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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

On her comfy sofa spot, Rosarita witnessed the surrounding hustle and bustle. It was not something she particularly cared about, so the newcomer simply leaned back a bit more and took it easy, assuming a position that covered as much as possible with her rather skimpy uniform style. Surely there would be things to do later, so better get this rest now when there was an opportunity for it.

After a while, the harassed butler seemed to be asking her for mercy, trying to get her to not join in the ongoing bikini-ing. "No, I don't think they need me on this. So, at least you have one girl less to worry about...." she replied, adjusting her glasses and giving the man a brief smile that was very sympathetic.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Domonic, please stop struggling so much, and Micra, please stop forcing the issue, there's a better way to handle all of this..." the angel said smoothly as she knelt beside the butler, her wings spread wide and her face a vision of heavenly grace.

"Domonic, sweet Domonic, do you think that you should be ashamed of your body in front of me? I am an angel, a servant of He who created you in His figure. Remember that all stand naked before God, hiding nothing. You especially were endowed with a figure worthy of high praise and should fear nothing about revealing it. And just the same, you have a duty to accede to the wishes of our Mistress, whom God has seen fit to place in command of this household. If we are to have any peace under this roof, it must be in graceful cooperation and devotion to a single cause -- that of doing our best for Mistress Harriet. So please, bare yourself before us and don this garment as the Mistress wishes. The more you struggle the more insistent she shall be. Why not clothe yourself thusly when it is only I, an angel, and Micra, an android, who would see you in such a state? Surely there is no embarrassment in this?"

Mae knelt extremely close to Domonic as she said this, her eyes calm and reassuring. Her hand however was slipping towards Domonic's pants, and if her words were not enough to convince him to get rid of his clothes, then she'd use her maid power to decloth him in an instant!

Attempt Cunning to convince Domonic out of his clothes. Otherwise, use her maid power to remove his clothing. (Note: under normal rules, Butlers auto lose to Maids.)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

All was settle, Micra was ready to give the butler a rest and do this later when suddenly the angel get inside the room. Soon Domonic tried to ask for help, but this was not his real feelings, as the Mistress was able to end each of his sentences. All was clear now for Micra, the inner self of the butler was a sumise one and she was making it all wrong, for first time she must be the dominant one and use the force if needed to make him obey. However she was really weak to do it alone, so she turn to see if any maid could help her, Cammy and Rosa looks very tired to aid her, but Mae the most experienced maid come with a solution.

Im so sorry, i was just focused in my responsability and fears. Miss Mae's point of view is correct, please believe in us, you have nothing to fear. Said Micra, a little focused in how Mae was close to untie Domonic's pants in front of all, her hands getting ready the mankini. All was getting better, but the loli doll was a little worried than Harriet would be not soo pleased, as both maids were not half naked.

Aid with cunning if needed, "sigh" maybe i should had waited a little more, but this event had taken a lot of time.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Rin's anxiety rose to a fevered pitch when the metallic arm was offered to her. Had it come any closer she would have either fainted on the spot or ran right behind Sammy once again, but thankfully it was placed into a pocket and replaced by the far more normal one. "Rin Uzumaki!" But even if it was human it still belonged to a cyborg, so when Rin accepted it Emily would instantly notice the slight trembling while the maid tried her best to shake that hand without turning into a spastic mess.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

If anybody was paying attention the large chested artist maid, though it was quite obviously they weren't, they would find her completely glued to the tv and a certain show to really notice what was going on around her. If anyone looked at the tv they would notice the channel had been swapped to an anime broadcaster and that Queens Blade would be on, while Cammy was busy idly doodling a sketch of Tomoe and Shizuka naked in rather Intimate positions.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The doctor's eyebrows rose as she grasped Rin's jittery hand, though she shook it and the alien's as uaul. "Are you sure you're okay, dear? Why don't you come in, and I'll give you a quick examination, just to be sure. Please, come in. And you two are friends, right? You can come in as well, it won't take but a minute."

