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Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Akana was growing weary of this scene... It's horrible efect on her, and the terrible logic that these fairys brought to the table... She had to get out from that area lest be stained with a lingering perception of twisted fairy logic... Surely not all fae are so... Bloodthirsty as to put the very forest in danger with such a mass slaughter... It's sure to effect the forest adversely...

Hunt to your hearts content now... And watch the forest suffer under famine later... How could there be such fools among the elders of a circle?

Akana let out a bitter sigh and was about to walk off without another word, clearly disgusted with the way things have turned out, whenshe saw that Dryad who had helped her earlier...

The Dryad was walking towards the tree and knelt down before the almost charred looking blackened bark

(What's... She doing?)

Then producing an ornate wand she begins her prayer...

(Is... Is she trying to heal the tree? Is that even possible?)

Akana takes another look at the condition of the tree

(Its still alive after that...?)

Then with a sifting pat to the nearby soil she sprung up and begun her long strode away...

Akana jogged after her a bit, a gnawing at her... It didn't sit right to be helped and not return the favor...

"Wait! Kindly Dryad! Wait!"

After getting her attention Akana starts in "This tree... If... If it can be healed... Then... Maybe if we try it together?"

Akana digs in a small pouch for her own wand, her prevous anger nearly all but forgotten in this new focus... If she can help something... Even if it's a tree... It wouldn't have been a total waste... And she could repay her debt to the dryad at the same time if it worked...
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, MBS)

As the Dryad cast her magics upon the tree, an influx of pain shot out from it. While her spell may have been designed to restore life and health to those touched by it, for some reason it only seemed to heighten the pain she could feel resonating from it. It was... wrong. Such things should not happen as a result of this spell, yet here it was, wrenching pain as the restorative energies were poured into it.

The group of fae had long since moved on, leaving the trio alone in the forest.
The Ursa Hunt (Keylo)

As the group of huntsmen faeries moved away from the site of travesty, Eliare pursued after them. Unlike her softer kin and the other forest dwellers, she understood the necessity of this act, that something needed to be done, rather than to sit around waiting for more horrors to be committed. And she hoped that this grim necessarily would flush out some clues to track down the true culprit. The first step of the process would be to try and narrow down what kind of creature would be capable of commanding control over the Ursa, although short of finding one under influence the odds were hardly favourable. Still, as the ursa numbers dwindled, the likelihood of the one responsible being flushed out increased.

Before long, the group reached a cave, the home of the ursa nearest to the more recent attack and gathered not far from the entrance, discussing their plan of attack. It was up to Eliare if she would join in, or even scout the area beforehand, or simply wait until they had finished their work before investigating.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Well, if you wanted, you can sketch me. I'd be happy to pose for you," Satuma said. "Then you wouldn't have to worry about me moving and suddenly having to rely on your memory."

It seemed as though the young male was starting to loosen up. He just needed to get a little practice with social graces. He had such a low opinion of himself that he didn't realize how to simply let go and have a good time. Satuma had always wondered why so many of the other smart students at her university had been like that.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

He eyes her carefully and tilts his head this way and that, studying her. "I could do that," he said softly. "But you would have to sit very still and do what I ask you to do."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma smiled charmingly. "You mean follow orders and stand at attention? I'm a soldier, Soren. Those are my specialties."

She drew herself up and stretched to loosen her muscles. Her left arm which Azalia had healed was still a bit numb, but that was better than having pain and torn muscle tissue.

"So, how do you want me?" she asked.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

He sputtered at the implications of her words for a moment and after taking several deep breaths and fighting a blush, "Can we do this tomorrow night? I still have to write out everything that happened today. Including sketching those rock wolves." he added wryly.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma covered her mouth to hide her smile. She hadn't even meant her words to have such a double-entendre, but it was telling to see how Soren reacted to it. Poor guy.

"Oh. Okay then. By all means, let's not get in the way of proper documentation," she said, slyly, before lifting herself up and slithering off to her own tent for the night.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

A day later, the group had made their way out of the mountains, leaving the pack of Rock Wolves behind and following the trail down, beginning across the land on the far side of the range. The land here seemed... different... less fertile, less welcoming; those who had studied the last shadowfall would recall that the lands here remained scarred by the touch of the Accursed, which grow worse, the closer one got to the city of Dracholt. Indeed, the path they followed headed that way, although they would not be following it all the way to the city.

Consulting the Professor's map regularly, the group eventually set off from the trail, heading out over the scarred plains and gentle rolling hills, covered in sickly looking wild grass. Nath put down trail markers at regular intervals to ensure they would not have difficulty returning, but conversation here was hushed, the entire area felt somehow wrong to them.

Eventually, a shape became visible on the horizon, by appearance a ruined stone structure, off in the distance. "The ruins..." Jontus murmured, a mixture of awe and glee in his voice, but to everyone else, the dark silhouette looked less than comforting.
A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

On the night of the first day out of the mountains, the group set camp just off the trail upon the somewhat sickly looking grass. It was not the most comfortable of campsites, that much was certain, the landscape seemed to promote a gloomy atmosphere.

Still, by nightfall, a certain pair had a promise to keep...
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

Satuma cleared her throat outside of Soren's tent. "Hey there, Soren. You there? Mind if I come in?"

It had been another day of long travel and rock wolves hounding on their trail. Satuma had been on watch in the rear the whole day and had spent no time with Soren since their last talk last night. Most of her marching had been solitary at the far end of the group. Soren meanwhile had been busy scribbling in his journal.

