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Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura looks carefully around, moving west, hopefully she might find one of the other girls soon, she was going to retrace their steps as best she could, keeping an eye out.

((Move west))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

"What... Where are you... taking... me?" Gwen muttered, not knowing what else to do. Her head hurt a lot. Was this an infirmary? She could use some something for this headache.

(dangle limply in the man's arms)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

"Nnngh..." Trisha groans into the cloth, "Stop..." She whimpered, closing her eyes tightly.
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

The machine continues on Trish, causing the sensation to flare up between her legs as the machine pumps harder and harder, trying to get milk out. her breast feel incredible and hot, burning with pleasure while the vibrator is already dripping with her juices, even if she cant move or think straight the drug lets her feel everything better than before.

Gwen is carried again, maybe a bedroom, she cant seem to think straight. the man using his other hand to grope and slap her ass as they move.

Laura enters the Bathroom, still as disgusting as before, Door south to lactation room, and east to supply room.
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen whimpers as the man slaps her ass. Her head is in so much pain, but not enough to prevent her from fearing where this man is taking her. "Put me down... I'm not... I won't..." Her words trailed off as she hit another dizzy spell.

(continue to be helpless in his arms)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura tries to hide the scared look on her face as she enters the bathroom, she'd hate to be captured in here, she can't imagine how humiliating it would be if something happened to her in there. She takes a good look around to make sure no slavers are hiding before she moves on.

((Look around))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura searches the room and even when she finds some disgusting surprises there seem to be no slavers here at all.

Gwen feels herself get laid down, opening her eyes she finds herself in some sort of large chair, her limps strapped in the man smirking, "goodbye old you, hello new you he says as he lowers some apparatus around her head to allow soothing lights and sounds wash over her, she feels drowsy and strange, unable to fall totally asleep but unable to fully wake. she struggles to ignore the music and lights, but she has little places to go. She things thoughts of how great it would be to get fucked and to suck people off, you banish the thoughts but the machines places them back there

((I've changed the way hypnosis works, it only last 3 rounds in stead of 5 and you take 2 rolls each round instead of one in an effort to keep you out of the game for less time))

Trisha moan and shakes as she nears an orgasm, fearing what this machine is doing to her. The pumps finally draw milk from her, white liquid splashing down the hoses to a reservoir beneath the machine, each second they pump again driving her onwards in pleasure.
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen felt herself be lain gently into a chair, her ankles being secured before she was uncuffed. Then her wrists were each strapped against the arms of the chair with leather straps and buckles.

What's happening? What is this chair?

The man put some sort of mechanical device around her head, adjusting the straps until it was snug against her skull. A visor flipped down in front of her eyes, dimming the outside real world without totally obscuring it. The bulk of the head band was in the back near her cerebellum, but two prongs on either side of her head pressed against her all the way along her temporal lobes and ended in two electrode pads pressing against her forehead, near her temples.

"Goodbye, old you. Hello, new you," the man said, and through the dizziness and the headache, warning bells screamed inside Gwen's mind. Not this! Anything but this! She'd heard of the Red Viper's hypnosis machine technology. Black market, highly illegal equipment that had been officially banned world wide.

She struggled weakly against the straps, but stopped when the man flicked a switch and suddenly soothing lights began to play across her eyes with the visor, and the prongs that were strapped along the side of her head began to hum, playing gentle musical notes that caused Gwen to grow sleepy. She felt a mild electrical current in the electrodes at her temples, and then one at the base of her cerebellum, where the machine would teach her unwanted muscle memories to further bolster the false identity that she was about to slowly receive through multiple sessions with this loathsome device.

I must escape from this after this first session is done. I must not be tied here for too many sessions...

Then the images began to play in her mind. She saw the man who had captured her, and she began to imagine him naked, standing in front of her, a rock hard erection presented just inches from her mouth. She imagined having the urge to wrap her small mouth around it and taste his length with her tongue.

No! You don't want him, Gwen! You have a boyfriend. At least fantasize about your boyfriend... Maybe you can trick the machine that way?

Gwen attempted first to toss away the image of fellatio and the man completely, but it kept coming back persistently. She began to try to alter only small things, like making the man's face appear as her boyfriend's, but even that change was not allowed. She was stuck with the image of this cruel man who had put her here. She imagined sucking him off noisily and messily, getting hornier and hornier while doing so. Then she imagined him cumming in her mouth and on her face, and she flinched inwardly.

No... This isn't me... I don't want... that...

The man in the hallucination just smiled and petted her, then told her to turn around, bend over, and stick out her ass. She imagined herself turning to obey. And her urge to protest this image became fainter and fainter.

(All hail Hypno Toad!)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura feels secure after she searches the bathroom, disgusting as it might be. Feeling confident she was the only one there, she proceed south, intent to follow the footsteps of the girls who went this way.

((Go South))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura steps into the room, feeling the air heat up, here were a eries of what appeared to be elaborate milking machine, she hears a buzzing and moaning noise, moving quickly she sees across the room, Trisha moans and being milked, white liquid shooting out of her breast with each pump of the machine, her eyes blank as she is insensate.

