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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The slimes seem to enlarge as they finally receive their prey. Alyssa watches as she's turned upside down by the slime, facing the ground, only to watch it fall away as the slime sticks onto the ceiling. She gets a glimpse of the slime around Mary doing the same thing.

The slime makes her feel warm all over, while not allowing her an inch of movement. Sort of a feeling of something licking her everywhere, all at once. This is too much as she reaches her first climax, hearing Mary doing the same. Her arms are pulled back the slime, holding her wrists and elbows together, pushing her chest out. Tendrils of the slime, almost like the tentacles from before, start to circle her breasts, playing and teasing with them, the slime itself sucking on her nipples. She feels more tendrils finally push inside her below, through both holes, though her mouth already hanging open, she tries to let out a gasp, finding the slime surging into her like another tendril, going deep inside and throat fucking her. Now she really understood while she could breath through the slime.

Feeling her breasts pressed together upon another tendril, she reached her second orgasm as the tendrils probed even deeper inside of her. Although the pleasure was immeasurable, the pain was building up.

She realized now that she wasn't that tired, apparently the slime having a method of keeping her awake as it violated her. She started to cry as she realized there would be no blessed unconsciousness to fall into this time. She felt the slime release a massive amount of cum inside here, driving her to a third climax, she was in pain now, but the slime continued on.

She was moved around while still being violated, and saw that the two slimes were moving closer together. They melded when they got close, and she saw Mary crying hard as the same thing was happening to her, she could tell that she only wished to black out.

The slimes weren't done though. As they positioned the two girls near each other, first pushing them next to each other, pressing their breasts, and exerting control over their bodies to make them kiss. They both weren't quite sure how much they liked it, only wishing for the slime to let them go. But it didn't, they both were moved again, a single tendril fucking both of them in the same holes, thrusting in one when it withdrew from the other. It was terribly painful as they both reached a fourth orgasm, unable to black out because the slimes kept them awake.

Moving them again, the slimes weren't done, placing each head at the others crotch, they forced each one of them to press their top pair of lips to the others bottom pair, making them lick and enjoy the experience. When the slime let them stop, more tendrils. Each tendril throat fucking one while pussy fucking the other.

It continued for hours, no end in sight, before the slimes deposited them both on the floor, next to each other, hand in hand. They both blacked out almost immediately, now that the slime wasn't keeping them awake.

They both woke up later, extremely sore, and remembering every second. Mary couldn't help but blush furiously and couldn't look at Alyssa's face.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I don't know that I like this being upside down shit Alyssa thought as the slime attached to the ceiling, but those thoughts were quickly pushed out of her mind by the feeling of the slime licking her all over her body. She moaned into the slime, its pleasantly warm feeling relaxing her and encouraging her to new heights of pleasure. Why am I... such a sucker... for this sort of shit...? She felt herself orgasm, and Mary's screams told her that the other slime was giving her the same treatment.

She began to get a bit worried when it seemed to "grab" her arms and force them behind her, making her slightly uncomfortable, but this too was pushed from her mind as the strange slime tendrils entered her. They felt huge as the writhed about inside her pussy and ass, and as she tried to gasp another entered her mouth. She gagged hard as it pressed itself deep into her throat, but realized that she was in no danger of suffocating. She could breath even through the tendril. For some reason, this wasn't very comforting. As the tendrils sped up their assault, Alyssa felt herself orgasm again, this time colored by a bit of pain. But something was quite wrong; she should be exhausted, but she didn't feel tired at all. It was like the monster was pumping caffeine down her throat. The thing was now fucking her at a furious pace, and it started to hurt more and more with each thrust. Alyssa panicked, and began to thrash around in a desperate attempt to free herself. The slime didn't seem to appreciate that, and the tendrils started to steadily grow in size until they were far too large for her to take. oh god please stop please stop she pleaded with the game, forcing herself to go limp as tears began to stream down her cheeks. The slime relented, shrinking its tendrils to a more manageable size. This... this isn't fun anymore, game. This isn't fun anymore... The thing finally filled her with a truly immense amount of cum, driving her to her third climax. In a more normal situation, she would probably have asked how a slime monster had "cum," and why, but these sorts of questions were the furthest thing from her mind. You... you've had your fun, now let me go she pleaded again.