She pulled Rin in, gently, holding the door for Sammy. "Please excuse me... I was, um, just starting up a video game, to kill some time... have a seat," she said, after leading the two over to the beds. "There's not really a lot to do around here, and I it helps keep my bionics sharp." She disappeared behind the wall at the back of the room, and sound of rubber snapping sounded behind it, before she reappeared with - likely to Rin's relief - a perfectly normal set of examination equipment, a stethoscope hanging around her neck, reflex hammer, otoscope and penlight in her pocket, a sphygmo- sphin- one of those blood pressure measuring, inflating armband things, and gloves over each hand - even her fake one.

"I'm sure you two are very busy, so 1I'll try to hurr-" she said, before she was cut off by her cellphone, which she stopped to answer. "Yes, Richard? ...Oh, no, your other leg? Alright... I'll meet you at the garage..."

"I... apologize again. One of the groundskeepers was injured, I have to attend to him. Feel free to wait around - or you can leave, if you need to get back to work." She grabbed a doctor's bag on her way out, and left the two alone... free to "snoop", were they so inclined.


Domonic looked sheepish as the Angel reminded him of his body's origins... and of her own (somewhat intimidating) divine heritage.

"Er, hey, I'm here too you know. And Cam and Rosie. ...But Rosa's practically already naked anyway, and you used to wash our hair for us when we were small, so... we don't really count anyway, do we?"

Domonic blush renewed itself, and at last, he relented. "Y-you're right... as Mistress Harriet's butler, I am... obliged to indulge her whims..."

He straightened up, and started to unbutton his suit jacket, folding it up neatly and placing it aside. After undoing his pale blue tie, he started on his white undershirt - each button revealing more of his toned chest. When it was fully removed and had joined the others in Dom's folded pile, his (suddenly shaky, you notice) hands slowly undid his belt. One that was done... he asked Micra for the bikini. He seemed to try to calm himself down a moment, but all that was really obvious was that the temperature took a sudden dive, becoming icy cold, with mist suddenly streaming off of Dom.

He tried to hurry, to drop his trousers and wear, at the very least, something - that "something", of course, being the mankini.

When he turned to the mistress, a furious blush colored his other-wise bare cheeks. Harriet gave him a toothy grin, and then a double-fisted thumbs up. Reluctantly, he returned them.

"Right. Well, one - total one, not one for each of you - order for me, then. Nothing stupid like 'make me heir of your fortune', of course, feel free to discuss it with yourselves, hm?"

S 8/20
F 24; S 8/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30

Butlers DO automatically lose rolls to Maids. But, just for funsies:
Obi Mae Kenobi rolls a 6. With Cunning 4, these aren't the droids you're looking for.
Micra rolls a 4, and with her Cunning of 2... y'all still win. :V Domonic buys it. Domonic buy the fuck out of it.

You are now imagining this, except with a white-haired anime pretty boy.

Also, and .
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy was rushed into the office before she had time to reply to the doctors questions though at the word of there being video games all questions left the tomboy's mind. It was only after Emily had said that the two of them may be busy while she was getting ready to check Rin over did she reply. "Uh... I don't think we've got anything to do for a while, though I have only just arrived so I could be wrong."

"Well, it looks like you're free to do your snooping," Sammy commented as the nurse left and the door closed behind her, a wicked smile hinting that the alien would be up for a little spying spread across her face.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Domonic answer fill Micra with a proud feeling, finally her Mistress wish has been fullfiled and now she dont have to purtsue the butler all the time. However this was suddenly stoped when Domonic started to undress himself, it was not so much time before the android get stunned looking to the butler body, each cloth less was turning Micra into a motionless doll, her blood was burning in an intense growing fire. Her eyes record each part of him, every corner and irregularity, there was not a way than she couldnt have wet dreams of him fondle his well made body in her soft doll like skin, Micra forget of everything else and she was close fall uncouncious when Domonic wake up her of her daydreams, when he ask for the Mankini.

She only nod and lend the outfit, she wait for that moment and then she could feel her body squirm of need to touch him, but suddenly she heard her Mistress words.

...Ehh?... Order?... oh yes, ...

