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Yukimura Estate, Session 1


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

When Kasumi noticed Shiina walking past with the dogs and Toy, the maid visibly tightened up, but only for a second as the woman poses her question.

"N-no... I..." Kasumi started to reply when Zehasael entered. "I... I just started working here today." She hurridly finished.

Noticing the different food, Kasumi looked up to Zeha, a slightly confused look on her face. "What happened to the meal we had planned? Did something change?" She asked, her voice and face completely guileless. It was obvious she didn't know about the 'accident' earlier.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael's eyes narrowed automatically at Kasumi's question, although she did her best to shrug it off. "There was an... unfortunate accident," she explained. "My deepest apologies for having to make do with this paltry meal rather than our original offering," she added, bowing her head to their guest. "If there is nothing else, I will leave you in Kasumi's capable care."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The woman nodded and waved Zehasael away in a distracted trance as she observed Shiina lead the dog show onwards. Both Kasumi and Zeha would notice that the woman's glass of gin was shaking as the woman had begun to tremble, and her other hand clenched a fistful of her robe into a bunch.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane was glad that the hand dont reach her private place, she continued feeding the man for a while smiling and treat him like a little child, even when this was getting to reach her limit when the hand press her soft royal skin without even ask. The time passed and soon the plate was starting to get empty looks like the lunch nearly over, will the sir want to walk through the garden or will desire my aid to guide him to the stables? said Ariane trying to look cute and not sexy to avoid that hand to get more close. If the man decide to dont go to the stable Ariane will put the spider on his back when she get out to help him to get up of the chair and asking him if he need anything more.

The same as the last turn.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Curiously, Zeha reached out with her mind and brushed the surface thoughts of this guest, before walking out of the room with a smirk across her lips. She was tempted to toy with the woman, but with Kasumi around she was unwilling to show her hand; she had already given away far too much about herself to the other maids today on her impulses. It was a pity, too, such a tempting target...

She shook those thoughts from her mind as she made her way back to her bedroom; she had a pair of slimes to deal with, the last thing she needed was them running amok and creating more mess for the others to have to worry about. As she wandered back, she wondered how difficult they would be to train, they seemed to operate on an instinctual level rather than one of higher thought. There was also the niggling feeling that not all the slime in the house had been accounted for yet...


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka quietly obeyed the man, setting the tray of food up on the stage, and then walking back over to him. She calmly held out her hands, not sure what it was the he wanted, but not particularly apprehensive either. He had correctly identified her origins, so it might be reasonable that he could recognize some of the other things about her as well. She had no intention of hiding it, so if that was what he intended to discover, then she wasn't going to stop him. Besides, it didn't seem likely that the masked man would assault a servant in another nobles home, regardless of how anonymous the mask might have made him to her.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Good that we understand each other." Shiina said in a cold voice as Toy's complaints stopped from her strike. Once the woman properly started acting like the dog she was, the curly-haired maid took off the restraining bar from her hands to let her move on all-fours with the rest of the hounds. With the woman now behaving properly, the former soldier took her pack out for a walk in the huge garden area.

As expected, the dogs zoomed forward as fast as they could, quite happy to be outside again. Toy kept shuffling quite slowly after them, but Shiina didn't make a move to hasten her movement. After passing an absolutely huge and beautiful water fountain, the maid saw Duke attempting to ease up in the flower bed. "No, Duke! That's the flower bed. There's got to be a more proper place for you to do that..." she semi-scolded the dog, yanking the chain somewhat and quickly looking around them to see if there was a better place for the dog to get it's relief.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Shiina pulled on Duke's chain and he pulled against her for a fraction of a moment before bounding away and and looking for another spot relieve himself. Unfortunately for Shiina, the Master's garden looked absolutely gorgeous wherever she looked. The best she could have him do would be to go onto some mulch away from the flowers but still in the flower bed, or go on the grass walkways. She supposed she could lead them away from the house and out of the garden, over closer to the stables, as the land was wilder over there - which was to say it wasn't a garden paradise, just a well-kept plot of land.