The slime, however, didn't relent, and began to move her. She briefly wondered what it was doing before she saw that she and Mary were now in one large slime together. Alyssa couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor mage, the sight of her sobbing getting to the girl. Then the slime pressed them together and forced them to kiss. What the hell is it doing...? What is it with guys and lesbians...? she thought idly, barely returning Mary's kiss as she was nearly delirious with pain as the tendrils continued to fuck her brutally. When they briefly withdrew themselves, she breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was satisfied. Instead, it changed her position and a single large tendril began to thrust into both her and Mary. She cried out in pain, and tried desperately to focus on something else. this is only a game this is only a game this is only a gamethisisonlyagameonlyagame Her mantra didn't seem to work, as she cried out in her fourth orgasm, from which she derived only pain. While she was still dazed, the slime flipped her around, forcing her face onto Mary's pussy. She resisted for a bit, until she felt Mary lick her sore folds with enthusiasm. She gasped and tried her best to return the favor, but mostly just fumbled about, having never been with a woman before. This time was sadly short, as the tendrils soon forced themselves into her pussy and throat again. For hours on end the slime fucked them before finally setting them down on the ground and allowing them to sleep.


Holy shit, I'm so sore... Alyssa tried to bring herself to a sitting position as she woke up, her lower body aching terribly, absolutely covered in dried slime. She ran a hand through her long blond hair, feeling the caked slime flake off as she did, trying to get the hair plastered to her face off as she looked around to get her bearings. Her eyes settled on Mary, who blushed and looked away. Her reaction was much the same as she remembered what had happened, and she weakly said so how about those monsters...? Still want to keep going?

Damn I suck at this whole writing thing.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

You do not.

Mary finally managed to look at her, entire face flush with red. "Um..um..m-m-maybe?" She finally managed, not quite sure what to think anymore. Alyssa could see it was hard for the girl to look at her, as she heard her muttering. "...Why did my first time have to be so harsh..." Tears welling up a little in her eyes.

But she shook her heard, wiping the tears away. "No, yes, we must go on right, we can't just retreat after one bout of bad luck, we're after treasure!" Mary said, trying to force the topic to more happy thoughts.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn it... Even if she's just some fictional NPC this is harsh. This game is sadistic. Do you hear me, game? I don't really want to keep playing, and I certainly don't want to run into something like that again. She sighed and collected her gear, strapping on her shield again and picking up her sword. She walked over to Mary and gently patted her on the back, trying to be as reassuring as she could. Follow me, then. And this time let's check the ceiling before we go into a room. She walked toward the room's exit, being as cautious as she could think to be.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary nods her head, looking a bit recovered. "Oh!" She says, realizing the pair were both naked.

Taking out her spellbook and flipping through it, Mary did a quick spell as a new set of clothes appeared on the pair. "There!"

The pair enter the hallway past, keeping a careful eye out, they enter another room now, it slops down towards the back, a small pool of water, somewhat murky, lies in the back. Taking a careful stock, they both decide the room is empty.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Ah, thanks. I had forgotten I had an extra change of clothes Alyssa said as she walked. The empty room was almost comforting after what they'd been through in the last one. She eyed the murky pool warily for a while before finally deciding that nothing inhabited it. Let's move on she said, walking towards the exit.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Heading down again, through another stairway. The group is surprised when they stumble upon a hidden doorway.

They make their way down the stairs, Mary holding a little magical light in her hand so they can see. They enter the new room, looking for any signs of trouble, but find none. In fact, this room looks somewhat nice. Almost like a bathhouse. At one end is a stone pool with some waterfalls falling into it. The water is clear and they can tell that this is defiantly some sort of classy bathroom. Towels on the wall, a bath at one end, and not a sign that they were in a swamp. They could see steam rising from the bath, apparently it was heated.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

You'd think this would be a trap, but holy shit is it amazing. Alyssa eyed the bath carefully, looking for signs of tentacles, but the water was perfectly clear, and seemed to contain nothing. I don't know about you, but I need a bath desperately she said, nodding at Mary as she quickly stripped off her clothes. Being caked in this dried slime shit isn't nearly as fun as it sounds she thought as she carefully lowered herself into the bath, sighing contentedly as she settled into the warm water.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa rests in the water, Mary jumping in right after her after stripping down. Though after looking at Aly, starts to blush and moves slightly away, still remembering what the slime made them do.

