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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Let us continue to nurture our growing love, my wife, by cleaning each other and showing each other how much we care. Hehehe!" the orc chuckled as if living a fantasy before letting Jenna down into the river, standing the lizard up on her two feet before embracing Jenna, smushing her fat breasts against Jenna's own small, perky chest. Placing her lips against Jenna's, the orc passionately kissed Jenna, diving her tongue into the lizard girl's mouth and moaning as her tongue licked every part of the inside of Jenna's mouth.

Breaking free from the kiss, either by her own doing or by Jenna's, the orc sat herself and Jenna down in the river, before rubbing her hands all along Jenna's salty, sweaty body, cleaning her with the fresh river water. From where Jenna sat, she could see that the orc was horny yet again, as if there was no limit to her lust. "I can't get enough of my beautiful wife. But this is good, as I think I can use this to clean those deep and dirty places inside you with my dick." the orc suggested, smoothing one hand over Jenna's breast in a circle while grinning lewdly. "But first, you must clean me, and my dick. I can't clean you with a dirty deek, you know, hehehe..."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna nodded at the orc’s words, not objecting to the idea of cleaning and being cleaned by her soon-to-be husband. After all, that was why they had come here this river to begin with. The water wasn’t moving particularly quickly, and so when she was set down she didn’t have any trouble standing up, especially since she was quickly held in a tight embrace once more, the pig-girl’s huge chest smashed against her own modest bust. Soon the lizardgirl found herself kissed deeply, and she allowed her lips to part slightly to accept the orc’s invading tongue into her mouth, where it probed her every inch. It took a few moments for her to get into the passion of the moment, but then she began to return the kiss as best as she knew how. Her tongue began to wrestle with the pig-girl’s much larger organ, her eyes closing as her face flushed slightly.

The kiss went on for some time, Jenna allowing it to continue for as long as the orc wanted, and when it finally broke they moved on to their purpose there. The pig-girl sat them both down in the running water, and then began to rub all over the lizardgirl’s lithe body with her strong hands, wiping away the accumulated sweat and grime and cum. It felt quite nice, and relaxing, though soon enough Jenna could see that her husband-to-be was already erect again. "A-again…? Already…? Surely we can wait until later" she whimpered quietly. She had already had sex twice this morning, and had been pounded last night, and she wasn’t really in much of a mood, even with the gentle circling of her breasts. Still, fair was fair in terms of cleaning, and she quickly set about rubbing the dirt and sweat off of the orc’s plump body. She avoided the thick, erect dick for as long as she could, cleaning off the rest of the pig-girl quite thoroughly, but in the end she found herself having to lightly stroke that long cock from base to tip with her claws, cleaning it of both excess cum and her own juices, looking up at the orc somewhat pleadingly.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Are you so afraid of it, my wife?" the orc inquired as Jenna gave her a pleading look while stroking her length. "Heh, you should start getting better used to it." she announced, before standing, planting a foot on a nearby rock sticking out, and directing her length so that it was pointing right at Jenna's face. Gyrating her hips a bit, the orc's tip brushed along Jenna's cheek. "Don't be shy, my wife. This is a part of me, the one who you will marry. Love it, and the rest of me."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I’m not afraid of it" Jenna protested quickly, watching the orc stand up until she was staring down the length of her thick cock, "I just… we already had sex today, for a long time, and I’m not used to this. I’m just… I’m not that horny." She continued to look up at the pig-girl pleadingly as the dick rubbed against her cheek, though she continued to lightly rub it with her claws, getting it nice and clean. How can she still be this ready after all that sex? This is absurd…
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The orc smiled, but seemed a little disappointed, before she sank back into the waters. "The marriage ritual binds the two partners in a way that they become perfectly suitable to each other. After you get married to me, you will become as horny as I am, and we will love each other all day," the orc announced, before leaning in as she resumed cleaning Jenna to kiss the reptile on the lips once more. "After we get married, we'll be together for the rest of our lives~" she promised, before suddenly dunking down into the water, and rubbing her own head, cleaning her hair, and then springing up from the river water, splashing Jenna from where she sat, and climbing out of the river, of course, still erect, and looking a bit unsatisfied, but willing to let her lust settle until the marriage ceremony.

"Clean your hair, and come with me. You need not clothes, my wife, as we will only rip them off after we are married, and fuck in front of the whole tribe."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna let out a sigh of relief at the orc’s disappointed smile and the way she sank back into the water, happy that she would not be forced into sex again so soon, though what was said next made her shiver. "Wait… what?" she asked quietly; she had never heard of such a thing, and the idea troubled her greatly. This… this is going to turn me into a complete slut… she thought, breaking into a cold sweat as the pig-girl kissed her again. How else will this ritual change me…? Will there be any of my personality left? When told to clean her hair she quickly did so, dunking herself under the water and running her claws through it thoroughly before climbing carefully out of the river, soaking wet as her hair clung to the sides of her face. "M…must we…?" she asked quietly when told that they would go to the ceremony naked and have sex in front of everyone in order to seal their marriage, but she knew that she would have to. It was just a matter of resigning herself now.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"If we do not, then I will be the only orc who did not. It will dishonor me." the orc replied to Jenna simply, before leading the way back to the camp, where many orcs were gathered with their own wives, and many others without wives who clearly eyed up Jenna from where their sat cross legged on the ground with envy.