The soft-spoken man examined Ayeka's hands, carefully.

"Ah yes. Ah yes... Ah yes," He repeated. Ayeka had no clue what he was looking at, but he apparently had found something interesting. "This at least is some clue. My dear girl, you have my deepest sympathies."

He let her hands drop and she watched his gray eyes stare through the holes of his mask and into her orange ones. "You're going to be in danger, quite soon, young one. You've been marked by terrible energies. Attractive energies. And I'm quite sure that there is very little you can do about it. Funnily enough, here may be the safest place for one like you, but even then, I'm not sure it will be enough."

He folded his hands together in front of him, and offered cryptic advice. "I advise you to discover the power secreted away in this place. I doubt even your Master knows what he has here, but I can sense it. You'll need it to protect yourself and the others."


Zeha made her way back to the bedroom without incident, where she found the two slimes slowly swaying from side to side, still somewhat out of sorts. She thought about the mystery of their origin. They didn't have enough brains to wring any information out of, so she wasn't going to get answers from them anytime soon.

Still, she supposed she could attempt to train them. But how would she go about it?


The large man chuckled, and suddenly put two meaty hands around her wrists, causing her to drop the spider she'd intended to put on him. It fell to the floor and looked around dazed, then scuttled away frantically when the large man pushed the chair back, creating a loud scraping along the floor tiles, his incredible weight adding to the friction.

"Oh I'm sure you'd like to get me alone with you in the stables, wouldn't you, you eager thing you. There's no need to wait that long. Your master said you'd have to make things up to me, didn't he. I'd hate to have to tell him you've failed to make me pleased. Why... he could even hear that you've been insulting to me, and then you very well could be out of a job."

He rumbled maliciously behind his mask. "All I'm asking is a nice ending to a good meal. You can do that for me, couldn't you?" Stunned by the man's audacity, Ariane was startled when his meaty hands gripped her breasts over the top of her blouse and began to knead them lasciviously.

"All I'd like is for you to give me some proper... attention... down there." He inclined his head downwards, and there was little room for misinterpretation. The vile man was attempting to blackmail her into giving him sexual stimulation. The cruel manner in which he did this sent a shock to her delicate royal disposition, causing her stress.

(Ariane takes 4 stress, due to losing the combat.)


Kasumi stood by the woman as the lady slowly began her meal. Several minutes went by and the food seemed to calm the lady. "Since it is your first day... what do you think of him? Yukimura? Does his work... bother you? or does he... I mean, do you... ah, well, did you perhaps take this position because you heard about his reputation?"

It was odd indeed to be addressed in such a fashion by a noble guest. The nobility, as an unspoken rule, did not normally address the servants unless it was to give an order. The woman must have been flustered.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael closed the door behind her, smiling in satisfaction. They were still stunned, good. She was still metnally fatigued from her earlier assault, so not having to further expend herself on incapacitating them again was a definite plus. Instead, she focused her mind, for what she had in mind, she required the scalpel, not the sledgehammer.

She began to try and burrow into their mind, digging to try and discover what made them tick. The natural instincts. She also attempted to locate their pain and pleasure centres, being able to access them would assist her in ebing able to quickly important push buttons in the training process. Once she had managed to dig into its mind, assuming she was able to, she began to speak, to test its ability to recognise the words and differenciate sounds, another important step in being able to train these things.

All in all, the process was somewhat nostalgic for Zehasael; back in her home , she had a small number of mindless minions at her command, absolute expendable trash as far as anyone with real power was concerned. That she had only a half dozen or so was a testiment to how low she truely was in the heirarchy. Still, in her own way she had loved them, for they were her mindlessly obedient pets and she had spent a lot of time digging into their minds to try and make it as difficult as possible for other demons to control them. The result of this much had proven successful, they were instrumental in the attack on her superior...