I-i dont need anything more than to stay more time with Harriet Sama. Can i be like your personal maid and stay with you in the nights to protect you and... serve you? Is that right, Miss Mae? take turns to protect her?
Micra was really perturbed, her mind was filled with dirty throughs, yet still the doll maid tried to act normal.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"R-Rin will be fine, she's just n-" The hand that took hold of the girl made her freeze, and though it was gentle the sudden pull into the office had her heart thumping even faster. But she couldn't seem to force herself to pull away. That was why she still held a smile on her face even though she looked like she might be about to panic.

As they were led inside Rin's eyes started darting back and forth. The sound of snapping rubber immediately caught her attention, and with wide eyes she watched as the doctor slowly came back into view. A sigh of relief came out when the Asian woman reappeared with some rather normal looking equipment one would expect a normal doctor to use, but she was still coming closer with that robotic arm of hers. But she wasn't being all that weird about it. Maybe if Rin just closed her eyes and concentrated REALLY hard...

The sound of the cellphone made her jump as she sat on the bed, but if proved to be a God-send as Emily had to leave immediately to help one of the grounds keepers. The name sounded familiar, and it took a moment for her to realize it was probably the boxer guy that was here earlier when she had her onion attack. She may not have known the guy, but they had met, so Rin was actually a little worried that someone she knew was now hurt. But it wasn't enough to make her follow the doctor as she left, and once she was gone she relaxed a considerable amount. "Okay okay... Snoop indeed." She turned to answer Sammy, but the rather devious grin on the new maid's face wasn't exactly all that comforting. "Uh..." Rin didn't know what to say at that point, so she quickly turned her attention back to the matter at hand. "Snooping, yes! Okay... Lesson Five: If someone makes you nervous do what you can to learn about them. The more you know the less alien they will be." With that in mind Rin immediately started searching the area, her search taking her everywhere to see what she could learn about the cybernetic doctor. She had to have a personal office somewhere in here, so that would be the place to start.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

There were two other doors in the infirmary - one of which was locked, labelled "Pharmacy", and even had a little '℞' sticker on it. Through a little glass window, they could see rows and rows of medications - much like everything else in this mansion, seemingly prepared to handle far more people than it actually had. The other led to an examination room. The door was unlocked, but there was nothing terribly interesting in it - drawers holding tools, gloves, syringes... it looked quite typical.

Those were of hardly any interest. The pair instead made for the little area behind the wall at the end of the infirmary's rows of beds, a potted plant filling the bare corner of the room. Behind the wall the doctor kept disappearing behind they found Emily's little office - a little disheveled looking, but not overly so. A file cabinet looked promising... but all the drawers were, unfortunately, locked. Her computer looked to still have whatever game she'd been talking about open, as it was showing some very grey streets and buildings, the viewpoint apparently in some kind of vehicle. A candy bar and a mug of coffee sat on her desk, as well as a few medical books and binders, as well as the normal doctor stuff as well - a "hazardous materials" disposal, latex gloves, and the doctor's tools she'd had earlier. The desk had many drawers and cupboards, with cabinets overhead as well. These were all filled with more of the same, in addition to office supplies and the like - Rin even found some of her eyedrops, still boxed, in one cabinet.

Of far greater interest were the the official looking certificates, all hung up and framed on the wall. There were... a lot of them. Several of them mentioned surgery and specializations, with a few more mentioning emergency medicine and intensive care...

An accomplished lady... but, wasn't someone like this a little overkill for a live-in physician? Even if their employer was someone as disgustingly rich as Harriet Jones...

One more thing caught their eye. A newspaper clipping, dated July, 2007, titled "DISASTER AT GRAIL MFG", detailing an terrible accident that resulted in an explosion killing at least four people and wounding many more...

S 8/20
F 24; S 8/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Wow, these look pretty impressive," Sammy comments, surprise in her voice as she reads each certificate, her fingertips glancing over the glass frame panels as she passes each one. "Wonder why someone this talented works for the mistress? Hey, do you think mistress Harriet has a personal army under the house that needs taken care of because of the dangerous missions they're being sent to?" The alien suddenly says jokingly as she turns to face Rin, a small laugh at the end of the sentence.

