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Faylin (Farren)

Re: Faylin (Farren)

Unfortunately, Fay's escape attempt is also a dismal failure and Abby is unable to free her either as the mage sinks further into the sludge. The slime appears to be frustrated at Fay's clothes refusing to dissolve, and so it forms hard tendrils around the edges of her tight clothing and begins to tug at them, eventually successful in shifting her top up to expose Fay's breasts, her nipples hardening rapidly as the slime's tingling touch plays with her nipples.

The crowd seems to be loving it.

Slime 3/4 (undressing Fay)
Fay 3/5, AP 2 (-1 penalty), (engulfed -2 attacks/defense)
Abby 6/6
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Shit, I'm investing in a body suit of this stuff if it costs me an arm and a leg. Faylin tugged against the slime even as she felt it get a tighter grip on her, her body reacting to the strange substance. She couldn't help but squirm as it found her nipples, her body tensing as she bit back a moan.

She continued to struggle, trying to get out of the thing before she tired herself out on the first trial. All those jerks are watching, you're not giving them a show!
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin struggles free and with the help of Abby pulling her, manages to slip out of the slime's grasp and lie panting and slimed up to her neck in blue goo. The slime, wroth at its victim getting away jumps towards Abby, but the mohawked girl is ready and flicks her whip twice before her, its barb slicing another chunk from the slime with a sound shattering crack!

The crowd boos.

Slime 2/4
Fay 3/5 AP 2/10 MP 4/4
Abby 6/6, AP 0/10
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Happy to be free of the slime, Fay' nods quickly to Abby before turning back to the blob. Raising a wand again she lashes out with her magic, eager to exact revenge for that brief humiliation.

Slimes are normally the basic enemy, I guess I'm not as good when I'm having to play the part of a mage. Assuming she has a moment, Fay will tug her top back down into place, not about to give the crowd more entertainment than she was forced to.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin and Abby, now free of the slime's grasp an fully into the fight, unleash a devastating combined attack, the beam of energy pinning the slime in place with agonizing pain, as Abby rushed forward swinging her whip furiously in front of her, making a wall of barbed agony spring to life and slice through the slime again.

When Fay's energy burst faded out, the slime was split up and pooling out across the floor, defeated.

The crowd sighs, except for one familiar voice which shouts encouragement. "Atta girl! You've got it now!" Geero shouted happily.

"So. The first trial is complete. Interesting that a Fool can also be a Mage," croaked the commanding voice of the scribe, who seemed to be the voice of authority at the moment.

A loud "click" sounded and a doorway beyond this widened chamber unlocked and swung backwards, allowing them entry to a second chamber.

Fay quickly put her top back into place, all too conscious of the eyes upon her as she tried to wipe away the blue gunk that still coated her.

"And now for the second challenge!" the scribe called as they entered the next room. There two slimy tentacles awaited them.

Tenta A 3/3
Tenta B 3/3
Fay 5/5, AP 2, MP 4/4
Abby 6/6, AP 0
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay did her best to wipe the remaining slime from her body, all too conscious of the tingling sensation it had left behind. I bet that stuff would be enjoyable under the right circumstances...

With one challenge down though, she was ready to get on with the next. Moving along with Abby into the next chamber, she sighed a little at the sight of the tentacles. They did look a fair bit more threatening than her first kill though.

"Focus on one of them first?" She suggests as she launches a bolt of energy at the nearest one. She didn't want to have to deal with two opponents if it'd be easy to reduce their number. At least I'll be getting the showcase of monsters I wanted.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The energy bolt smashes into the tentacle on the left, and it falls backwards with a hiss, narrowly avoiding the barbed slash of Abby's whip. But as it retreated, the other tentacle lashed out at Abby, only to have its lunge countered when Abby pulled back her lash across her body and tore a chunk out of its front, slimy purplish ooze leaking from its wound.