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1


Ayeka cocked her head and listened to the masked man, her orange eyes meeting his gray ones evenly as she kept her expression cool. Whatever this mans senses were that allowed him to detect her past merely by touching her, and that provided him with so much insight into both the past and the future, Ayeka wondered at the accuracy of it. Her skin writhed slightly, the motion only barely visible, as she contemplated his words. She was no stranger to such prophecies, and understand that any warning or offer of aid had to, by the nature of the gift, be highly cryptic. She would have to understand it when she needed to, as was always the case, and made a mental note to keep it in mind in case something should happen within the near future.

So, instead of questioning him about the meaning of his words, the pink-haired fairy kept her expression serious and replied, earnestly; "Thank you for the warning, and for what information you have offered to me. And for your sympathy. It is.... Not something I will find easy to speak of, I think. It has been bottled up inside of me for far too long." She shook her head, her face becoming slightly more cheerful as her body ceased its unnatural motions, and said; "You aren't truly here to acquire my masters services, are you sir?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Suddenly Ariane saw that all was getting out of her hands, she even had lost her subject who fall in the floor and now this insignificant creature was trying to make her sattle his filthy needs. Ariane stay focused in her character and calmed she grin to him, as her sexy voice tried to earn his favor Did not i said before my master get inside the room, that i will give my best to serve you? Ariane then start to caress his neck and move her hand slowly throug his skin until nearly touching his belt. We were getting to much fun together, isnt? Please, stay calmed in your site, as i show how always fullfil my word The princess continued the foreplay and she could even see how his boner get bigger behind the pants of the depraved human, she take some wine in her mouth from the cup and give a deep kiss after mix it with some teardrops of her venom in her mouth, it was so gross and naughty give one of her royal kisses to a usseles fatman , but she preffer it over touch that dick. Ariane then after make him drink all the wine continued kissing him a little more and caressing his body as she continued her provocative words whispering to his ear Also, It would be a shame that i should return to my country, when we just started to know each other,she even opened his pants a little until he fall sleep by her non-lethal venom, she had just giving a little dosis and was sure that the man will awake in an half hour alone or she could make an antidote, but it will very risky, as maybe they could suspect of her.

Ariane moved the man a little, acting as if she dont know why he was sleeping Sir?sir! are you fine sir?... said in a worried tone, she would check his pulse and sit close him after make a little noise to call the spider and then after check around she will take it, then she will get up and started to hide all his face behind the mask and to fasten his pants in his place again, as she put the spider in his neck. She then would check the watch and will try to wake him with a strog spice,if fail she will run to the garden to whisper to Ayeka for help if the time to take them to the stable was near.

[activate trap and use seduction or cunning, i dunno ]
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Ohhh, this is bad, this is bad.." Shiina thought as she could barely keep Duke from relieving itself. She took quick glances at the surroundings in an effort to find a spot that was somehow better suited for the current pressing event, but couldn't find one in the immidiate vicinity. "Oh, the stables... Better go there, can't let them loosen up on the flowerbed." With that thought as her focus now, Sniina began to herd her flock towards the stables in a more frisk pace to have Duke and other possible canines empty themselves in a more suitable soil.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi had been watching Shiina walking the dogs in silence since Zeha left. When the woman spoke, Kasumi jumped, startled out of her revire. "Uh, uhm... He's..." She stammered, caught off guard, and a little suprised the woman was even talking to her without an order. "W-Well... If... if he's doing it, th-that must be because it's right... right? I've never... I mean... I don't remember ever... I have amnesia..." She whispered her admission.

"I don't know if what he's doing is right or wrong, I really don't, but I know that I'll do anything for him. Whatever he asks..." She finished, her face blushing and she looked away to see Shiina walk out of sight. "I... I'm sorry, my lady, I'm probably not the best to ask about these things."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi could not see the masked woman's face to know how she had taken this most recent outburst of fidelity towards the Master, but by the way the mask's eyes turned towards her, she knew she had the lady's attention.

"You've no memory, and yet you're still so loyal to him? Does this Gomon have such powers of attraction and command?" The question seemed to be a rhetorical one, and Kasumi heard the woman sigh. "It seems that there is nothing that can be done then. I think I shall wait here alone, until your master is ready to send for me. That will be all for now."