"Ah, thank goodness. We can get this over with..." the sea bishop complained. "I'm not sure why I am always the one sent to marry for this tribe..." she mumbled, before holding her tablet, and spreading her arms out to regard Jenna and the Orc. "We gather here today to celebrate the union between these two who've beseeched the goddess of the sea to unite them with an eternal bond of love, passion, and loyalty. Forever may these two be together, and forever may they love each other." the sea bishop announced the surprisingly short ceremony.

"Do you, miss piggy, take Jenna to forever be your beloved wife?" the bishop asked.

"I do." the orc announced, glaring at the fish for calling her miss piggy.

"And do you, Jenna, take miss piggy to forever be your beloved... wife?" she hesitated, clearly almost saying something else.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna nodded silently, sullenly, as the orc told her that there was no other option but to have sex in front of the entire tribe, which apparently was firmly part of orcish culture. She dreaded it as they walked on towards the camp, where all of the pig-girls and their wives were seated in a central area, along with all of the ones who were currently without wives. Those who were single were clearly eying the lizardgirl’s nude form, something that made her blush rather furiously, her tail shaking nervously behind her as she walked up between them. The sea bishop was standing at the end, looking rather annoyed with her station.

After a brief grumble from the bishop, the ceremony began. And almost as soon as it had begun it was over, the sea bishop clearly just wanting to rush and get it over with so she could leave. Jenna was still in a cold sweat. This wasn’t how her wedding was supposed to happen, standing naked in front of a crowd of people, with a half-assed ceremony by someone who didn’t want to be there. It was nightmarish. Combined with the fact that apparently she was in danger of becoming a complete slut by some magic in the ceremony, and that she was about to have to fuck in front of everyone… it was too much. The bishop asked the orc if she would take Jenna for her wife, and the pig-girl quickly agreed. Next the question came to the lizardgirl herself, and she stuttered. "I… I…" she stammered out, trying to hold back tears as she cursed fate for being so cruel to her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

As Jenna hesitated, there was suddenly a large shout of alarm. "INTRUDER!" an orc growled, before the very same orc, standing up with a mace in hand, was sent flying from a firm kick from a man dressed in black armor with a Griffin plate on it's chest. As the rest of the orcs rose to arms, a familiar shout was heard. "Charge!" shouted Jenna's mother from an undisclosed location. And the moment after, the wedding became a battlefield. Lizard women from Jenna's clan, so many familiar faces, appeared, and did battle with the orcs, their teamwork allowing their enemies to fall in a matter of seconds.

"You!" Jenna's wife-to-be growled, pulling her own hammer from her belt, and snarling at the man in black armor. "You think you can just do this!?" she growled, but only took a single step before Griffin was charging straight at her, with no weapon in hand. As the orc brought her hammer down, he moved like the wind, gliding to the side, and slamming an armored fist into the orc's face, sending her tumbling off of the platform where Jenna and she were to be married.

The orc fell, and landed on the ground, unconscious, before, in full glory, Griffin stood before Jenna. "I do." he replied to the orc.

Then suddenly, the sea bishop shrugged, and put her hands on the back of Griffin's and Jenna's heads. "I now pronounce you man and wife." she said, before bringing them together, Griffin giving a grunt of exclamation before his lips met with Jenna's...

The magic from the sea bishop spread through Jenna's body, threads forming around her soul, linked to the man in front of her, binding her, as a tattoo began to form over her crotch, taking the shape of the very symbol on Griffin's chest...

In an instant, they were married.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna’s head turned quickly to the side at the shout of “intruder,” surprised and confused. One of the orcs had stood up, holding a mace in her hand, though she was almost immediately sent flying. It took the lizardgirl a moment to see who had done it, but then she saw a man in jet-black armor emblazoned with a griffin. Her heart began to beat faster as she recognized him for who he was, wondering just what he was doing here. He… came for me? Why would he do that? she thought, thoroughly confused as she heard the sound of her mother’s voice in the distance, calling a charge.