Sammy was about to turn her attention to the video game currently on display on Emily's computer though a framed newspaper article caught her attention from the corner of her eye. "Woah, you know anything about this?" Sammy asks Rin in a hushed tone all of a sudden, as if she thought someone could be listening in on them talking about the very serious-looking article. Leaning against Rin's back and peering over her shoulder Sammy holds the article in front of them both for them to get a better look together.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae took the cue from Micra and rounded on her mistress, with a twinkle in her eye. She hardly more than glanced at Domonic in his new outfit, much preferring to rest her eyes on Harriet's figure.

"I am amenable to that, Miss Micra. So I guess our order as it were is for both Micra and I to be your personal maids. We're the ones who attend you in the mornings and at night for bedtime, and we follow you around. Let the other maids attend to the normal duties.

"And of course, for us to be able to serve you at night and in the morning, it would probably be best for us to take turns sleeping with you. In your room, I mean. Miss Micra could probably be plugged in somewhere, and I don't snore at all."


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"...That's a terrible order!" Harriet says after a while. "Gosh, I give you a free pass to make trouble and you ask for more duties?! Jeez... it should be, like... 'take us out shopping', or 'give us all back rubs and the day off,' or 'wear something funny all day', or something." Then, she sighs. "I mean... besides, I want you all to come together on this order, okay? All you girls. Maybe Dom too. I mean, he did strip for it." Domonic, who had been quietly trying to redress himself while everyone's attention was focused elsewhere, but he quickly stopped until Harriet resumed speaking.

The Mistress snuck a glance at Mae before she did. "But, I suppose I can indulge that request, order or not. How 'bout we give it a try later on tonight?" She continued speaking nonchalantly, as if it were a perfectly normal request... and as if she hadn't noticed the little gleam in the angel's eye.

S 8/20
F 24; S 8/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Looking to the floor, Micra heard how her Mistress said dissapointed than her choice was terrible. But the truth was than the android dont need or want any of Harriet suggestions, well maybe Micra will love the back rub, but take the day off was against her nature. Depressed a little the loli android said to Harriet Im sorry Mistress, but i dont have any need, maybe a pair of clothes would be great, but Micra know how to sew and i dont want to cause you any problem.

Also, its the first time than i need to give a quick order, Miss Mae looks to love the idea and Mister Domonic ... Maybe he also will be glad to be able to stay more time at your side, we could play some games in your room before go to sleep.
The pink haired girl tried to give her point of view without be afected by her arousad state, but for some reason she started to have dirty throughs about cloth bet games between the four of them.

...Maybe i should see if the new chef need help. After eat we have a lot of work, should we decide the groups in the dinning room? Said Micra, trying to dont focus on the nearly naked man again.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

First room: Pharmacy. Sure, there were a lot of medicines, but considering how this mansion looked like it could house a small army it really wasn't that out of place. So, first room: boring.

Second room: Exam Room. Nothing special about it. At all. Second room: boring.

Back area: Office. This is what Rin was looking for, and as she entered it looked...boring. Just a computer and more regular looking medical equipment and cliched hanging certificates and more certificates and why are there even more certificates? The girl read through them, the training of the doctor surprisingly extensive and thorough. With all these credentials one would think Dr. Liu would be some expert surgeon working at a high profile hospital instead of a place like this.

Before Rin could think too much on that Sammy spoke up and asked what the new maid thought was a probably silly question. "Well Mistress Harriet did say she had a secret hiding downstairs..." Too bad the girl didn't think it was all that silly. "And she did say she would show everyone tomorrow. If it's only an army then Rin will be relieved..." A rather nervous attempt at a smile was given, and without any real desire to linger on that subject Rin returned to her investigation, her little head trying to figure out how anyone who was less than human could be so...normal.

