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The Colony - Day 2

Re: The Colony - Day 2

"i have my weapon and ammo...pretty much i got everything i need to get going so come on people lets get a move on. the trip back might be even easier then the trip out to find this Ing guy. I think with who we have here there shouldnt be too much of an issue with any enemies...unless of course there is a whole army standing outside the doors."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Laina nodded her head. "Yeah, we should get going. Faffing about here isn't doing us any favors."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Circe, Ashley, Kalica, Hali, Reya, Cassidy, Laina, Anne, Jenn, Marie, Commander Winters, Kyle, Theresa, Simmons and Halmond.

Commander Winters smiled, watching as both groups left for the elevator. As soon as the they were gone, she waved Jennifer over.

"Come here, Medic Jennifer. I have a special mission for you."

((AKA: I hope Twisted1 posts.))

One Mile East of Firelight Base: Nuvela Wings Hospital; Circe, Cassidy and Emily(!)

Circe and Cassidy left Firelight in silence, mainly driven by the Bioid's xenophobic attitudes - and Cassidy didn't quite feel much love loss for Viola's look alike. As they went past Nuvela Wings Hospital, Circe thought about breaking her silence finally - both the notes from Kiera and Kalica stated the building had been taken over by a mercenary group... but their barricades seemed to have been abandoned. She turned to voice her opinion on if they should head in or not, but quickly realized the Asari wasn't too interested in her. Circe followed Cassidy's gaze, raising a brow at what she saw.

A woman with only a red collar and gloves was running towards them, her chest bouncing as she looked behind herself. Her long brunette hair was somewhat matted, but still tossed about as she moved away quickly from whatever was chasing her. Cassidy decided to clear her throat, getting Circe's attention as the brunette got ever closer.

"Not the first time a naked human woman has run towards me," She smiled, "See, the last time this happened-"

Several darts shattered on the up-turned car next to Cassidy. She and the Bioid were quick to split, rushing to cover as three Orcs came into view. Choosing quickly, the human rushed behind the Asari's cover, readying the orc's red pistol.

"What's going on? I saw you two split up; are you under fire?" Commander Winters asked over their headsets.

No line-of-sight for anyone.
The 'dug up' ground, while dangerous to move around in, can provide some cover - like a trench.
The orcs all look like they're wearing armor.


Map Legend:
Dark Red: Emily
Blue: Cassidy
Purple: Circe
Green: Orc Soldiers
Light Green: Orc Squad Leader

Brown w/ Jags: Torn ground; costs 2 EP to move through.

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley and Kalica

The freight elevator descended to the twelth sub-floor, the doors opening to an illuminated hallway. Laina and Marie stepped from the elevator first, holding their pistols at the ready, with Kalica and Ashley behind them. Kiera began to speak on their headsets:

"The only area I can currently see is the freight elevator. If you look above you, along the ceiling, you'll see my sensor strips. Activating them is really quite simple; There are 'switches' in the strips. Just press one, and I'll be able to fill it with the necessary chemicals to restart my sensors.

"I'll give you Candy if you help me see again. Does that sound good? Hmm? Candy?"

((Same scenario as before: Those black lines you see are each a 'section' you can move. Every time you move a section, you use one EP. Enemies move when they see you or detect you. As for reactivating sensors, each sensor in a room will cost 1 Chemical to reactivate.))


Map Legend:
Red: Kalica
Purple: Ashley
Light Purple: Laina
Dark Purple: Marie (So need to find a better color...)

Light Green: Visible area
Light Blue: Kiera's visibility
Light Gray: FOW (Fog of War)
Red: Locked door (Level listed near door)
White: Unlocked Door.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Passing the hospital, Circe made a mental note about it. If the hospital were unguarded, it would be an easy place to get supplies from, assuming it hadn't been picked clean by the mercenaries when they left. If they left. It could also be a trap.

Her thoughts were cut short though by the arrival of the naked woman. "Shut up." Circe briskly, and futilely, tried to interrupt Cassidy. "Something's not ri-" Circe cut herself off as the darts hit the car and ran forward, ducking behind another vehicle as she unslung her rifle.

"We've run into enemies." She replied to the Commander and took a peek through the car's one intact window. "Three of them, all armored." Circe ducked down again, inwardly cursing. "There's also a human, I think an escaped prisoner, she's behind cover with Cassidy. Engaging."

