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Faylin (Farren)

Re: Faylin (Farren)

Eventually Geero looked up and muttered. "Seems like your break is over, they told me to hang back so that I wouldn't be able to prepare you. They like to make the next three chambers a surprise... Good luck."

Geero left them then and stalked off down the corridor ahead of them. A latch turned, and the doors before the swung open, leading to another ramp descending downwards and curving off to the right. The two women followed the ramp until the surface evened out and they found themselves in a square room that had a pit running through the middle of it, filled with water. Hovering just beneath the surface were a myriad of long purple tentacles, whose tips were bulbous and thicker than the rest of their long bodies. They seemed to eminate from various dark pods placed at the bottom of the pool.

On the right half of the room a rope hung down over the pool, but it was quite short and looked to be coated in something glistening. Faylin did not trust it. In the center were a series of stepping stones, but it was hard to judge just how solid they were from beneath the pool's surface, as the purple tendrils clustered closely to the rocks.

"The Drinkers will not strike unless the surface of the water is disturbed, if you are caught in their grasp you can expect to entertain us for a while," a ripple of laughter spread through the crowd as the old man spoke. She could see grinning faces through some larger holes in the wall on either side of the pool. "They'll let you go eventually though, but to be caught by them will be considered a defeat."

Abby frowned. "I've seen these things before. They're ultra sensitive. If we let even one tiny wave form, this room will be covered with them. I'm almost tempted to get a running start and just try to clear the pool in one go. There's something obviously wrong with that rope and the rocks are suspicious."

Abby looked at Fay and it seemed her heart sank. "I don't suppose you've got a particularly long jump?"

Fay didn't know if she could leap the pool as easily as Abby could - and even Abby might have trouble clearing the distance. She could probably swing over it if she got a good grip on that suspiciously covered rope. And if she went slowly enough and didn't step on a loose stone, she could probably ease her way through the stepping stones.

Her quick eyes also spotted a tiny ledge on either side of the pool along the walls, no more than an inch thick. Using the holes in the wall as hand holds, she might be able to shimmy across that way and avoid the pitfalls of this obvious trap.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay frowned a little at the options, having to wonder if all of them were trapped in one way or another. The rope was fairly obviously a no go, and she didn't trust the stones to be secure. She was pretty sure she wasn't making a leap across either, having to smile at Abby's words despite the truth to them.

Out of all of the options, the ledge on the wall seemed like the one most likely to not be trapped. That still didn't guarantee she'd be able to pull it off, but she'd rather not end up giving a show thanks to a trap.

"I'll try to go along the ledge there. If it's safe, it might be better than jumping." Fay' decided, giving her best smile to Abby as she set off to try this. After doing so well against the monsters it'd suck to slip up here...
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Abby eyed the ledge that Faylin pointed out with a wary eye. "I suppose you might as well, but let me jump first..."

She walked to the side of the room until she was backed into a corner. There wasn't much space from the door to the water pit, so it appeared that Abby was going to use the width of the room to get her running start. She pushed off from the wall, gathering speed quickly, then leaped....

Fay watched the athletic legs push off and leap straight at the side wall with a grace and acrobatic skill that the mage doubted she could have ever pulled off. Landing on the sill of one of the viewing holes, there was a small shout of surprise from the nearest onlookers as Abby clung to the side wall for a bare moment as her momentum slowed, then pushing off again, she sprang from the side wall her arms outstretched in front of her towards the far side of the room. She cleared the water pit by about half a foot before tumbling in a somersault and rolling back up to a standing position in one smooth motion. Fay stood in amazement at the acrobatic display, and she felt that the audience did as well. Then some whoops and applause came from the crowd, showing their appreciation.

Then it was Fay's turn and the slow fashion in which she attempted the side wall's ledge drew some derisive boos from the crowd when it seemed that they would be robbed of a show or another acrobatic feat.

Abby used the sills as hand holds and did her best to keep her body pressed as closely to the wall as possible as she sidestepped along, keeping as much of the soles of her feet touching the slight ledge as possible. It was slow going, but she was steadily making her way across. The most difficult part, she felt, was going to be a space just over half way across where she would have to stretch for a hand hold that was still at shoulder level, as the other holes were more at the level of her belly and might throw her off balance if she used them. She got to that point and inching her lead leg as far forward as it would go, she mentally prepared herself and then reached...

Success! she managed to slip he hand just far enough around the sill to grab it. But then, as she let her other hand go of her old hand hold another hand from the other side of the wall slipped through the hole and grabbed her wrist, followed by another hand grabbing hold of her other wrist in front. Her blood went cold when she realized that these hands could let go of her now and she would fall straight back into the pool.