She hoped that he wasn't having reservations about any of this.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

He sticks his head out of his tent with a broad smile. "Of course I'm here, where else would I be? Come in, come in."

The inside of his tent is sparsely decorated with a folding table set up in one corner and a bedroll that served as a pillow in another corner. The tent was big enough to stretch out in, as Soren preferred to have plenty of room. He eyed the space and gestured to the corner with the bedroll. "You can sit over there for a moment while I get my pencils out."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren was busily sketching the sight before them and clamped down on his feelings of dread, trying to somehow capture it in his art. He was glad to finally be there, but couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was going to happen, and it was somehow going to be the professor's fault.
Re: A Nighttime Rendezvous (Blueslime, Chibi)

Satuma fiddled with her hair as she took a seat on Soren's bedroll. She didn't actually know how this sort of thing worked. She wanted to look good. She smoothed out her clothes and then rested her hands on what the bipeds might call her "lap." Lamians had taken to calling the front bit of the upper extremity of their tails a lap as well, just to conform to common tongue vernacular.

She watched Soren collect his pencils, but felt oddly shy all of a sudden. Someone was going to be studying her very intently in a few moments, and she had to fight the urge to hide herself with her arms and hands. She kept her palms flat on her upper tail 'lap' and pushed slightly against it in order to resist the urge to cover up.

She put on a brave smile to disguise her apprehension.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma felt the unease in the air and within herself as she gazed upon the distant city of Dracholt. She'd never been to this region before, and fear of the unknown began to sink its tiny claws into her mind. She looked to the veteran Nath for comfort and reassurance, and finding it in his stoic gaze, she redoubled her own efforts to appear as a proper soldier, not just for herself, but for the civilians on the expedition as well, who expected her to protect them.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Celine suddenly felt very small. She stiffened up, all the attention making her freeze even more. Fortunately the movements of the crowd and the continued conversation prevented her mind from blanking entirely. She slowly crept through the crowd, trying to be non-threatening and appear as if she was cooperating, but really she was veering off towards the only other that seemed to avoid being enchanted. She didn't get too close, though, for fear of arousing suspicion, and did her best to maintain a calm posture. Her options didn't seem all that great, but when the woman turned again to leave, she quickly decided to follow suit. She was pretty sure her lack of confidence wasn't visible, but the other was clearly much more composed. Imitation might get her somewhere.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan's lips curled upwards hungrily as Saerus's words flitted across her mind. "Yes... he has. And he moaned...," she said, words a sensual purr as she slowly lifted her gaze towards Etiel.

"Besides, life and death or not. We do have to wait for the scouts,"
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

"I'll keep my voice in check then," Nae comments, looking at the Nekomata. She wasn't sure exactly what he thought he ha to gain from helping them, but she'd give him the benefit of the doubt right now. They didn't have a lot of options now.

She ran her eyes back over the crowd, trying to remember what the other man had looked like. If he wasn't here then she didn't know where they could find him. It wasn't like they had any more defining features to go on. With the whole village seemingly against them It didn't seem like turning back now would do them any favours either.

Nae flicked her eyes back at the elven leader, having been about to relay Keti's request to get the names of the three men that had dark hair. "So asking for the names of the dark haired elves here would be out of the question then?"
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

"Yes, but the window of opportunity is not guaranteed to last, not to mention what if something goes wrong and we need to get away in a hurry?" he responds, sounding somewhat exasperated, annoyance coming to the fore rather than lust. His sister simply exchanged a naughty glance with Meaghan, her hand sliding out of the front of her pants, fingers coated in her own fluids, which she slowly and suggestively licked clean, giving a short, lustful laugh.

She then slowly slunk to her feet, strutting over to Etiel once more, slowly, backing him up against the wall, even as he gave her a stern look. She leaned in, pressing herself against him and reached down behind slightly. "Brother, you know I can never get enough of you..." she says softly, barely audible to Meaghan across the room. "And you know I hate it when you give yourself to others... and especially when you won't give me what I deserve!"

At the last word, a look of sudden shock crossed the young man's face, for she had given a sudden jerk with her hands, wrapped around him. Surprise yielded to a combination of pain and panic, and he looked back to see what had happened. "No... what have you done... you stupid... bitch..." he gasped out, as the veins in his body began to rise to the surface, sticking out all over his visible body and face and he began to visibly shake. Saerus sunk to her knees and tugged down his pants, taking a bulging member into her mouth eagerly with a gleeful laugh. "Run..." he gasped out, desperately looking to Meaghan. "Run... now...". Already, his skin was changing colour, the pale colour turning dark, the fangs in his mouth growing larger, his very jaw changing shape. He twisted slightly, trying to point down the tunnel that his chosen courier should take and she caught a glimpse of a blade in his lower back; the handle made of ornately winding silver and the blade itself pure black, smoking with foul looking energies.

Pulling off his length, Saerus looked up with a smile. "Now we can be together, forever..." she told him softly.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

But the crowd did not part.

"Uh uh uh," came the singsong voice of the would-be goddess. "Didn't anyone every teach you two manners? It'd be rude to leave the party so early and we can't have that, can we?"

"Can't have that. Stay and dance," the crowd began to chant, as gradually but noticeably their individuality drained away, shifting from all delivering a similar message their own one into the one, uniform chant, all at once. They formed a fight circle around the pair, who at least found themselves together, but the situation was not looking good for them.