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Yukimura Estate, Session 1


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane was completely losed, her full mind and body had summit to the creature and his intention to fill her with tentacles in her insides and her teardrops continued falling with her lewds sobs to only show how much she will love it. There was no time to think to even try to talk, as her mouth just whine and moaned like one of her mindles slaves in her realm, Her arms caressed the other victim and she get close to her until their faces were close each other to even lick both the slime of the tentacles before start to pleasure each other. With her blank eyes noted how the creature was ready to end this and add then to their family. Ariane kissed her partner deeple, as she feel how she was unnable to resist more and in unison both come with the quick deep final thrust of their rapers.

Suddenly a miracle save both of their cruel fate, the butler looks like have save them, but the princess mind was completely exhausted to even heard his voice, she just cuddle with the silver haired girl, Ariane just hug her, crying silently and still extremely aroused with the slime warm cum in every part of her body.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Now faced with the challenge of seeing Toy eat the offered food, Shiina was not sure if she liked the woman's reaction. The gloomyness of the surroundings and the misery of her imprisonment were starting to have an effect on her. The maid was not sure if she could help it, given the orders of the Master. But she would do it, somehow.

"Please Miss. Eat like you normally would. I don't want to make this into an inhumane thing like most of the other stuff down here. If nothing else, I'll make the best food I possibly can to help.." she tried a friendly approach, showing away that side of her for the first time. Further showing that she cared, Shiina sat down next to the imprisoned noblewoman, hoping for the best.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The got her attention real fast. Zehasael must have dozed off, she realised, but that quickly became unimporant as she rushed over to press herself against the wall. How did they know? What did they know? She had to find out as much as possible, and then she'd come up with her next plan to neutralise the problem...


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Pressing her ear against the wall, it seemed to Zehasael that Fade was speaking to a rather dazed and confused Ayeka, who seemed to have just woken up.

"... --d what I'm saying? The demon must be contained. This will help to do so, but it will take time. You must try to rest and gather your strength. You must trust me, I come from a long line of people trained to deal with demons in all their forms. I know something of what is going on here, and you're not to blame. The others, they will be fine. No permanent harm has been done."

That had been Fade's voice. Ayeka was not saying anything in response as of yet, but Zeha could hear the pink-haired girl's soft moans, as if she were aching all over and shifting position.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

'The demon had to be contained'
'Long line of people trained to deal with demons'

Caught so soon? But how? It didn't matter, she didn't have time to consider that. Something had obviously happened, and somehow she had been blamed for it. Probably something to do with that damned spider, not that she needed an excuse. She ahd to act, but going off wildly would nto help things. No, she needed to be clever, the fairyw as one thing, but Fade was no easy prey, especially if he was a trained demon hunter.

As she pondered her options, she placed her ear back against the wall to listen in further, as her mind began to work. At present, her plan was to wait until Fade left, and then cornering the other maid, fnding out what she knew in order to give herself a better idea of the nature of the plot; and those responsible. She would have to be very careful...


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

(How much stress did I cause?)

Ayekas face grinned down at the two orgasming women, Kasumi who had a trio of tentacles pressing into her pussy, and Ariane who now had at least one in each hole. The possessed fairy gleefully ravaged the both of them, the entity controlling her and suppressing her true mind taking great joy in fulfilling its purpose. Her fiery orange eyes rolled up into the back of her head as the clumps of tentacle seed started making their way toward the two maids, the tendrils growing as the bulge of cum headed down, toward her victims waiting bodies. Even as she prepared to howl in victory as the bulges pressed past their nether lips, however, a sudden blinding light struck Ayeka, and instead of ecstasy, her scream was one of primal agony. Her tendrils spasmed and began immediately retracting back into her body, their dark packages spraying onto her unwilling partners bodies instead of inside of them, and painting Ariane and Kasumi white, before the fairy collapsed, seemingly back to normal, but naked and unconscious.

As she awoke to the sound of Fades voice, once more in control of her body, Ayekas eyes took a moment to refocus, before they began darting around in panic, finally settling on the butler. 'Oh no........ What have I done?' She stared at Fade for a moment, the memories coming back to her of how she'd lost control of herself and attacked Ariane, had raped her, and had then done the same to Kasumi when the other woman had tried to intervene. 'Mother... Father... Please, forgive me....' Shakily, Ayeka turned her chin up, and listened to what Fade had to say, the usually composed mans nearly panicked voice amplifying her fear, but some reserve of inner strength at least allowing her to quietly whisper; "What... Must I do..... To control it...." Every breath was sucked in painfully, and only now did Ayeka notice the agony that wracked her body, as though her flesh was being both burnt and at the same time torn apart from the inside.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Despite being raped, Kasumi's reactions were those of a woman lost in pleasure. Every time one of the three tentacles plunged into her, she let out a lust-filled moan until she was soon panting for breath. Her chest, while not quite as big as Ariane's, was bouncing with every thrust. As the demonic spunk started its way towards her, Kasumi felt her climax start to overtake her. Ariane's kiss pushed her over the edge, the silver-haired girl's back arching just as the white flash filled the room, the rain of hot, sticky, tentacle cum only pushing her climax further.