"You've been robbing us of a show thus far, Fay," said a voice from the hole near her belly, where a pair of hands came out to grip the sides of her hips and run their clammy sweaty fingers over her midriff. "You can't just tease us with a smoking body like that and then not give us something more. I think we'd all like to see you and that fine Miss Abby show some more skin, wouldn't we?"

To this came a roaring of agreement, and many cat calls and demeaning whistles could be heard.

"Now it'd be a shame if you two had to take a defeat just to please us, maybe you both could just strip a little... and maybe give me something more to remember you by, and then we'd help you along your way. Give you some, helping hands? eh?" With that the man's hands slid down and back to grab hold of Faylin's buttocks and squeeze them firmly against one another.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Yeah, no way I'm managing that. Faylin was convinced that she'd just end up in the water if she tried to jump it, which wouldn't be very nice since Abby managed to clear the pit so wonderfully. Well the crowd seemed to enjoy that sort of thing too,

She set about her own plan, concentrating on keeping her balance and taking things slowly. She was glad they hadn't had an imposed time limit, she really didn't want to rush herself and end up falling right into the water. The crowd might not have been liking it but if they wanted to play with the things so bad they could come in here and have some fun.

So absorbed she was in her careful navigation of the handholds, that she didn't ever think about the possibility of the crowd using them to their advantage. The hand gripping her wrist made her gasp in surprise, though she pressed herself towards the wall rather than trying to pull away from it.

B-bastards... She was half tempted to unleash a web spell through the wall and hope for the best, though she didn't favour her odds of staying out of the water. Even worse if she had to try this again she'd not be able to use this way of getting across.

"Not my fault your monsters are weak sauce," she complains, trying to keep herself as still as she can when the hands move to her sides. She doubted she was going to convince them to let her get across first since they'd have no control over her, at least not directly. It didn't look like she was going to get out of this without humiliating herself in one way or another.

"F-fine," she replied, turning her eyes to Abby for a moment before biting her lip, "if you help me get across then you can have a show."
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"Ah but we're an impatient lot, besides, we've already seen a bit from you. We want Abby to strip for us, and you my sweet can please me directly if you don't want to go in the drink. It'll be much worse for you in there, I can tell you, and those things will go crazy once the water's touched. Your lovely friend will be drawn in as well. You don't want her to suffer just because you're too proud to suck one cock, now are you?"

The man's voice sneered and many others in the crowd were crowing with delight at the man's blunt demands.

"I recognize that voice, Olevo," Abby said as she stood angrily staring at where her pet Fay was trapped against the wall, hovering dangerously over the water pit. "There will be payback."

"That's not the tone I expect from you now, Abby. If you upset me I might just lose my grip."

For a moment, it seemed as if the hands were starting to push Fay backwards, and she shook with apprehension of falling in before a cruel laugh echoed from beyond the wall and the hands at her ass tightened again and pulled her to the wall.

"Now Abby you start stripping and play with yourself while your friend here earns her way across." The hands at her waist disappeared for a moment, but here wrists were still held tight. Then moments later, staring down at the hole near her waist she saw a foul looking penis emerge from the wall, uncut and smelling awful.

"Just a quick job and you can be on your merry way," Olevo's disembodied voice called from the other side of the stone wall. "Just say the word and my friends here will lower you. Don't worry, they won't drop you... unless I feel teeth that is."
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin really hadn't expected that to work. Their tormenting did little to settle her, their words about her wish to not see Abby suffer unfortunately true. If it was just her, she'd probably have blasted whoever was holding her and taken her chance with another route after enjoying the drink.

Olevo huh, he better hope I don't get the chance for some payback myself. She sighs, knowing that she isn't going to get across by pissing them off. The sight of what she was supposed to work with made her hope she couldn't catch anything in this game.

"Fine, I'll do it," she replies, just trying to ignore the cock she had to work on. She felt a little sick at the thought of having to make sure his release was taken care of. She wouldn't put it past the ass to disturb the water if she didn't.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The hands holding her wrists lowered her down until she was face to face with Olevo's smelly phallus, which hung in a state of semi-hardness right before her. An odor like a strong cheese threatened to overwhelm her nostrils and make her gag.

Behind her and off to the right, Fay heard the sounds of Abby undressing and there was applause and lewd whistling at what must have been the exposure of her mistress' more appealing attributes.