As the orcs rose up to fight, Jenna’s clan of lizardgirls charged out of the forest, attacking suddenly and ruthlessly. The pig-girls couldn’t stand up to the surprise or the numbers and coordination of the assault, the camp falling practically before the battle had begun. Her intended husband quickly drew her hammer as the Griffin stepped up onto the platform, enraged, and ran towards him with the intent to kill. The human showed his skill, though, and dodged gracefully despite his armor, stepping to the side and punching the orc powerfully and knocking her out instantly. "Wow…" the lizardgirl muttered, and while she had thought that she was fated to be with him before, in that moment she fell in love with the Griffin. His looks, his strength and skill, enough so that he had bested the orc who had defeated her without even being armed, it was enough to make her swoon.

Then, as the human replied to something the orc had said, he called out “I do,” and the sea bishop went to work. Jenna almost protested as she felt the back of her head grabbed, but then, in an instant, her lips met the Griffin’s, and the bishop pronounced that they were married… she could feel powerful magic working in her body and soul, binding her to the human, and though she couldn’t see it there was a tattoo slowly forming on her mound, a Griffin symbol to match the one on her new husband’s armor. Though it wasn’t the kind of wedding she had dreamed of, she had sometimes dreamed of a situation like this, of being swept off her feet by a strong human, and now it was coming true as a number of emotions flooded through her, her arms hanging limply at her sides as she kissed him...
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Meeting her lips, the magic took it's course before the sea bishop withdrew herself, and Griffin immediately broke the kiss, his hands going to his loins. "Damn it... Damn it, what...!?" Griffin cursed in confusion, before he did a little maintenance on his waist line, and Jenna saw the new Griffin Junior. While it was so much smaller before, now... It seemed to grow bigger to match what Jenna had previously wished the orc's length size was reduced to. "What did you do to me!?" Griffin exclaimed at the sea bishop, who simpily waved her hand at him before diving backwards, and falling into the lake just behind the stage where the wedding took place. Cursing after her, Griffin then turned to Jenna, angry, upset, and almost seemed a little worried for her, almost, before he was interrupted by the voice of Jenna's mother.

"Jenna! Oh, Jenna!" her mother called, before wrapping her arms around her daughter. "I'm so glad we arrived in time... You were going to be married to a pig! Thankfully, this man is quite strong, and a suitable mate for you." she announced.

Griffin shook his head, "I don't give a damn about that!" he cursed, "What happened to me!? This black thing on my crotch, my johnson, just...! Jenna!" he called out her name, "Explain! Now! What was that magic!?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The magic took only a few seconds to work its way through Jenna and the Griffin, and was already done with its job before the sea bishop had pulled her hands off the couple. As soon as he could the human broke the kiss, his hands grabbing at his crotch as he cursed. The lizardgirl watched where his hands went, confused for only a moment before he adjusted the waistline of his pants, revealing the bulge they suddenly contained… she blushed bright red, realizing that the magic was making him bigger to suit her desires. It was actually terribly embarrassing, and she certainly didn’t want to ever admit such a thing, to him or anyone else. Before the Griffin could really get an answer out of his screaming at the bishop who had married them the monstergirl smiled and dove backwards into a lake, disappearing from sight.

When the Griffin turned back to Jenna, he looked quite upset, but there was a hint of worry for her in his expression that made her quite happy and warm inside. Just before she was about to say something, though, her mother ran up to her and gave her a hug, telling her how glad she was that they had arrived in time to save her from being married to an orc. Then she announced that at least the soldier was a good mate for her, to which the lizardgirl almost replied again, before being interrupted once more by her new husband’s angry and confused screams.

"I… I don’t know, exactly" Jenna replied quietly, not entirely untruthfully; she really didn’t know “exactly” what the magic did. "It’s the wedding magic, it binds us together. I think. I don’t know how it works or what it does exactly." She was a little flustered by the sudden turn of events, the presence of her mother, who didn’t even seem angry at her, the emotions flooding her after her impromptu wedding… "Calm down a little, please" she said quietly, thumping her tail against the ground. "Being panicked won’t do anything for us right now. But… why did you come back for me?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Wedding..." Griffin repeated, looking genuinely shocked. "This is outrageous! That damn woman did all of this on her own!" Griffin cursed. For some reason, he made several motions as if to direct his anger at Jenna, before turning away. The answer to this might be the magic itself. Whatever feelings of love Jenna had to him were greatly strengthened by the magic sealed within her, no doubt affecting his feelings as well. Though when Jenna thumped her tail, Griffin shook his head. "Because I didn't want to just leave knowing you were going to be violated by that pig..." Griffin stated blankly, before a small flush graced his cheeks, his emotions conflicted with the magic no doubt.

"... Was I too late?" he wondered.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna took a step back at the Griffin’s reaction, his anger and shock at the realization that he had been married to her. He was acting very strangely besides that, making gestures that he couldn’t complete, as if he were trying to direct that anger at the lizardgirl, but then just couldn’t bring himself to do so. She could tell that the feeling of love that she had developed for him just in the window of being “saved” by his heroics was being strengthened and deepened by the wedding magic, so she suddenly realized that something like it was probably happening to him. She didn’t know quite what to think of that. She wanted him to love her, but to do so only because magic forced him to? Could magic create love that wasn’t there to begin with?