Tenta A 2/3
Tenta B 2/3
Fay 5/5 AP 2 MP 4/4
Abby 6/6 AP 0

Following the same plan, Fay and Abby concentrated on the left-most tentacle, but again only Faylin landed her attack. This time however the wounded tentacle was desperate to bring the attacks to a finish, and sprung at Fay, wrapping around her and trying to clutch and pin the arm holding her wand, its slime coating her shoulder and biceps. Meanwhile the second tentacle aimed a similar lunge at Abby, but the whip fighter skillfully dodged it with a spinning leap, her barbed whip twirling protectively around her as she spun, landing perfectly on her feet with one hand to balance herself.

Tenta A 1/3 (entagling Fay)
Tenta B 2/3
Fay 4/5, AP 2, MP 4/4 (Entangled, -2 on all rolls)
Abby 6/6, AP 0
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Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' got into the swing of using her wand while keeping herself from harm's way. With the tentacles both injured things were going well, up until the one they'd been focusing on managed to get around her. She struggled against it, trying to stop it from pinning her.

Why does everything have to be covered in slime? She lamented, trying to pull the injured tentacle from her.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin shook herself wildly in an effort to get the tentacle to fall off of her, but it kept its grip tight, and with devilish cunning used a poorly chosen shift in her balance to trip her to the ground. Then with a speed bred by its own carnal desires, the thing slipped down her belly and beneath her leather bottoms, sliding its thick mass over her moistened snatch and with an ease and quickness that took her breath away, it parted Faylin's nether lips and delved into her. She spasmed in response, to the crowd's great delight, but the creature's doom was already upon it. The glint of torchlight on steel flashed in the dark, and Abby's long knife was out. With a swipe of her weapon, the intruding head of the tentacle was severed from the rest of its body, leaving about a foot and a half of the creature still lodged and hanging from between Fay's legs while the rest of the beast crumbled to the floor.

Abby had little time to celebrate her rescue, as the other tentacle seized upon its opportunity and coiled itself around the acrobatic woman's waist and bosom, squeezing her hard and producing a tired moan of pleasure.

Tenta B 2/3 (Entangling Abby)
Fay 3/5 AP 3/10
Abby 5/6 AP 1/10 (Entangled, -2 to rolls)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Try as she might, Faylin couldn't get herself free from the tentacle. Much to her great displeasure it soon toppled her, though she had to clamp her mouth shut to muffle her moan as it so quickly penetrated her. The slime had made her body receptive to what was happening, even as she struggled to grab the squirming intruder.

When the tentacle was slain, Fay' was quick to remove it from her body, the idea of having something dead inside her less pleasant than the idea of having a tentacle inside her full stop. As soon as she was done she moved to help Abby, trying to wrench her attacker off of her.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The dead tentacle had wedged itself inside her and removing its disgusting slimy form too several precious moments, such that by the time Fay looked up, she saw that the other tentacle had improved its grip upon Abby, wrapping around the woman several times and threatening to pull down her tight trousers down below her buttocks and exposing her from behind.

Tenta B 2/3 (undressing Abby)
Fay 3/5, AP 3/10
Abby 4/6, AP 1/10

Firing another bolt of energy from her wand, Faylin struck the tentacle on Abby, making the thing screech and reel, but it only tightened its grip on her mistress and rubbed its slick body up through her cleavage, and smearing its paste across her mouth. Abby spat and shook in frustration as well as pleasure.

Tenta B 1/3 (entangling Abby)
Fay 3/5, AP 3/10
Abby 3/6, AP 2/10

Then, just as the tentacle was squirming an pressing hard against Abby's mouth, Faylin sent a final bolt at the thing, sapping the last of its strength and flinging the thing sideways with the force of the blast, while at the same time neatly avoiding injuring Abby.

The slaver's chest heaved and she wiped away the excess slime from her lips and chin, but she nodded her thanks to Fay and stroked her hair casually when the mage stepped close.

"Thank you, my pet. You're getting much better with that," she said, indicating the wand.

Faylin's max MP increases to 5!

