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VN/TEXT [Zyx] Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidy III ~Gyakushuu no Jashinkan~ / 雷の戦士ライディIII ~逆襲の邪神官~

Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

for those who are interested, i decided i might give a quick plot synopsis of the prologue. I myself am not fluent, but i do seem to have a good grasp of what is going on. that being said, any corrections or additions are quite welcomed (for example, i am sure to mess up a bunch of names).

If people are interested i might do some more synopses once i get deeper into the game.

The prologue opens up with 3 of Gyabb's (im sure thats the wrong spelling, the boss of Raidy II) comrades discussing his failure and the warrior who defeated him. Not much is said in detail, so the most you can really get out of it is their relationship to each other (they dont get along very well)

After the movie clip, we see Raidy walking along a dirt road thinking deeply about her destination. She tells us that she is going to the "Crime City" Weiss and mentions her lost lover Wynn. However, her deep thought is interrupted by Fonfon, Foless, and Tiss making fun of her for doing such uncharacteristic thinking. Raidy endures but ultimately gives into their provocation at which point the three mention that they want to take "yet another" break. It is because of their laziness that what was supposed to be a week-long trip to Weiss is taking more than twice as long. Raidy asks why they are coming if they hate travelling so much, and they retort by saying that Raidy destroyed their businesses at Lake Blue when she drove all the monsters away which means that Raidy has now forced them out of two different homes, so she should be alright with bringing them along as payment.

we finally reach Weiss and Raidy notes that there are some monsters living normal lives here alongside humans. soon after arriving, the monsters tell Raidy to search for (and pay for) an inn. she finds a rather cheap one (much to the dismay of the monsters) and tells them to get something to eat while she goes out an searches for information on the local crime guild (Amura from the last game seems to have told her to contact the head of the guild to aid her search). Raidy's search doesn't end well and she returns to the inn...where the monsters are having a massive banquet by themselves. The store owner tells Raidy to pay for the food and when she says she cant he takes her before the crime guild (giving some short-lived elation from Raidy). The maid (an executive of the guild) demands that Raidy repay them by hunting monsters who have been kidnapping people in town and takes her before the guild master to work out details. the rogue-looking fellow (another executive) who shows up offers an idea that involves some magic rings to keep the four under control (Raidy notes about this point that the rogue and maid don't seem to get along). From what i've gathered, he says the rings are supposed to link the fours' souls together so that three can be kept hostage while Raidy works to pay off their debt. however the rings take the three monsters into Raidy's body to cause a cycle of fusion-transformations before Raidy's explosive emotions cause them to separate again. The rings were still fused with the bodies of the four of them, but since they were not working as expected, the maid offers to have them examined by their top magical-item researcher (who turns out to be Erouge from Cubust's tower). Erouge cant remove the rings, but managed to modify them to allow Raidy to fuse at will. For the most part Raidy controls the fused body, but the others can seize that control if their determination is stronger (Foless quite enjoys having large, sensitive breasts). Fonfon's wolf attributes causes Raidy's body to become keen, sensitive, and fast; Tiss slows her down but grants her more raw strength than before; Foless' body is not too different from Raidy's and allows her to contact the spirits like Foless (i think). During this sequence, Raidy discovers that her lightning cannot be used when any of the monsters are fused with her, so she has to rely on her partner's skills to survive when fused.

Raidy is ready to go hunt monsters for the guild now and asks for her weapons and items. however, after the guild had confiscated them, they were immediately sold on the black market (except for Sexcalibur which Erouge kept and then broke down to make one of her magical items). So the only way Raidy can get gear now is by synthesizing monster drops through Erouge.

Everything is set up now, so it is time to choose a fusion partner and head into the Underground Waterway to hunt the monsters that have been kidnapping residents.
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

sorry for being a noob with agth..
but this is the text in my Target file for the agth shortcut I created

"C:\Users\Les\Downloads\agth\agth.exe/C /HBN-10*0@413ECE" "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZyX\IkazuchiRaidy3\Raidy3WM.exe"

and that doesn't seem to even work at all
however when I use

"C:\Users\Les\Downloads\agth\agth.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZyX\IkazuchiRaidy3\Raidy3WM.exe"

It pulls up a screen that says "cannot connect to the server" then tries to pull up raidy through the buddy launcher and it says
"error: Namelist.txt Errorcode: 00080001"

I have tried replacing Raidy3WM.exe with Raidy3WM.tmp, but it doesn't allow it as a proper target file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

if it is pulling up the buddy launcher i dont think you have the crack installed. and i think you want to have
"C:\Users\Les\Downloads\agth\agth.exe" /C /HBN-10*0@413ECE "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZyX\IkazuchiRaidy3\Raidy3WM.exe"
instead of
"C:\Users\Les\Downloads\agth\agth.exe/C /HBN-10*0@413ECE" "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZyX\IkazuchiRaidy3\Raidy3WM.exe"

basically you need to close your quotes before you put in the other command line arguments and Raidy-file location
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Since nobody seems to notice (or care?) about Jast's new games, I guess I'll go out of my lurker ways to report you this:

We are pleased to report that we announced seven new titles at Anime Expo 2013. More information on these projects will come later, so please stay tuned to this blog and the JAST Twitter (@jastusa). The titles are:

Little Witch Romanesque
Shiny Days
Lightning Warrior Raidy 3
My Girlfriend is the President Fandisc
Sweet Home
Sumeragi Ryouko no Bitch na Ichinichi


Soo, I guess we'll see an english release in, like, 2-6 years (you know how Jast works)

Back to lurking for me :cool:
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

will this one have animated hentai scenes or will it stick to the normal normal pictures?
and will it still have predominantly lesbian themed hentai scenes or will it have more variety of enemies/bosses.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

will this one have animated hentai scenes or will it stick to the normal normal pictures?
and will it still have predominantly lesbian themed hentai scenes or will it have more variety of enemies/bosses.

just about every scene seems to have animated portions (though it is still just things like a loop of them bouncing up and down), so it is quite a bit more animation than the second game had.
having gone through 4 bosses myself, it is still mostly lesbian, but the third boss was male and i know another male is showing up later thanks to cutscenes. However, while it is still predominately female enemies, there are a lot more tentacle scenes when you lose so "lesbian" might not be the right word for those. I should mention that the one male I faced did not get a torture/interrogation scene when I won (seems to be that way for any unison as well), so it was just the defeat CGs for him.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

just about every scene seems to have animated portions (though it is still just things like a loop of them bouncing up and down), so it is quite a bit more animation than the second game had.
having gone through 4 bosses myself, it is still mostly lesbian, but the third boss was male and i know another male is showing up later thanks to cutscenes. However, while it is still predominately female enemies, there are a lot more tentacle scenes when you lose so "lesbian" might not be the right word for those. I should mention that the one male I faced did not get a torture/interrogation scene when I won (seems to be that way for any unison as well), so it was just the defeat CGs for him.

well those alone are very much worth the game for me tbh, the artwork has been awesome in raidy games, and the gameplay while simple is fun and engaging which is yet another thing lacking in majority of hentai games.

sadly lesbian themes are not my thing, and for visual novels to work well enough decent animations are a must, so Im happy to hear about more male and particulary more tentacle action, even if with only slightly more animation value.
hope translations wont take long :)

ps: does the gameplay have hentai type moves? like grabs/fondles/restraints/clothing tears etc? or is it still normal combat, and hentai is only in win/lose portions?
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

hmm there are really no erotic fighting styles. all we have on our side is "attack" and (if you are playing as unfused Raidy) "Thunder slash" everyone else only has attack and sometimes an MP drain. So sadly you wont get very much in the way of erotic fighting.

however, there actually are some non-combat-related H-scenes. occasionally while wandering town between missions, you might accidentally walk in on somebody pleasuring themselves or having sex with their comrades. there is also a system whereas when Raidy reaches certain levels she can ask the scientist Erouge to strengthen her armor and weapons, but since Raidy is already in debt thanks to the plot, she has to pay with her body which results in her being strapped to a chair and "testing" some magical implements.

In other news, i can mark this down as the first game i have ever completed without any sort of English patch. I'm just glad every character line was voiced since i am far better at listening to Japanese than i am at reading it. Can't wait to play it when it gets translated just to see how well i ended up understanding it (or how well the puns and other jokes manage to come through in English)
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Can anyone direct me to an uncensored gallery of pics from LWIII? I've been looking around, but haven't had much luck.

I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Can anyone direct me to an uncensored gallery of pics from LWIII? I've been looking around, but haven't had much luck.

I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

Doesn't exist. JAST hasn't released the English (uncensored) version yet.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Doesn't exist. JAST hasn't released the English (uncensored) version yet.

And I'm hoping my job leaves my current hours/week alone so when it 'is' released, I can pick it up. Really enjoyed the first two, and the fusion mechanic in this one has me intrigued.

....or maybe I'm just overly excited about playing the whole game fused with Tis.

....maybe. >:}
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Out of curiosity, They recycled a lot of monsters from Raidy 1 in 2, did they pull the same in 3?
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Of course, they will put some monsters in raidy 2 into raidy 3!

When will english patch release? The waiting for the patch makes me tired everyday. :(

Furthermore, raidy 3 is final version of this series or raidy 4, 5 will be released in the near future? :confused:
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

did a little research on jast forums

says the translation is complete, they are working on insertion
I think that is great news
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

did a little research on jast forums

says the translation is complete, they are working on insertion
I think that is great news

Thanks! Just wait for a little bit to play this game with english patch! :D
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Status has still not changed..
"Translation completed, working on insertion"

Anyone got any updates regarding this.. and possibly a link to the english patch?
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Status has still not changed..
"Translation completed, working on insertion"

Anyone got any updates regarding this.. and possibly a link to the english patch?

Of course the status line hasn't changed, the thread hasn't been updated since July.

No one has an update about this, but feel free to send them a message on twitter asking how it's coming along.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Don't expect regular updates with them, last general update for their site was last september...
and don't expect the game before a year or two :/
its going to be faster to learn japanese...
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

So combat stays the same as previous game ? ... Damn it,i was hoping for a fun dungeon crawler game.These games are just mindless grinding type of game,it doesnt even seem as rpg to me.
But well,some cgs are really pretty good,cant denied that hehe :D
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy III

Yup its old school rpg. The very first one didn't even have an automap.