Cutting off her mic, Circe moved to the end of the car, staying behind the wheel. Taking another glance at the orcs, all of them behind their own car, Circe cursed again. "Cassidy, can you try to flank the orcs to the north? Use the sandbags and trenches as cover." Circe called to the Asari, keeping and eye on the orcs, ready to fire if they decided to move from cover, possibly to take a shot at Cassidy if she followed the bionoid's advice/order.

((Ready to shoot an orc if they pop out of cover, then back to cover))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"...It turned out to be a trap aimed at my libido, set by none other than our dear Commander Winters!

Interrrupted in the middle of her snark, Cassidy nonetheless shouted the end of her quip from her own piece of cover in Circe's direction.

Instead of amusement, or irritation, she gets a most unpleasant order. She'd been in enough battles to know what happened to the poor sod given the order to move up. She spares only enough of a glance for the naked human to give a terse..

"Stay down. Also, nice jays."

((Wrong bird. She doesn't really get human colloquialisms, so makes up her own.))

Priorities, after all.

Regretting her next move deeply, before she's even made it, Cassidy pushes past the nude human, out of cover. If no shots come her way, she advances slowly into the dug up ground, then crouches warily behind the closest group of sandbags. Of course, if more of those darts whistle through the air, her tactical advance becomes a dive into the dug-up ground!

((Advance to cover!))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Great to be part of The Colony. Meet Emily:

Name: Emily
Race: Human Female
Class: Orc Slave
Level: 1
AP: 2
FP: 2
MP: 6
EP: 4
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 1
Will Power: 1
Equipment (List Below):
Orc Pistol (1 Damage, 8 rounds, 2 pink clips, 2 green clips, 1 red clip).
Small length of chain still attached to collar

Slave Feat - Inconspicuous: As long as the human wears a collar, they're considered an Orc Slave. Many of the Hordes races will not attack the character if they're alone and does not provoke them; of course, they may expect some sort of show from the slave.

Emily was one of the first to be captured back on... where was it again? She can't tell if it really has been a long time or only seems that way. She only knows that she is allowed red gloves and a red collar, that she hates Orcs with a passion, but that she has a new favorite drink. Well... to be fair, her only allowed drink.

Placeholder for Character Updates:
Level 2: +2 EP, +1 DEX

Emily runs gasping towards the other girls. At last! Someone who isn't an orc! Given the choice... she always liked the color blue... veer right, and down behind the car. Emily takes a moment to catch her breath, and huddle behind the safe mass of the car. Just a little further to go... maybe these girls will distract the orcs long enough to get away?

(Catch breath, briefly sit hugging legs and rocking back and forth, then regain calm and prepare to look around keeping covered.)
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

((Sorry for the disappearance! The past few weeks have been hectic with school starting up and tests popping up everywhere! But onto the fun stuff.))

Character Sheet:
Name: Jennifer Kelly
Race: Human
Class: Medic
Level: 1 (XP: 5)
AP: 2
FP: 3
MP: 8
EP: 6
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 3
Will Power: 4

Equipment (List Below):
Orc Heavy Armor (20 Durability)
DX8 Pistol (1 damage, 5 rounds per clip, 3 clips)
Meditool (Special: Heals d4 AP/d3 FP).
3 silver coins

Inherent Feat: Empathetic: By standing near a weary ally, the medic heals 1 AP or FP per round.
Group Heal: Boosting her meditool's capabilities, the Medic heals a group of allies around her for either 3 AP or 2 FP; costs 4 MP.
Poison: The medic lightly poisons an enemy, making them lose d2 AP per round. This costs 2 MP.

Backstory: At a fairly average 5'1", Jenny feels she isn't much to look at. She despises her rather small breasts, her "normal" butt, her "boring" brown eyes, her small hands and feet, even her "too pale" skin... but she loves her hair. Her hair is abnormally long at just below her butt and is a brilliant cerulean blue.

Physical aspects aside, Jenny has lived a boring life. Despite being trained as a combat medic, Jenny has seen no combat, instead spending her hours at clinics working mostly with children. Children, she will readily admit, are her weakness. She has a fierce desire to protect and take care of children. She feels a sort of innate connection with them -- Jenny has never really gone through anything to make her feel like a proper grown up. She isn't really sure who she is yet. She's not sure if she wants to stay as a medic or settle down and work at a civilian hospital. She isn't sure of what she wants to do with her life -- whether she wants kids, a big house, or a boyfriend or even a girlfriend -- she isn't even sure what her sexuality is.

