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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Wow, that's some list, yep. I spent the whole time playing my new video game, so I didn't much mind. Good luck with all that!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

It was only that day. I worked from 8 in the morning until 2, and then did something of which I will not speak further, but resulted in minor burns on my arms, face and torso. Then, on the way home, I get a text from a friend saying that the apartment I'd just helped them move into was infested with roaches, and they needed a place to stay for a night.

All is well now, however.

I told you making love to the clothes iron was a bad idea.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Okay, so since I completely forgot to check the shoutbox after I asked yesterday, game is still tonight right? I have my LARP to go to, but I'm going to do my best to duck out early, so I should be on time. If I'm not, my next round I'm going to tumble around the ogre to qualify for skirmish and hit him with another sneak attack, ignoring the bleeding for now and instead giving myself an extra 4 AC for that round. Whether or noit that downs it, I'm going to try and cut the prisoners free the round after that, then get the hell outta dodge, as I'm way to squishy to become the focus of attention.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

It's still on for tonight.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Alright, Byzat has a heavy weapon, speaks in a Russian accent, and came into last session with hats for everyone. On the other redhand, I am massive and can punch out all your blood. With +7 cooking, I suppose my sandviches aren't too bad...


You win this time, Occam.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So, who's going to write the summary this time?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Eh, I guess if no one's going to write it, I'll write it, although I'm going to be doing things slightly differently.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

3rd Session

Excerpt from the diary of Azieru Laenielalith, titled [My second day of traveling!]

...We continued on our plan to assault the ogre village and to rescue the friends of the people the monk and I found on the road. The ogres were putrid creatures that were not so eager about us trying to save the people tied up to the pole in the middle of the village (It was a tree really!). Then Islona, oh, she's the cleric of the group, I forgot to mention her! She summoned a swarm of wasps that stung at the ogres, although for some reason they didn't notice, I think it's cause they're too stupid! The drow... ah... what was her name... shot a ray of fire at one of the ogres, then the big guy, Redhand, who was hiding in some trees, told me that at that point some ogres saw him, so he ran out and started fighting them with his fists!

Y'know, diary, I don't claim to be the smartest person out there, but I'm pretty sure what happened next wasn't normal, some of the ogres suddenly exploded! And not in the good way either, they just exploded! And their stomach had teeth! Here, I'll draw you a picture so we don't forget what it looked like!


Anyway! Some nasty gas came out of them, and the other elf got sick, but I was okay! I shot at the leader, and he melted away, and I thought with their leader dead, they would start running, but ah! How naive I was! The other elf did a crazy roll and stabbed the ogre, and then the drow blinded one of the ogres fighting Redhand... oh! Right! Her name was Keats! Islona shot at an ogre, then Redhand kept punching. All the sudden, one of the ogres grabbed me, and it really hurt! I squirmed out of it's reach and ran away, after all, there were two of them after me! The other elf was more lucky, and she stabbed the ogre, then suddenly, frogs everywhere! I think Keats made them appear, but yeah... as strange as it sounds diary, frogs everywhere! Islona then made the ogres start to run away with some blast of energy, some kind of holy channeling I think... then Redhand tells me he smashed one of the ogre's legs, and it exploded too!

With nothing in range, I quickly moved in to free the friends of the people I was traveling with, and a bunch of us gathered around to help them up and stuff, I met Xavier at that point, he's some kind of mounted knight, I think. He's... not much smarter than an ogre, I think. Or just an incredibly unlucky man. Or maybe both! Suddenly this crazy guy smashes through the treeline and bashes one of the ogres closer to us, and past Redhand! I took the opportunity to quickly stab at the ogre, after all, who would give up such a good chance? Then Redhand finished the last ogre, and to prevent the returning ogres from reaching us, Islona made a wall of thorns to protect us from them!

Then... Byzat, the crazy man, who was a friend of the people we met, said... ... ... I don't want to write it here diary, I won't soil your pages with it. I panicked... I didn't want to hear... why... why... just thinking about it... diary, I'll write the rest of this later, okay? Just thinking about it, I...


[My second day of traveling! Part 2]

Redhand came over to check if I was okay, and I told him yes, after all, I promised I wouldn't say anything about it. Father and mother would be angry at me! Byzat began handing out bear hats, I still have mine on me, it's very warm... And then, something really funny happened! There was a locked chest, and the other elf tried to pick it, and I think I saw something funny and was going to say it, then the chest exploded! Kaboom! And the mounted knight from earlier, he almost blew up too (And he was half naked cause he was trying to put his armor on)! Here diary, I'll draw that for you too!