"Start at the tip, and don't be shy about cleaning beneath the skin," Olevo said, thrusting his manhood at her suggestively.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

I'm so glad I found some clean slavers. It took Faylin a little to overcome the stench enough to even think about moving closer. His words doing nothing to make the act any more appealing to her. She made a note to thank Geero immensely for having the decency to keep himself clean.

She closed her, and tried to ignore the smell as she edged forward. That didn't stop her from having to withdraw almost as soon as her tongue touched his tip, her body shivering in disgust. She tried to press on though, knowing they'd only get more pleasure from her discomfort.

Shame I don't have a spell to get people off quicker. She sighs, slowly managing to work her tongue around the head of his shaft, keeping her lips parted, she tried to slowly take him into her mouth, fighting back the urge to gag, or worse, the whole way.

If I don't Abby will suffer too... just need to get through this trial...
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Olevo's manhood tastes worse than it smells, and Fay had to fight hard not to be sick. She tries to avoid using her tongue and use her lips to stroke him as much as possible, but Olevo quickly catches on and chides her.

"Don't be shy now... I know I've got a dirty cock. That's why I want you to clean it. From base to tip. We all know you've got a big mouth, so now you can use it proper-like. And I've got some smegma I want cleaned out as well. No place to spit it out so you'll have to swallow it."

The man laughed evilly. Meanwhile several men were giving Abby lewd suggestions that were more like orders as to where she should touch herself and how she should position her body for maximum viewer pleasure.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

I know I have a big bad in this world, but so help me I'll castrate this shit before I'm done with this game. Thoughts of possible violent acts to commit on the man were about the only thing keeping her from spectacularly failing this little test.

That under queen will be the least of his worries if he pushes me in after this. This certainly was not her idea of fun, which was sort of surprising since the slime and tentacle earlier were preferable to this. Apparently she was growing particularly protective of Abby as well, the thought of her doing things for the onlookers making her want to bust heads all the more.

She continued with her attempt all the same, trying to please Olevo so she might just be able to get done with this trial. She shuddered as she forced herself to lick more at his cock, the taste enough to make whatever the beasts were under the water seem appealing. The whole ordeal would have been more bearable if she didn't have to swallow everything, unfortunately she couldn't take the easy way out.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay's tongue is forced to explore the length of Olevo's shaft, and she finds that she has to swallow several bits of the waxy, foul smelling filth, which she does quickly and in as efficient a manner as she could stomach. The cock swelled inside her to its full length, an she cringed as she felt it rub along the roof of her mouth and slap against her tongue as it headed for the back of her throat.

"Enough, Olevo," Abby panted. "Just get it over with!"

"Mmm, she's nice and talented, your young protege here," Olevo called. "Mm... yeah, I'll be done soon enough. Just keep going. Don't stop using your tongue. Yeah..."

Olevo began to thrust his cock back and forth, not leaving it to Fay to determine how far she went down his dirty shaft, and she felt humiliated further as he face fucked her with Abby looking on helpless.

Then with a sudden throbbing grunt, Faylin felt a surge of warmth flood into her mouth, threatening to spill out of the sides. Quickly she swallowed to make room, not wanting to disturb the water after all that work.

"Ah... thank you dear... that was very good," Olevo said. "Well now, I guess it just remains to be seen what you look like getting fucked by several hundred tentac---hnnnngggg.."

"If you and your pals don't place her on the other side right now, high and dry, I'm going to slit you from ear to ear." Geero's voice was deadly serious, coming from right behind the wall next to where Olevo must have been standing. "Go on then..."

Slowly, Fay was pulled up and then her left wrist was let go and arms began to reach out and pull her to the end of the water pit, where she was eventually safely deposited next to a quickly dressing Abby.

"I'm so sorry you had to do that, Fay," Abby said to her. "We'll get him back when we're through here, assuming that Geero hasn't gutted him already."
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay was likely to rate this as her lowest point in the game so far. There wasn't anything pleasant about this at all, which was funny since every other experience she'd had in here had swung that way pretty quickly. She did her best to distract herself as she serviced the wretch of a man, kind of glad to finally taste his seed, if only because it meant the ordeal was over.

When his words betrayed his intentions, Fay' had already begun to build her mana to blast him to the best of her ability through the wall, impending tentacles or no impending tentacles. She was more than relieved when Olevo's voice was cut off and replaced with Geero's. She thanked her friend as she found herself lifted safely to the other side.

She nodded a little to Abby, waiting for the woman to dress before moving in to hug her gently. She just stood like that for few moments before she sighed, leaning back to look up at her.