The next door clicks open and the crowd beyond the walls moves to the next chamber, as do Abby and Faylin when they're ready. Unfortunately, the quick succession of this gauntlet gives them little time to recover.

"So the mage and her sponsor have made it to the last encounter of the first revolution!" called out the scribe. "One smaller foe and then the true contest shall begin!"

There was a laughter from the crowd, but Abby just shook her head. "Don't let them psych you out. The first three contests are against the basic servants of the queen, the ones after that are less about combat and more about choice. You'll be fine."

They walked into the next room, and saw lying before them many coils of rope. Then as the door closed and locked behind them, the coils began to wriggle and come to life. Two smaller coils of rope flung into the air in small humanoid shapes the size of children, while a third larger pile formed behind them in the shape of a man.

Rope Demon A 6/6
Rope Demon B 2/2
Rope Demon C 2/2

Fay 5/5, AP 3/10, MP 5/5
Abby 6/6, AP 2/10
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"I wouldn't want to see my mistress Abby molested in front of the crowd," Faylin smiles, glad to be rid of the tentacles. She leaned into the touches, enjoying a brief moment of rest before moving along. The sooner they were done here the sooner she could enjoy more intimate touches.

"We can manage, we've come this far together," the mage asserts, certainly not about to loose now. Though when the next group of creatures was revealed, she had to wonder just how she was supposed to fight a mass of rope.

Weighing her options she decides to let loose with her web spell, aiming for the larger creature. If they could cut down on their opponents numbers things would be easier on them both. She just hoped the webs would be able to hold the creature for at least a little while.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Abby concentrates and gathers energy around her in a way that she had seen the Web Mage begin to do when they had fought at the hideout. She had managed to stop him casting the spell twice, and now she was casting it herself. It was tricky keeping the small nuances of the spell together, and she was afraid she might mess up the casting at first, but with will and determination she flexed her left hand splayed outwards towards the larger coil of ropes and out from her fingertips shot a large vortex of silken webbing, strong as steel cords in some places, an she covered the large rope demon as well as one of the smaller cords in her web.

Gasps of astonishment arose amongst the onlookers, and she heard many mutterings about "webs" and "sigils" and "secret techniques." She heard a croaking voice spluttering "how does she know that spell?!"

Neither Fay nor Abby paid these much heed however, and Abby's whip snapped down upon the free rope, fraying it nearly clean through.

The webbed demons struggled agaisn't their bonds to no avail, and the frayed rope lashed out pathetically at Abby, missing her by a mile.

Rope Demon A 6/6 (Webbed, can't attack, must escape)
Rope Demon B 2/2 (Webbed)
Rope Demon C 1/2

Fay 5/5, AP 3/10, MP 3/5
Abby 6/6, AP 2/10
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin was a little worried she might mess the spell up, considering how bad she'd been with even basic casing until recently. She was surprised at how naturally the motions came to her though as she pulled the energy together. Reaching a hand out she felt the energy leave her in the form of the coiled web that was familiar with their fight with the mage. The results were a lot better than she'd expected from her first cast as well.

Lets see them make fun of me now. Fay' giggled to herself as she brought her wand to bear on the smaller rope creature that was left free. Should Abby manage to deal with it first she'd attack the other smaller creature, unless the large one broke free first.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

With a flick of her wrist, Fay brought her wand up and blasted the free rope demon to pieces, the magic surging through her now an as controllable as her own arm. Even the arousal she still felt from before seemed to not bother her all that much.

Abby, seeing her former target destroyed, brought her lash across the other small rope demon, severing it partly, although it also caused several layers of webbing to be shaved away, allowing the smaller rope demon to break free. The largest coil of the ropes, the spell's original target, was still twisting and straining to break free of the excess webbing.