As she stares away, almost as much steam coming from her blush as the bath itself. Mary quietly speaks. "Why...do I have to remember it so clearly?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa looked hard at Mary as she tried to scrub the grime off of her body. Well shit. Let me guess, the NPC has the hots for me now. This is just a game for perverts, isn't it? Of course, I'm the one who entered the settings... She was quite conflicted as to what to do about this. I've never been with a woman before, and I have no idea what to do... I guess I'll just see if she works up some courage. Let the programming decide. She sits in silence, feeling a lot more clean now, but at the same time her virtual life had gotten much more complicated than she could have imagined when she first jumped into the EGG...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary sits in silence for the rest of their bath after that.

Managing to get herself clean, Alyssa feels a lot better now. Mary seems to have stopped blushing as well.

"Should we be on out way?" Mary asks.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Yeah, we probably should. No sense turning into prunes. Alyssa carefully climbed out of the bath and toweled herself off, grateful that something like this would exist in such a place. Of course, the design choice of having a nice bathroom in an underground dungeon just seemed silly, but there was no sense complaining. She hastily pulled on her clothes and searched for another path out of the room other than the one they entered from.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Finding no other way out, the girls are returned to trudge up the stairs again, exiting through the secret passage and continuing on their original journey.

They continue along, making their way through the twisting hallways, to another room, it looks to be good, keeping the swamp out, and they spy a small chest in the center of it, unopened and unlocked.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Awesome, treasure! Alyssa rubbed her hands in glee as she moved to the chest, excited that she was finally completing her objective instead of trying desperately not to get raped. She curbed her enthusiasm long enough to be careful opening it, in case of traps.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Opening the chest, it seems oddly prefect as the treasure inside lays out. A set of rations (5 FP), and a long, dark purple and blue cape. The cape is folded, and extremely smooth to the touch. Putting it on, Alyssa feels well protected, and Mary says that she's somewhat hard to see.

(Acquired Rations, Acquired Cloak of Displacement, +4 to defensive rolls as long as it's on, immune to dissolving)

(I keep forgetting, Aly and Mary both got +1 FP from the bath, which restored them to full)

Aly 6/6 FP
Mary 5/5 FP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

This is pretty cool, maybe now I can be stealthy and shit. And rations are always good to have. Alright, let's go on to the next room. Maybe we'll find something for you in there she said, setting off towards the next room.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The party continues through the dungeon. Entering into a new room, Alyssa feels something is off, but can't quite place it....
(20+4 vs 11+4)
Until she steps on a coil of rope, that she couldn't see, because it blended in with the floor. The ropes shot up, entangling her almost entirely. One of them wrapped around her new cloak, and removed it from her shoulders, tossing it aside.
(7+4 vs 10)
Mary also becomes entangled as she looks around, trying to see what had grabbed her friend. She lets out an eep as one of the ropes quickly tightens itself around her crotch

The ropes finally become fully visible, as the main body reveals itself, another rope demon. It looks like large and strong, and the girls can see that the entire room, fairly large, is covered in rope coils.

Rope Demon (Lvl. 2) 10/10 HP
Alyssa 5/6 FP 0/4 AP
Mary 4/5 FP 1/4 AP

(Both girls are badly entangled, taking a -3 to all checks. AP now grants a -1 to all checks per point)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Well fuck, apparently stealth isn't something I'm good with. This thing is so much bigger than the one I fought earlier... And we're already tangled up pretty good in it. She tried to slash at the ropes holding her, but it was difficult, since the thing had her almost completely tangled up.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(19-2 vs 15)
Alyssa manages to get a good slash off on the creature, even while entangled, but almost as quickly as she cuts ropes away from her new ones find a way on, and she stays entangled
(7-1 vs 3]
Mary tries her hardest to blast the demon, managing to hurt it, but also finds herself unable to remove all the ropes from herself.
(7+4 vs 11-1)
The rope demon starts to constrain Alyssa more, the ropes getting tighter as she drops her shield and sword from the pain of being tightly bound.
(5+4 vs 5-1)
Mary also has some bad luck as the ropes start to bind her, dropping her spellbook. She gasps as she feels the crotch rope knot itself, starting to grind her. "Nooooo...yes..."

Rope Demon 8/10 HP
Alyssa 4/6 FP 0/4 AP
Mary 3/5 FP 2/4 AP

(Both girls are Almost Bound, giving a -4 to checks, and making them unable to attack)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa groaned in pain as she dropped her sword. Curse you random number gods... This isn't my idea of a good time. She thrashed about, trying to loosen the ropes and hopefully get to her weapon. Mary, this thing isn't that tough! You can beat it! she yelled, hoping to encourage her companion to fight back, though she could tell the mage was getting distracted.