After her vision, and senses, returned, Kasumi looked up at Fade. She was very self-conscious and blushed deeply. Here she was, on a bed, under one of the other maids, both of the naked, covered in white spunk and both having just orgasmed. "Th-thank you Mister Fade..." She mumbled, looking away from the handsome butler... and straight into Ariane's tear-streaked face.

Putting her arms around the girl, Kasumi just hugged her, stroking her hair and whispering comforting sounds, very much like a mother comforting her child. A few minutes after Fade left, Kasumi brushed some of the tears from Ariane's cheeks. "I'm sorry I wasn't much of a help... How are you doing now?" Kasumi's voice was tender and caring, truely wanting to help and comfort Ariane.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Mom?With her tender words and that hug filled of love, Ariane soon get a little better to at least return from that dark place of her mind and be able answer her after a little moment, her hands soon hug harder, showing her great need of someone who could be at her side and saw the eyes of the silver haired girl. Shaking slowly her head before rest her head in Kasumi´s breasts said still making little whines and sobs. N-o, you saved me. If you havent tried to help me, i would have turned into... Ariane take a instant to take away that terrible image of her turned into a tentacle girl before add a little more sad I own you my life, please im so lonely in this house... and im usseles... i need you... I need you s much Kasumi... please be my friend...please. her eyes once again filled with even more tears get close the face of the silver haired girl. In this moment Ariane was really saying the truth, all her attemps have been ended in failure, even when she tried to make all right and tried to make a friend of Ayeka, this has ended very wrong for the poor arachne, she even forget for the moment the order of Gomon. I will do anything, just accept me as your friend...i beg you Ariane turn her hug in a soft embrance and waited for her answer


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

It kind of felt odd, to have another girl crying into her chest while both of them were naked, cum covered and exhausted after getting tentacle raped, but Ariane's honest pleas went straight to Kasumi's heart.

"Shhh... You're not useless Ariane. It's still only our first day, we're bound to make mistakes. But... I know what you mean about loneliness." Kasumi stroked Ariane's hair as she talked. Even though there were a great number of people in the mansion, Kasumi didn't think she could call any of the friends yet. Even Anya was a total mystery to the girl. Ariane... Kasumi hadn't had much of a chance to get to know her, until now.

"I'd love to have you as my friend, Ariane. It means a lot to me to have someone I can call a friend. If we have each other, we'll be able to last through anything that comes our way, I'm sure of it. Even being almost impregnated by tentacles." She joked the last part, hoping to bring a smile to the other girl's face.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Toy did a very strange thing and threw her arms around Shiina and sobbed into the girl's shoulder.

"I give in! I give in... please, tell your master to be kinder to me... I'll never do anything to harm him... I just can't stand to be treated like this anymore! I'm not a bad person! I'm not!"

The food sat untouched for the moment as the woman cried and tried to hold onto Shiina. Her body convulsing with sobs.


Fade stared down at Ayeka with sympathy in his eyes. It was the first time Ayeka had noticed anything but the steadfast indifference built in to the butler's facade. She realized that she was naked, but that her body was covered by her blankets. She was in her room in the servants' quarters.

"There's nothing you can do just now, except to rest and try to recover... but there is something that I can do and I've already begun the preparations. I'm going to do my best to ward this house against demonic influence. It should keep this problem at bay, and strengthen your natural resistance."

Ayeka felt as though there were something that Fade was not telling her, but the bulter simply caressed her hair and patted her head with a moist cloth. "You mustn't blame yourself, that's the most important thing," Fade told her. "You have already shown remarkable resistance - more than an untrained human could ever have managed. Kasumi... and perhaps Ariane... would both have been immediately corrupted. But the worst part is over. We've got the upper hand now."

He smiled, attempting to reassure her.

(he removes 6 stress, through comforting. You had dealt a total of 16 stress to the two maids, so you receive a net total of 10 stress now.)