But in the end, the one thing that Jenny knows is that she wants to help people, and she will always try to do her very best. Her innocent hopes for a better future will keep her moving onward.

Jenn slowly woke up to a low, quiet, almost squeaky sound. Fumbling around for a second, Jenn sat up and recognized the sound as a trumpet.

"Uh...?" Jenn murmured, rubbing her eyes. The horn played for a few seconds more, getting quite a bit louder, but then gently faded away. "That... was weir-"

Kiera's message cut her off, and recognizing her need to get moving, Jenn pulled herself out of bed, sleepily dressed (almost missing the extra ammo in the locker), and arrived just seconds before the last person.
((+3 DX8 Clips.))

After the briefing, Jenn perked up, happy to be starting something that would help people out. At the Commander's call, she jumped up and approached Commander Winters.

"Yes, ma'am. How can I help?" Jenn asked somewhat proudly.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Errrr.... You can keep the candy, if that's alright with everyone else. We might as well try and activate some of the sensors as we go though." Ashley replied into her headset, and then she looks at the map. "It looks like some of the doors are locked. Why don't we try going the way that's unlocked first? That would be.... Down the hall and on the right. After that, it looks like there's a big room on the left. Why don't we check around in there, and activate the sensors along the way?" She continues, and then waits for a response from the rest of the group.

(Vote: Go to the big room that has no locked doors in the way and reactivate the sensors in that room.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Candy? Awww, not cake? It's okay, I'll pass. Unless you're planning to package that candy in a walker I could use..." The moment of jocularity ends along with the elevator ride, and Marie steps out, aiming her pistol to and fro as half-remembered training comes back. The hallway being clear, she relaxes slightly, then adds in her two cents to Ashley's suggestion.

"I agree - we shouldn't waste any time trying to bash through doors if we don't have to. But I think we should only reactivate a few of the sensors, specifically the ones at intersections in the hallways. You've only got so much chemical for the sensors, right Kiera?"

(Vote: go to the unlocked room in the east (so North, East, East, North, North), activating sensors at the two intersections along the way.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"sounds good to me i'll be right behind ya!. and with limited supplies activating the intersection sensors sounds like a better idea. so unless anyone else can give a better idea i guess thats our plan for now?"

*does a quick re-check over her weapon to make sure its loaded and safety was off she held back closer to the rear of the group.*
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((Waiting on Quartz to post for the base group. If there isn't a reply from him tomorrow (around 6 PM EST), I'll start crafting a post for you guys.

Somewhat important: I'll probably change it so that after level 3, every other level you receive gives you a feat, and every 3 levels lets you change a stat. I'll probably change the Engineer Inherent too... Only so that each round they're involved in combat they discover something about an enemy. The ??'s get boring. >.>))

One Mile East of Firelight Base: Nuvela Wings Hospital; Circe, Cassidy and Emily

Combat Rolls:
Cassidy: Runs from cover to 'trench'; Provokes Attack of Opportunity from Soldier 1 & 2; uses 1 EP.
Attack 1: 3 + 3 = 6 vs. 9 + 2 = 11; Miss.
Attack 2: 9 + 3 = 12 vs. 8 + 2 = 10; Hit. Cassidy's Armor blocks the pink dart.

Circe: Prepares to fire when an Orc leaves cover.

Enemy Turn

Soldier 1: Reloads; uses 1 EP.
Soldier 2: Reloads; uses 1 EP.
Squad Leader: Throws a grenade towards Cassidy; uses 1 EP.
Throw roll: 7+5 = 12 feet thrown.
Grenade creates new enemy: Small Tentacle Monster
Grapple roll: 1 + 4 = 5 vs. 8 + 2 = 10; Cassidy is grappled with 5 points. She can't move, but can still aim and fire.
Auto-AP Attack: 7 + 6 = 13 vs. 9 + 3 = 12; Cassidy takes 1 AP damage from Aphrodisiac slime.

Squad Leader: Moves from cover - Interrupted by Circe, who fires (Malus for not having 'Chance' feet); uses 1 EP.
Circe's Attack: 9 vs. 2 + 2 = 4; Damage: 4.

Squad Leader: Moves towards Circe, crossing over the destroyed road, and around the over-turned bus to tackle the Biod; uses 5 EP.
Grapple Chance: 1 (Critical Fail) vs. 8 + 1 = 9; Miss.