Kasumi was dismissed and allowed to go where she willed for the time being.


The frantic pacing caused a problem with Toy, for the woman with impeded sight and legs not meant for rapid quadrupedal movement could not move at the pace of the dogs and the upright maid. Her leash tugged and she yalped as it began to choke her and drag her. She scrambled as best she could but every stop confused Duke, making it seem like it was okay to do as he pleased in the current spot, only to be yelled at by Shiina immediately.

The whole process had the effect of riling up the dogs, who got very excited and began to bark and run and pull Shiina in several directions at once.

The group made its way finally over to the stables, but Toy was having a lot of difficulty, and was beginning to tug back on her leash as well like the other dogs, apparently getting a bit fed up at the unreasonable pace that was being asked of her. Duke finally found a place to relieve himself that wasn't a part of the garden, so Shiina didn't object. As she was about to turn to rebuke Toy for a very harsh grunt of objection, she noticed a shadow figure in the stable doorway, looking out at her. Once it saw them it disappeared out of sight, within the stables.


Having put the fat noble to sleep, Ariane ran across to the dining room and looked about. No one seemed to be in sight, so she dashed across the way to the kitchen, which was likewise empty. She sort through the spice racks and found some potent smelling selections that she prayed might work. Racing back across the hallway she re-entered the dining room, only to skid to a stop as she saw Fade standing over the unconscious fat man, one hand on the man's neck as he felt for a pulse.

"Ah, Miss Ariane. Something happened to our guest?" His tone was soft, and without urgency, and it made Ariane worry that he might know something.


The man in the plague mask inclined his head, as if in a token of respect to Ayeka.

"I am here to acquire his services, but not in the manner of the display we saw outside. You are a sharp one. It gives me confidence about your chances."

He stretched out his hands, which were gloved in fine velvet, and made a gesture. The lights seemed to dim in the ball room, the sunlight winking out to be replaced by moonlight, even in the middle of the day. Candles in the chandaliers became lit and a music began to play out of nowhere. Ayeka recognized this effect as a Fae glamour: a grand illusion reserved for just the two of them.

"Will you dance with me?" he asked, bowing low in a manner appropriate for a festival time, very much the epitome of a masquerade stranger in his mask and outfit. Somehow, in this new mood that the man had cast over the ballroom, he was no longer creepy, but rather simply mysterious and by extension, alluring.

"I am not hungry, nor would I impose upon my host by wandering his domain. I am in a ballroom, so I should not let it go to waste."

He held out a hand to her.


The slimes were dullards. Examination of their primitive neural network suggested that there was not an inkling of higher though in their "brains" beyond natural instincts - predominant among them was the need to drink. They were attracted to fluids of all sorts, though they would seek out sources of thicker liquids. Next amongst there drives was the need to propagate with other beings. Sex driven thirst quenchers, in a nutshell. They also had a keen fight or flight instinct - which was controlled more or less by their prospects of fulfilling their two prime directives.

Language was beyond them. Tone was perhaps the only thing that might work. Call them idiots in a loving voice, and they might coo up to Zehasael thinking of sexing her. Call them amazing paragons of slimehood in a harsh and angry tone, and they would flee for their puny lives. Complex orders would be lost upon them.

Zehasael's best hope with such simple creatures would be to activate or deactivate their usual operations. She could tell them to feed, fight, flee, or fuck. Or to cease in doing any of those things.

With time, she might be able to set up some sort of tonal recognition system for verbal commands, but that would be a very slow process indeed, and not something that she could magically rush. Until then, all control of the slimes would need to be telepathic, and therefore more tiring.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael screwed up her nose slightly, she hadn't expected much and yet still found herself disappointed by what she saw. Simply the act of training them to treat her as an authority figure rather than a source for satisfying their base instincts seemed like it would be an undertaking. Still, it's not like she had much of a choice of minions so they would have to suffice. She idly ran a hand over each of them, touching them properly, getting a feel for their surface as she considered what to do with them. On the one hand, she wasn't opposed to... feeding their instincts... but on the otehr hand, if they were overly sticky or slimey... she screwed up her nose again.