In the next room, Zehasael picked up everything that was said, though she knew nothing about any incident or reason why Ayeka should blame herself for something involving demons. Something didn't add up, but what Fade said might certainly be a problem.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The princess sad face soon shine when she smiled after the answer of the silver haired maid. Yes, we will help each other to have a happy live here, if you need someone, no matter what it is, you can count on me Ariane said as get up and hug her with her head at the side of her shoulder. Of course, that she fell a little ashamed, but only to have her rear exposed, as she see the nakeness as something common after her childhood filled of naked human breeders.

Then she looking to Kasumi said still a little afected Well, lets take a shower and then lets end to clean this mess, we still have time before our master return. Ariane and Kasume stay together and even the spider let her take the clean bed sheet to go to the bathroom, as Ariane will take the dirty one after put on her underwear. She was sure that the human will dont feel bad if they take the bath together to earn time. Just then Ariane noted something Its true! I dont have other undamaged uniform, i will need to put on the damage one.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka recoiled slightly as Fade attempted to touch her forehead with the wet cloth, afraid that contact might bring about another surge of the demon within trying to take control, but she was too weak to move much, and relaxed against his touch as she felt nothing writhing inside of her. She remained impassive for a moment, but then managed a weak smile at the butlers praise of her resistance. She laid that way for several moments, trying to work up the courage to face the memories of what had happened. She looked at the butler calmly, her strange tiredness and weakness, accompanied by a healthy dose of pain, not at the moment concerned at her nudity, and glibly said; "You aren't telling me something." Her voice was a harsh whisper, and her face was almost a scowl, but not quite, as she looked at the butler with deep concern lining her face. Before he could respond, she continued; "I don't care what it requires of me..... I'll do anything to not ever do that to anyone ever again...... Whatever you plan to do, please, just tell me.... Please...."

Ayekas head slumped back into the pillow, the last of her energies momentarily spent, as she stares Fade down. As she laid there, she only then remembered that she hadn't yet thanked the butler, but didn't yet move to speak further.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The sudden breakdown took Shiina by surprise, and she started feeling somewhat bad at the woman once again. Despite never having witnessed things happen between the Master and Toy, she knew it had been terrible torture. "Well... I'm not sure if the Master will listen to me... but I can try speaking to him about that..." the newbie maid gave her reply to the pitiful woman, before holding onto her hand with one arm. "But... you still need to eat. I made it the best I could..." she continued, waiting to see what the woman would do next.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The more Zehasael heard, the more she calmed down, at least to an extent; as long as they were talking, she wasn't in danger of an attack and she was beginning to think more. What did Ayeka do that could be blamed on her? How did that one work? She certainly seemed to be taking responsibility for her actions, so there was more to this story than she knew and she needed more information in order to plot her moves. So she continued to listen.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Using one of the sheets to cover herself as they moved to the bathroom, Kasumi nevertheless kept looking around a little nervously. She wasn't sure if she had another uniform back in her room and trying to go about her duties buck naked was defiantly not possible for her. Kasumi was blushing furiously as she tried to move without being spotted by anyone other than Ariane and then a thought entered her head: What if Gomon saw her like this?! Although she found herself thinking she might die from the embarrassment, she also felt a different warmth spread through her body. Kasumi had to push these thoughts out of the way though, as, looking over her shoulder, she saw Ariane behind her, looking possibly even worse than herself. "C-come on, we're almost there." She said reassuringly and continued.

The baths for the maids were near their rooms, so on the other side of the mansion and down the stairs. To get there, they'd have to cross the grand entrance hall with nothing but bedsheets hiding their modesty. Swallowing hard as they came to the stairs, Kasumi led the way down. Luckily, everyone else was either busy or already in their room and the two of them made it through the wide open room without being seen. The path to the baths was much easier on their nerves, just at the end of the hall with their rooms.

Once inside, Kasumi sighed and let the sheet fall to the floor. "I'm so glad we wern't seen. I don't think I'd have been able to stand the embarrassment." Turning to Ariane, she smiled. "Let's get clean then worry about uniforms. I don't know if I've got a spare or not, but, if it fits you, you're welcome to use it. I think you're a bit... big though. Your breasts I mean!" Kasumi was afraid Ariane might have thought she was saying she was fat or something. The spider-maid's chest was larger than Kasumi's, probably enough that Ariane would have a hard time breathing in one of Kasumi's uniforms.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Leaving the cloth on Ayeka's forehead, Fade stood back from the fae maid and leaned against the far wall. His back was now about four inches away from Zehasael's ear on the opposite side of the wall.

The butler seemed to be considering his next words carefully, and at length he spoke again.

"The details are less important than you think. I'm going to ward your room against demonic presence. Once I'm done with that, I'll do my best to begin warding the whole house, starting with the places where you'll be doing most of your work. It should have a dampening effect on the demonic entity. I'm afraid I don't know how to ward living things, only true celestials - or other demons I suppose - can really do that sort of magic - and there's usually a cost. It will take a while, but hopefully I'll be able to ward most of the house within a week."


