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Mahou Shoujo Elena

Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

Hmm.. not much information about it.. Not sure if it can help me.
You see, whenever i tried torrenting, my ISP throttled my line for 4 days in a row.

It blocks a massive amount of connections that will look into what you have been doing. So if you ISP is looking at your line, all they're going to see is that you have X amount of bytes coming in. They won't be able to tell if it is a torrent or if you're just streaming something from netflix.

I start that up every time I torrent now days for security's sake.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

It blocks a massive amount of connections that will look into what you have been doing. So if you ISP is looking at your line, all they're going to see is that you have X amount of bytes coming in. They won't be able to tell if it is a torrent or if you're just streaming something from netflix.

I start that up every time I torrent now days for security's sake.

Well, not really. Peerblock will block the RIAA/MPAA from using another torrent peer to see if you're downloading the file. This is basically a firewall with a special blacklist - it'll prevent you from connecting to certain computers known to be performing that particular activity. The lists are maintained by Peerblock, and will only be updated as often as Peerblock is updated as a result. Likely, any blacklist they have is already woefully out of date, as the MPAA/RIAA were known a couple years ago to change IPs frequently to avoid this issue.

What Peerblock won't do is prevent your ISP from seeing what those packets of data contain; they are almost always not encrypted, and can easily be recognized when using deep packet inspection - which is the way every ISP that uses traffic shaping does it nowadays.

A great analogy to understand this is to postcards. An unencrypted packet is really just like a postcard, since there is nothing to prevent someone from seeing the text you write on it. Imagine you have a dedicated pipe for your postcards to be directly delivered to your house from the post office.

The organization providing that pipe can either see what you do with your postcards by sending you special postcards every once in a while to see what you do with them, or they can automatically scan them all at the central station, know who is sending it (since it has a return address), and see who you're sending it to, and what it says. The scanning option is far easier, can be implemented on a much larger scale, and is the way an ISP handles torrent traffic.

Peerblock would prevent the first way, since it'd stop you receiving mail from the pipe's provider (if the list was up to date), but not the second way, since you still have unencrypted mail coming and going through the pipe provider.

The way to stop the second scenario from happening is using encrypted connections. Encryption changes the data so it's unrecognizable. One of the easiest ways to explain encryption is the Caesar Cipher. Julius Caesar used this to communicate with his generals. Wikipedia has a good image for it, but it's simple enough. Take any letter, and shift it so many off from the original alphabet. Example:


Modern encryption is way better, but the idea is the same - make the message gibberish to someone who doesn't know the code to decrypt it. When you do this, deep packet inspection fails, and your traffic cannot be read by the party between you and the other person you're sending/receiving messages from. Unfortunately, most people don't really use encryption on torrent traffic, so you're basically SOL on throttling.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

Well, not really. Peerblock will block the RIAA/MPAA from using another torrent peer to see if you're downloading the file. This is basically a firewall with a special blacklist - it'll prevent you from connecting to certain computers known to be performing that particular activity. The lists are maintained by Peerblock, and will only be updated as often as Peerblock is updated as a result. Likely, any blacklist they have is already woefully out of date, as the MPAA/RIAA were known a couple years ago to change IPs frequently to avoid this issue.

What Peerblock won't do is prevent your ISP from seeing what those packets of data contain; they are almost always not encrypted, and can easily be recognized when using deep packet inspection - which is the way every ISP that uses traffic shaping does it nowadays.

A great analogy to understand this is to postcards. An unencrypted packet is really just like a postcard, since there is nothing to prevent someone from seeing the text you write on it. Imagine you have a dedicated pipe for your postcards to be directly delivered to your house from the post office.

The organization providing that pipe can either see what you do with your postcards by sending you special postcards every once in a while to see what you do with them, or they can automatically scan them all at the central station, know who is sending it (since it has a return address), and see who you're sending it to, and what it says. The scanning option is far easier, can be implemented on a much larger scale, and is the way an ISP handles torrent traffic.

Peerblock would prevent the first way, since it'd stop you receiving mail from the pipe's provider (if the list was up to date), but not the second way, since you still have unencrypted mail coming and going through the pipe provider.

The way to stop the second scenario from happening is using encrypted connections. Encryption changes the data so it's unrecognizable. One of the easiest ways to explain encryption is the Caesar Cipher. Julius Caesar used this to communicate with his generals. Wikipedia has a good image for it, but it's simple enough. Take any letter, and shift it so many off from the original alphabet. Example:


Modern encryption is way better, but the idea is the same - make the message gibberish to someone who doesn't know the code to decrypt it. When you do this, deep packet inspection fails, and your traffic cannot be read by the party between you and the other person you're sending/receiving messages from. Unfortunately, most people don't really use encryption on torrent traffic, so you're basically SOL on throttling.