Squad Leader: Removes pistol from holster and fires 3 times at Circe; uses 3 and final EP.
Attack 1: 4 + 2 = 6 vs. 4 + 4 = 8; Miss.
Attack 2: 7 + 4 = 11 vs. 6 + 4 = 10; Damage: 1
Attack 3: 7 + 4 = 11 vs. 3 + 4 = 7; Damage: 3.
Circe's Armor: 7/10

Human Turn now!

Emily was in slight shock from being chased by the Orcs through what seemed like all of Titan. She didn't register the odd Asari's remark, even as the shots of the Orc Rifles rang out.

Cassidy was a little surprised as the orcs fired on her, popping out from behind cover just for a second; was Circe trying to set her up? One of the darts whizzed past her head, and panic struck as one of the darts struck her chest armor... but the vial split open, the dart unable to punch through her catsuit-like armor. She just barely managed to slid down into the dug-out area in front of the hospital, panting from the short, nearly 6 foot run. The orcs shouted at each other in their odd, grutal language... Then silence...

...and a small, metallic cylinder fell to the ground inches from her, rolling between her feet. Looking down at the odd contraption, images of what exactly it could be flashed through the Asari's brilliant mind in Nanoseconds... when it hit her! Chemical warfare! She quickly took a gulp of air and closed her eyes, the cylinder splitting open and releasing a cloud of pink dust around her.

But it wasn't any sort of chemical warfare - it seemed to be 'food' for the organism inside of the tube. The odd, gel-like tendrils flared out, quickly guzzling up the powder in the air, the peach-colored tentacles whipping out and grabbing onto her arms, one slipping around her throat! Her boots were embedded deeply inside the creature, keeping her feet secured to the ground, as odd slime began to ooze from it's soft pores... and hell, it made her skin hot! Her mind raced at thousands of miles per nanosecond, each scenario coming to one horrible conclusion: Aphrodisiacs.

Circe was so setting her up.

Circe, however, didn't have time to worry about what was going on with the Asari. She peeked out behind cover, waiting for one of the orcs to move from behind cover - the biggest running out from behind it's car. Surprised at the sudden movement, she fires off a quick round - which luckily hits. The orc jumps, his armor taking the full effect of the Hamilton round, zeroing in on Circe. She didn't have time to reload as the creature ran towards her, sliding down, then climbing up, the destroyed road; He ran around the corner of the over-turned bus, throwing himself at Circe, who just barely had time to duck out of the way. Rolling, he pulled an orc pistol out, one with a longer barrel, firing three times at Circe. She grimaced as the green orbs struck her chest, her armor melting away in several places...


New Tan dot: Small Grenade Tentacle.

Circe: Armor: 7/10
AP: 4/4, FP: 4/4, MP: 10/10, EP: 7/8
Weapons: Hamilton Sniper Rifle: 0/1 Rounds/Clip, 18 rounds.
DX8 Pistol: 5/5 Rounds/Clip, 9 Clips.

Cassidy: Armor: 10/10
AP: 3/4, FP: 5/5, MP: 8/7, EP: 3/4
Weapons: DX8 Pistol: 5/5 Rounds/Clip, 13 Clips.

Soldier 1: Armor: ??/??
AP: ??/??, FP: ??/??, MP: 1/??, EP: 1/??.
Weapons: Orc SA Rifle: 1/?? Rounds/Clip, ?? Clips.
Soldier 2: Armor: ??/??
AP: ??/??, FP: ??/??, MP: 1/??, EP: 1/??.
Weapons: Orc SA Rifle: 1/?? Rounds/Clip, ?? Clips.
Squad Leader: Armor: 4/??
AP: ??/??, FP: ??/??, MP: ??/??, EP: 10/??
Weapons: Modified Orc Pistol: 3/?? Rounds/Clip, ?? Clips.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

(whoops, keep forgetting about this thread >.> Voting with dematt here.)

Laina shifted nervously as she considered the cost of reactivating the sensors. The base was very low on supplies, and she was reluctant to use any of them even if it would be helpful for them to do so. With her pistol at the ready in one hand, she pulled up a little holographic display of the floor's map on her omnitool with the other.