As she was inspecting the desk a little more thoroughly the short maid suddenly heard Sammy go all hush hush before the woman leaned against her counterpart's back. Rin was surprised and gave out a small "Eep!" as she stumbled, but once she caught herself she soon found a framed article staring her in the face. "No. Rin hasn't worked for the family all that long." The headline immediately caught her attention, and with it centered solely on reading that article she didn't notice how she and Sammy were nearly sharing the same space.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Okay Mistress, we'll share this order with everyone, and you're right, Domonic deserves as much say in this as we do... hrmm..."

Mae tip-toed over to the butler and whispered in his ear.

"Perhaps we could use this as an opportunity to go on a day trip? Somewhere fun, like a water park or the beach. It'd be a great bonding experience for all of us and the manor wouldn't get dirty while we were all gone. What do you think, Domonic?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Hmm, I wonder why we haven't heard about this before..." Sammy mutters more to herself than to Rin all the while still leaning against the back of her partner. "Wanna look for clues?" The alien asks suddenly after a few minutes glancing over the article, enthusiasm in her voice. Getting off Rin Sammy takes the girls hand in her own free hand and hangs the article back up. "I bet we can find some clues in the basement."


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Ack!" Domonic started, too wrapped up in trying to change to notice Mae sneaking over to him until she was already talking into his ear. "Y-y-yeah, sure, that sounds lovely, really! Now, um, could you please look over there until I have some pants on?!" comes his panicky reply. He'd been able to get out of the bikini so far... but not into anything else yet. Naked before the Lord or no, evidently he wasn't going to become comfortable with having his clothes off just like that.

Harriet chuckled. "Anyway, it's not something you need to do right now. Take as much time as you all need to talk it over. Maybe in the hot spring later?" she suggested. To the robotic girl's next idea, she spoke up as well: "Hey, you're on break, remember? She knows what she's doing. If you really want something to do, though..." Harriet slid off a shoe, and rested that leg over the other one's knee. "...How 'bout a footrub?"

"How about you, Dom? I'll bet your feet are all sore, too, huh?"

"Can I please just get my clothes back on?!"

"Fiiiine... just get over here and take a load off already."


Reading through the article closer, it mentions that the explosion happened in a research facility - research, you recall, being Harriet's main role in the family business. It was in Conneticut as well, same as the main HQ for Grail Manufacturing (the Jones' company), but in a secondary branch, away from the main complex.

Then, you notice a little lump underneath some papers. Moving them aside, you find an old Grail Industries pin-on ID. Most of the left side is gone, and the edges of what's left are blackened and charred, but on it you can make out a younger Emily's face.

Surprisingly, nothing has changed. :V


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

In a flash, Mae took a seat next to Harriet, determined to lounge a bit while she was on break. Deliberately she placed a hand next to but not quite touching Harriet's -- their little fingers so close that there was hardly a half centimeter between them. Mae crossed her legs and watched the TV, keeping her eyes forward, looking for all the world like she was at ease, even though she was completely focused mentally on Harriet.

Patting the cushion next to her, she made room for Domonic and encouraged the butler to sit next to her once he had his pants on, but before he put back on his shirt.

"Come on Domonic, that's enough dressing. Relax now."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The little robot was ready to go to the kitchen, when Harriet words make her stop and return to the room, the poor girl was still very affected by look the buttler body all this time, maybe her blood system could get affected if she continued looking to him. I-im Sorry, i was not trying to doubt about our chef skill... in fact we could learn from each other to get better in our cooking skills Micra said as she bow, looking to other side to avoid look to Domonic, but it was already late, her sight just notice when the man take out the swimwear and her eyes had a direct view to his whole body, Micra soon feel how her nose was close to let escape a little of blood and nearly instintively the pink haired girl used her hands to cover her face. Ah... M-mister Domonic, maybe you are in a hurry to return to your usual clothes, but the bathroom could be a better place... Micra said as she quickly move to start taking care of her Mistress's Foot, giving her best try to focus on her work. Would Mistress Harriet want a backrub too? or need something else? Said the skilled maid, as her soft hands rub the woman foot, maybe its hard to believe, but the loli girl was glad to help her to feel better and it was not a bad work, as she in her service to her creator do this every day to him after each hard day of work, even this footrub to her mistress, was many times more easy to handle than any work on her last work.