Rope Demon A 6/6 (Webbed, can't attack, must escape)
Rope Demon B 1/2

Fay 5/5, AP 3/10, MP 3/5
Abby 6/6, AP 2/10
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Taking the time before the larger demon breaks free, Fay' aims her wand at the remaining free rope. She's certainly enjoying wielding her wand now. Glad to be out of her streak of uselessness. Now she just had to keep it up to deal with the big one.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The smaller rope demon lashes about frantically, trying to be hard to predict and avoiding Abby's lashes and Fay's energy bolts. Neither side can hit each other, while meanwhile the larger coil continued to struggle.

This went on for some time before finally Fay drew a solid bead on the thing and blasted it to smithereens. This in turn freed Abby the time to draw her knife, and she lunged through the holes in the webbing and hacked viciously at the rope demon, still bound in its prison.
Rope Demon A 5/6 (Webbed, can't attack, must escape)

Fay 5/5, AP 3/10, MP 3/5
Abby 6/6, AP 2/10

(Went through two turns of everyone missing before this happened, so the Web spell is weakening.)
Abby's assault unfortunately blocks Fay's line of sight to her target and she can't find a good place to send her bolts without fear of loosening the bonds that had so far done an excellent job of keeping the rope demon bound. She stood back for a bit and let Abby do her work, which the latter did with gusto, landing several hard slashes and severing many coils of rope that made up the man-sized rope spirit, until finally the webs snapped and the thing broke free of its bonds.

Rope Demon A 2/6

Fay 5/5, AP 3/10, MP 3/5
Abby 6/6, AP 2/10
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' cursed under her breath as the smaller rope thing dodged their attacks for so long. When she finally fried the bugger she smiled and turned her attention to the larger creature. Blasting the thing was probably only going to free it faster, so she let Abby go at it with her knife. The mage was surprised with how well the web had held, glad she'd decided to learn the spell now.

When the rope demon finally broke free she was quick to send an energy bolt at it when she had a clean shot. She hoped the beast had been weakened by Abby's attacks, wanting to end this quickly so they could deny the crowd any more of a show.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The rope demon showed definite signs of injury, and Abby took a leap back to regroup next to Faylin, loosening her whip once again. The two girls posed side by side as the rope monster coiled and then launched itself at them in a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand.

Both women spun out of the way and simultaneously let loose their attacks, creating an effect like a thunderclap with the sound-breaking crack of the whip and the blinding flash of the magic bolt breaking apart the rope demon into many loose and dismembered strands of rope.

A hush fell on the crowd. And Abby twirled up her rope with a conceited, tight lipped smile. Pride on her face as she glanced at Fay. The doorway beyond opened, an led them to a small antechamber with a pool of clear water and a bench.

"Wait here while the second revolution is prepared," said the old scribe. And the sound of many shuffling feet passed them by and beyond a locked door.

One pair of footsteps lagged behind and a pair of eyes peeped through at them.

"That was amazing you two," said Geero. "You've got them thinking you're a spy from the Web come to test them, Fay!" Her friend chuckled through the wall.

"The Web is an organization one tier higher than the Spiral," Abby explained when Fay looked at her uncomprehendingly. "It's to the web that jackals like Tom the Scritch report to. Though I doubt you have him truly fooled as Geero says. He knows you don't bear a sigil yet."

The three of them stayed there, and were able to rest and chat for several minutes. Drinking from the fountain, Abby and Fay found that they were refreshed, and their arousal from before had left them. It seemed that no one but Geero was watching them for the moment.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"I'm just glad we're managing, though if they decide I deserve a better name, I'd be all for that." She smiles, glad that they were safe for the time being. Putting a little fear into the general slavers would probably serve them well, unless the old guy got too nosey.

"I really need to work on a better story for why I'm here." She smiled, leaning against Abby while they had the time to spare. The warmth of her mistress helping to keep her calm. While she was glad the other tests wouldn't be solely combat, she didn't know what else to expect from this world.

She pressed up to Abby with a smile, more than looking forward to a nice long celebration when they were done with all of this. As much as she'd be tempted to sneak a play now, she wouldn't want Geero to feel left out, and more importantly wouldn't want the crowd to turn up again during anything they might enjoy.