Isn't the encryption handled inside uTorrent? I've got an option inside mine that says "Protocol Encryption" and a dropdown that has either Disabled, Enabled or Forced. Thought that was covered with that?
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

Isn't the encryption handled inside uTorrent? I've got an option inside mine that says "Protocol Encryption" and a dropdown that has either Disabled, Enabled or Forced. Thought that was covered with that?

Forced requires encryption on all connections, and won't connect to unencrypted peers. Enabled allows it but will not require it to be used, so you wont be on an encrypted connection unless the other person also has it enabled or forced.

Disabled is the default setting in uTorrent (currently the most popular torrent client, afaik), which means 99% of the people you connect to do not use encryption - that's why turning that setting to Forced makes downloads slow as hell most times. You need to disable "Allow incoming legacy connections", as well, otherwise you'll connect to users without encryption.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

Forced requires encryption on all connections, and won't connect to unencrypted peers. Enabled allows it but will not require it to be used, so you wont be on an encrypted connection unless the other person also has it enabled or forced.

Disabled is the default setting in uTorrent (currently the most popular torrent client, afaik), which means 99% of the people you connect to do not use encryption - that's why turning that setting to Forced makes downloads slow as hell most times. You need to disable "Allow incoming legacy connections", as well, otherwise you'll connect to users without encryption.

Ahh quality info, thank you.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

Wow, that is passion in torrenting.

Anyways, blackraven, I do call them up about the issue but they usually play the dumb card or lie, in which case i can find out after they told another lie that does not relate or support the previous one. At this point, I pretty much waste an hour on the phone and become a dick.. :(
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

You should change the title of the topic, it's Elena, not Elina.
Still liked it, even if this have too much tentacles.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

You should change the title of the topic, it's Elena, not Elina.
Still liked it, even if this have too much tentacles.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean "I wish they focused more on monster and futa/incest rape" :)

And it's "Erena" if you want to do full Japanese. There is no 'l' in it.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

has there been any news on when the next episode will be released? :O
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elina

Hmm.. not much information about it.. Not sure if it can help me.
You see, whenever i tried torrenting, my ISP throttled my line for 4 days in a row.

Try to get a VPN service, this should help you get passed the throttling issue, but first get some more info online to make sure. I don`t use a VPN, so I cannot recommend one to you. Also, peerblock is a false sense of security, yes it blocks a bunch of ips, but take it from someone who has been raided by the police (ME), they can still see what you are d/l. On a side note, don`t do fraud online and d/l torrents, you might get raided, and if your lucky like me, hopefully charges get dropped. Haha.

Also, thanks for the up. Love these type of movies.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

Meanwhile.. back on topic..


I'm currently uploading EP1 to FF...
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

3rd ep has been announced by ordin-soft, aside from the announce picture no further previews yet but they should be showing up in the next few weeks based on how theyve done it with previous works.

release date 22.2 which unfortunately mean that there will be almost 2 months of agonizing wait :(

Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

3rd ep has been announced by ordin-soft, aside from the announce picture no further previews yet but they should be showing up in the next few weeks based on how theyve done it with previous works.

release date 22.2 which unfortunately mean that there will be almost 2 months of agonizing wait :(

Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

aand the preview pics are done,

nothing much teased as usual with ordin-soft but shows general scene settings around the ep.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

Demo vid up for download; and from what I've seen of the CGs, this looks like it's gonna be the final ep sadly enough
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

based on my perceptions on the CGs theres gonna be a 4th episode.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

based on my perceptions on the CGs theres gonna be a 4th episode.

I agree: this one looks like it's gonna end up with the girls enslaved. So, they'll surely need another one to free or torture them.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

Why assume they are gonna be freed? The anime of Princess Knight Kachua actually ended up using one of the "bad" endings I think where they end up whores. Not the one where they beat the demon sorcerer.

If this is the final episode then it will be a tad troublesome as they have no other games in monster/tentacle genre to base anime's off of. So I hope they do another game in that genre as it's been a long time. Especially if its another animated game like Princess Knight Cuture. In fact they did do a bonus scene or something for the box set of that anime so it could be a hint at a sequel I hope so.
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

Why assume they are gonna be freed? The anime of Princess Knight Kachua actually ended up using one of the "bad" endings I think where they end up whores. Not the one where they beat the demon sorcerer.

If this is the final episode then it will be a tad troublesome as they have no other games in monster/tentacle genre to base anime's off of. So I hope they do another game in that genre as it's been a long time. Especially if its another animated game like Princess Knight Cuture. In fact they did do a bonus scene or something for the box set of that anime so it could be a hint at a sequel I hope so.

For myself, if it's a good 4th ep, I'd like a 4th :3

And yes, usually, from what i've seen, bad ends are in three episodes. So, as it's the third...
Re: Mahou Shoujo Elena

also if i remember right, the game didnt have multiple endings, just that in the end elena saved her whole family and they didnt remember anything though she did.

so in that sense they cant really finish it with the third episode.