Jenna was driven out of her pondering by the Griffin’s answer to her question. He didn’t want her to be violated by the orc… she blushed, happy that he had cared about her enough to not just take the opportunity to leave when he could have, to probably swallow a good deal of pride by going to her clan for help in rescuing her. But she had indeed been violated, and when he asked if he was too late she turned bright red. Her mother was right there behind her, there were so many people in earshot, and she was just so damn embarrassed to be talking about things like that in the first place, even in private it would have been a challenge. She just froze in place, unable to say anything, her tail thumping the ground nervously every few seconds.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Both Griffin and her mother looked away. "... I see..." Griffin said with deep regret. Surprisingly enough, he looked jealous and angry over the fact.

"As long as you're feeling well," Jenna's mother shook her head, grabbing her shoulders, "It doesn't matter. Well, you will be fine, right?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna’s face and finned ears really had turned a bright red as her mother and the Griffin realized what her silence meant, so thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed. Strangely enough, though, her new husband seemed… jealous, perhaps? It was sort of nice, in a way, another piece of evidence that he cared for her. "I… will be fine. It’s over now" she replied quietly to her mother, slowly pressing herself against the older lizardgirl and hugging her tight. She hadn’t always gotten along with the woman, and in fact had gotten along with her very little in the last year or so before she had left home, but her presence now was comforting, and she wanted to be held, if only for a little while, and as she did so she whispered "Thank you."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna's mother hugged her a little tighter. "Even if you're such an unruly child, I will make sure you're married to someone who will make you happy. I spoke with this man on the way rushing over here. He is a good man." she whispered back. "Stubborn, but a good man. But..." she went silent for a moment, before Jenna felt her mother suddenly pulling on the fin on the side of her head painfully between her fingers, not her claws.

"You got married to him without fighting him properly, didn't you? You lost your little sister as well, oh my incompetent daughter." Letting her fin go, her mother looked upon her with scorn. "You disgraced our religion, but I'm willing to overlook it because you found one in a million. Don't disgrace our family again!"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna leaned into the hug more, basking in the warmth of her mother, and the woman’s confidence that she was now mated to a good, strong man. Of course, it didn’t last long before she felt her ear grabbed and roughly pulled on, causing her to yelp in pain and surprise. "I fought him! It ended… strangely, but that wasn’t my fault!" she shouted in protest when her mother accused her of not fighting the Griffin properly, and the assertion about her little sister made her a shade of mad. "You lost her as much as I did! It’s not my teachings she’s rebelling against!" the lizardgirl shouted, anger creeping into her face to match her mother’s scornful look.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"It ended with her pushing me down and raping me, honorable step-mother." Griffin took clear side against Jenna, which only resulted in further angry pulling before Jenna was let go.

"As I said, he's one in a million as far as I'm concerned," she said, before moving over to Griffin and taking his arm, putting her head to his shoulder. "Please take good care of my worthless daughter."

Griffin sighed, putting a hand to his hip. "What a hassle. I accept." he nodded. They were getting along on quite a high level.

Meanwhile, among the orc camp, the previous wives were having a rebellion as they tied their mates up, and began to lecture them at best, and abuse them at worst. The orcs complied strangely easily, begging and pleading, offering to be good orcs and not be cruel anymore. The lizard clan was now in charge, a total switch from before. And as Jenna saw the scene before her, suddenly, the orc who had raped her before gripped her leg. Then, she began to grovel at her feet.

"I am not worthy! I am not worthy!" her rapist announced. "Your husband strong! I submit! Please! Don't turn me into bacon!" she begged.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"That was accidental and you know it! I was not happy about it!" Jenna shouted angrily at the Griffin, only to have her ear pulled even harder. "Ow ow ow stop that!" she shouted further, until finally her mother let go and moved over to the human, holding his arm and putting her head on his shoulder. When did he get so used to this idea of being married to her? Enough so to call her own mother his as well. Then again, it seemed that they were getting way too much anyway… this was bad. She didn’t get along with her mother, and now they were going to gang up on her. "I am not worthless, and stop saying so, mother. I don’t need taking care of!"

Of course, while all this was going on the situation inside the camp was changing all around them. The lizardgirl wives were in outright rebellion, binding their mates and lecturing or beating them, turning the tables after their imprisonment. For their part, the orcs seemed to be rolling over and taking it, submissively begging and whining, offering to change. It was sort of bizarre, really, and soon Jenna’s own orc had recovered, enough so to grab onto one of her legs and beg for her life, submitting to the power of the lizardgirl and her new husband. "I wouldn’t kill you, you didn’t do anything worth killing to me" she replied, kicking her leg to try and throw the orc off her.