"I really don't want to use any more chemicals than we absolutely have to here. Let's go ahead to that unlocked room, and activate the sensors at the intersections so that nothing can creep up behind us. Also, Kiera, what's the deal with the locked doors? Did you lose door control when the station got hit or something?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Emily looks up and notices that the blue woman is gone. "Where did she go? I can't have rested *that* long!" As she carefully creeps up to take a look over the car Emily sees Azog charge the other woman right in front of her, nearly tripping over his own two feet! "Ha!" But then he fired 3 point blank rounds into the woman... "This isn't good. If Azog captures her too quickly, he'd be sure to recapture me... he's relentless." Smiling grimly to herself, Emily notices that Azog's back is to her... and he's concentrating totally on that other woman! Emily carefully leans on the car hood keeping the top of the cabin between her and the other orcs and braces herself to take careful aim and shoot Azog directly in the back.

((Keep the car as cover between Emily and 2 soldier orcs. Use the car as brace to take careful aim and fire repeatedly at Orc Leader until out of ammo or EP.))
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

As Circe saw Cassidy run out from cover from the corner of her eye, the bioid looked over to the orcs, waiting for one of them to take a shot. And one did, but he managed to stay behind cover, not giving Circe a clear shot. Just as she was about to curse, the apparent leader of the orcs lept out of cover giving Circe a very obvious shot at his chestplate, putting a good sized dent in it before he got close to her.

Now in close combat though, Circe did curse. She hated being close enough to the orcs for them to start using their superior strength. Luckly this one seemed pretty inept at using that strength, giving Circe a chance to hop back away as he clumsily grabbed for her. The shots he did get into her, the bionoid ignored, they seemed to be less potent than the others she had come across so far, eating through only the outer plate of her armor.

Though it was such close quarters, Circe quickly reloaded her rifle and shot at the orc, twice in quick succession before pausing to take aim for where her shot(s) had landed on his armor and firing again.

Because of the bus blocking sight to Cassidy, Circe was unaware of the Asari's current plight, though she was thankful for the alien's drawing of fire.

((Reload, Fire, Reload, Fire, and then...
if the bus provides cover from the orc mooks without needing to spend EP to take cover: Reload, Careful Aim, Fire.
else: Reload, Fire, Cover))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Oh, come ON! You shot me in the.."

Before the Asari's angry shout can devolve either into an expletive, or particularly graphic term for a feminine body part, her attention is arrested, abruptly, by the silver canister rolling into her foxhole.

Grenade. No. Wrong shape for explosive, no shrapnel, looks more like a container. Chemical, then. Likely inhaled... or, even better, acidic. Unlikely to be lethal so.. sedative? Difficult to disperse effectively from a grenade, considering effect times and... Fuck. Bioweapon!

The Asari turns, already a pace away from the canister by the time the creature emerges, but not far enough. Sudden, soft restraint, not unlike the new pseudoskin cuffs recently popular among law enforcement agencies.. but far different.

"Ah.. quellaroth'tet! Bioid, little help over.."

The sound of gunshots, and the briefest glimpse of the charging orc leader put paid to that idea.

"Fine. Help myself, theeeeen!"

Words trailing off into a panicked exclamation as the slime sneaks through her armour, hot, warm, and tingling close against her skin.

Penetrating Asari micro-filament? Impossible, this stuff not porous. Unless it's -eating- through.. but my armour's intact?

Blue light flares around the trapped scientist as her hormones go into overdrive, and pupils wobble, darkness creeping in around the edges. For the barest of moments, armoured thighs clench, pushing together against a sudden desire to ease them -apart-.. and the Engineer shouts out loud!

"Not. A. Fucking. Chance, slimeball!"

Hands brought together, as best she could manage, fingers tearing at the tentacles. If she could just get one hand free, she could get to her pistol.. and not for the first time, the Asari found herself cursing the arresting officers that brought her to this god-forsaken station. Her knife would have been -priceless- right now!

((Attempt to free right arm, then go for pistol if I have EP to do it! Blue glow for signature of Asari arousal to be confirmed with GM, standby for possible edits. And sorry for bad post. I'm tired.))
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Firelight Base: Floor 2, Command Center; Hali, Reya, Anne, Jenn, Commander Winters, Kyle, Theresa, Simmons and Halmond.

The Commander smiled, moving in a little closer to Jenn than she expected as she began to whisper:

"Jennifer... I'm somewhat worried about Simmons after she was shot by that dart... If... at all possible... could you take her to the medic station in the barracks and just do a quick examination? I know there's some equipment down there that can help..."

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley and Kalica

The team moves down the corridor slowly, Laina stopping to run her fingers along Kiera's sensor bars. The mechanic was quick to find the 'button' to reactivate it, the AI immediately dispersing the chemicals to power on her eyes. Kiera cooed into their headsets happily.