She pondered about finding a place to keep them, perhaps some kind of ceramic urb where she could open to feed them the fluids they required to survive, and in a pinch throw them, urn and all, at an enemy and have them come out hostile at their surroundings. At the same time, such an impact might trigger their flight sense, rather than one of fighting. Plus she'd have to aquire such an urn in the first palce, without causing problems in the household lest it be linked back to her... and so she continued to softly stroke her hands across the slimes, pondering and plotting...

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Dragging Toy behind her, Shiina leads the dogs towards the stable grounds in her faster pace. It took a little while longer than expected thanks to the slow shuffling of the woman, but Duke held on admirably, earning the dog a bit of respect from the new maid. The rampant tugging from both the dogs and Toy made it harder, but Shiina could handle a few dogs even though it was chaotic.

Once they had properly reached the grounds, Shiina watched over Duke as the dog felt the call of nature. Once the canine was done, the curly-headed maid lowered herself on her kness and gave it a treat before petting it on the head. "Good doggie. You held out admirably." she told Duke with a radiant smile before turning to face Toy, the smile melting faster than snow in the desert. Before she could start the verbal lashing, a suspicious character drew her attention towards the stables. She closed towards the large building, looking for a hook or something to hang the dog's chains into before moving in by herself, giving a strong threat to Toy before drawing her blade.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Happily Ariane returned after found the needed to wake up the vile man, maybe she would acepted to even a blow job, but how he tried to use her was against her honor and all she had learned from her mother. Juts then when she turned to the dinning room, she noted the butler checking the pulse of the noble, she walked to them without nothing to fear, as she had not leave any clue that she was the gulty, the cup, food and their mouths were free of any suspect, as the wine hided the trial of the unnoticiable venom who was not mortal and go direct to the neuronal region, so the heart will not get a diferent pulse with the little dosis who will only make him sleep for a short time, she could brame the huge quantity of food, the wine or even that he was sleeping, of course than sickness as diabetes and hipertension will easy excuses.

Then the man said his words and even when she was surprised, not let her face change and instead smiled and run toward him Fade! im glad to see you here, could you help me to awake him, please? I was giving him a massage and some wine to the sir after the food, but looks like it cause him to get sleepy, thats why i bring this from the kitchen. We still have time right? She walked then toward the fat man and start to try to make him awake unless the butler decide to help her.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka watched the man with a pleasant smile on her face, inclining her head slightly in a nod at the compliment. She glanced upwards slightly as the man summoned his glamour, taking in the changed ballroom and then smiling warmly at the man. At his request, she offered him a slight bow, rather than her normal curtsy, and said; "It would be remiss of me to deny you such an opportunity." Were he one of the fey, or at least known among the courts, as she suspected, he would recognize the gesture as one reserved for use only between two equals. The purposes behind the gesture were numerous. Firstly, among the fey, one did not offer to dance with ones inferiors, and while she was not within the courts now, she still held onto what she had learned when she was younger. Secondly, the way that the man responded to the bow would clue her in to just how much he knew about the ways of her kind, particularly if he rebuffed her for claiming to be his equal, which she surely was not. And finally, it seemed a pleasant gesture in and of itself, particularly given the bit of cleavage that peeked through the top of her dress.

She stepped toward the man in the plague mask and took his hand, allowing him to lead in the dance, for now. She tried to recognize the song, so as to better dance to it, and Ayeka couldn't help but find the situation slightly comforting, in a strange way. As she danced, she was also mindful of his masks long beak, ensuring that she kept herself from disturbing it (or injuring herself on it) as she swayed to the sound of the music.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"S-sorry I couldn't be of more help my lady." Kasumi apologised, feeling like she had let the woman down somehow. Giving a curtsy, she backed out of the room and looked around the hall, wondering what she should do now. Remembering Anya, the snake spirit she had met, she started towards her room, but her thoughts were conflicted with the woman's last words. She was willing to do anything for Gomon, but why? When she thought about him, her heart began to flutter, but there was something else as well. Gomon had suggested they had met before, which ment he might know about her past.

