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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So in the interests of speeding up the next session, what are we going to do? Stay in the city and be watched where ever we go? Get out and forget about the plague? Something else?

Keats' vote is going to be for getting out, but I suppose some of the good aligned members might disagree.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm kinda for staying and trying uh another lead to fuck this plague up, but as we are evidently not that hot at the whole "investigation" thing, that it'd probably be a pretty fruitless endeavor. :\
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'd say you should be able to ask around towards the first victim and such without too much trouble. Isi has one more thing she wants to try with buddy mcfuckerton the necromancer, but if it fails, she's likely dead, so she's not gonna drag the rest of the party into it. Gives me something to do during this newest separation, more like it XD

I really should start to play nice summore...
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I can see IC reasons to both stay and go. Given the way Islona is aligned, both alignment and god-wise, though, she'd be hard pressed to leave with the plague still ravaging the streets. Pursuing the other lead might be a good idea.

Part of me wants to have a chat with the wizard again, but one, not so soon after the incident, and two, maybe digging around the other leads might be good. I sort of want to find out if we were set up or if our prisoner buddy is on to something and we were just in over our heads. There's several things that the wizard spouted off that just don't jive, mostly because of lack of information IC.

One of the biggest things is his spouting off about having the clerics on retainer. I/Islona wants to find out that, if that's the case, is he paranoid about losing the pregnant lady again or *why* couldn't she be raised after being killed by this guy?

The other thing is, whether or not it is a set up. Of course, Zone of Truth was active when he was talking, but at the same time, if you *believe* it's the truth, then it doesn't show up as a lie. Going and talking to the wizard again would mean tipping our hand about knowledge of the existence of the greycloaks, and thus letting our enemy know that we're on to them. But if he's being set up, too, we might gain an ally.

Another thing that's sticking in the craw is that if he thought Byzat was the only threat, even if the rest of us didn't put down our weapons, he still f'ing breathed on us! *grumbles* Anyway, that's my two cents on the matter. If we do talk to him, I'll try to come up with a reason to not split the party overmuch, though I don't know how he'd feel about meeting with *all* of us, if he'd even do so at all. Granted, he could bring his own bodyguards, but still, it's the idea of it.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I won't give anything more away on the subject, but there is a valid reason that she wasn't raised. And he had the dragon breath on all of you because he wanted to weaken or kill you to the point that you'd all surrender.

There are channels available to you to try and meet with him again, if you can convince they mayor or one of the other nobles to vouch for you. That'd take some convincing, but you haven't been kicked out of the Diamond District yet.

Also, meeting time for the good guys this week? Saturday work for everyone?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Should be good.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

As an addendum, I have made plans for this Sunday and will offline for the whole day.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Saturday is fine.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So you've said, but IC, we don't know that, so... And yeah, we only got kicked out of the mayor's house, not the whole district. Still, probably best if we cool our heels for a while and look into some of the other leads before we go back to him, anyway.

And yes, far as I know, Saturday's fine, heh.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

4 days =/= Double post.

Okay, firstly...Roll call for Saturday? I know it's early, but I'm here now, so let's get the roll rolling.

Also, for the Saturday group: Islona is going to be Communing to talk to Erastil with regard to the plague and the curse. It is feasible for the group to catch her before she heads out and does this (though she will be Communing privately) so if anyone can think of questions to ask with regard to our current situation that can be answered with a Yes or a No (some short answers are possible, but let's not push our luck.), you can either submit them here or PM them to me sometime before the next game session, as Tass and I would like to get this out of the way and not eat into gametime.

I should also make note that when one Communes, you are talking to your god, so to better get the questions answered, making them relevant to his interests is probably a good thing. Erastil, for those that need a refresher, is the god of farming, hunting, trade, and family.

Thank you,
Your friendly neighborhood healbot
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Roll Call for group 2

Current Options:
Friday Night
Saturday before Group 1
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Roll Call for group 2

Current Options:
Friday Night
Saturday before Group 1

Can we try something a little earlier in the day? I'm not available Friday evening, but Saturday afternoon would be perfect.

Also, Tass, we need to have a quick session to wrap up Zargeeth's expedition to the rich folk's tomb.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'd also prefer earlier in the day Saturday, if the three of you can make it. And if you're going to be available after 3, we can deal with Zargeeth's current adventures today. Otherwise, shoot for tomorrow.

Also, I think it's about time we get ourselves a forum for this.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Today I'm at work until 5pm, which means spotty time available. I get home at around 6:45 pm, quickly eat, the run a game for Blarg at 7pm. I may be able to do it then, at the same time, unless Blarg gets really needy tonight. :V
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Alright we'll try, and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out.