Toy sniffled wetly on Shiina's shoulder and did her best to muffle her sobs.

"Oh... oh yes, I'm sorry. I appreciate the food. I... I just... it's been so hard. I did what I did at the behest of my own house... to protect my family and their interests. It wasn't anything that he would have hesitated to do I'm certain. And yet, this..."

She made a sweeping gesture at herself and the cells and the door which led to the torture chamber.

"He's taking everything from me. Not from my house, but from me! Why must he be so... personal..."

She began to poke at her food, and smelling it, decided that it was better than most things that she had been fed recently, and began to take large bites, ignoring decorum in favor of getting more into her mouth at a faster pace.


The two maids arrived in the servant's bath, which was a communal pool big enough to perhaps fit five or six people comfortably. It had a water pump at the far end, and the water it disgorged was hot, likely from some hot spring beneath the mansion.

The bath could be filled after a couple minutes of pumping and soon the two maids were by themselves in the relaxing water, cleaning themselves of all the grime and demon essence that they had accumulated. The soothing water seemed to help both of them forget about what had just happened, just for the moment, as they were free to focus more on each other.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Aaah..." Kasumi let out a relaxed sigh as she slid into the hot waters. She just let herself soak for a bit before turning to Ariane. "Do you want me to help you wash? I feel kind of bad getting the waters dirty with this stuff... We'll probably have to clean it at some point too, but for now, we can relax for a bit." She waited to see if Ariane did want her assistance as Kasumi looked at her, smiling, the warm water lifting her spirits.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Yes, i guess than that will be something that would had purtsue us for a long time The princess also let fall her sheet and get close to the water. But then Kasumi said more and Ariane get blushed with the word big, thinking in her big sexy bump, it caused her make a little whine as she repeat weakly the word big? she quickly sit in a way to cover her ashamed place not getting worried to show her other parts. Oh my breasts, heh yes, they really are a pain sometimes, but your breasts are cute too, they have a round perfect size for your body.

Then Kasumi ask about help the spidergirl and with a nod Ariane said Of course, i will love it. Lets clean each other. It could help us to calm and relax even more fast, so we could pass a little more talking. So do you love something? Could you say me your preferences or maybe we must wait another moment to meet each other? said ashamed as she prepare all to clean the human with her soft touch.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka stared at the butler without any visible emotion as he spoke, and then for almost half a minute after. Finally, she hesitantly began to speak; "A week? I hope.... I hope that this situation does not repeat itself, in that amount of time. If there is anything that I can do.... Anything that might help me control it, or get rid of it entirely.... Please... Just tell me. I know you've already done a lot, and that you're doing all that you can, short of simply killing me."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The water was nice and warming and the two maids were able to bathe themselves in peace and quiet. The whole house seemed for the moment to be at total peace, in stark contrast to just half an hour ago, when everything was in complete chaos. Ariane and Kasumi were content to compliment one another on their bodily attributes and were free to share in whatever conversation they desired.

((Feel free to RP together for a short while. You'll be undisturbed for a bit.))


Fade sighed, bowing his head. When he looked up again, it was with sad, brooding eyes.

"There's a demon inside you. I can only guess at what type it is, but from what I saw, I think it is a Malephite. In the mortal realm, it's a possessor, a parasitic infernal essence that is anchored to its host. It's driven by a desire to breed and pass on its infestation. It's extremely fertile - any female capable of having children is susceptible to infection. That's what it was trying to do today, by attacking Kasumi and Ariane."

Fade took out from his suit pocket a carefully wrapped cloth, which he began to unfold. When he'd completed his task, the unwrapped cloth revealed a stick of blue chalk. Taking it between his fingers, Fade began to draw a circle on the floor. It did not escape Ayeka's notice that this circle seemed at first glance to be perfect - and yet Fade had drawn it free handed in one single stroke.

"I am drawing a seal," Fade said. "All you need to do to quell the beast within you is to simply pray while sitting within one of these circles. I will provide you with some cants that will activate the seal's link to the celestial realm. It is important that you reach one of these seals if you feel yourself become exhausted or weakened. The Malephite caught you off guard last time, but now you will be more prepared to fight it, and if you can recite the cants while within these seals you'll be able to bury the thing deep within you for a time."

He continued to draw, and Ayeka noted unfamiliar script forming in a ring just inside the circle. Fade was also drawing lines within the circle, seven of them, creating a septagon.

"As for a more permanent solution - I'm afraid that would require you to journey back to the place where the demon was spawned - which in your case, I've a feeling is not an easy place to get to?"