"It's okay. It's my fault for going that way. If it means we get through this, it's not like I can't wash the taste out of my mouth later." If nothing else, it was nice to have the bond she'd formed with her companions reaffirmed.

"Let's see what shit they have for us next," she offered, wanting to get to a rest point so she could work on getting rid of the lingering taste.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The next door unlocked. The sound of a scuffle broke out beyond the wall where Geero had been, but from the sounds she heard, Fay didn't worry about Geero, for she could hear his voice and it didn't seem like anyone was seeking retribution for his interference. It sounded more like Olevo and his buddies were just being separated from him.

The next chamber was empty save for two objects: a chest and a young woman. The chest was wooden and large, the woman was brown haired and brown eyed, dressed in robes that made her look like a nun, only she was then wrapped and bound in a rope harness over the top of her clothes, which made them cling close to her body, pushing out her bosom and causing her dress to ride up into her crotch. She was gagged with a cloth in her mouth, and she did not glance up when Fay and Abby entered.

"A young novice Sister in service to the Goddess," explained the scribe's voice. "Felt that it was her religious duty to enter the Old City and heal its wounds... cleanse its taint... drive back the shadow of the Deep. The Spiral finds more appropriate uses for such women. Some, like this one, resist to the point where an example must be made. So... next to her is a mimic chest. The task here is simple, put her in the chest, where she shall be raped long and without respite. It's no more than her puritanical order deserves, and failing to do so shall earn you a defeat. Though if you would avoid either, you may place your sponsor inside and face the next room by yourself."
Re: Faylin (Farren)

It was reassuring to know that the crowd wasn't going to take their frustrations out on Geero, most of them probably had a good show anyway. With any luck she could avoid putting them at the crowds mercy again.

The next challenge seemed simple enough, though of course this would be from the prospective of a happy slaver. Fay' wasn't really prepared for the idea of having to force someone else into a bad situation to get through these trials, even if it was a character in the game.

"I guess there's no other options huh?" She mostly whispers to herself, though probably loud enough for Abby to hear. I can't loose Abby in this and I can't take a defeat when I still have half the challenges to go. She's just another character in this game but...

She caught her gaze turning to Abby as she sighed a little. Shame I can't just take a karma hit or whatever and make it up later.

"Her or us," Fay tried to rationalise it, though she didn't at all believe her words. If Abby and Geero had thought the same way she'd likely be the one tied up to be thrown to a mimic. All the same, she couldn't handicap herself in these challenges, either by loosing Abby or by taking a defeat.

"And if I choose to enter the mimic in the girl's place?" She asked, seeing if she had any other way around this trial.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"Such is not the purpose of this trial," croaked the scribe in reply to Fay's question. You are to join the Spiral, and among your tasks shall be to acquire slaves for the deep pits. To give yourself to this mimic is to choose the path of a slave for yourself, and this trial is fruitless."

Abby tilted her head. "Geero and I are not saints, my pet. We have both sold men and women into the deeps below. We do what we must to survive - but that does not make us completely heartless. Still, I will not tell you what to do. I will go to the mimic willingly, if you choose that."

The bound woman keeps her head downcast saying nothing and making no sound, save for an occasional shifting under her ropes to keep from cramping.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin had hardly expected that to be an option, but it was worth a shot. She shakes her head at Abby's words before turning back to her with a sad smile.

"And then I'll go and fail the next challenge without your help," the mage states, not putting it above the crowd to have organised something impossible for one person to complete. "I... knew what I was getting into. This isn't the time to be playing the hero," She finishes in a whisper, so only Abby could hear her.

"Could you get the chest open?" She asked, as she slowly moved over towards the bound girl. She was determined to carry this out alone if she could very well manage. It was her trial so she would be the one to do the deed. Even so, it was hard to look at the girl, let alone start to move her, without realising that if she'd run into any other slavers, she'd likely be in a similar position.

She would thank Abby and Geero again when she made it through this. She would have to find a way to make up for this act to, she would have to. She was used to making tactical sacrifices in other games, but they were nothing like this. Everything here acted too human for her to think like that.

"I'm sorry," Fay' whispers to the girl before directing or forcing her into the mimic, whatever has to be done to complete this trial.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The girl looks with deadened eyes as the mimic is opened and the a slimy tentacled thing within stirred as it felt the presence of a meal nearing it. One of its tendrils lashes out instinctively when it's lid is first cracked and it was fortunate indeed that Abby had opened the chest while standing behind it.

