help the others organize the recovery efforts."

Having said that, he sits down, resting. "Do we have any preparations we need to make before leaving?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I suppose not, unless you can think of something," she turned a questioning look to Gerald.

If he said nothing she would simply give her nod to Max and say that she was prepared to go now and finish the fight.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald shook his head, indicating there was nothing he could think of.

As Synthia nodded to Max, he nodded back, saying "Good. Then let me rest a few moments if you will."

Max waited a few minutes, looking as if he was pondering something before he stood back up. "We don't quite know where his lair is, but I feel that may not be quite necessary quite yet." He said.

The next thing he did was move forward to Synthia and Gerald, grabbing their hands. He did something, Synthia wasn't quite sure yet, until Max let go and was floating in the air. "Just sort of...hop" he said. "It'll make sense when you do."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Judging that she had come this far relying on Max, she might as well do as he said, Synthia performed a small bunny hop, interested in seeing what effect it might have.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Finding herself hopping up...but...not coming down, Synthia was worried for a second when her feet were no longer on the ground, though she quickly came to understand she was under a flight spell. As she tried to understand it, she quickly found out that it just sort of worked like..well, like she thought it should work. Though she wanted to question it, it was magic...and it was a game. Max flew over to some trees, as if waiting for her to join him, Gerald quickly getting the hang of it as well and moving towards Max.

"Well, let's make our way to the lair then." Max said.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Right behind you, Max," Synthia said with a smile of delight, as she began to do barrel rolls from side to side in front of Gerald.

"~Born freeeee.... as free as the wind blows...~" she sang and enjoyed the sensation of flying like a bird through the air.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max chuckles at Synthia's singing as they head off, speeding over the forest and heading towards the mountain in the distance. Even making good time bypassing the terrain and flying faster than most horses, Max waves the party down as night approaches to a spot in the forest.

"I think we'll rest for the night, if you don't mind." he says.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Of course, we'll need you fully rested most of all," she nods appreciatively to Max. "But is there any shelter nearby? We didn't bring much in the way of tents..."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"There will be in a moment." Max says, looking like he's concentrated before what appears to be a small shack appears from the ground. It sort of blends in with the area, making it hard to see, as max opens the door for them and shows them inside the shack. A bed for each of them, a table with three chairs, and a small fireplace adorn the shelter, with a writing desk and other various storage shelves.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Ah," Synthia said, as she stepped inside. "I don't suppose you could create a wall? I, erm, might need some privacy at some point? Though it if it's too much to ask..." she trailed off, hoping that it wasn't.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

A wall appeared around two of the beds, a small door also appearing. "I forgot, you two would probably like to share, wouldn't you?" Max says, chuckling a little as he walks outside, making a small campfire and sitting by it.

Peaking inside the new room, Synthia can see the two beds have become a double bed.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia smiles and thanks Max for his consideration, then steps inside the separated room and removes her boots and hat an cloak. Then strips off her shirt and pants, leaving only the harness to cover herself, figuring that Gerald should be the only one to remove that. She was not sure if Gerald would come in soon or not, but she lay on the bed and sighed happily. She had not rested all that well the night before, but now that the army was disbanded and her son and students would be moderately safe for the near future, Synthia was finally inclined to let her hair down, metaphorically speaking.

She closed her eyes and let herself get warm underneath the blankets.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald didn't wait too long to follow her, undressing as well and joining her under the blankets.

"Are you tired tonight dear? Or do you think we could find a bit of time before sleep?" he asks her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia spies at him with one squinting eye, wondering if she shouldn't toy with him and make him wonder whether or not she was horny. In real life she probably would, if she could actually get a guy as well built and as affectionate as him in the real world. Most men with those kinds of muscles were the type that cheated every chance they got. As it was, Gerald was hers because in this game, she was the hottie femme fatale she never could be in real life, and she wanted him very much.

"Honestly Gerald, if you don't do your duty as my husband and make me cum at least three times, you won't be getting any for the next month. I'm not wearing these ropes for the questionable tan lines..."

She spoke the words sweetly, but let the threat linger there as she lay in wait.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Hmm, we don't quite have all our usual toys, do we?" Gerald replies as he pulls the covers off of them, grabbing Synthia and pulling her close.

"But I'll just have to improvise then, won't I?" he says, a gleam in his eyes as he pulls the harness around her, tugging at the rope digging into her crotch already.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"mmmph..." Synthia let her husband move her around, swaying her hips into the crotch rope. "You know, you've never really needed all those toys. My favorite one has always been attached to you. Ahnnnhh...."

She moaned happily and then rolled herself upwards against his rope, wrapping her legs around his waist and draping her arms behind his neck. "Come on then dear, you know I hate it when you're shy."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"It's going to be hard to make you cum three times with only that toy." Gerald replys, a grin on his face. "Especially since I can't go forever."

He pulls her body downwards, giving her a kiss as he starts to undo the knots on her harness. Taking it off of her. He presses one hand on her breasts, the other going to her womanhood as he starts to grope them, aiming to pleasure her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"You'll just have to try harder," Synthia gasped between moans, her muscles tightening and her back arching her bod into the air, pressing her flower further along his fingers as the slipped in and out of her. She played with the breast that Gerald wasn't groping with her free hand while the other made its way to her husband's shoulder and gripped it tightly as she brought her knees up into a missionary position, her toes flexing and curling sporadically as he pressed into her. She felt the first wave of orgasm building inside her, and hoped that Gerald would take her there quickly.

"You should know how to... eeyah... please me well enough by this point. If relying on toys has made you grow soft, unnnhgh... then we'll have to fix that starting now." She held her mouth agape as his fingers pressed along a very sensitive spot and reduced her to wordless moans and cries for a moment, and she shut her eyes and lost herself in the immediate pleasure. Letting the climax roll through her body, feeling her juices seeping out of her.