"It feels so good to be able to see this stuff again... I'll have to send some cleaner bots to scrub off the blood around here, though..."

Chemicals: -2.
Current resources:
Gunpowder: 8
Metal: 14
Plastic: 14
Rubber: 13
Chemicals: 14

The women continued down the hall towards the next intersection, Laina turning on Kiera's next sensor bar on. Kiera seemed like she was ready to sing - but, instead, they received a rather unpleasant warning:

"Wait. I'm picking something up... Very, very faint.. From around the corner. Claws, or something; just get ready."

Marie and Laina are quick to take positions in front of the two civilians again, keeping their weapons at the ready... when two above-average sized wolves came around the corner, brown and grey in color. Their ears perked for a few seconds as they looked at the women - before dropping down, hackles rising, lips pulling back to reveal their razor teeth... And, to make matters worse, a wolf, it's shoulders the same height as Marie's head, walked around behind the two smaller creatures, with intricate red dye painted across it's body...

Kiera was kind enough to comment.


"You humans can't have puppies, right? I mean, I'm sure I could find out myself."


Gold: Wolves 1 and 2.
Dark Gold/Brown: Dire Wolf.

Combat Rolls
Wolves have initiative for 3 rounds.

Dire Wolf: Runs down the hallway and out of sight.

Wolf 1: Runs up to Marie and uses 'Disarm'; uses 2 EP and 2 MP.
Disarm (Grapple): 10 (Natural 10) + 2 = 12 vs. 5 + 1 = 6; Grappled for 12 points. Marie cannot fire until she escapes.

Wolf 2: Runs to Laina and uses 'Disarm'; uses 2 EP and 2 MP.
Disarm (Grapple): 10 + 2 = 12 vs. 7 + 1 = 8; Grappled for 8 points. Laina cannot fire until she escapes.

Enemy Turn over.

Whatever brief moment of fear everyone experienced when the large wolf sauntered into view was suddenly gone. It went to turn quickly - claws scrambling desperately to make purchase on the metal floor, bumping and slamming into the walls and floor. Ashley couldn't help but let out a tiny giggle at how much like her family dog the giant thing reminded her of, distracting Marie for just a second.

"Sorry, but we had a dog that used to do tha-"

The wolf on the left leapt forward without much difficulty at all as the larger, black wolf disappeared around a corner. Marie barely had time to look back towards the creature as it lurched forward, maw opening up and grabbing onto her wrist. The woman let out a yelp of pain, feeling the canine slide helplessly along the floor. It worked for him better than against; to keep her arm from breaking, the human let her arm slip behind her back, dropping to a knee as the wolf tugged violently on her arm, pistol dropping to the floor. Laina readied her pistol to fire at the wolf - when the second leapt through the air, her firearm dropping to the ground as it grabbed onto her with powerful jaws. Yelling in pain, Laina soon found herself dropping to her hands and knees, her arm painfully stretched out in front of her.


Marie: Jumpsuit: 7/7; Grappled with 12 points.
AP: 2, FP: 2, MP: 4, EP: 5/6
DX10 Pistol: 4/4 Rounds/clip, 8 clips.

Laina: Medium Armor: 15/15; Grappled with 8 points.
AP: 4, FP: 6, MP: 4, EP: 6/7
DX10 Pistol: 5/5 rounds/clip, 13 clips.
Orc Pistol: 8/8 Grn. Rounds/Clips (1 clip), 8/8 Pnk. Rounds/Clip (1 clip).
Omnitool: Unlimited charges.

Kalica: Runner armor: 5/5.
AP: 3, FP: 3, MP: 10, EP: 6/7
Modified DX5 Pistol: 9/9 Rounds/clip, 10 clips.

Ashley: Civilian Clothes: 7/7
AP: 2, FP: 5, MP: 4, EP: 11/12
DX2 Pistol: 3/3 Rounds/clip, 17 clips available.
Devlin Peacemaker: 1/1 Rounds/Clip, 18 rounds available.

Wolf 1: No armor; Grappling Marie with 12 points.
AP: ??, FP: ??, MP: 2/??, EP: 2/??

Wolf 2: No armor; Grappling Laina with 8 points.
AP: ??, FP: ??, MP: 2/??, EP: 2/??