Fay stumbles under the weight of the girl, who whimpers as she is brought closer. The mage's muttered apology doesn't seem to help the matter, as the girl's eyes start to shimmer with wetness.

"Just push her the last few feet then stay away," Abby says. "These things aren't above a double meal."

Taking the experienced slaver's advice, Fay places the victim in front of her and pushes the girl forward into the waiting tendrils, which snap around her with astounding speed. As the creature places its slime to her clothes and skin, the girl seems to finally rouse out of her numbed state, and lets out a muffled scream that Fay does not doubt will haunt her.

The chest closes shut as the girl disappears beneath the slime, and the sounds of the girl being molested and raped quickly follow.

A lever is pulled and Fay is startled to see the stone tile beneath the chest slowly begin to descend, taking the mimic and the girl inside with it.

"Good. Very little hesitation," croaked the scribe. "Perhaps you have promise after all."

The door to the next hallway opens and Abby and Fay continue on. Suddenly the angle of the ramp steepens and they seem to be descending well beneath the street level, going around and around several times as they descend. The sound of the crowd following them dies off and the torches lining the walls become less frequent.

"It will be dark soon," Abby said. "The last chamber was only a prelude to this... This will be a pledge to the service of the Deep. This will be no mere lip service however. What you agree to in this place will change you... If you are unprepared to agree to any terms, you will have to fight without the aid of sight, but I will be with you if you do. And what goes on in this chamber is for only you and myself to see or hear - and the servant of the deep who waits for us."

Abby placed a hand on Fay's shoulder and gripped it tight.

Eventually the torches ended and they are covered in darkness so dim that they can't even perceive the closed doorway in front of them until they bump into it. Finding a latch, they open the doorway into the pitch black chamber beyond.

"Welcome," came a male voice from somewhere in the darkness. "Both of you."

The door closed behind them.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The praise didn't make Faylin feel any better. She had known something like this was likely to happen in this trial, but that didn't make doing it any easier. She did her best to ignore everything, just wanting to move on from the room to get this over with.

Little hesitation? Maybe I should have tried more... After the combat challanges Fay' had been feeling pretty good about this trial. Now though, not so much. She just hoped she'd not have to do anything else against a helpless human. If there'd at least been a fight involved...

No, come on focus. They want to screw with you, just get to the end, pass the test. You can pay them back later. Fay shook her head a little, listening to Abby as they descended.

"Can you still pass without agreeing? I'm not going to ruin our chances after... coming this far." Fay asked as they moved down, moving closer to Abby at her touch. At least her warmth was still comforting.

When they arrived in the chamber, Fay' tried to pinpoint the location of the voice as best she could.

"So what do I do to pass?" Fay' asks pointedly, not wanting to play any games with this guy, or whatever it was. The sooner she knew what she was doing the better.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"To pass?" the man's voice came back slowly, curiously. "It is very easy to pass this chamber, or hasn't Abby told you? This is a cross roads. It is a room that only the Deep sees, and we do so to observe."

Abby's hand gripped Fay's in the dark, not tightly but just to reassure her that she was there with her.

"It is a series of oaths that you may take - oaths that will bind you to their words," the man's voice continued. "To betray them once made, will doom you. For every oath you choose not to make, you will be fighting for your right to remain free. One way or another, once my pledges are asked and answered, you may continue on giving this charming crowd their show."

The man's voice seemed to be derisive when referring to the crowd, as though he viewed them with disgust.

"First, do you pledge upon forfeit of your life, to never harm the Queen of the Deep, nor work against the will of her blood-kin, unless so ordered by her Majesty?"

The man's question was quick and sharp, and offered little in the explanation of what he meant by 'blood-kin.' Abby however whispered to her that the Queen was of a race not human, and that her blood-kin were those of her race.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay' listened closely, carefully weighing up her choices. She wasn't sure what she had really expected as far as these pledges went, but since Abby had assured her they were important, she didn't expect the doom to be an idle threat. Even if this was only the first one, it was pretty much impossible for her to agree to it. She wasn't here to enslave others and if she wanted a shot at the queen she didn't need to risk whatever the pledge would do.

Looks like I get to test just how free they like their servants. She squeezed Abby's hand in return, hoping that she was about to make the right decision. She had no idea what Abby or Geero had agreed to down here, if anything.

"I'll do a lot of things, but I won't have my life bound to a contract. So that'd be a no," She replies calmly. She concentrates on listening, not sure just how quickly she'd be fighting for her freedom.