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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen frowned a bit as she watched Mitsuko's reaction. Maybe it's better that she not remember... What happened to her was undoubtedly horrible. She got up out of her chair and hugged the poor cow girl, giving her a kiss on the forehead. It's okay, Mitsuko, you're fine now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Thanks, mistress. I, i... just know what i... write after Master Henry brought mhho, he.. help me She moved her tail and started to smile again. After the hug she prepare the tea, it was really good and all drink it. really the girl had experience on this, is nearly as good as my sister tea the plant girl said as ask for other and Suzanne imitate her.

Can you say me her story when we return to home Evelen, it looks like she passed by something really hard. But first i want to check the books

After this Evelen was ready to restart the classes with her both students, now dressed it was like she was a foreign teacher giving classes in a far away town. Teresa started to read some skill books like farm and cooking
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen spent some time trying to teach her child and her slave how to read and speak properly. It was hard work, and suddenly she appreciated her elementary school teachers a lot more than she had previously. After a time she took out the book on magic and tried to see if Suzanne could read from it with a little bit of help.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

At least the classes were fun, when Suzanne lean the color names, nobody could stop her to point things Blue, blue B,LU-E heh she gigled as show her blue puppet as it was talking to Mitsuko mhh mblue No Mitsuko... bLUE, B,L,U,E. "mr. bunny is blue" she gigled and imitate the moves of Evelen with the blue bunny. It was so frustrating to dont speak right that in an time the cow girl try to escape of the little girl wait, Mitsuko. Repeat after miss bunny "Mitsuko dress has white and black colors" she shout as both run in circles around Evelen who certainly will never forget this funny day.

The magic book was a hard opponent for the best student of her class, she can understand some parts, but even Evelen had problems to read it, in some parts it was literature and in other they show how to move and feel the energy, Suzanne try her best to imitate the posses and after a long time a little light come from her, maybe in a pair of reading and magic classes she will learn something
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The two students made some progress, though mostly it was Suzanne who learned. The book of magic was a different story altogether. Even Evelen was having trouble with the more complicated aspects of it, but in some places they seemed to have dumbed down the process, and these parts her little girl seemed to be able to get. All in all, she wasn't sure how much closer the girl was to understanding her magical abilities, but it seemed like she was getting somewhere. Maybe by the time Teresa was ready to set out, the girl would understand. Still, they had gotten as far as they could today, and she decided to see what the others were up to.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne went were her friend Mitsuko was, "playing" again with her, pointing and saying the color of the fruits and trees as she hug her and smile trying in vain to make her feel better hmmm, please...little..mistress, no mmooore she said nearly crying and ashamed to dont be able to said them right, as she continued working in the field.

Celesta had many red marks in her breasts who started to damp her bra and making her nipples visible though the clothes I hate this damn bow, ahhh shit!! scream as once again her breast get interposed in the road of the string, also somethimes they make her loss the target, in genneral was hard to use the bow with her massibe breast in the way, maybe she need to find a better posture to throw. Teresa was in the kitchen learning some more recipes, the table was filled with delicious dishes using the food of the cow girl. It was a banquet for 30 persons
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Mitsuko! Evelen called out as she led Suzanne into the house, it's okay, you know? You don't have to be perfect. When they got inside, she couldn't help but giggle at Celesta's problems. You probably need to stand a little different when you shoot the bow. Aren't there any pictures of stances in that book? Or perhaps a chapter for women with overly large breasts? she said teasingly. She was amazed at all the food Teresa had made, and wondered how they would eat it all.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

the cow girl´s eyes bright and she said I, i will better...for mmmy mistres, i,i will be... perfect she said with a new courage, as bowl her head and maked a reverence, then she continued working saying the colors with errors without stop.

When Celesta heard the sugestion of Evelen she opened the door trying to find it Awww there is not any, maybe in another book than could be massive breast archers guide heh. Well i will make my own style then She was joking with Eveklen and then she move the bow until found how she can shoot without hit her body.

They waited until the others end inside the house of Mitsuko, Evelen laught when she saw her teen daughter playing with them as a little inocent child,Teresa also smile when she end all.

The others two come inside amazed by the quantity and quality of the dishes, all nearly cry of hapiness, finding some new personal favorited dishes.All when they were stuffed helped to clean the desk and said good bye to the cow girl, she then went to storage her harvest and look her storage room with half the food than must had mooo? it vanished, where...are all? she dont stand were went her food.