If she arrived at her room before meeting anyone, she'd close the door and look around for the red snake. "Anya, are you still here?" She called, hoping the snake hadn't left the room where she might get caught by one of the other maids and shooed out of the house again, or worse.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael's slimes were beginning to come out of their stupor. Tentatively, they started to move around in various directions, and a cursory scan of their extremely primitive minds showed that they were in a state of confusion and were therefore thirsty, as feeding would perhaps return their strength and faculties at a more rapid pace.

One of the slimes which Zeha was stroking began to adhere to her, wrapping around her wrist. It was moving at a pitifully slow pace. Zeha would not need to exert herself to remove it if such was her desire.


Shiina spotted a nearby fencing next to the barn, around which she could tie off the leads for the dogs. It was something that Toy would be able to untie if she were bold enough however, so Shiina gave the woman as fierce a look as she possibly could. It seemed to work, as she buried her head towards the ground.

Duke 'woofed' encouragingly and looked from Shiina to Toy and then circled 360 degrees, woofing again.

Shiina drew her sword and looked towards the barn door. The figure was no longer visible. Did she approach?


Kasumi's mind was conflicted by her inability to recall her past and her recent infatuation with Gomon. Excusing herself with as much decorum as she could, she made for her own room, needing something to clear her head and distract her from her own inner problems.

When she called out to Anya, the snake spirit's familiar voice was quick to respond. She was coiled about herself on the maid's pillow.

"Yes, I am here. I'd had a notion to search out for my old nooks and crannies in this place, but I thought it best not to disappear on you quite yet."

The snake's feminine voice seemed to be quite relaxed as she lay in her repose, her reptilian eyes observing Kasumi as the maid crossed into the room.


The handsome butler's face was creased in a frown, but he did not say anything at first. Rather he observed the way Ariane held herself and what she had taken from the kitchen.

"Do you intend to stuff spices up his nose?" He asked, his tone suggesting he was less than impressed with the plan. "The Master has some smelling salts, perhaps those would be better. Though they don't work on some toxins."

The butler finished finding the man's pulse. "He is not a very healthy man, this noble. An overburdened heart, I should think. He would not be very difficult to kill with a mild toxin. Why, even if one didn't intend to kill him, they could easily do so by mistake, by my reckoning."

The butler fixed Ariane a very hard look. It seemed clear that the butler somehow knew what had happened.


The man bowed back to Ayeka, as though she were his equal. It was a well-executed bow, doing everything quite perfectly, and without the personal embellishments that some fey added to the ceremonial acknowledgments. It was clear that the man was at the very least aware of what went on at a fey gathering.

The music was a slow paced sidhe waltz, a relaxing genre of classical fae music that was an old standby in any official courtly ball. The man held his mask away from Ayeka's face, mindful to not look directly at her, so that he would not poke her in the eyes.

They spun and dipped. He was an adequate dancer. Nothing amazing, but to someone who did not dance often he would be quite respectable.

"Sometimes, beauty is a curse," he said in the middle of the dance. "It makes one a target. Fae have long been a target of many forms of seekers. They want the unmatched shimmer of gnomish gold and gems, or the keen edge of a trollsmith's waraxe, but most of all, they desire the beauty, grace, and immortality of a sidhe lord or lady. Even the most base and demonic creatures are driven by a lust for beauty, whether to own it, control it, or destroy it. So fey, never losing what makes them beautiful, must always be on their guard."

He spun Ayeka and dipped her at a dangerous angle, but caught her weight deftly in mid fall and held her still with a strength that was belied by his thin frame.

The music faded and came to an end, and as it did so, the doors to the ballroom opened and the Master Gomon stood there in the suddenly sunlit room.

"If you are done with my servant, honored guest, I shall ask that we move on to the stables." Gomon said, his voice neutral, showing no concern over why Ayeka was being held in the masked man's arms in a dipped position.