Gwen feels the power of the machine wash over her like a tital wave, filling her ever thought with the pleasure and wonder of being fucked of sucking a cock, every time she tries to change her mind or think of something else she goes back to the wonderful feeling of a cock running in and out of her mouth.

((A failure and a critical failure!))

((Gwen gains Corruption, Fuck and Suck tier 1: Can never bite during oral))

Trisha moans as the machine continues, the flow increasing as her body is rocked by an orgasm, the drugs and machine working in tandem to bring her to climax. She feels her vision go white from the power of it and her head is swimming as she sees Laura across the room from her
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen stared long and unblinking as she was suffused with a vision of herself bobbing hungrily up and down on the slaver's cock. The vision was so real she could almost convince herself that she was tasting his man staff. Her mouth opened wider, her tongue sticking out as the machine convinced her of the joys of cock sucking.

I must not bite. I must take the cock into my mouth. I must take all of it and suck it like a lollipop. Must not bite a lollipop. Can only enjoy it by licking it. I must not bite. Get it all wet and hard so it can fill my tight hole...

It was insane how quickly the machine had worked its evil magic, already she had changed without understanding how it happened. The act of oral sex was no longer repulsive to her in the slightest. Certainly she would never ever think of biting a man in that position. The thought wouldn't even occur to her.

The visions continued to fill her senses, hinting and suggesting at her being a personality other than what she was. Peeling back her inhibitions and bolstering her darkest wanton flights of fantasy until they became her.

This... must... stop... A tiny voice inside her, very faint, pushed her to resist.

(resist hypnosis if I haven't been doing that already... or alternatively, attempt to escape the restraints if I'm able to at this point.)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura see's Trish hooked up to the horrible device, she doesn't even bother to look around the room, running over to her and trying to get her off, doing whatever she can to save her friend. "Don't worry, I'll get out out of here!" She says.

((Remove Trisha from the machine.))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen closes her mind and this time is able to block out most of the thoughts being forced into her. final the program ends letting her wake up and she finds herself in the room alone strapped to the chair. The feels cold after the warm sensations the machine had induced but you look at your strapping and struggle, making a little headway but finding yourself still stuck to the machine. Any moment the man could return and start the machine again so you feel a rush to escape.

Laura unhooks Trisha pulling away the vibrator from her wet pussy and pulling her fellow officer off the machine, the nude woman slowly shakes herself back to er old self, he body wracked by orgasms and drugs. She helps the naked woman step away from the machine and you both notice that there is a smal pile of folded clothes beside the machine, though it is not the clothes Trisha had before

Trisha stands naked in the lactation room, a chill reaching her, her clothes are gone but there is a pile of clothes beside the machine she was on, upon picking up you realize that they are a slutty police officers outfit, the man had brought for you, could it be better than going naked? There is a door south to the slaver supply room, a door east to the bondage room, and a door north to the bathroom ((There is nowhere to currently get a replacement uniform)) You feel the drugs in your body slowly work their way out, your mind clearing and the burning in your breasts subsiding.
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Panic threatened to overwhelm Gwen, but she knew she had only a short window to make good on her escape. With determination driven by desperation, she worked at her bindings.

(escape attempt)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura looked around, a little bit less worried now that Trisha was freed, but there could still be other slavers around, and they still needed to find Gwen.

She looked around to make sure the room was clear while Trisha recovered.

"Do you have any idea where Gwen might be?"

((Search Room))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

((Yay, lacking post because of Lacking time!))

Trisha stands, shakily, covering her breasts with her arms, trying to hide her shame.... She looks up at Laura, stuttering, as it takes her a few moments to come up with the words.

"N-No... i was coming for you... W-When he... grabbed me..." She whimpered, before letting out a sob, covering her mouth, "O-Oh god!"
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen manages to slip her arms from the straps quickly freeing herself from the machine and standing up. The room is bare except for 3 other machines, there is a door to the north, a door to the south and a door to the west.

Laura's search reveals only the cloth that was used to drug Trisha the smell sweet on it. Nothing else of note is found.

Trisha Looks around and gets a good look at the machine and clothes left for her, covering her nakedness as best she can.

((You both have a door north to bathroom, door east to costume room, and a door south to slaver supply room))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura looks to Trisha. "I haven't been here, I have no idea where Laura was, you lead the way." she says to her.

((Follow Trisha))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen steadily got to her feet and looked about her. She had a fairly good direction sense, and figured that this room was probably west of the infirmary, but needed to make sure so she had a good frame of reference.

((Head West.))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

"U.. Uhm..." Trisha tries to cover herself, but quickly picks up and puts on the slutty police officer outfit, turning her back to Laura as she did. She finally turns around, discarding the ridiculous cap and pointing at a door randomly.

"This way," She says, taking them both into the slaver supply room.

((South. Sorry about my lack of replies; thought I'd be able to keep up by making short posts, but failed horribly.))