Now in their house Evelen coul rest or train her slaves again, if she want to train Mitsuko she had to go for her, it would dont take too much time
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sat back after dinner and smiled. It had been a near-perfect day. She felt a little bad about eating so much of poor Mitsuko's food, but still... It had all been so good, and she was sure it couldn't have been much worse on her food supply than not farming for the weeks she was captured by the spiders. When they finally got home, she kissed Suzanne goodnight and had her sleep upstairs with Aunt Teresa again, and dragged Celesta into bed. Tonight we rest she whispered, I got next to no sleep last night. She kissed the plant girl and snuggled up to her, waiting to fall asleep in her arms.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne ask for help to take out the dress and put her old shirt and short to sleep, then her aunt started to tech her how to bend and storage her "formal" clothes inside a drawer.

Then both the mistress and her slave went to sleep As you wish, mistress The plant girl said smiling as she hug her, both then fall sleep on the arms of the other.

Then a screen apear
Save and Quit
Had passed the three hours, this is the max recomended time than we advise to use the game. do you want to save and quit?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... Seems like as good a time as any. I'll save and quit.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The world started to get dark and soon she was in front of the screen inside the egg, the door opened and she went outside, all was a little more silent and then the same lab girl show herself againand said Hi miss Evelen we are closing for today, there only will be expert testers who will stay more, before you left, do you had any question about the game?
Then after ask or dont do it she said i see, do you will return again to play this game
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I don't think I have any questions, but I'll definitely be coming back next weekend Evelen said with a smile. When she got home, she hugged the shit out of her mother, who was more than a little bit confused.

It was hard to wait for nearly a week before heading back to the EGG, but she somehow managed it, and almost concentrated on her schoolwork too! The next Saturday she showed up early in the morning to start testing again.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The new Evelen was giving it all her effort in her live, being a better person than before, her mother was surprised by the change even she through than she was a fake Evelen or was drug, even that the corporation brain washed her, but with the time she happily acepted her new daughter as the bond between both get stronger.

The days passed and Evelen went again to the egg, there was the same girl and after the usual salute she guide her to her machine, all was ready and she turn it on. The screen show the options

New Game
Quick game
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmmm... Quick Game? What's that? Evelen thought, as she pressed the help button next to it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

A screen apears and show


Quick game is a new option where the player could fight out the game story in a completely custom battle were it could decide the customizable player avatar, opponent, lv of opponent and scenario.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... Not related to the story. Sounds like a good way to set up a custom loss. And without any responsibilities, too. She giggled as she selected "Quick Game" and was presented with a list of options.

Load Persona:
-Evelen (FP 6/6, AP 0/10, Lvl 3 Polearm Expertise)
-Create Heroine

Select Opponent Type:
-Human Male/Female
-Demihuman Male/Female
-Slime Family
-Tentacle Family
-Other (Create Unique Opponent)

Select Opponent Level (1-10):

Select Setting:
-Master bedroom
-Living Lair
-Other (Create Unique Setting)

Evelen chose to load her own persona, in part because she wanted to see sort of where she was against a relatively high-level opponent. She thought for a moment about what sort of monster she'd like to face, and finally opened the "Other" setting. She typed in "Futa Dominatrix Succubus." She set the opponent's level to five, wanting to see what the midpoint was in the game's level system, and chose Dungeon as her setting, since it just seemed appropriate considering the enemy she had entered. This should be fun.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen end to select all the options and press enter, all started to get dark until Evelen saw herself in a completely dark room, then she start to saw the rock walls, floor and ceiling. She now was in a dungeon, she can heard moans of men and women far away echoed in the full room then a door away opened, she can saw a gorgeus pretty woman, more perfect than any human that she had saw, her beuty if far away of the mortals, behind her were two females and three mens all completely loosed in a sexual frenzy tied waiting that the woman use them, her feet press one of the meat rods making the man moan in extasis, even when looks painfull.

She then looks were Everen was and giggle as press with more strengh making him cum."Hi sweetheart are you enjoying this, maybe you will love more if you feel it She stand up and step over the bodies of her slaves as make a whip appear in her right hand.

She was dresseg in leather, her hair is silver and large and had two little red horns , her eyes are completely black and turn them in a red blood color, come here and give up in your pleasure desires
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen gulped just a little when she saw the succubus. Surely she was the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. The way she used the man so harshly worried her a little, though; she wasn't quite sure what she had gotten herself into. Still, she would give it a good fight, and see what the demon had in store for her. I don't think I'm interested just yet she said, readying her spear.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried to stab her but then she just avoid it like if her blow had the speed of a normal turtle, she then moved her hand and a big spider web wrap her full body. She started to laught expecting that her prey could be strong enought to free herself of the trap

Evelen 5/6 ap 1 (-2 grapped)

DFS 28 ap 0