One Mile East of Firelight Base: Nuvela Wings Hospital; Circe, Cassidy and Emily

Combat Rolls:
Circe: Relods three times, Fires three times, and uses careful aim - not in that order; uses 7 EP and 1 MP.
Attack 1: 4 + 4 = 8 vs. 2 + 4 = 6; Damage: 4.
Attack 2: 1 (Critical Fail); Circe misses.
Attack 3: 4 + 4 + 1 = 9 vs. 6 + 4 = 10; Miss.

Emily: Attacks the Orc Squad Leader 4 times; uses 4 EP.
Attack 1: 10 (Natural 10!) + 7 + 2 = 19 vs. 9 + 4 = 13; Damage: 2 (Crit multiplier)
Attack 2: 10 (Natural 10!) + 3 + 2 = 15 vs. 7 + 4 = 11; Damage: 2 (Crit Multiplier)
Attack 3: 10 (Natural 10!) + 3 + 2 = 15 vs. 10 + 4 + 5 = 19; Miss.
Attack 4: 8 + 2 = 10 vs. 3 + 4 = 7; Damage: 1.

Cassidy: Fires at the creature 3 times; uses 3 EP.
Attack 1: 4 + 2 = 6 vs. 1 (Critical Fail); Damage: 1.
Attack 2: 6 + 2 = 8 vs. 5 + 2 = 7; Damage: 1
Attack 3: 10 (Natural 10!) + 7 + 2 = 19 vs. 7 (Autohit); Damage: 2 (Crit Multiplier).

Enemy Turn:

Tentacle Slime Check: 8 + 6 = 14 vs. 3 + 4 = 7; Cassidy loses 1 AP.

Small Tentacle Grenade: Attempts to subdue Cassidy further; uses 1 EP.
Grapple Continue: 4 + 2 + 2 = 8 vs. 1 (Critical Fail) + 1 = 2; Grapple gains 12 points from critical fail.
Cassidy is grappled with 17 points.
Small Tentacle Grenade attempts to tear Cassidy's clothes; uses 1 EP.
Tear chance: 6 + 2 = 8 vs. 1 (critical failure) + 1 = 2; Damage: 2. Cassidy's Armor durability: 8/10.

Orc Soldier 1: Runs across the divide, into the trench, and fires on Cassidy; uses 5 EP.
Attack 1: 4 + 3 = 7 vs. 9 + 2 = 11; Miss.
Attack 2: 1 (Critical Fail); Miss.

Orc Soldier 2: Runs across the divide and around the bus, firing at Circe's back; uses 5 EP.
Attack 1: 8 + 3 = 11 vs. 4 + 4 = 8; Damage: 2.
Attack 2: 3 + 3 = 6 vs. 9 (Autohit); Miss.
Attack 3: 7 + 3 = 10 vs. 7 + 4 = 11; Miss.
Circe's Armor Durability: 5/10.

All EP has been reset.

The next stage of the battle was frantic, as one of the orcs jumped over the divide in the road, Circe began to reload frantically, firing down at the Squad Leader. Her first round exploded over his armor, but the next two rounds, even with her percise aim, missed the green skin. As she squeezed off a second round, Emily had managed to prop herself against the care near her, firing rapidly at 'Azog'. Her eyes went red as she glared at the Orc, blasting away at him - tearing shreds of his armor off. By the third round, he flips over to all fours, just barely dodging the attack, the next round striking his arm.

Cassidy had enough of her arms free to fire down into the tentacle mass, aiming at a larger biomass that her feet were -not- near. After several shots into the tan, fleshy mass, she feels more of the liquid seep into her suit, the aphrodisiac doing it's work. She found the tentacles were doing a good job of keeping her restrained - and worse, restraining her further! She watched, helpless, as the tentacles pulled her arms behind her back and angling her wrist off in an odd direction. One of the soldiers slid down the dug-out hill-side, firing at Cassidy as he went; the green gunklets flew harmlessly past her, luckily.

Circe, however, was not so lucky; An orc soldier popped up behind her, firing three times, some green goo covering her back and dissolving her armor... And to make matters worse, the Squad Leader was back up on his feet, cracking his knuckles as he glared at Emily...


Circe: Armor: 5/10
AP: 4, FP: 4, MP: 9, EP: 8/8
Weapons: Hamilton Sniper Rifle: 0/1 Rounds/Clip, 18 rounds.
DX8 Pistol: 5/5 Rounds/Clip, 9 Clips.

