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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Do what again, this is just my voice she said, frowning as she hoped the weird tone would eventually get better.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The young girl look down and said sorry Mama, Suzanne through than you was just playing, lets eat to continue The three eat and then helped Kristy to eat after take out the gag of her mouth, to the poor girl had give birth 2 times around the night and the guards had killed their babies without they heard it, she was nearly catatonic after being used to much but they know that she was fighting inside her.

An hour later the soldiers started to dissarm the tents and then they continued the travel, many girls talked and laught after hear the voices, until they saw the gaze of some soldiers, somethimes the monster tried to take the girls but the army defeat them with nearly any injured, their path was iluminated by lamps and torches as Suzanne look around with her best sight, helping them to find any hidden monster and protecting the girls.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It's okay Evelen said. Poor Kristy... When they walked along the path towards the town she tried to stay close to the nearly broken girl, squeezing her hand to let her know she wasn't alone. At least the soldiers she had come to hate so much were good at their jobs, and they didn't seem to be in any danger.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Before reach the town a huge quantity of monster surround them and thanks to Suzanne they get not surprised, the battle was hard and some monster cross the perimeter and try to take the girls, only Evelen and the other two were in shape to fight the things

Evelen 6/6
Suzanne 6/6
Celesta 5/5

tentacles: 3
slime: 3
human shadow 6

(they must fight separated or they will lost girls in three turns of not hit a creature)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta, take the slime, Suzanne, use your magic and try to hit the tentacles and the shadow, I'll take the shadow! Evelen slashed carefully at the human shadow, unsure quite what sort of attacks it could bring to bear on her. We have to protect these poor girls, especially Kristy. She'll never recover if they take her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta went to the slime and both tried to hit each other in vain. Evelen hit the dark creature making a wound in him and her polearm avoid the force magic than launch to her using it as a shield. Celesta use her MP to dont loss in her attemp to hit them but they are really fast to receive a direct hit, the tentacles catch her off guard grapping her as they started to tear her cute dress.

Evelen 6
Celesta 5
Suzanne 5 ap1 mp 2/3 (-1 grappled)

Tentacle 2
Slime 3
Shadow 4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen decided to attack the tentacle beast that was grappling her daughter, hoping to free her so she could attack whichever of the enemies she chose. Celesta, keep fighting that slime! You can do it! she shouted as she attacked.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The dress of Suzanne was turn into just a sluty dress filled of holes until her mother come and free her, she try to recover herself as the battle continued. Celesta try to hit the creature buth she was caught before, she fall on the floor bellow the slime that started to engulf her, the shadow creature take the chance and try to take a girl who tried to struggle in vain, but at least it give time to the girls to free her.

Evelen 6
Suzanne 4 ap 2 mp 2
Celesta 4 (-1 engulfted)

Tentacle 1
Slime 3
Shadow 4 (1st turn)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen went to attack the shadow, hoping to free the girl it was trying to take away. Suzanne, try to finish off the tentacles, they look weakened!
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen run toward the battlefield trying to stab the shadow who avoid her attack and just when will hit her she moved her polearm and hit him with the other hand in the head, the creature left fall the girl as get back touching his head. Celesta cut and make a exit in the slime using her sword. Meanwhile Suzanne noted that she dont had to worrie about her dress and just jump over the creature making wounds and cuts until reach the core and killing him.

Evelen 6
Celesta 4 ap 1
Suzanne 4 ap 2

Shadow 3
Slime 2
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne, help Celesta with the slime Evelen said, attacking the shadow again to keep it occupied.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The polearn hit the stunned monster making him a dangerous wound in his torso, he get back and lift his hand pointing to Evelen, she feels a painful force wraping her body and turning her aroused, Evelen join the fight and both attack the creature, Suzanne hit him so hard that the creature fall over Suzanne making her be half engulfted by the creature body.

Evelen 5 ap 2 (-2)
Suzanne 4 ap 2
Celesta 2 ap 3 (-2 engulfted)

Shadow 1
Slime 1
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

We're almost done with this group Evelen said, slashing at the shadow. Hopefully between the two of them Suzanne and Celesta could kill the slime, and they would soon be done with these monsters, without having lost anyone.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen try to stab him but the creature send another wave of his power and send her away, she feels how she lost control of her moves as if he could control the bodies of his oponents.

Suzanne try to hit it again and jump to him, but the creature was expecting it and engulft her too, her fists were weak agains these creatures an her dress started to get disolved as the blob continued falling over Celesta now completaly inside the creature excep for her head.

Evelen 3 ap 3 (-3)
Suzanne 3 ap 3(-1 engulfted)
Celesta 1 ap 4 (-4 engulfted)

slime 1
shadow 1
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

There's nothing to do but keep trying... Hopefully a soldier will be able to help us soon Evelen thought as she got up again and launched herself at the shadow.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The girls cant escape or attack and the creatures continued to trap them every time more, the poor Celesta cant resist more and loss thr grip on her sword and now was getting prepared to be raped, Suzanne try to hit the creature but only get deeper in it, now her clothes are rags than nearly can only cover her parts. Evelen is more wraped in that magic and her moves are easy to evade.

Evelen 2 ap 4 (-4)
Suzanne 2 ap 4 (-2)
Celesta 0 (ready to be raped)

Slime : 1
Shadow : 1
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hey, we need a little help here! Evelen called out, attacking the shadow again; hopefully she would still be fast enough to hit it this time, and hopefully Suzanne would save Celesta, but it wasn't looking great right this second.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The body of Evelen dont answer her anymore when she try to hit the creature then she saw her daughter splashing the blob everywhere and tking a breath before run to her mother in rags of her cute dress.

Evelen 2 ap 5 (-4 cant attack)
Suzanne 2 ap 4

Shadow 1
Slime 0 (pieces everywhere)
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

What is this, I can't move my body properly...? Suzanne, kill the shadow, stay away from me! she shouted, unsure what was going on.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The monster was very focused in Evelen and only reach to saw the face of his killer before begining to ate his head and body until her hand drop and her mother regain her body. At least all the warriors were busy fighting to note the nasty moment, she stoped leaving only pieces of the creature and clean herself before went with her mother Mama he hurt you right? dont worry Suzanne stop the bad monster she hug her and then she look her clothes aww Suzanne like that dress

Suzanne had mp 4 and can learn another spell from a book.