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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I apologize for not being there last night, power went out, at a family member's house leeching their power and internet until it comes back. Would appreciate someone PM'ing me what all happened last night so I can know what to expect this week.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Second session:

Apart from the weird creature the night went uneventfully. In the morning it was decided that Keats and Xavier, being the ones with aerial capacity, should try to find the missing people. After spotting a trail leading to a nearby forest, Xavier continues to follow the trail(we'll return to that later) and Keats returns back to the camp, just in time to meet the new arrivals, Redhand and Azieru. Keats immediately recruits them to help with finding the lost ones and after a brief conversation, it's decided that five will go forth, while Petunia acts responsibly and guards the camp in case something will decide to attack again and Byzat goes to wrestle a bear, then kills it, takes the meat and makes a new coat out of its fur. Or so I assume.

And so the merry quintet consisting of Azieru, Isidien, Islona, Keats and Redhand go on their way towards the forest without hurry, all but Keats without mounts, so the going is rather slow. In the idle chatter Keats aims to keep going to entertain herself and the others nothing much comes up, except that Azieru has no experience outside cities, but has certainly read about forests, is a librarian and carries traps around. Oh, and Redhand is certainly nothing but a nickname. Nothing mystical about it. At all. Introductions get made, too. Oh, and Azieru hopes for excitement. You know, the life threatening kind. Keats is a little more cynical about that(or at least pretends to be). Eventually everyone (except Keats, who's more interested in imagining everyone else naked) notices something strange about the lightning. The kind of strange that suggests trouble. Keats and Redhand pick up the pace, leaving everyone else behind. Eventually they arrive at the clearing surrounding a village...

Meanwhile, Xavier has gone ahead and followed the tracks, arriving at the village(same village, about twenty minutes ago). Seeing his (ex-)companions unconscious and tied to a huge tree. Xavier gets mad at the tree for imprisoning his friends and challenges the tree to a duel. He actually starts well, or at least scores the first blood(sap?). But of course, as was shown last session, things are rarely that simple. You see, the village isn't empty. It's full of ogres. One of whom is a quite powerful shaman. So Xavier and his mount get a face full of lightning. Xavier, with his honor so far up his ass that it intersects with his brains, decides to take on the entire ogre village, with maybe a little help from his unconscious friends. He gets two more hits of lightning and manages to score a solid hit himself against the shaman. The shaman casts a spell dropping him out of air. Realizing that maybe he isn't winning after all, Xavier decides to try a sneaky getaway. Apparently he isn't so good at sneaky, though, as both he and his bird get a face full of clubs. Xavier gets to join his unconscious friends and the roc is confined, too.

Redhand and Keats see the situation and decide to observe until others arrive. Redhand catches parts of a conversation, hinting at the power of the shaman as well as involvement of some other power¹. Keats manages to hear the shaman casting healing spells inside a tent.

The others arrive, and a whispered planning session takes place. A plan emerges. Keats and Redhand are to distract the ogres while the other three free prisoners. Afterwards, everyone still alive presumably runs and hopes that the ogres don't follow. Or the ogres are slaughtered, possibly. Somehow the plan didn't include that part.

Everyone gets in their places and Keats starts the planned distraction. Being the coward she is, she decides that she'd rather not have the ogres attack her, so she makes some illusionary chanting come from elsewhere. That happens to be where he moments earlier conveniently told Azieru to place some traps. Majority of the ogres charge in but unfortunately that's not enough, as seven out of 18 still remain. Redhand gets two more to come after him by using a smokestick. Meanwhile, Islona waits for an opportune moment and the sneaks get closer. As the shaman has come out of his tent, Keats decides that he might make a nice tentacles, so she summons some. The tentacles also catch three( or possibly four?) other ogres, leaving one free. Isidien backstabs the remaining ogre and Azieru follows up by attacking the shaman, having drawn her own conclusions from the plan...

And that's where we left. We gained two new party members, but one got captured. He's not dead(yet), though, so...qualified success?

¹ Exact words, in case it's of importance: "The ogres seemed to be talking about a meal they were preparing, and how good hunting had been since their new shaman had taken over, and made a deal with someone whom Redhand couldn't quite catch the name of"
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Ah, so that's what happened after I passed out (in character and out of character, sorry about that!)

Thanks for the summery. I ended up finding myself asleep before I realized it. I think I feel asleep and then typed something saying I was out, I don't even remember.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Have we a set time for this week? Friday, Saturday? Same time?

I'd also like to know if we would like to bother moving the room. Rizon apparently doesn't allow bots, so we wouldn't be able to have one in the room to roll on unless we switch to a different server.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

We haven't yet set another time, but Saturday honestly works a little bit better for me, and we more or less have to start late in order to have everyone.

Does anyone object to the idea of switching servers? If no one does, we can do it on some server that supports a dicebot.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm alright with a change in servers, especially if it gives us a dicebot to work with. Perhaps then I will have more luck than currently with my rolls, t'would be nice :D
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I used darkmyst at one point for tabletop gaming, it's a server mostly for D&D stuff, iirc.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

*shrugs* Personally, I'm fine without the dicebot, but then, I have a king's fortune in dice sitting around my house. Just link me around gametime and it's all good. Also, Saturday's fine by me.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Ohwait. I haven't managed to get the dicebot working on other irc servers, so it's probably not a problem with Rizon, but with the bot itself and/or between the seat and keyboard on my end.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

hehe, PEBCAK issue XD

I haven't tried anything myself, but you seem like you have it together well enough, i think it's on Rizon's end. have some time right now, may just go and check out that other IRC that was mentioned.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Nah, tried it on the dicebot's default irc.esper.net and that darkmyst place. No dice at either accidentally a pun.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

no problem with a dicebot, as well. I might not be able to make it this saturday, but I'll try.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

If by tomorrow there's no dice bot ready, I'll just script one up in MIRC and we can use that... for now though super sleepy cause I'm about to leave the house... in hlaf an hour... and I haven't slept yet.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So, do we have a link to the new IRC thingie? If not, you'll find me in the usual BaconRoom sometime around start, unless i get too sidetracked playing the new Earth Defense Force :D
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So, I'm sorry to make this announcement, but I have to cancel tonights session of this game. I don't want to do this, but IRL drama and exhaustion have mixed together to ensure that I won't be able to play tonight.

I'd like to apologize to all of you, particularly since this announcement comes so late. :|

I will be able to play next week, however. I won't be doing what has caused these problems next week Saturday.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

It's all right, Tass. It happens. Trust me, I'm the last person that'd bitch you out for IRL drama invading gamestuffs. Do what you need to do and get back to us when you can. It's all good.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

No worries, Tass.

Actually, sommat came up with me as well. I'd still have been able to play, but my attention would have been a little divided. :x
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

It was only that day. I worked from 8 in the morning until 2, and then did something of which I will not speak further, but resulted in minor burns on my arms, face and torso. Then, on the way home, I get a text from a friend saying that the apartment I'd just helped them move into was infested with roaches, and they needed a place to stay for a night.

All is well now, however.