Cassidy: Armor: 8/10; Grappled with Small Tentacle Grenade with 17 points.
AP: 2/4, FP: 5, MP: 8, EP: 4/4
Weapons: DX8 Pistol: 2/5 Rounds/Clip, 13 Clips.

Emily: No Armor.
AP: 2, FP: 2, MP: 6, EP: 4/4.
Weapons: Orc Pistol: 4/8 Red Rounds/Clips (1 clip), 8/8 Pnk. Rounds/Clip (2 Clips), 8/8 Grn. Rounds/Clips (2 Clips).

Soldier 1: Armor: ??/??
AP: ??/??, FP: ??/??, MP: 1/??, EP: ??/??.
Weapons: Orc SA Rifle: 1/?? Rounds/Clip, ?? Clips.
Soldier 2: Armor: ??/??
AP: ??/??, FP: ??/??, MP: 1/??, EP: ??/??.
Weapons: Orc SA Rifle: 1/?? Rounds/Clip, ?? Clips.
Squad Leader: Armor: 10/??
AP: 1/??, FP: ??/??, MP: ??/??, EP: ??/??
Weapons: Modified Orc Pistol: 3/?? Rounds/Clip, ?? Clips.
Small Tentacle Grenade: No Armor; Grappling Cassidy with 17 points.
AP: 2/6, FP: ??, MP: ??, EP: ??/??
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Errr..... No? How could a human have puppies?" Ashley awkwardly replied to Kiera as she stared at the pair of wolves, which were quickly joined by a third that was about the size of an elephant. At first, the civilian somehow manages to convince herself that the canines aren't hostile, and starts into another pointless remark about her life before the invasion. Upon the wolves rush toward them, however, Ashleys half-giggled words turn into a screech of surprise, and she fumbles her gun up just as Marie and Laina ended up with the beasts jaws around their wrists. She let it down almost immediately, knowing that, with her aim, she'd probably hit whoever she tried to save. After a moments indecision between which of the two to go for, Ashley decided that the girl in the jumpsuit needed the help more than the girl with the body armor.

Remembering when she'd had a dog in the house, and how it had once broken its leg when Donny had "accidentally" kicked it a little too hard, Ashley side-stepped around the creature currently holding Maries arm behind her back, and kicked out at the joint on one of its hind legs. They bore at least a cursory resemblance to dogs, and if they all had the same anatomy, it should work just fine, right? It didn't matter that the canine which she was attacking probably weighed in at half-again Ashleys own weight, and was about three times as large as her dog was. Right?

(Try and kick the wolf off of Marie. We'll go with 6 EP. 6 is a good safe number. Though, I don't think Ashley's missed a single shot yet this entire game, despite being a civvy.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((Oboy. So... that begs the question. If Mr. Dire Wolf wasn't going to tag along with his packmates here, just where is he going?))

As the gigantic red wolf hastily skids out of sight, the momentary bit of levity is enough to keep Marie from pulling the trigger, and then Ashley's comment draws away Marie's attention, just as the other wolf charges. She grits her teeth against a scream as jaws clamp down on her arm, and her pistol clatters to the ground as the wolf skids behind her, yanking her along with it.

Dammit! I NEVER got this distracted in the cockpit!

But you also had a VI watching your tail...

A rumble from behind her interrupts her mental recriminations. Craning her neck, she sees the wolf spreading its paws and bracing itself, obviously preparing to pull her all the way down. So she twists around, trying to thump the wolf on its muzzle and get it to let her arm go.

((Escape the grapple! Spend up to 3 EP.))
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe looked over her shoulder when she felt the other orc's round impact her armor with more annoyance than anything. She didn't feel the slime on her skin, so that ment that there was at least some protection remaining, even if it was just a thin membrane over her skin. The large orc in front of her, now with his back to her, was more important than that small guy.

Deciding to save her Hamilton rounds for something more important, Circe quickly shouldered her rifle and pulled out her sidearm. Even though it was small, with the Bioid's skill, it could still be very dangerous. Sighting down the weapon, Circe fired two carefully aimed shots at the large orc's back, aiming for where the new human's shots had hit.

((Switch weapons... not sure how much EP that is, and then Careful aim and fire, careful aim and fire...))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Uh, y-yes, ma'am," Jenn says, stuttering a little at the closeness and blushing. She takes a deep breath through her nose and turns, searching for Simmons.

"Simmons!" she calls when she spots her. "Can I get you to follow me to the medic station? I'd like to run some tests!"