He had to be healed again! Afterwards, we began to talk about leaving the place...

<Page ripped>

[Appended note: These memories and writings are disruptive to Azieru. As soon as she has returned, please ensure that she does not remember any of these things. -Signed, Priestess of Andirifkhu]
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Those drawings are made of win. That is all.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Double post, but this requires a bump. My birthday party is on Saturday, so I won't be able to run this on Saturday this week. I could try running on Friday again, if people were open to that idea, but otherwise, we'd be waiting another two weeks.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm up for Friday.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Suits me.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Friday's good for me, yep.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Should be good for Friday. If things change, will let you know.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Friday works for me. Although I'll be up in Maine all weekend. I'll have my laptop, but I'll give a 50/50 on internet connection and capability to spare the time. I hope to make it though.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

((First off, sorry bout the ego-centricity, she's telling stories to the people that hero-worship her, she's going to embellish it a little. Just picture her sitting on a chair surrounded by dirty children, making big hand motions and all that other stuff that wows kids, and you'll get the idea. Here goes!))

Alright kiddies, gather round! Food's done, time to continue the story before bed!

So, where did we leave off last time, hmm? Of course, the camp full of ugly ogres. Well then!

We had just finished taking all they had to steal, while they stood there on the other side of Islona's Spell-conjured bramble wall. We didn't want to stick around and kill them all, so we took our leave with the people we had come to save and made our way back to the caravan with them.

Turns out, half of the other guards and drovers chickened out and left while we were gone. Don't ask me why they thought it was safer to split up and walk back on their own, but that's life, sometimes. Islona worked her magic and fixed up the prisoners and the few others of us that got hurt, but a couple of guards and maybe Stephen himself didn't take it that well. They blew it off with some shlick story about how bad the creatures smelt, which trust me, was terrible. Worse even than that dwarf who passed out drunk on our doorstep last week! Keep it in mind though, it's important later. *wink wink*

There was enough people left to keep the entire caravan going, so that's exactly what we did. Stephen was put in a caravan to rest, and Petunia decided to stay in there and keep an eye on him. Things went smoothly for an hour or two, three at most, when Xavier started waving down at us from his bird and pointing. The ogre-things that we had decided not to finish off decided on their own they hadn't had enough the first time, and had come to try and even the score. We all hopped off the wagons to stop the mean beasties, Petunia too even. The caravan kept going, no sense keeping them around to get beat on so even more of them would run away.

Islona and I started peppering them with arrows while they were still a ways off, Byzat and Redhand took lead positions, and Azeiru and Petunia found spots to hide and ambush from. Xavier kept to the sky, and Keats joined him up there, raining spells from up there. Once they got a bit closer I pulled out Shimmer and the fight really began.

Az snuck up and hit one in the side, beastie got angry and tried to strangle her. Redhand went to help, and together they reduced it to strips of Ogre-bacon. Meanwhile, Byzat was swinging wide and fast as I slid to the side to pull the same stunt Az did. Keats staggered their ranks with his favourite spell, the Black Pool of Wriggling Death, magic is a wonderful thing, and the X-man starting punching holes in them with his lance. Islona worked her godly magic and did other neat stuff, while I stuck one of the Ogre's attacking Byzat in the side.

The next wave hit and things really began to get dicey, Big B and I had four on us, while three more circled around us and went for Islona. they started popping again, like the last ones at the camp had, and one of them managed to clamp down on Miss Issy, trying to swallow her whole!

Well, we wouldn't have any of that! Azeiru and Redhand came back from finishing off their ogres, Az did the finishing touches to the last one Byzat and I were dealing with, and Redhand went further back to pummel the one swallowing our dear Cleric. I ran back there and finished it off, diving Shimmer into it so far Islona still claims it popped out the other side and took a bit of her hair off! Needless to say, it died, and the last two followed shortly once we all ganged up on them.

Now... Oh wait, I think it's getting rather late, don't you? Hey now, don't give me that, everyone needs their rest, final cleanup and off to bed, all of you! The Old One's home, I'll keep watch on the door tonight, Clontarf will wake up early to take over, he's next oldest. Shoo, shoo, more of the story tomorrow night!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Thank you Shrike, for the recap of last games events! XD

General notice: Gaming is set for Saturday night this weekend, but I may be unable to make it. I have a wedding to go to (not mine) and if I'm not on either here or in the BaconRoom by 1:30 AM, assume that I'm probably not going to show up.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

You're welcome! And okie dokie, have fun!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Everyone in the party should either be at level 9 and 80 exp, in the case of Redhand, Byzat, Azieru and Xavier, or at level 10 and 0 exp, in the case of everyone else.